Navegação IPEN por Autores IPEN "HAMADA, M.M."

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  • IPEN-DOC 09405

    FERNANDES NETO, J.M. ; MESQUITA, C.H. ; DUARTE, C.L. ; HAMADA, M.M. . Analise do dano de radiacao gama em detectores organicos contendo PPO. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, v. 4, n. 3, Parte 2, p. 1295-1299, 2002.

    Palavras-Chave: radiation effects; gamma radiation; cobalt 60; liquid scintillation detectors; oxazoles; radiolysis; optical properties

  • IPEN-DOC 08805

    FERNANDES NETO, J.M. ; MESQUITA, C.H. ; DUARTE, C.L. ; HAMADA, M.M. . Analise do dano de radiacao gama em detectores organicos contendo PPO. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE; NATIONAL MEETING ON NUCLEAR APPLICATIONS, 6th, Aug. 11-16, 2002, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: ABEN, 2002, 2002.

    Palavras-Chave: radiation effects; gamma radiation; cobalt 60; liquid scintillation detectors; oxazoles; radiolysis; optical properties

  • IPEN-DOC 06312

    ZAMBONI, C.B. ; CAMARGO, S.P.; CESTARI, A.C.; MEDEIROS, J.A.G.; HAMADA, M.M. . Aplicacao da tecnica de espectroscopia nuclear na area de Biofisica. In: 13a. REUNIAO ANUAL DA FEDERACAO DE SOCIEDADES DE BIOLOGIA EXPERIMENTAL, 26-29 de agosto, 1998, Caxambu, MG. Resumo... 1998. p. 325-326.

    Palavras-Chave: spectroscopy; isotopes; radiation detectors; radiations; biophysics; biological materials; chemical composition; impurities; accuracy; sensitivity

  • IPEN-DOC 01675

    MESQUITA, C.H. ; HAMADA, M.M. . Aplicacao de plasticos cintiladores com intensificadores de luz em dosimetros fotograficos para aumentar a sua sensibilidade. In: 2o. CONGRESSO GERAL DE ENERGIA NUCLEAR, 24-29 de abril, 1988, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 1988. p. 117-120.

    Palavras-Chave: photographic film dosemeters; plastic scintillators; photosensitivity

  • IPEN-DOC 08640

    MADI FILHO, T. ; VIEIRA, T.M.; LIMA, R.B.; HAMADA, M.M. . Assembly of a low-level beta radiation measurement system. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, v. 4, n. 1, p. 20-23, 2002.

    Palavras-Chave: beta detection; plastic scintillators; plastic scintillation detectors; anticoincidence

  • IPEN-DOC 05954

    HAMADA, M.M. ; NUNOYA, Y.; SAKURAGUI, S.; KUBOTA, S.. Auger free luminescence properties of the CsBr and CsBr:LiBr crystals. In: SIMPOSIO NIPO-BRASILEIRO DE CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA, CEM ANOS DE AMIZADE BRASIL JAPAO 1895-1995., 1995, 1995. p. 66-70.

    Palavras-Chave: cesium bromides; lithium bromides; luminescence; auger effect

  • IPEN-DOC 05297

    HAMADA, M.M. . Auger-free luminescence of the BaFsub (2):Sr, BaFsub(2):MgFsub(2) and CsBr:LiBr crystals under excitation of VUV photons and high-energy electrons. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, v. 340, Section A, p. 524-539, 1994.

    Palavras-Chave: barium fluorides; magnesium fluorides; strontium; cesium bromides; lithium bromides; luminescence

  • IPEN-DOC 26498

    MARCATO, L.A. ; HAMADA, M.M. ; MESQUITA, C.H. . Biokinetics and radiation dosimetry for [4-(14)C]-cholesterol in humans. In: DUDALA, JOANNA (Ed.); STEGOWSKI, ZDZISLAW (Ed.) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS OF NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES, September 11-14, 2011, Krakow, Poland. Abstract... Krakow, Poland: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, 2011. p. 164-164.

    Abstract: Medical and clinical researches utilize radiolabelled cholesterol to obtain information about the physiology of cholesterol and of its several substrates (biliary acids, hormones and vitamins) in the body. The radiotracers constitute a simple and accurate tool for metabolic studies; however, the scientific community has shown certain reservations concerning the use of radioisotopes. Probably, the apprehension is result of the question about the deleterious radiation effects. Although the studies that utilize radioisotopes are approved by strict ethic committees, most of them do not mention the radiometric doses at which the human subjects are exposed during these studies. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) provides a generic carbon model (GCM) to calculate the effective dose of compounds labeled with 14C, first described on ICRP publication 30. The effective dose coefficients for most compounds appear to be greatly overestimated by the GCM in comparison with those generated by more realistic models [1]. The GCM cannot be applied to the interpretation of bioassay data with any degree of confidence [1]. The purpose of the present study is to improve the generic biokinetic model [2] for use in the assessment of the internal dose received by human subjects who were administered labelled cholesterol either orally or intravenously. This model was used with the ANACOMP software to estimate the radiometric doses with the MIRD techniques. To validate the model, the simulated profile curves were compared with the profile curves described on the literature (Kruskal-Wallis test, P=0.4232). The model reproduced the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and the excretion of cholesterol in feces and urine. The estimated effective dose coefficient calculated for the reference man described on ICRP publication 23 was 1.35x10-11 SvBq-1. The organs that received the highest equivalent dose were the lower large intestine (1.03x10-10 GyBq-1), upper large intestine (3.74x10-11 GyBq-1) and small intestine (1.58x10-11GyBq-1). The effective dose coefficient calculated by the proposed dosimetric model was approximately forty-three times lower than that which is calculated by the ICRP generic model (5.8x10-10 SvBq-1) for ingested 14C that assumes complete absorption to blood.

    Palavras-Chave: cholesterol; carbon 14; dosimetry; biochemical reaction kinetics; labelled compounds; radiation doses

  • IPEN-DOC 01836

    HAMADA, M.M. ; MESQUITA, C.H. ; RELA, P.R. ; SHIRAISHI, F.. Caracteristicas do cristal CsI(Tl) acoplado com fotodiodo. In: 14a. REUNIAO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FISICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 2-6 de setembro, 1991, Aguas de Lindoia, SP. 1991.

    Observação: arquivo não disponível no Repositório

    Palavras-Chave: cesium iodides; crystal growth

  • IPEN-PUB-84

    MESQUITA, C.H. ; SILVA, C.P.G. ; HAMADA, M.M. . Caracteristicas e normas tecnicas do conjunto de reativo ('Kit') para o doseamento de insulina humana, por radioimunoensaio. 1985. 19 p.

    Palavras-Chave: insulin; radioimmunoassay

  • IPEN-DOC 02703

    PEREIRA, M.C.C. ; HAMADA, M.M. ; MADI FILHO, T. ; CALVO, W.A.P. ; BRUZINGA, W.A. ; VIEIRA, J.M. ; MESQUITA, C.H. . Caracterizacao do cristal cintilador CsI(Tl) desenvolvido no IPEN-CNEN/SP. In: 3o. ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE APLICACOES NUCLEARES, 7-11 de agosto, 1995, Aguas de Lindoia, SP. 1995. p. 611-615.

    Palavras-Chave: cesium iodides; thallium; crystals; scintillation counters; gamma detection; coupling; photomultipliers

  • IPEN-DOC 07855

    HAMADA, M.M. ; COSTA, F.E. ; PEREIRA, M.C.C. ; KUBOTA, S.. Characteristics of CsI(Tl) scintillators with different Tlsup(+) concentrations under electron and alpha particles excitation. In: REUNIAO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FISICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 23., 23-27 set, 2000, Campinas, SP. Resumos... 2000. p. 38.

    Palavras-Chave: radiation detectors; scintillation counters; cesium iodides; thallium; concentration ratio; alpha particles; electrons; excitation; emission spectra; decay

  • IPEN-DOC 27921

    SUZART, K.F. ; VELO, A.F. ; HAMADA, M.M. ; PEREIRA, M.C.C. ; MESQUITA, C.H. . Characterization of the CsI(Tl) crystalline scintillating detector produced at IPEN. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, v. 9, n. 1A, p. 1-13, 2021. DOI: 10.15392/bjrs.v9i1A.1586

    Abstract: Cesium iodide crystal activated with thallium (CsI(Tl)) is used as radiation sensor because of its favorable characteristics as scintillator, when excited by gamma radiation. This crystal has good mechanical strength and it is relatively little hygroscopic. In the present work, the CsI(Tl) crystal was grown in the Nuclear Energy Research Institute (IPEN/CNEN/SP) by Brigdman technique, in two different formats: (a) cylindric (∅ 20.1 mm x ↑ 11.9 mm) and (b) parallelepiped (12.3 mm x ↑ 19.5 mm). The scintillator spectrometry was studied through five gamma radiation sources: 99mTc (140 keV), 133Ba (355 keV) 22Na (511 keV) and 137Cs (662 keV). The crystals were coupled to a photomultiplier tube using 0.5 McStokes viscosity silicone grease as the optical interface. All electronics for signal measurements were developed at IPEN. Luminescence property of the CsI(Tl) crystal was excited by the radiation from a 137Cs source. The energy resolution of the crystalline detector was determined by the FWHM parameter, corresponding to the photopeak width at half of its height.

    Palavras-Chave: barium 133; cesium 137; sodium 22; technetium 99; thallium; iodides; crystals; luminescence; radiation detectors

  • IPEN-DOC 27920

    AMADEU, R.A. ; BERNARDES, T.L.S. ; SANTOS, R.S. ; GARCIA, R.H.L. ; VELO, A.F. ; CAVALLARO, F.A.; MESQUITA, C.H. ; HAMADA, M.M. . Characterization of the petrology of the tar sandstone rock of the Paraná basin. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, v. 9, n. 1A, p. 1-17, 2021. DOI: 10.15392/bjrs.v9i1A.1585

    Abstract: In the state of São Paulo (Brazil), occurrences of tar sandstone are known in Botucatu, Angatuba, Pirambóia, Anhembi and Bofete municipalities. In the present work a sample of white tar sandstone was taken from Anhembi municipality, located at Km 168 of the Castelo Branco Highway. In the petroleum area, sandstones act as excellent hydrocarbon reservoirs, since they have specific characteristics, such as: high porosity and permeability. Porosity is a property of rocks, and it may be understood as the voids contained in the matrix (where fluids remain stored), while permeability is the ability of the rock to transmit these stored fluids. Due to these characteristics of sandstones, researchers have shown a growing interest in the study and characterization of this type of rock, which is a fundamental element of an oil system. In the present work, four characterization techniques were used in the Anhembi tar sandstone sample, namely: X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and the third generation Industrial Computerized Tomography. Through these techniques, the chemical composition, grain morphology, crystalline structure phases and an image of a slice of the internal structure of the white tar sandstone sample were obtained.

    Palavras-Chave: petrology; sandstones; chemical composition; computerized tomography; crystal structure; tar

  • IPEN-DOC 27898

    CORREA, J.C. ; CAVALLARO, F.A.; GARCIA, R.H.L. ; SANTOS, R.S. ; AMADEU, R.A. ; BERNARDES, T.L.C. ; VELO, A.F. ; MESQUITA, C.H. ; HAMADA, M.M. . Chemical and physical analysis of sandstone rock from Botucatu Formation. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, v. 9, n. 1A, p. 1-19, 2021. DOI: 10.15392/bjrs.v9i1A.1479

    Abstract: The productive capacity of the Guarani aquifer System is subject to variations along its length, due to its complex structural and compositional heterogeneity. Several parameters may influence the quality of this reservoir rock, such as its mineralogical and textural constitution, as well as the physicochemical processes, since its diagenesis is not the same throughout the aquifer, influencing the water productivity in wells in different locations. Such parameters are useful in the geoscience studies for the elaboration of diagenetic models for the prediction of the reservoir quality. In this work, several properties of the sandstone rock from Botucatu Formation were determined using different techniques, such as geotechnical tests, optical microscopy (MO), electron scanning microscopy (SEM), X-ray Fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The results indicate that the studied sandstones have characteristics of the reservoir rocks, with potential for water storage.

    Palavras-Chave: aquifers; chemical analysis; optical microscopy; physical properties; plasticity; reservoir rock; sandstones; shear; velocity

  • IPEN-DOC 15721

    MARTINS, J.F.T. ; COSTA, F.E. ; SANTOS, R.A. ; MESQUITA, C.H. ; HAMADA, M.M. . A comparative study on the performance of radiation detectors from the HgI2 crystals grown by different techniques. In: DUDALA, JOANNA (Ed.); STEGOWSKI, ZDZISLAW (Ed.) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS OF NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES, September 11-14, 2011, Krakow, Poland. Abstract... Krakow, Poland: Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, 2011. p. 192-192.

    Abstract: There have been attempts to develop room-temperature X- and gamma ray semiconductor detectors for various applications. The main physical semiconductor properties required for fabrication of room temperature semiconductor detectors are: (1) high atomic number; (2) high density; (3) high absorption coefficient; (4) a band gap large enough to keep leakage currents low, at room temperature and (5) large electron and hole mobility-lifetime products, for an efficient charge collection [1, 2]. Among these types of detectors, HgI2 has emerged as a particularly interesting material in view of its wide band gap (2.13 eV) and its large density (7.5 g/cm3 ). HgI2 crystals are composed of high atomic number elements (ZHg=80 and Zi=53) and with high resistivity (>1014 ficm). These are important factors in applications where compact and small thickness detectors are necessary for X- and gamma rays measurements. However, the applications of Hgi2 are limited by the difficulty in obtaining high-quality single crystals and the long-term reliability problems in devices made from crystals [1]. in this work, the Hgi2 crystals were grown using four different techniques: (a) physical vapor transport, (b) solution from dimethyl sulfoxide complexes, (c) vapor growth of HgI2 precipitated from acetone and (d) Bridgman method. The obtained crystals for four methods were characterized considering the following physical chemistry properties: crystal stoichiometry, crystal structure, plan of the crystal orientation, surface morphology of the crystal and crystal impurity. The influence of these physical chemistry properties on the crystals developed by four techniques was studied, evaluating their performance as a radiation detector. The best result of radiation response was found for the crystal grown by physical vapor transport. Also, the dependence of the radiation response on the HgI2 crystal purity was also studied. For this, the HgI2 raw material was purified by the many pass zone refining technique. A significant improvement in the characteristics of the detector-crystal was achieved, when the starting materials became purer.

  • IPEN-DOC 08521

    OLIVEIRA, I.B.; MACHADO, L.D.B. ; HAMADA, M.M. . Comportamento termico de sais de PbIsub(2) precursores de detectores de radiacao X e gama. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ANALISE TERMICA E CALORIMETRIA, 3., 7-11 abr, 2002, Pocos de Caldas , MG. Resumos... ABRATEC, 2002, 2002. p. 214.

    Palavras-Chave: lead iodides; calorimetry; thermal gravimetric analysis; recrystallization; radiation detectors

  • IPEN-PUB-125

    MESQUITA, C.H. ; HAMADA, M.M. . Consideracoes teoricas e praticas sobre a degradacao de radiotracadores moleculares: formulacao de modelo matematico-aplicacao a degradacao da radioinsulina sup(125)I. 1987. 14 p.

    Palavras-Chave: iodine 125; decomposition; insulin; labelled compounds; mathematical models

  • IPEN-DOC 10578

    CORTESE, V.C.; PEREIRA, M.C.C. ; HAMADA, M.M. . Crescimento de cristais baseados em iodeto de cesio (Csl) para aplicacao como detectores de radiacao. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, ago. 28 - set. 2, 2005, Santos, SP. Anais... Sao Paulo: ABEN, 2005, 2005.

    Palavras-Chave: crystal growth; cesium iodides; doped materials; thallium; bromine; radiation detectors; bridgman method; optical systems

  • IPEN-DOC 08243

    HAMADA, M.M. ; COSTA, F.E. ; PEREIRA, M.C.C. ; KUBOTA, S.. Dependence of scintillation characteristics in the CsI(Tl) crystal on Tlsup(+) concentrations under electron and alpha particles excitations. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, v. 48, n. 4, p. 1148-1153, 2001.

    Palavras-Chave: radiation detectors; scintillation counters; crystals; cesium iodides; thallium; concentration ratio; excitation; alpha particles; electrons; emission spectra; decay

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Buscar os artigos apresentados em um evento internacional de 2015, sobre loss of coolant, do autor Maprelian.

Autor: Maprelian

Título: loss of coolant

Tipo de publicação: Texto completo de evento

Ano de publicação: 2015

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O gerenciamento do Repositório está a cargo da Biblioteca do IPEN. Constam neste RI, até o presente momento 20.950 itens que tanto podem ser artigos de periódicos ou de eventos nacionais e internacionais, dissertações e teses, livros, capítulo de livros e relatórios técnicos. Para participar do RI-IPEN é necessário que pelo menos um dos autores tenha vínculo acadêmico ou funcional com o Instituto. Nesta primeira etapa de funcionamento do RI, a coleta das publicações é realizada periodicamente pela equipe da Biblioteca do IPEN, extraindo os dados das bases internacionais tais como a Web of Science, Scopus, INIS, SciElo além de verificar o Currículo Lattes. O RI-IPEN apresenta também um aspecto inovador no seu funcionamento. Por meio de metadados específicos ele está vinculado ao sistema de gerenciamento das atividades do Plano Diretor anual do IPEN (SIGEPI). Com o objetivo de fornecer dados numéricos para a elaboração dos indicadores da Produção Cientifica Institucional, disponibiliza uma tabela estatística registrando em tempo real a inserção de novos itens. Foi criado um metadado que contém um número único para cada integrante da comunidade científica do IPEN. Esse metadado se transformou em um filtro que ao ser acionado apresenta todos os trabalhos de um determinado autor independente das variáveis na forma de citação do seu nome.

A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

1. Portaria IPEN-CNEN/SP nº 387, que estabeleceu os princípios que nortearam a criação do RDI, clique aqui.

2. A experiência do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN/SP) na criação de um Repositório Digital Institucional – RDI, clique aqui.

O Repositório Digital do IPEN é um equipamento institucional de acesso aberto, criado com o objetivo de reunir, preservar, disponibilizar e conferir maior visibilidade à Produção Científica publicada pelo Instituto, desde sua criação em 1956.

Operando, inicialmente como uma base de dados referencial o Repositório foi disponibilizado na atual plataforma, em junho de 2015. No Repositório está disponível o acesso ao conteúdo digital de artigos de periódicos, eventos, nacionais e internacionais, livros, capítulos, dissertações, teses e relatórios técnicos.

A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

O gerenciamento do Repositório está a cargo da Biblioteca do IPEN. Constam neste RI, até o presente momento 20.950 itens que tanto podem ser artigos de periódicos ou de eventos nacionais e internacionais, dissertações e teses, livros, capítulo de livros e relatórios técnicos. Para participar do RI-IPEN é necessário que pelo menos um dos autores tenha vínculo acadêmico ou funcional com o Instituto. Nesta primeira etapa de funcionamento do RI, a coleta das publicações é realizada periodicamente pela equipe da Biblioteca do IPEN, extraindo os dados das bases internacionais tais como a Web of Science, Scopus, INIS, SciElo além de verificar o Currículo Lattes. O RI-IPEN apresenta também um aspecto inovador no seu funcionamento. Por meio de metadados específicos ele está vinculado ao sistema de gerenciamento das atividades do Plano Diretor anual do IPEN (SIGEPI). Com o objetivo de fornecer dados numéricos para a elaboração dos indicadores da Produção Cientifica Institucional, disponibiliza uma tabela estatística registrando em tempo real a inserção de novos itens. Foi criado um metadado que contém um número único para cada integrante da comunidade científica do IPEN. Esse metadado se transformou em um filtro que ao ser acionado apresenta todos os trabalhos de um determinado autor independente das variáveis na forma de citação do seu nome.