Navegação Eventos - Resumos por ano de publicação "2022"

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  • IPEN-DOC 29293

    GIOVANNI, D.N.S. ; KOKA, A.C.S.S. ; ALMEIDA, M.R. ; ZAMBONI, C.B. . Young Scientist Project: a proposal to teach, demystify and disseminate nuclear physics. In: ENCONTRO DE PRIMAVERA DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE FÍSICA, 2.; REUNIÃO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FÍSICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 45.; ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE FÍSICA DE PARTÍCULAS E CAMPOS, 42.; RENAFAE WORKSHOP, 26-29 de setembro, 2022, Natal, RN. Resumo... São Paulo, SP: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2022.

    Abstract: The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has facilitated the dissemination of nuclear knowledge and, at the same time, improved relations between specialists working in different areas of science. The growing number of initiatives, on the part of Research Centers, Universities, and even on an individual basis has been positive through social networks, websites, and blogs. The Young Scientist Project was created in 2019, by the team of the Spectroscopy and Spectrometry of Radiation Laboratory at IPEN, with the proposal to implement nuclear knowledge. The aim is to present alternative proposals for knowledge, application, and dissemination of science, with an emphasis on demystifying the nuclear sciences. The website ( design involves four menus: REPORTS where researchers talk about their career, challenges, and perspectives in the field; NUCLEAR MINUTE: where nuclear physics concepts are covered in one-minute videos; CURIOSITIES: a space where various topics are presented, whose objective is to dialogue between the various areas of scientific knowledge. In addition, within this menu, scientific content from other media is available in GARIMPO, and the menu INTERVIEWS: conducted by students to discuss its work. All the content produced on this website is available in various social media, such as, the YouTube channel (Jovem Cientista), the profile on Instagram ( associated with a Facebook page (, the profile on TikTok ( and by Linkedin and Twiter in the editors' profile. In addition, the site provides a communication channel with the entire team. Since its creation, content has been developed in the nuclear area from basic concepts to applications of radiation in different areas, such as, the environment, dosimetry, and health, among others. The possibility of using ICT has been positive, helping to demystify and disseminate nuclear physics.

  • IPEN-DOC 29164


  • IPEN-DOC 29202

    PIERETTI, EURICO F.; BONANI, EDUARDO G. ; ANTUNES, RENATO A.; NEVES, MAURICIO M. das . Wear of SLM AISI 316L stainless steel for biomaterials application. In: BRAZIL MRS MEETING, 20th, September 25-29, 2022, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Abstract... São Carlos, SP: Aptor Software, 2022.

    Abstract: The laser techniques usage on the biomaterial’s field includes welding, engraving, cutting and texturing. The present study evaluated the influence of laser texturing process on the tribological behavior of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel (SS) on the friction coefficient and wear volume in ball-cratering wear tests. The laser texturing process was carried out with a nanosecond optical fiber ytterbium laser at four different pulse frequencies. Advanced selective laser melting (SLM) techniques allow the production of pieces with the most varied sizes, shapes and complex geometries. For comparison reasons, pristine surfaces were also evaluated. The sample’s surfaces finishing was analyzed by laser confocal microscopy. The wear tests were carried out during 10 min, solid spheres of 52-100 chrome steel, with 2 mm in diameter, were used as counter-bodies. The results indicated that the tribological behavior is influenced by the laser additive manufacturing (AM) process parameters used for this biomaterial, and the wear rate is dependent of the normal force and the roughness of each specimen.

  • IPEN-DOC 29996

    FERREIRA, DENISE R. ; NASCIMENTO, MAURICIO M. do; BAGATIN, EDILEIA; CORTEZ, GABRIEL; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S. . Viabilidade, segurança e eficácia da terapia de fotobiomodulação versus minoxidil 5% tópico no tratamento da alopecia androgenética feminina: relato de caso. In: RIBEIRO, MARTHA S. (Ed.) FORUM ON-LINE DE TECNOLOGIAS DA LUZ NA SAUDE, 3., 26-28 de maio, 2022, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... 2022. p. 30-30.

    Abstract: INTRODUÇÃO: A alopecia androgenética feminina (AAGF) é a principal causa de queda de cabelo nas mulheres. Caracteriza-se pela rarefação dos cabelos na região central e frontal do couro cabeludo. Uma vez que o cabelo é considerado um atributo de beleza, a sua perda pode causar impacto negativo na qualidade de vida da paciente. O uso do Minoxidil 5% (MNX) em solução tópica é considerado tratamento de escolha, com resultados variáveis. A utilização da terapia de fotobiomodulação (FBM) tem se mostrado uma tecnologia promissora, embora existam poucos relatos na literatura. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a viabilidade, segurança e eficácia da FBM como um adjuvante ao Minoxidil 5% no tratamento da AAGF. METODOLOGIA: Inclusão de 2 mulheres entre 30 a 50 anos com diagnóstico de AAGF de grau 2 a 4 de Sinclair, sem uso de anticoncepcional. Foi realizado fotografia padronizada da linha média do topo da cabeça para acompanhar a evolução do crescimento capilar. As participantes foram então orientadas a aplicar todos os dias, 7 jatos de minoxidil 5% em todo topo da cabeça limpa, 1 vez ao dia e comparecer ao ambulatório 2 vezes por semana para aplicação do laser de 660 nm, em um dos lados randomizados da cabeça. A aplicação foi realizada em modo pontual, numa distância de 0,5 cm e energia de 4J por ponto. RESULTADOS: Após 1 mês de aplicação do laser, foi possível observar através de fotografia padronizada a redução da linha média, assim como aumento da espessura normal dos fios. Além disso, as pacientes relataram que houve menor queda do número dos fios durante esse período. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados preliminares sugerem que o uso da FBM por 1 mês no manejo de AAGF reduz o número da queda dos fios, sendo necessário finalizar todo protocolo para observar outros parâmetros como redução dos fios miniaturizados através do fototricograma.

  • IPEN-DOC 29171

    DIAS, F.S. ; POTIENS, M.P.A. . Verificação da confiabilidade de câmaras de ionização de placas paralelas para feixes de raios X de baixa energia. In: LIMA, FERNANDO de A. (Org.); DANTAS, BERNARDO M. (Org.); LEVY, DENISE (Org.) INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE RADIO, 6th; CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE RADIOPROTEÇÃO INDUSTRIAL, 9th; CONGRESSO DE PROTEÇÃO CONTRA AS RADIAÇÕES DOS PAÍSES DE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA, 8th; CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PROTEÇÃO RADIOLÓGICA, 7th; ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE MULHERES DO SETOR NUCLEAR, 1st, August 15-19, 2022, Poços de Caldas, MG. Abstract... 2022. p. 185-186.

  • IPEN-DOC 29455

    BARROS, G.D. ; CREMASCO, I.K.; FERREIRA, M.P.; JUNIOR, R.A.. Utilização de nanofibras de EPS reciclado produzidas por rotofiação na filtragem de óleo em água. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA E CIÊNCIA DOS MATERIAIS, 24., 6-10 de novembro, 2022, Águas de Lindóia, SP. Resumo... 2022.

    Abstract: A presente pesquisa cientifica tem como objetivo o estudo da utilização de nanofibras de EPS reciclado como alternativa de filtragem de óleo em água. Foram analisadas nanofibras de EPS reciclado produzidas por rotofiação com diferentes concentrações de EPS e verificadas por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Desta forma, é proposta uma solução alternativa para a filtragem de óleo em água, bem como para a reciclagem do EPS, que é um material com longo período para a decomposição, e é pouco reciclado devido o alto custo no processo decorrente da sua baixa densidade. O uso do EPS reciclado em forma de fibras, além de contribuir para. Ao fim da pesquisa, foi possível identificar as variações das concentrações de EPS capazes formar fibras para serem utilizadas como filtro.

    Palavras-Chave: nanofibers; polystyrene; filters

  • IPEN-DOC 29378

    PERES, R.M.; SILVA, P.B.; CARVALHO, G.M.; COUTO, A.A. . Uso de óxido de grafeno como aditivo em brita graduada tratada com cimento (BGTC). In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA E CIÊNCIA DOS MATERIAIS, 24., 6-10 de novembro, 2022, Águas de Lindóia, SP. Resumo... 2022.

    Abstract: Esta pesquisa aborda o aumento de resistência em brita graduada tratada com cimento (BGTC) com adição de óxido de grafeno (GO) para uso em pavimentação como camada base de pavimento semirrígido. O estudo contempla uma análise mecânica com ensaio de resistência à compressão simples e de termogravimetria aos 7 e 28 dias de cura. A composição foi baseada em projeto de pavimento feito no Estado de São Paulo, e foi adotado 0,03% de GO sobre a massa de cimento e então feita a mistura e compactação do material com e sem GO para posterior rompimento aos 7 e 28 dias de cura. A mistura para o ensaio de termogravimetria foi feita apenas com materiais finos, mas mantendo a proporção de GO e cimento. Os resultados obtidos dos corpos de prova aos 7 e 28 diascom GO superaram em 16% e 18%, respectivamente, seus correspondentes sem o aditivo. Entretanto, as amostras aos 28 dias tiveram resultados de resistência abaixo dos resultados obtidos aos 7 dias. O ensaio de termogravimetria demonstrou produção semelhante de hidratos para as amostras com e sem GO. A pesquisa demonstrou que o GO gera maior resistência à BGTC, majoritariamente por uma interação física que altera a morfologia da mistura, e não somente por uma aceleração química.

  • IPEN-DOC 29453

    BARROS, G.D. ; PEREIRA, V.M.; OLIVEIRA, J.d.; ARAUJO, C.T.; PEREIRA, W.d.; MACHADO, L.S.. Uso de inteligência artificial na análise da morfologia de nanofibras. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA E CIÊNCIA DOS MATERIAIS, 24., 6-10 de novembro, 2022, Águas de Lindóia, SP. Resumo... 2022.

    Abstract: Os estudos e aplicações de nanofibras tem crescido ao longo dos anos, neles, foi observado que as propriedades desses fios em escala nanométrica, possuem vantagens em aplicações em diversas áreas como a biomédica, armazenamento e produção de energia e aplicações que envolvem a filtragem de água e ar. Esses materiais são sintetizados através de processo, também chamados de técnicas e por conta disso estão sujeitos a apresentação de falhas. Sendo as falhas mais comuns, a formação de beads e poros. A partir disso, é necessário que seja realizada a caracterização morfológica da nanofibras após sua produção, a fim de identificar essas falhas. Com a evolução da computação, aplicações utilizando inteligência artificial baseada em técnicas de aprendizagem de máquina tem crescido exponencialmente. Essas técnicas permitem que os computadores desenvolvam a capacidade de autoaprendizagem, através de treinamentos previamente realizados. A aplicação desse tipo de tecnologia pode ser encontrada por exemplo, na função de desbloqueio facial dos smartphones, onde após um rápido treinamento o dispositivo é habilitado para somente liberar acesso do celular após o reconhecimento da face do usuário do aparelho. Este tipo de tecnologia funciona através do reconhecimento de imagens, baseado em inteligência artificial e aprendizado de máquina. Este artigo tem como objetivo, realizar a comparação de dois métodos distintos de análise morfológica das nanofibras, sendo eles a análise analógica através do software ImageJ e a análise computacional através de inteligência artificial com base de aprendizagem de máquina utilizando redes neurais (metodologia desenvolvida pelo grupo, através da adaptação de um algoritmo de reconhecimento de imagens). Como hipótese o artigo avalia se a identificação da presença de beads e o número de beads pelo método analógico é estatisticamente semelhante (HO) ou estatisticamente diferente (H1) ao método utilizando aprendizagem de máquina. As imagens utilizadas foram retiradas por meio de um MEV e posteriormente analisadas utilizando dois diferentes métodos, o resultado dessas análises comprovaram uma eficiência superior do método computacional, por ser mais rápido. No entanto, foi identificado uma baixa precisão, uma vez que os resultados do primeiro teste da acurácia do método computacional não foram satisfatórios. Por conta disso, ações foram tomadas a fim de aumentar a confiabilidade do método computacional.

    Palavras-Chave: nanofibers; artificial intelligence; morphology; computers

  • IPEN-DOC 29167


  • IPEN-DOC 29548

    KOTANI, PALOMA O. ; FERRO, DAPHNE M. ; TAVARES, LAURA P. ; AFFONSO, REGINA ; ORTIZ, NILCE . Using TiO2-Diatomite for photodisinfection in contaminated wastewater. In: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY FOR BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (SBBq), 51st; CONGRESS OF BRAZILIAN BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY (SBBf)/LATIN AMERICAN FEDERATION OF BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETIES (Lafebs), 46th, September 5-8, 2022, Águas de Lindóia, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular - SBBq, 2022. p. 212-212.

    Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The urban pressure reduced water availability and quality through the years, promoting the development of water treatment and disinfection processes such as the Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP). A highly efficient catalyst with Diatomite as biotemplate and solar energy can enhance hydroxyl radicals (OH) production for disinfection and pollutants degradation. Preliminary TiO2-Diatomite experiments with Escherichia coli provided valuable insights on its photodisinfection efficiency, legitimating its usage in the wastewater samples presented in this study. OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the use of TiO2-Diatomite in photodisinfection process in contaminated wastewater. MATERIALS AND METHODS: TiO2 synthesis used titanium isopropoxide sol-gel process with Diatomite powder, the filtration step followed the mixed water suspension, and the drying process lasted overnight. The wastewater samples were collected from a household washing machine and 0.05 g of TiO2-Diatomite were added in the photodisinfection reactor. The total reaction lasted for 90 minutes in the solar chamber with all parameters controlled. The suspension aliquots were collected after 30 minutes of agitation and plated on LB agar at Petri plates. After incubation, the emerged colonies were counted through software (OpenCFU) and the data processed using R programming language. DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) micrograph of TiO2-Diatomite presented enhanced surface area and microstructure obtained by biotemplate addition. The bacterial inactivation percentage was above 75 % for 1 hour of solar radiation exposure. Kinetics models indicated better correspondence with interparticle reaction. CONCLUSION: Photodisinfection kinetics studies provided more efficient bacterial inactivation with the addition of 0.05 g of TiO2-Diatomite in the sample. The study presents an affordable and sustainable treatment using a viable renewable energy source for application in distant areas with contaminated effluents with the addition of a reagent easily obtained by government agencies.

  • IPEN-DOC 29425

    PEREIRA, L.T. ; ROSSI, J.L. ; FASANO, A.C.; MUCSI, C.S. ; BEHMER, W.; LUIZ, L.; FLORENTINO, E. . Use of selective laser fusion in Zircaloy and tungsten alloy for employ in end-caps for nuclear fuel element rods and shielding. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA E CIÊNCIA DOS MATERIAIS, 24., 6-10 de novembro, 2022, Águas de Lindóia, SP. Resumo... 2022.

    Abstract: This study shows that it is possible to obtain parts of zirconium alloy called Zircaloy-4 (Zry-4) through selective laser melting (SLM), using metal chips as raw material. Additive manufacturing technology is emerging in Brazil, whose principle is the manufacture of a piece layer by layer from a metallic powder. Zirconium alloys are widely used in nuclear reactors, mainly in fuel element cladding and grids. The closing of the ends of the rods is done by end-caps, which is machined and generates large amounts of chips, which are a valuable source for the reuse of zirconium, having the advantage of being hafnium-free. After hydriding the Zircaloy it becomes zirconium hydride (ZrH2) and can be ground, obtaining the alloy in powder form to be used in SLM. A tungsten alloy with SLM technology was also studied due to its high melting temperature, high density and high mechanical strength, which can be used in shielding against radiation. In this study, a thin layer of alloys was cast on a substrate, which were evaluated for chemical composition, microstructure, hardness and roughness, whose results indicated values compatible with the stipulated requirements.

  • IPEN-DOC 29457

    BARROS, G.D. ; NETO, R.M. ; BARDELLA, F. . Use of CrystalWalk interactive program to teach crystal structures to Brazilian students in engineering courses. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA E CIÊNCIA DOS MATERIAIS, 24., 6-10 de novembro, 2022, Águas de Lindóia, SP. Resumo... 2022.

    Abstract: Understanding how atoms of chemical elements form crystals is not a simple task, especially for students that are learning about the properties of materials. This task is even more arduous when the course workload does not match the content and traditional teaching methods do not stimulate students. Recently, the teaching methodology of Materials Science discipline has been completely modified aiming at the improvement of student learning. The new procedure is based on project execution, team-based learning, flipped classroom, use of the CrystalWalk interactive program and additive manufacturing, with 3D printing of crystal structure models. CrystalWalk is free didactic-interactive software for synthesis and visualization of crystalline structures, developed by the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (Ipen, Brazil), which can be used online and in devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. With the software it is possible to construct the crystals step by step, choosing the basic structures and the atoms that will enter its composition. In the first step, questions were presented using the Plickers application to check student’s prior knowledge before approaching the topic and then a video-lesson with key points about crystalline structures was visualized in the flipped classroom model. After that, groups were created to construct the different structures using the CrystalWalk software, and the 3D impression of the structures of each group was built. Finally, new questions about crystalline structure were presented using the Peer instruction methodology to evaluate if 70% of the class absorbed the presented content. As a result, it was observed that the use of this new learning model increased the student’s engagement and, consequently, their final grades.

    Palavras-Chave: crystal structure; crystallography; computer codes

  • IPEN-DOC 29594

    COSTA, ISRAEL F.; BLOIS, LUCCA; SANTOS, PAULO R.; CARNEIRO NETO, ALBANO N.; MOURA JUNIOR, RENALDO T.; DEFLON, VICTOR M.; CARLOS, LUIS D.; FAUSTINO, WAGNER M.; FELINTO, MARIA C.F.C. ; LONGO, RICARDO L.; MALTA, OSCAR L.; TEOTONIO, ERCULES E.S.; BRITO, HERMI F.. Unexpected luminescent and thermal properties of novel tetrakis Eu3+- indandionate complex: experimental and theoretical studies. In: SILVA, FERNANDO de C. da (Org.) REUNIAO ANUAL DA SBQ, 45., 31 de maio - 3 de junho, 2022, Maceió, AL. Resumo... São Carlos, SP: Aptor Software, 2022. p. 437-437.

    Abstract: Luminescent coordination compounds based on trivalent europium ions (Eu3+) have found wide range of applications in new technologies, such as optoelectronics, molecular thermometers, and biomedical devices. Applications of this materials may be associated with narrow emission bands, which are arise from intra-configurational Laporte forbidden 4f – 4f transitions (5D0 → 7FJ). Furthermore, Eu3+ ion can act as a powerful spectroscopic probe and the 5D0 → 7F2 transition are strongly sensitive to small angular variations in the coordination polyhedron. However, the energy structures of the organic ligands in the complexes play the most important role on the Eu3+ luminescence sensitization process1. In this context, this work reports about theoretical, syntheses, characterization, and photoluminescence studies of a series of tetrakis complexes containing tetraethylammonium, Et4N+[Ln(L)4]– (Et4N+: tetraethylammonium cation, Ln: Gd and Eu, and L: 2-acyl-1,3-indandionate). The Judd–Ofelt intensity parameter (Ωλ), lifetime (τ), radiative (Arad) and non-radiative (Anrad) coefficients, and intrinsic quantum yield ΩEu/Eu) values were calculated for different temperatures (80 - 475 K) (Table 1). The Et4N+[Eu(isovind)4]– complex, where isovind: 2-isovaleryl-1,3-indandonate) shows an extraordinarily high value of the intensity parameter (Ω2 = 73.5×10-20 cm2, considering the index of refraction equal to 1.5) and radiative decay rate (Arad = 2.468×103 s-1) at 300 K. These optical results show an abnormally high emission intensity of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition (Figure 1), leading to the highest measured Ω2 value of the europium materials, to the best our knowledge, reported in the literature. In addition, this complex shows different solid phases at 367 and 460 K, leading significant changes in the band profile assigned to the 5D0 → 7F2 transition. The spectroscopic study of luminescent systems has shown very interesting and promising results for applications, such as OLED devices and luminescent thermometers based on Ln3+ ions.

  • IPEN-DOC 29762

    TRINDADE, FABIANE D.; DAMASCENO, SERGIO; OTUBO, LARISSA ; FLORIO, DANIEL Z.; FONSECA, FABIO ; FERLAUTO, ANDRE S.. Tuning of shape, disorder and oxygen vacancies in lanthanum-doped (0-70%) ceria shaped nanoparticles for oxidative coupling of methane. In: YILDIZ, BILGE (Org.) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOLID STATE IONICS, 23rd, July 17-22, 2022, Boston, MA. Abstract... 2022.

  • IPEN-DOC 29530

    TRINDADE, FABIANE J.; DAMASCENO, SERGIO; FLORIO, DANIEL Z.; FONSECA, FABIO C. ; FERLAUTO, ANDRE S.. Tuning of shape, defects, and disorder in lanthanum-doped ceria nanoparticles: implications for oxidative coupling of methane. In: CINE CONFERENCE, 3., 18-19 de outubro, 2022, Campinas, SP. Resumo... 2022.

    Abstract: The instability of petroleum prices and the advancements in extraction technologies of natural gas has increased the interest in the direct conversion of methane to C2 products via oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) reactions. The design of catalysts by tailoring the structural defects and disorder has a significant impact on their performance. Within this context, in this work, the fine-tuning of oxygen defects in rod-like NPs was performed via La3+ doping (LaxCe1-xO2-1/2), x, in the 10-70 mol% range. The NPs characterization was performed by SEM, HRTEM, XRD, BET and Raman spectroscopy, and the OCM catalytic performance was evaluated at 750 °C. The relative concentration of reagents (CH4 and O2) and products H2, CO, CO2, C2H4, and C2H6 was measured by an online mass spectrometer. XRD and Raman analysis revealed that the CeO2 fluorite crystalline structure is essentially maintained in the doped nanorods, even for x = 0.7. The Raman spectra analysis indicates that La doping results in the formation of extrinsic and intrinsic oxygen defects, which increase proportionally to La concentration. The catalysts showed good performance for OCM with methane conversion up to 32% and C2 selectivity up to 44% for x=0.5. In addition, all catalysts showed high stability within 20h time on stream. The demonstrated structural defect control on La-doped CeO2 NPs can provide important insights to improve the performance of OCM reactions.

    Palavras-Chave: doped materials; lanthanum; fracture mechanics; methane

  • IPEN-DOC 29191

    PIERETTI, EURICO F.; CORREA, OLANDIR V. ; BENTO, RODRIGO T. ; NEVES, MAURICIO M. das ; ANTUNES, RENATO A.; PILLIS, MARINA F. . Tribological evaluation of anodized aluminum applied to biomaterials. In: BRAZIL MRS MEETING, 20th, September 25-29, 2022, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Abstract... São Carlos, SP: Aptor Software, 2022.

    Abstract: Biomaterials surfaces need to be adequate to the function they perform; for this reason, the importance of studying surface finish increases as design requirements grow, regarding geometry and precision requirements in biomedical devices. These biomaterials are subject to several types of premature failure, such as wear, fatigue, micro movements, particle detachment and degradation, which may generate the need for new interventions. Anodizing is an electrolytic passivation process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts. Due to good biocompatibility, regular arrangement of nanopores, ease of control of nanopore diameter, large specific surface area, low cost, good thermal stability and, absence of toxicity, anodic aluminum oxide has been studied. The geometric arrangement of nanopores makes it possible to use alumina as a mold for the synthesis of several nanostructures that have many advantages in advanced application areas due to their unique chemical, physical, mechanical and optical properties. In the present work, the tribological behavior of samples of aluminum alloy AA6061 anodized in oxalic acid solution (C2H2O4) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) was evaluated. Prior to the anodization stage, the samples were electrolytically polished in a solution of perchloric acid and ethanol. For comparison reasons, pristine surfaces were also evaluated. The sample's surfaces finishing was analyzed by laser confocal microscopy. Atomic force microscopy was also used to evaluate samples roughness and topography. The wear tests were carried out during 10 min, solid spheres of 52-100 chrome steel, with 2 mm in diameter, were used as counter-bodies. The results indicated that the tribological behavior is influenced by the anodized layer process parameters, and the wear rate is dependent of the normal force and the roughness of each sample.

  • IPEN-DOC 29294

    ZAMBONI, C.B. ; GIOVANNI, D.N.S. ; PECEQUILO, B.R.S. ; ESPOSITO, S.E.; PIMENTA, D.C.; SIMONS, S.M.. Traceability of the propolis produced by Scaptotrigona Aff Postica bee from Brazil using NAA technique. In: ENCONTRO DE PRIMAVERA DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE FÍSICA, 2.; REUNIÃO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FÍSICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 45.; ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE FÍSICA DE PARTÍCULAS E CAMPOS, 42.; RENAFAE WORKSHOP, 26-29 de setembro, 2022, Natal, RN. Resumo... São Paulo, SP: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2022.

    Abstract: In the Northeast, meliponiculture presents itself as one of the zootechnical activities that has grown the most in recent years, due to its low implementation and maintenance cost, as well as a quick financial return. Meliponiculture is the creation of stingless bees (Meliponines) for the production and commercialization of beehives, honey, propolis, pollen and resins, in addition to these bees being the main agents of pollination and conservation of local biodiversity. The propolis produced by the Scaptotrigona Aff Postica bee (popularly known as the tubi bee) have several medical applications (bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal), in addition to its use in the nutritional field. This species is found in the mainly in the Barra do Corda County (Maranhão) and it is the major source of income in the northeast region. Nowadays, food authentication has been a concern of producers and consumers around the world. For this reason, there is a growing need for reliable analytical techniques to provide an answer about food authenticity. With the goal for determining chemical descriptors for geographic origin (standardization), nuclear techniques are useful analytical tools with a highlight for Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). The NAA measurement was performed in the nuclear reactor (IEA-R1, 3-4 MW, at IPEN). Propolis samples were collected monthly during a one year, directly from beehives of Scaptotrigona Aff Postica in a meliponary of Barra do Corda city (5° 30' 21'' S and 45° 14' 6'' W). The results were compared with two other species from south region. The database will aid in fraud detection of the propolis from the northeast region in Brazil.

  • IPEN-DOC 29169


  • IPEN-DOC 29197

    LOBO, RAQUEL de M. ; CASTAGNET, MARIANO ; MIRANDA, CARLOS A. de J. ; LIMA, JOSE R. de ; FALOPPA, ALTAIR A. ; MATTAR NETO, MIGUEL ; PEREIRA, LETICIA dos S. ; ANDRADE, ARNALDO H.P. de . The use of miniaturized samples to determine mechanical properties of materials. In: BRAZIL MRS MEETING, 20th, September 25-29, 2022, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Abstract... São Carlos, SP: Aptor Software, 2022.

    Abstract: The caracterization of irradiated materials through the SPT (Small Punch Test) technique uses miniaturized samples, with 8 mm in diameter and 0.5 mm in thickness, which has fixed edges, pressed by a sphere that has a diameter d=2.5 mm[1], tested in convencional mechanical testing machines, with the aid of a device developed for their achivement. This tecnique developed for nuclear industry can be used where conventional methods do not apply because it is considered an almost “non-destructive” method[2]due to the small sample volume. In this work two different devices were developed to perform tests at room and sub-zero temperature. The SPT tests will be carried out on standardized nuclear materials unirradiated (ferritic and stainless steels) for later correlation with conventional mechanical tests. Several mechanical properties will be obtained such as yield stress, tensile strength and fracture properties of the materials such as its toughness.

  • IPEN-DOC 29478

    GARCIA, RAFAEL H.L. ; CARNEIRO, FELIPE W. ; JACOVONE, RAYNARA M.S. ; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. ; ANGNES, LUCIO. The influence of gamma radiation doses on rGO/Ni for energy storage applications. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLICATIONS OF RADIATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2nd, August 22-26, 2022, Vienna, Austria. Abstract... Vienna, Austria: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2022.

    Abstract: Metallic nanoparticles (MN) have been the subject of intense research in the last decades because of their high catalytic activity, associated with its large surface-to-volume ratio. However, it is difficult to obtain pure active metal nanoparticles surfaces, since its contamination and aggregation frequently result in deactivation and loss of catalytic activities. MN immobilization can minimize these effects. Thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) make this material an excellent candidate for MN support for batteries and supercapacitors. The production of metallic nanoparticles on rGO surface based on gamma radiation allows less formation of residual impurities, absence of reducing agents, uniform mass production, no aggregation and low costs. Herein, we demonstrated a green and efficient one-step, gamma radiation-based method for Ni/rGO production. Graphene oxide (GO) was prepared by modified Hummers method. Ni+2 and graphene oxide reduction were performed in water/isopropanol solution (1:1) under inert medium. Samples were irradiated in the Multipurpose Gamma Irradiation Facility at CETER/IPEN/CNEN-SP, a category IV gamma irradiator by the IAEA classification, in radiations doses of 20, 40, and 80 kGy, at 10 kGy/h. From X-ray diffraction, the correlation between radiation doses and crystallite size was evaluated. For supercapacitor studies, cyclic voltammetry was carried out in a screen printed carbon electrode (SPCE) in K₄[Fe(CN)₆]. The working electrode was modified with produced rGO-Ni 80 kGy, Pt wire was used as counter and Ag/AgCl as reference electrode. Experiments were performed in KOH 1.0 M. Results showed that produced Ni/rGO has good potential to be used in electrochemical devices such as supercapacitors or batteries.

    Palavras-Chave: nanoparticles; graphene; gamma radiation; radiation doses

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Buscar os artigos apresentados em um evento internacional de 2015, sobre loss of coolant, do autor Maprelian.

Autor: Maprelian

Título: loss of coolant

Tipo de publicação: Texto completo de evento

Ano de publicação: 2015

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A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

1. Portaria IPEN-CNEN/SP nº 387, que estabeleceu os princípios que nortearam a criação do RDI, clique aqui.

2. A experiência do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN/SP) na criação de um Repositório Digital Institucional – RDI, clique aqui.

O Repositório Digital do IPEN é um equipamento institucional de acesso aberto, criado com o objetivo de reunir, preservar, disponibilizar e conferir maior visibilidade à Produção Científica publicada pelo Instituto, desde sua criação em 1956.

Operando, inicialmente como uma base de dados referencial o Repositório foi disponibilizado na atual plataforma, em junho de 2015. No Repositório está disponível o acesso ao conteúdo digital de artigos de periódicos, eventos, nacionais e internacionais, livros, capítulos, dissertações, teses e relatórios técnicos.

A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

O gerenciamento do Repositório está a cargo da Biblioteca do IPEN. Constam neste RI, até o presente momento 20.950 itens que tanto podem ser artigos de periódicos ou de eventos nacionais e internacionais, dissertações e teses, livros, capítulo de livros e relatórios técnicos. Para participar do RI-IPEN é necessário que pelo menos um dos autores tenha vínculo acadêmico ou funcional com o Instituto. Nesta primeira etapa de funcionamento do RI, a coleta das publicações é realizada periodicamente pela equipe da Biblioteca do IPEN, extraindo os dados das bases internacionais tais como a Web of Science, Scopus, INIS, SciElo além de verificar o Currículo Lattes. O RI-IPEN apresenta também um aspecto inovador no seu funcionamento. Por meio de metadados específicos ele está vinculado ao sistema de gerenciamento das atividades do Plano Diretor anual do IPEN (SIGEPI). Com o objetivo de fornecer dados numéricos para a elaboração dos indicadores da Produção Cientifica Institucional, disponibiliza uma tabela estatística registrando em tempo real a inserção de novos itens. Foi criado um metadado que contém um número único para cada integrante da comunidade científica do IPEN. Esse metadado se transformou em um filtro que ao ser acionado apresenta todos os trabalhos de um determinado autor independente das variáveis na forma de citação do seu nome.