Navegação IPEN por Autores IPEN "DOMINGUES, LUCAS G."

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  • IPEN-DOC 21724

    DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; BASSO, LUANA S. ; CORREA, CAIO S.C.; BORGES, VIVIANE F. ; GLOOR, EMANUEL; MILLER, JOHN. Four years study carbon monoxide vertical profiles study at the Amazon Basin. In: MEETING ON CARBON DIOXIDE, OTHER GREENHOUSE GASES, AND RELATED MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, 18th, September 13-17, 2015, San Diego, USA. Abstract... 2015.

    Palavras-Chave: amazon river; carbon monoxide; carbon dioxide; concentration ratio; biomass; climates

  • IPEN-DOC 29913


    Abstract: The Amazon forest carbon sink is declining, mainly as a result of land-use and climate change1–4. Here we investigate how changes in law enforcement of environmental protection policies may have affected the Amazonian carbon balance between 2010 and 2018 compared with 2019 and 2020, based on atmospheric CO2 vertical profiles5,6, deforestation7 and fire data8, as well as infraction notices related to illegal deforestation9. We estimate that Amazonia carbon emissions increased from a mean of 0.24 ± 0.08 PgC year−1 in 2010–2018 to 0.44 ± 0.10 PgC year−1 in 2019 and 0.52 ± 0.10 PgC year−1 in 2020 (± uncertainty). The observed increases in deforestation were 82% and 77% (94% accuracy) and burned area were 14% and 42% in 2019 and 2020 compared with the 2010–2018 mean, respectively. We find that the numbers of notifications of infractions against flora decreased by 30% and 54% and fines paid by 74% and 89% in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Carbon losses during 2019–2020 were comparable with those of the record warm El Niño (2015–2016) without an extreme drought event. Statistical tests show that the observed differences between the 2010– 2018 mean and 2019–2020 are unlikely to have arisen by chance. The changes in the carbon budget of Amazonia during 2019–2020 were mainly because of western Amazonia becoming a carbon source. Our results indicate that a decline in law enforcement led to increases in deforestation, biomass burning and forest degradation, which increased carbon emissions and enhanced drying and warming of the Amazon forests.

  • IPEN-DOC 27959

    CASSOL, HENRIQUE L.G.; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; BASSO, LUANA S. ; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; MARANI, LUCIANO; TEJADA, GRACIELA; CRISPIM, STEPHANE P.; NEVES, RAIANE A.L.; CORREIA, CAIO S. de C. ; ARAI, EGIDIO; GLOOR, MANUEL; MILLER, JOHN B.; ANDERSON, LIANA O.; ARAGAO, LUIZ E.O.C.. Increasing of carbon emission from biomass burning due to the temperature rising and precipitation reduction in the Amazon. In: AGU CHARPMAN CONFERENCE, August 26-29, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA. Abstract... Washington, DC, USA: American Geophysical Union, 2019.

    Abstract: Recent droughts have increased the magnitude and frequency of the forest fires in the Amazon (Aragão et al. 2018). As a consequence, the Amazon has become a Carbon source due to the rising of the Carbon emission from biomass burned in the El Niño events. Faced with climate change and the likely acceleration of temperature in tropical regions, we hypothesize that Amazon will become a Carbon source even in non-droughts years, due to the increase of forest fires. Therefore, we compared 7 years of atmospheric profiles of CO2 obtained from aircraft overfly at four sites of the Amazon, since 2010, with temperature, precipitation, and fire counts (FC). Carbon emission from fires was obtained by the ratio of CO/CO2 and differs by site and year. The FC and climatic variables were extracted from quarterly influence areas by site and weighted by the amount of trajectories within a cell of one degree resolution. The fire emissions released by the Amazon is about 0.38 ± 0.086 Pg.C.yr-1, which represent roughly 17% of the annual global fires emissions (Werf et al. 2017). However, there are markedly divergences in the Fire emissions across Amazon. For instance, the emission from the Eastern is 400% higher and account of an average 60% more FC than observed in the Western. FC were positively and significantly correlated with Carbon from fires at all sites (ρ = 0.55-0.83, α = 0.05, p-value<0.001), being higher in the Southeastern of Amazon (Alta Floresta and Santarém sites), and lower in the Northwest of Amazon (Tefé site and Rio Branco Sites). This discrepancy may occur due to the Southeastern of Amazon be located inside the “Arc of deforestation” where the dynamic of the Land-Use Land-Cover Change is more pronounced. We also found a strong relationship between FC and temperature and precipitation (r² adj = 0.44-0.67, p-value<0.001). Temperature is positively correlated with FC and explains circa of 90% of their variability in the linear model (r² partial = 0.4-0.59, α = 0.05, p-value<0.001). It means that an increase of one degree (1°C) in the Amazon represents an increase of about 13600 fire counts; and the reduction of 100 mm precipitation means an increase of 315 in the fire counts. In the balance of the Fire emissions, it would add 1.27 Pg Pg.C.yr-1 at each degree celsius of increase and 0.2 Pg.C.yr-1 at each 100 mm of precipitation reduction.

  • IPEN-DOC 24963

    GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; GLOOR, MANUEL; MILLER, JOHN B.; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; SILVA, MARCELO G.; ARAGAO, LUIZ E.O.C.; MARANI, LUCIANO; CORREIA, CAIO C.S. ; PETERS, WOUTER; BORGES, VIVIANE F. ; IPIA, ALBER H.S.; BASSO, LUANA S. ; ANDERSON, LIANA O.; ALDEN, CAROLINE B.; VAN DER LAAN-LUIJKX, INGRID; BARICHIVICH, JONATHAN; SANTOS, RICARDO S. ; CRISPIM, STEPHANE P. ; COSTA, WELLISSON R.; ROSAN, THAIS M.. Invited Keynote: Inter-annual variation of Amazon greenhouse balances 2010- 2014: nature and causes. In: INTERNATIONAL CARBON DIOXIDE CONFERENCE, 10th, August 21-25, 2017, Interlaken, Switzerland. Abstract... Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), 2017. p. 303-303.

    Abstract: Net carbon exchange between tropical land and the atmosphere is potentially important because the vast amounts of carbon in forests and soils can be released on short time-scales e.g. via deforestation or changes in temperature and moisture. Such changes may thus cause feedbacks on global climate, as have been predicted in earth system models. In the tropics, the Amazon is most significant in the global carbon cycle, hosting by far the largest carbon vegetation and soil carbon pools (~200 PgC). Because of the very large precipitation amounts, approximately 20-25% of its area is seasonally flooded and thus it is also an important region for methane emissions. From 2010 onwards we have extended an earlier greenhouse gas measurement program to include regular vertical profiles of CO2, CH4, N2O, CO, SF6, from the ground up to 4.5 km height at four sites along the main air-stream over the Amazon Basin. Our measurements demonstrate that surface flux signals are primarily concentrated to the lower 2 km and thus vertical profile measurements are ideally suited to estimate greenhouse gas balances. Clearly a higher measurement density is desirable. We are in the process of expanding the number of surface and airborne sampling sites as well as the number of trace gases measured. Nonetheless, because of the homogeneity of the vegetation (forests) and the coherent east to west trade-winds over the Basin, these data already permit a range of insights about the magnitude, seasonality, inter-annual variation of carbon fluxes and their controls. Most recent years have been anomalously hot with the southern part of the Basin having warmed the most. Precipitation regimes also seem to have shifted with an increase in extreme floods. Approximately 20 percent of Amazon forests have been deforested by now and development pressure on forests continues. For the specific period we will discuss the year 2010 was anomalously dry, followed by 4 years wet (2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014) and another dry year (2015/16 -El Nino year). This period provides an interesting contrast of climatic conditions in a warming world with increasing human pressures. We will analyze the effect of this climate variability on annual and seasonal carbon balances for these five years using our atmospheric data. We will estimate fluxes using a simple, but powerful back-trajectory based atmospheric mass balance approach. Our data permit us not only to estimate net CO2 and CH4 fluxes, but using carbon monoxide we estimate carbon release via fires and thus the net carbon balance of the unburned land vegetation. We will relate fire emissions to controls of land vegetation functioning and independent diagnostics like fire counts. We will also discuss what our results suggest for the role of the tropics of the global carbon balance.

  • IPEN-DOC 27960

    TEJADA, GRACIELA; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; BASSO, LUANA S.; MARANI, LUCIANO; CASSOL, HENRIQUE L.G.; CRISPIM, STEPHANE P.; NEVES, RAIANE A.L.; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; IPIA, ALBER; CORREIA, CAIO S. de C. ; ARAI, EGIDIO; GLOOR, EMANUEL U.; MILLER, JOHN B.; VON RANDOW, CELSO. Land use and cover change and CO2 atmospheric measurements in the Amazon forests. In: AGU CHARPMAN CONFERENCE, August 26-29, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA. Abstract... Washington, DC, USA: American Geophysical Union, 2019.

    Abstract: In the last years, global CO2 concentrations have reach levels never seen before reaching more than 400 ppm. Among the main causes of these emissions are the burning of fossil fuels and the land use and cover change (LUCC) related emissions. In the Amazon region, the main CO2 emissions are related to deforestation. Multitemporal LUCC datasets have been restrict to Brazil, but now has been released a pan-Amazon dataset for all the countries sharing the Amazon, opening the possibility of studying the Amazon forests as a whole. On the other hand, the lower-troposphere greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring program “Carbam project”, has been collecting biweekly GHGs vertical profiles in four sites of the Amazon since 2010, filling a very important gap in regional GHGs measurements. Our purpose is to understand the relationships between regional LUCC and CO2 aircraft measurements in the Amazon. Here we present the relationships between annual LUCC data from 2010 to 2017 in the Amazon forest and in each mean influence area of Carbam sites comparing them with mean annual CO2 fluxes. Considering the whole Amazon forests and the mean annual CO2 fluxes, the years with more forest loss and agriculture increase are 2010 and 2016, showing relation with CO2 fluxes. On the other hand, 2011 and 2017 also have deforestation (less than 2010 and 2016), but the CO2 fluxes are lower, showing that droughts could also influence the CO2 concentrations. Looking at each influence area, total carbon flux of Alta Floresta and Rio Branco have the same tendency as the forest loss from 2013 to 2017, but no in 2010 and 2012. In Tabantinga, Tefé and Santarem there is no a direct relationship between the carbon fluxes and the forest loss. To understand better the relationships at each site, we have to consider the years of measurements. Also, the temporal scale, carbon fluxes are measure biweekly and the LUCC data is annual. Looking at the potentialities and limitations of this relationship, it will be possible to improve the methodology to better understand the interaction of human activities and CO2 emissions on the carbon balance.

  • IPEN-DOC 27458

    CORREIA, CAIO S.C. ; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; RIBEIRO, MAISA M. ; NEVES, RAIANE A.L.; CRISPIM, STEPHANE P.; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. . Medidas de óxido nitroso sobre a Bacia Amazônica com o uso de aviões de pequeno porte: um estudo de longo tempo. In: ENCONTRO ACADÊMICO DA ENGENHARIA AMBIENTAL DA EEL-USP, 3., 3-4 de junho, 2019, Lorena, SP. Anais... Lorena, SP: Escola de Engenharia de Lorena - USP, 2019.

    Palavras-Chave: nitrous oxide; greenhouse gases; mixing ratio; carbon dioxide; amazon river

  • IPEN-DOC 27421

    MARANI, LUCIANO; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; MILLER, JOHN B.; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; CORREIA, CAIO C.S. ; GLOOR, MANUEL; PETERS, WOUTER; BASSO, LUANA S.; CRISPIM, STEPHANE P.; NEVES, RAIANE A.L.. Métodos de estimativas de fluxo de gases de efeito estufa e a influência da ação humana na redução da capacidade de remoção de CO2 na Floresta Amazônica / Estimation methods of greenhouse gases fluxes and the human influence in the CO2 removal capability of the Amazon Forest. Revista Virtual de Química, v. 12, n. 5, p. 1129-1144, 2020. DOI: 10.21577/1984-6835.20200091

    Abstract: A Floresta Amazônica desempenha um papel importante para o clima tropical da América do Sul, em particular para a recirculação do vapor d’água para a atmosfera e representa um potencial reservatório de carbono que se fosse liberado totalmente contribuiria significativamente com o aquecimento global. Toda a região está sob forte pressão humana, através de exploração madeireira, conversão de floresta e outras formas de exploração de recursos. Este trabalho apresenta uma forma de examinar os fluxos de carbono na Amazônia, ao realizar perfis verticais atmosféricos de CO2 com aeronaves de pequeno porte regularmente e que sejam representativos de escalas regionais. Ao combinar estas medidas com os registros de background nas ilhas de Barbados e de Ascenção, o fluxo médio mensal de carbono para cerca de 20 % da Amazônia Brasileira pode ser estimado. Existem dois desafios primários nas medidas de CO2: precisão e acurácia. O método desenvolvido para garantir tanto a precisão quanto a acurácia dessas medidas também é apresentado. A análise das linhas de tendência entre as medidas no topo de perfil e das medidas realizadas abaixo da Camada Limite Planetária mostra uma mudança de contribuição ao longo do período estudado, que é confirmada quando se analisam os fluxos médios anuais de CO2. A tendência de mudança nos fluxos mostra comportamentos similares aos observados na mudança do uso da terra, principalmente na conversão de áreas de floresta em áreas de agropecuária, destacando a influência da ação humana na mudança da Amazônia Oriental de um sumidouro para um emissor de CO2 atmosférico.

    Palavras-Chave: climatic change; greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide; greenhouse effect; environment; environmental impacts; ambient temperature; earth atmosphere; amazon river

  • IPEN-DOC 24962

    GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; CORREIA, CAIO S.C. ; SANCHEZ, ALBER; GLOOR, MANUEL; MILLER, JOHN B.; ALDEN, CAROLINE; MARANI, LUCIANO; SANTOS, RICARDO S. ; COSTA, WELLISON R.; CRISPIM, STEPHANE P.; BORGES, VIVIANE F.; AQUINO, AFONSO R. . A New Approach to estimate GHG content of air entering the Amazon basin for purpose of GHG fluxes using air column budgets. In: INTERNATIONAL CARBON DIOXIDE CONFERENCE, 10th, August 21-25, 2017, Interlaken, Switzerland. Abstract... Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), 2017. p. 242-242.

    Abstract: Amazon humid forests are an important part of the tropical climate system and are a large pool of organic carbon which can be released rapidly both as a result of human destruction as well possibly in response to changing climate. In 2000 we started to measure regularly vertical profiles over the Brazilian Amazon Basin to estimate GHG balances as a large scale diagnostic of longer-term changes and short term responses to climate anomalies. To estimate Amazon Basin regional fluxes based on vertical profile data, we use an air column budget technique. To do so we profit from the primary air flow pattern over the basin with trade winds entering the basin along the North-east Atlantic coast, then travelling westwards towards the Andes, from where the air flow is bent south-eats-wards returning back towards the sea. Thus we can estimate fluxes from the difference in air column greenhouse gas content at a site in the Amazon basin and the air column content of air entering the basin, and an estimate of the time it takes for air parcels to travel from the Atlantic coast to the site in the Amazon. To estimate travel time we use back-trajectories calculated based on meteorological fields [Hysplit1 GDAS 1degree] One approach to estimate the greenhouse gas air column content of air entering the basin is to express air entering the basin as a mixture of northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere air. Specifically we use as end-members air concentrations measured at Barbados (RPB, NOAA site) and Ascension (ASC, NOAA site) respectively. To estimate fractional contributions we use a linear mixing model expressing in situ measured SF6 as a weighted sum of SF6 measured at the two NOAA background sites. Because flux estimates are very sensitive to SF6 precision and accuracy we have developed an alternative approach. Instead of determining weights from SF6 we base the weights on the latitude where a back-trajectory extending backwards in time from the site intersects a line connecting RPB, ASC (until 30°S). Now we use RPB, ASC and CPT (Cape Point; 34.35°S, 18.49°E). We will describe in detail the method and show tests of the approach using the SF6 based method which we trust for the years 2010 and 2011, but less for the following years because the NOAA quantification method change and our continue during more 4 years in the old linear quantification method. This difference produce slightly bias over time. While we developed this method for the Amazon it similarly could be applied to other regions with clearly defined wind patterns.

  • IPEN-DOC 27238

    DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; AQUINO, AFONSO ; SÁNCHEZ, ALBER; CORREIA, CAIO ; GLOOR, MANUEL; PETERS, WOUTER; MILLER, JOHN; TURNBULL, JOCELYN; SANTANA, RICARDO ; MARANI, LUCIANO; CÂMARA, GILBERTO; NEVES, RAIANE; CRISPIM, STÉPHANE. A new background method for greenhouse gases flux calculation based in back-trajectories over the Amazon. Atmosphere, v. 11, n. 7, p. 1-8, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/atmos11070734

    Abstract: The large amount of carbon stored in trees and soils of the Amazon rain forest is under pressure from land use as well as climate change. Therefore, various efforts to monitor greenhouse gas exchange between the Amazon forest and the atmosphere are now ongoing, including regular vertical profile (surface to 4.5 km) greenhouse gas measurements across the Amazon. These profile measurements can be used to calculate fluxes to and from the rain forest to the atmosphere at large spatial scales by considering the enhancement or depletion relative to the mole fraction of air entering the Amazon basin from the Atlantic, providing an important diagnostic of the state, changes and sensitivities of the forests. Previous studies have estimated greenhouse gas mole fractions of incoming air (‘background’) as a weighted mean of mole fractions measured at two background sites, Barbados (Northern Hemisphere) and Ascension (Southern hemisphere) in the Tropical Atlantic, where the weights were based on sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) measured locally (in the Amazon vertical profiles) and at the two background sites. However, this method requires the accuracy and precision of SF6 measurements to be significantly better than 0.1 parts per trillion (picomole mole􀀀1), which is near the limit for the best SF6 measurements and assumes that there are no SF6 sources in the Amazon basin. We therefore present here an alternative method. Instead of using SF6, we use the geographical position of each air-mass back-trajectory when it intersects the limit connecting these two sites to estimate contributions from Barbados versus Ascension. We furthermore extend the approach to include an observation site further south, Cape Point, South Africa. We evaluate our method using CO2 vertical profile measurements at a coastal site in Brazil comparing with values obtained using this method where we find a high correlation (r2 = 0.77). Similarly, we obtain good agreement for CO2 background when comparing our results with those based on SF6, for the period 2010–2011 when the SF6 measurements had excellent precision and accuracy. We also found high correspondence between the methods for background values of CO, N2O and CH4. Finally, flux estimates based on our new method agree well with the CO2 flux estimates for 2010 and 2011 estimated using the SF6-based method. Together, our findings suggest that our trajectory-based method is a robust new way to derive background air concentrations for the purpose of greenhouse gas flux estimation using vertical profile data.

    Palavras-Chave: carbon dioxide; greenhouses; greenhouse gases; climatic change; environmental impacts; biomass; soils; forests; sedimentary basins; amazon river

  • IPEN-DOC 26966

    DEETER, MERRITT N.; EMMONS, LOUISA K.; MARTINEZ-ALONSO, SARA; WIEDINMYER, CHRISTINE; ARELLANO, AVELINO F.; FISCHER, EMILY V.; GONZALEZ-ALONSO, LAURA; VAL MARTIN, MARIA; GATTI, LUCIANA ; MILLER, JOHN B.; GLOOR, MANUEL; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; CORREIA, CAIO S. de C. . Progress towards improved MOPITT-based biomass burning emission inventories for the Amazon Basin. In: AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION FALL MEETING, December 12-16, 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA. Abstract... Washington, DC, USA: American Geophysical Union, 2016.

    Abstract: The 17-year long record of carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations from the MOPITT satellite instrument is uniquely suited for studying the interannual variability of biomass burning emissions. Data assimilation methods based on Ensemble Kalman Filtering are currently being developed to infer CO emissions within the Amazon Basin from MOPITT measurements along with additional datasets. The validity of these inversions will depend on the characteristics of the MOPITT CO retrievals (e.g., retrieval biases and vertical resolution) as well as the representation of chemistry and dynamics in the chemical transport model (CAM-Chem) used in the data assimilation runs. For example, the assumed vertical distribution ("injection height") of the biomass burning emissions plays a particularly important role. We will review recent progress made on a project to improve biomass burning emission inventories for the Amazon Basin. MOPITT CO retrievals over the Amazon Basin are first characterized, focusing on the MOPITT Version 6 “multispectral” retrieval product (exploiting both thermal-infrared and near-infrared channels). Validation results based on in-situ vertical profiles measured between 2010 and 2013 are presented for four sites in the Amazon Basin. Results indicate a significant negative bias in MOPITT retrieved lower-tropospheric CO concentrations. The seasonal and geographical variability of smoke injection height over the Amazon Basin is then analyzed using a MISR plume height climatology. This work has led to the development of a new fire emission injection height parameterization that was implemented in CAM-Chem and GEOS-Chem.. Finally, we present initial data assimilation results for the Amazon Basin and evaluate the results using available field campaign measurements.

  • IPEN-DOC 22444

    ALDEN, CAROLINE B.; MILLER, JOHN B.; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; GLOOR, MANUEL M.; GUAN, KAIYU; MICHALAK, ANNA M.; LAAN LUIJKX, INGRID T. van der; TOUMA, DANIELLE; ANDREWS, ARLYN; BASSO, LUANA S. ; CORREIA, CAIO S. ; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; JOINER, JOANNA; KROL, MAARTEN C.; LYAPUSTIN, ALEXEI I.; PETERS, WOUTER; SHIGA, YOICHI P.; THONING, KIRK; VALDE, IVAR R. van der; LEEUWEN, THIJS T. van; YADAV, VINEET; DIFFENBAUGH, NOAH S.. Regional atmospheric COsub(2) inversion reveals seasonal and geographic differences in Amazon net biome exchange. Global Change Biology, v. 22, p. 3427-3443, 2016.

    Palavras-Chave: brazil; climates; carbon dioxide; biosphere; seasonal variations; geographical variations; earth atmosphere

  • IPEN-DOC 21680

    BASSO, LUANA S. ; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; GLOOR, MANUEL; MILLER, JOHN B.; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; CORREIA, CAIO S.C. ; BORGES, VIVIANE F. . Seasonality and interannual variability of CHsub(4) fluxes from the eastern Amazon Basin inferred from atmospheric mole fraction profiles. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, v. 121, n. 1, p. 168-184, 2016.

    Palavras-Chave: amazon river; tropical regions; methane; emission; greenhouse gases; climatic change; air samplers; measuring methods

  • IPEN-DOC 27961

    GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; BASSO, LUANA S. ; MILLER, JOHN B.; CASSOL, HENRIQUE L.G.; MARANI, LUCIANO; CORREIA, CAIO S. de C. ; TEJADA, GRACIELA; ARAGAO, LUIZ E.O.C.; ANDERSON, LIANA O.; GLOOR, MANUEL; PETERS, WOUTER; VON RANDOW, CELSO; NEVES, RAIANE A.L.; IPIA, ALBER; CRISPIM, STEPHANE P.; ARAI, EGIDIO. Sensitivity of Amazon Carbon Balance to climate and human-driven changes in Amazon. In: AGU CHARPMAN CONFERENCE, August 26-29, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA. Abstract... Washington, DC, USA: American Geophysical Union, 2019.

    Abstract: Amazon is the major tropical land region, with critical processes, such as the carbon cycle, not yet fully understood. Only very few long-term greenhouse gas measurements is available in the tropics. The Amazon accounts for 50% of Earth’s tropical rainforests hosting the largest carbon pool in vegetation and soils (~200 PgC). The net carbon exchange between tropical land and the atmosphere is critically important because the stability of carbon in forests and soils can be disrupted in short time-scales. The main processes releasing C to the atmosphere are deforestation, fires and changes in growing conditions due to increased temperatures and droughts. Such changes may thus cause feedbacks on global climate. In the last 40 years, Amazon mean temperature increased by 1.1ºC. The length of the dry season is also increasing. We observed a reduction of 50.5mm in the annual mean precipitation during this same 40 years period. Precipitation reduction occurred mainly in the dry season, exacerbating vegetation water stress with consequences for the carbon balance. To understand the consequences of climate and human-driven changes on the C budget of Amazonia, we put in place the first program with regional representativeness, from 2010 onwards, aiming to quantify greenhouse gases based on extensive collection of vertical profiles of CO2 and CO. Regular vertical profiles from the ground up to 4.5 km height were performed at four sites along the main air-stream over the Amazon. Here we will report what these new data tell us about the greenhouse gas balance and its controls during the 2010-2017. Along this period we performed 513 vertical profiles over four strategic regions that represent fluxes over the entire Amazon region. The observed variability of carbon fluxes during these 8 years is correlated with climate variability (Temperature, precipitation, GRACE) and human-driven changes (Biomass Burning). The correlations were performed inside each influenced area for each studied site. It was observed a persistent C source from the Amazon (natural plus anthropogenic sources) to the atmosphere. Amazon was a consistent source of 0.4 ± 0.2 PgC/year on average considering the Amazon area of 7.2 million km2. Fire emission is the main source of carbon to the atmosphere, which is not compensate by the C removal from old-growth Amazon forest.

  • IPEN-DOC 29494

    NAUS, STIJN; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; KROL, MAARTEN; LUIJKX, INGRID T.; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; MILLER, JOHN B.; GLOOR, EMANUEL; BASU, SOURISH; CORREIA, CAIO ; KOREN, GERBRAND; WORDEN, HELEN M.; FLEMMING, JOHANNES; PETRON, GABRIELLE; PETERS, WOUTER. Sixteen years of MOPITT satellite data strongly constrain Amazon CO fire emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 22, n. 22, p. 14735-14750, 2022. DOI: 10.5194/acp-22-14735-2022

    Abstract: Despite the consensus on the overall downward trend in Amazon forest loss in the previous decade, estimates of yearly carbon emissions from deforestation still vary widely. Estimated carbon emissions are currently often based on data from local logging activity reports, changes in remotely sensed biomass, and remote detection of fire hotspots and burned area. Here, we use 16 years of satellite-derived carbon monoxide (CO) columns to constrain fire CO emissions from the Amazon Basin between 2003 and 2018. Through data assimilation, we produce 3 d average maps of fire CO emissions over the Amazon, which we verified to be consistent with a long-term monitoring programme of aircraft CO profiles over five sites in the Amazon. Our new product independently confirms a long-term decrease of 54% in deforestation-related CO emissions over the study period. Interannual variability is large, with known anomalously dry years showing a more than 4-fold increase in basin-wide fire emissions relative to wet years. At the level of individual Brazilian states, we find that both soil moisture anomalies and human ignitions determine fire activity, suggesting that future carbon release from fires depends on drought intensity as much as on continued forest protection. Our study shows that the atmospheric composition perspective on deforestation is a valuable additional monitoring instrument that complements existing bottom-up and remote sensing methods for land-use change. Extension of such a perspective to an operational framework is timely considering the observed increased fire intensity in the Amazon Basin between 2019 and 2021.

    Palavras-Chave: carbon; emission; satellites; fires; satellite atmospheres; carbon monoxide; forests; amazon river

  • IPEN-DOC 27958

    BASSO, LUANA S.; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; MARANI, LUCIANO; CASSOL, HENRIQUE L.G.; TEJADA, GRACIELA; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; CORREIA, CAIO S. de C. ; IPIA, ALBER; ARAI, EGIDIO; ARAGAO, LUIZ E.O.C.; ANDERSON, LIANA O.; CRISPIM, STEPHANE P.; NEVES, RAIANE A.L.; GLOOR, MANUEL; MILLER, JOHN B.. Understanding the seasonality and interannual variability of Amazon CH4 budget and climate feedbacks based on atmospheric data from vertical profiles measurements. In: AGU CHARPMAN CONFERENCE, August 26-29, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA. Abstract... Washington, DC, USA: American Geophysical Union, 2019.

    Abstract: Currently tropical land regions, like Amazon, are still poorly observed with large-scale integrating in-situ observations although they host some of the largest wetlands/seasonally flooded areas on the globe. The role of these regions in the global CH4 balance and the climate feedbacks have remained uncertain. To help this situation we have started a lower-troposphere greenhouse gas-monitoring program over tropical South America consisting of regular vertical profile greenhouse gas and carbon monoxide (CO) observations at four sites along the main airstream since 2010. Vertical profiles are sampled using light aircraft, high-precision greenhouse gas and carbon monoxide analysis of flask air, fortnightly between 2010 to 2017. Over the full period the Amazon (total area of around 7.2 million km2) was a source of CH4, of approximately 46 ± 6 Tg/year, which represent 8% of the global CH4 flux to the atmosphere. CH4 emissions from different parts of the basin vary markedly. There are comparably high emissions from the eastern part of the basin exhibiting strong variability, with particularly high CH4 fluxes in the early part of the wet season (January to March). A second period of high emissions occurs during the dry season. The cause of the high emissions is unclear. In contrast to the eastern Amazon site a clear seasonality was observed at the other three sites located further downwind along the main sir-stream, with the largest emissions occurring at the beginning of the wet season (January to March). In addition, these data show an interannual variability in emissions magnitude, so we discuss how these data can be correlate to temperature, precipitation, terrestrial water storage anomalies (from GRACE) and Fire counts (human-driven changes) that could be influencing this variability. Using a CO/CH4 emission ratio calculated in this study we find a biomass burning contribution varying between 10 and 23% of the total flux at each site. Also, we discuss what the data tell us about possible ongoing feedbacks to possible changes in temperature, precipitation and biomass burning and indicating what variables can be contributing to CH4 emissions from Amazon.

  • IPEN-DOC 27443

    CASSOL, HENRIQUE L.G.; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; BASSO, LUANA S.; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; MARANI, LUCIANO; TEJADA, GRACIELA; ARAI, EGIDIO; MILLER, JOHN B.; ANDERSON, LIANA O.; ARAGAO, LUIZ E.O.C.. Understanding the temporal dynamics of carbon emission from fires in the Amazon-Cerrado transition zone. Biodiversidade Brasileira, v. 9, n. 1, p. 132-132, 2019. DOI: 10.37002/biobrasil.v%25vi%25i.1273

    Abstract: Carbon emissions from fires (C fire) account for one-tenth of the global annual C emissions. Fires are the main source of emissions from land-use change. Recently, Werf et al. 2017, showed an 11% increase in global fire emissions during the 1997-2016 period. Savannas and Tropical Forests have shared almost the same fire-derived C emission values in the South America (Werf et al. 2017). Therefore, for this study we focused our analysis on a site representing the transition zone between Amazonia and Cerrado, located in Alta Floresta (ALF) in Mato Grosso State, Brazil. To understand the temporal dynamics of fire-derived C emission, we correlated fire counts (FC) within the influence area with fire-derived C emission directly measured in the atmosphere as CO concentration. CO and CO2 were collected monthly for 7 years from 2010 onwards using an aircraft flying up to 4.5 km altitude, totaling 153 vertical profiles. FC was extracted from influence areas weighted by the density of backward trajectories calculated quarterly. Trajectories starting from the flight location within a cell of one degree resolution were obtained using the Hysplit model at different heights. The average annual C emission from fire was 0.10 ± 0.04 Pg.C.yr-1, which represents about 10% of the Amazon fire emissions (Aragão et al. 2018). The highest daily value of fire emission was observed in 2010 (drought year) and 2017 (0.47-0.51 gC.m².day-1), although the years of 2011, 2016, and 2017 were the largest contributor to the total emission flux. This occurred because the influence area that belongs to the Amazon was lower in those years. Inter annually there is a typical behavior of the backward trajectories in ALF site whose 1st and 4th quarters have 80% of the air-streams coming from the Amazon, while during the 2nd and 3rd quarters this contribution is about 45%. However, emissions from fire and FC are higher in the 3rd quarter, outside the Amazon. The correlation between FC and fire emission was positively significant (ρ = 0.88, α = 0.05, p<0.001), meaning that an increase of 1,000 FC per quarter causes an increase of 0.074 gC.m².day-1 or, on average, an emission of 0.16 Pg.C.yr-1.

    Palavras-Chave: fires; carbon dioxide; emission; forests; greenhouse gases; environment

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