Navegação Eventos - Resumos por Autores IPEN "ZAHN, GUILHERME S."

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  • IPEN-DOC 21359

    SECCO, MARCELLO ; MOREIRA, EDSON G. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. . Automatic sample positioner for short half life nuclides in neutron activation analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODERN TRENDS IN ACTIVATION ANALYSIS, 14th; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS IN THE LIFE SCIENCES, 11th, August 23-28, 2015, Delft, Netherlands. Abstract... 2015. p. 100.

    Palavras-Chave: neutron activation analysis; isotopes; automation; distance; comparative evaluations

  • IPEN-DOC 26964

    GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; MORALLES, MAURICIO ; MOREIRA, EDSON G. . Celebrating IEA-R1 first criticality. In: BRAZILIAN MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, 40th, September 3-7, 2017, Campos do Jordão, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2017. p. 1-1.

    Abstract: Early in 1956 USP and CNPq established a cooperation agreement and in the middle of the same year, the Atomic Energy Institute (IEA) was founded. Its primary task was to install the research nuclear reactor purchased from the American company Babcock & Wilcox in the context of the “Atoms for Peace” Program. Another major task was to train reactor operators and users of the new facility. The first start-up was in September 16, 1957, being the first criticality achieved in the Southern hemisphere. IEA-R1 is a pool type, light water cooled and moderated, graphite reflected research reactor. Although designed to operate continuously up to 5 MW, it operated at 2 MW power during 40 years and afterwards it has been operating at 5MW. IEA R1 has several uses, such as radioactive isotope production by neutron flux irradiation up to 10(14)cm(-2)s(-1), for health and industry applications; research and development using radioactive samples and neutron beams (8 radial and 2 tangential beam ports). This year we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first criticality of the IEA-R1 research reactor and due to a continuous modernization program, it is expected to operate for another long time period.

  • IPEN-DOC 26847

    COSTA, PRISCILA ; RAELE, MARCUS P. ; DOMIENIKAN, CLAUDIO ; COSTA, FABIO E. ; MADI FILHO, TUFIC ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. . A compact electronic system for a photodiode neutron detector. In: JAKSIC, ALEKSANDAR (Ed.); KARAMARKOVIC, JUGOSLAV (Ed.) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RADIATION APPLICATIONS, September 16-19, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia. Abstract... Niš, Serbia: Sievert Association, 2019. p. 36-36.

    Abstract: The demand for portable neutron detectors is on the rise, and for that purpose, low cost boron-10 has been frequently used instead of helium-3, which is usually employed in large and expensive detectors. Portable detectors are of interest in some applications, such as neutron dosimeters or inspection systems targeted in the detection of fissile material and drugs in airports. In this work a portable thermal neutron detection system was developed which is based on a commercial silicon photodiode coupled to a boron converter; this prototype is then plugged into a portable electronic system. The boron layer was produced by pulsed laser deposition, either on a thin glass slide or on the photodiode itself. The boron deposition in the photodiode was made directly in the active area of the detector, so before and after the deposition process a characterization of the device regarding both the dark current and the operation voltage was performed using an americium source. Finally, both configurations were tested. The neutron detection process occurs by detecting the alpha and lithium particles produced by the interaction of the incoming neutron with the boron-10 nuclides. These heavy ions then interact with the active area of the reverse-biased photodiode, producing an electric signal that has to be preamplified and then properly amplified by the portable electronic system, which in turn produces an output that can either be sent to a multichannel analyzer or to a digital counter. The integrated circuit of the low noise preamplifier transforms the detector’s current pulse into a voltage pulse with amplitude proportional to the charge carried by the current pulse. The shaper-driver consists of a differentiator and an integrator and is responsible for filtering and further amplifying the preamplifier signal, generating a NIM-compatible energy output pulse. The performance of the photodiode-amplifier set for alpha particles was successively tested using a 243Am radioactive source. Initial tests were made using the boron-deposited glass, and the electronic signal was properly read. However, when the same system was tested using the boron deposited directly in the photodiode, the output signal couldn’t be read, due to the fact that during the deposition process there was an increase in the dark current and a decrease in the operation bias. In this way, a new portable electronic system was developed using a hybrid integrated amplifier circuit. This new electronic setup allowed the use of both configurations, and was tested both with alpha-emitting Americium and neutron-emitting AmBe sources. In conclusion, both portable electronic systems have proven suitable for the thermal neutron detector developed.

  • IPEN-DOC 14688

    GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B. . Determination of half-life of the sup(155)Sn 'beta'-decay. In: REUNIAO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FISICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 32., 7-12 de setembro, 2009, Aguas de Lindoia, SP. Resumo... 2009.

    Palavras-Chave: beta decay; corrections; data covariances; dead time; experimental data; half-life; high-purity ge detectors; isotope enriched materials; maximum-likelihood fit; samarium 154; samarium 155

  • IPEN-DOC 23872

    GONÇALVES, VITOR C. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. . Development of a novel data analysis procedure for half-life measurements. In: REUNIÃO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FÍSICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 36., 1-5 de Setembro, 2013, São Sebastião, SP. Resumo... São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2013. p. 1-1.

    Abstract: The precise determination of nuclear parameters for nuclides with a long half-life is of extreme relevance, as these nuclides are often used as standard radiation sources for calibration of detector systems, for instance. On the other hand, the determination of a precise value for the half-life of ling-lived nuclei can be di±cult, as it may require that the activity of a single radioactive source be followed for a long period of several months or even years. In a previous paper, the decay of 57Co and 60Co was studied using daily detector veri¯cation data from the Neutron Activation Analysis Lab of IPEN-CNEN/SP. In this analysis, the presence of many outliers in the datasets proved to be a big issue, so a robust data ¯tting procedure was developed. The aim of the present work was to enhance this data ¯tting method. The enhancement was attained using pre-¯tting ¯lters to deal with data points and uncertainties that fall too far from the perceived behavior of the data, thus reducing the possibility that these very gross outliers would interfere with the ¯tting procedure. Moreover, a software implementation of the ¯tting procedure was developed, written in the Python computing language. The aim is that this software, still in an early stage of development, will be able to ¯t experimental data (initially, decay curves) dealing properly with outliers that may exist in the original dataset.

  • IPEN-DOC 22458

    MASCARENHAS, PEDRO H. de A. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. . Efficiency stability in HPGe detectors. In: REUNIÃO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FISICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 38., 7-11 de setembro, 2015, Mangaritiba, RJ. Resumo... 2015.

    Palavras-Chave: efficiency; stability; radiation detectors; comparative evaluations; calibration standards

  • IPEN-DOC 20218

    ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; SECCO, MARCELLO ; TICIANELLI, REGINA B. ; FIGUEIREDO, ANA M.G. . Enhancing NAA results by using robust statistics. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY CONGRESS, 4th, September 14-19, 2014, Maresias, São Paulo. 2014. p. 238.

    Palavras-Chave: sampling; accuracy; calibration standards; neutron activation analysis; gamma radiation; peaks; spectra; statistics; benchmarks

  • IPEN-DOC 26795

    ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; MORALLES, MAURICIO . Evaluation of peak-fitting software for gamma spectrum analysis. In: REUNIÃO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FÍSICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 42.; ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE FÍSICA DE PARTÍCULAS E CAMPOS, 40., 1-5 de setembro, 2019, Campos do Jordão, SP. Resumo... São Paulo, SP: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2019.

    Abstract: In all applications of gamma-ray spectroscopy, one of the most important and delicate parts of the data analysis is the fitting of the gamma-ray spectra, where information as the number of counts, the position of the centroid and the width, for instance, are associated with each peak of each spectrum. Theres a huge choice of computer programs that perform this type of analysis, and the most commonly used in routine work are the ones that automatically locate and fit the peaks; this fit can be performed in several different ways - the most common are either to fit a Gaussian function to each peak or simply to integrate the area under the peak, but some software go far beyond and include several small corrections to the simple Gaussian peak function, in order to compensate for secondary effects. In this work several gamma-ray spectroscopy software are compared in the task of finding and fitting the gamma-ray peaks in spectra taken with some calibrated standard sources. The results allow for a discussion on the performance of each software in the tasks of identifying and determining the correct area of the gamma-ray peaks, as well as on the advantages and difficulties in using automatic programs when comparing with a manual peak-fitting software, used as reference.

  • IPEN-DOC 25908

    SILVA, PAULO S.C. da ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; CARVALHO, RICARDO N. de ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. . Gamma ray spectroscopy studies on low and intermediate level radioactive waste from Angra-1 nuclear power plant. In: BRAZILIAN MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, 41th, September 2-6, 2018, Maresias, SP. Abstract... São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2018. p. 1-1.

    Abstract: The determination of the radionuclide composition of low - and intermediate - level radioactive waste is of paramount importance for the design and implementation of Brazil`s planned radioactive waste repository. While there is some knowledge of the radionuclides expected to be present, the exact activity values in each of the waste bins are not determined with su±cient precision, so theres an ongoing e®ort to analyze the composition of this waste and make the radioactive inventory of the bins containt, which comprises several institutions and laboratories. In the present work the gamma - ray spectroscopy of samples of resin, ¯lters and evaporator concentrate from Angra 1 nuclear power plant have been studied. Small aliquots (» 500 mg) of the distinct samples were stored in glass vials and gamma- counted in a characterized high resolution germanium detector. In order to determine the best counting time, these aliquots were counted for 24h (real - time), with the spectroscopy results saved after each full hour of counting. The resulting twenty four spectra were then analyzed with Canberras Genie - 2000 software, using ISOCS e±ciency correction tool. The results for each sample were then compared to determine the required counting time for each of the radioisotopes of interest.

    Palavras-Chave: low-level radioactive wastes; gamma spectroscopy; nuclear power plants; angra-1 reactor; gasers; radioactive wastes; waste management

  • IPEN-DOC 14689

    SILVA, ANTONIO C.O. da; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; CRUZ, MANOEL T.F. da. Half life of sup(101)Mo and sup(101)tC 'beta'sup(-)-decay. In: WORKSHOP ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN BRASIL, 31st, September 8-12, 2008, Sao Sebastiao, SP. Abstract... 2008. p. 185-186.

    Palavras-Chave: beta decay; dead time; gamma decay; half-life; molybdenum 100 target; molybdenum 101; neutron reactions; technetium 101

  • IPEN-DOC 14690

    BATISTA, WAGNER F.; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. . Half life of sup(127)Te. In: WORKSHOP ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN BRASIL, 31st, September 8-12, 2008, Sao Sebastiao, SP. Abstract... 2008. p. 187-188.

    Palavras-Chave: beta decay; half-life; neutron reactions; tellurium 126 target; tellurium 127

  • IPEN-DOC 23851

    ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; TICIANELLI, REGINA B. ; SAIKI, MITIKO . Long-term performance assessment of hpge detectors used in the neutron activation analysis (LAN) of IPEN-CNEN/SP (Brazil). In: ENCONTRO DE FISICA, 03-07 de setembro, 2016, Natal, RN. Abstract... São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2016.

    Abstract: In nuclear spectroscopy measurements, the performance of the radiation detectors employed is a key issue in the final results; moreover, in comparative measurements, the results depend on the stability of the detector between measurements, so that the detector’s efficiency can be effectively ruled out of the equation. Due to the relevance of the detectors' performances, LAN-IPEN have been performing daily verification measurements in its operational detectors since 1999; this verification consists in the measurement of composite 57+60Co sources, in which the position, resolution and CPS (counts per second) for the 122 keV peak of 57Co and the 1332 keV peak of 60Co are registered, along with the date and time of the measurement. In this work, verification data for 11 HPGe detectors from two different makers and three different intrinsic configurations were analyzed in respect to the efficiency stability (determined by the arbitrary efficiency calculated by correcting the CPS for the isotope's decay) and resolution for both peaks, as well as the ratio between the efficiencies for 122 keV and 1332 keV. The results allow a discussion about the stability of these parameters over time (in some cases, more than 15 years), their sensitivity to imminent detector failures and their performance after a failure has been corrected; moreover, the results show a clear correlation between the maker or configuration and the long-term performance of the detector.

  • IPEN-DOC 20561

    ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; TICIANELLI, REGINA B. ; SAIKI, MITIKO . Long-term performance assessment of HPGE detectors used in the neutron activation analysis (LAN) of IPEN-CNEN/SP (Brazil). In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY CONGRESS, 4th, September 14-19, 2014, Maresias, SP. Abstract... 2014. p. 144.

    Palavras-Chave: brazilian cnen; laboratories; neutron activation analysis; high-purity ge detectors; performance

  • IPEN-DOC 27065


    Abstract: Neutron detection is an important task especially for worker protection in nuclear installations. For that purpose, it is desired to have portable and compact detectors, an aim which can be achieved using semiconductor detectors. In this work the Monte Carlo modelling of a neutron detector based on a thin boron film and photodiode is presented. The simulation was carried out using the MCNP6 code, in order to evaluate the detection efficiency for the alpha particles emitted in the boron neutron capture reaction. Two different setup subsets were modelled, taking into account the fact that the film could be deposited either in direct contact to the photodiode surface, or in indirect contact, where the film was deposited in a substrate (glass). In direct contact the thin film thickness ranged from 0 to 5 μm. For the indirect contact the thicknesses of the substrate and air region were varied. For both cases, the model was also prepared to consider the situation in which the film was sandwiched between two photodiodes in order to increase alpha particle detection efficiency. The results show that the thickness of the substrate, of 150 μm or 1000 μm, has a small influence on the alpha particle flux on the photodiode surface. The increase of the air region causes a decrease of 57 % in the flux of alpha particles in the photodiode. These different setups allowed determining the thickness values of thin boron film that delivers a higher alpha particle flux, which will lead to an optimum detection efficiency.

  • IPEN-DOC 17610

    GUIMARAES, GUILHERME M.; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; FRANKLIN, ROBSON L.; FAVARO, DEBORAH I.T. . Neutron activation analysis applied in sediment samples from the Guarapiranga Reservoir for metals and trace elements assessment. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODERN TRENDS IN ACTIVATION ANALYSIS, 13th, March 13-18, 2011, Texas, USA. Abstract... 2011. p. 100.

    Palavras-Chave: brazil; water reservoirs; contamination; sediments; metals; trace amounts; water quality; neutron activation analysis

  • IPEN-DOC 29180

    RIBEIRO JUNIOR, IBERE S. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; DRESCHER, ADAM; LANDSBERGER, SHELDON. On the use of coincidence INAA for selenium determination. In: REUNIÃO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FÍSICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 44., 9-11 de novembro, 2021, Online. Resumo... São Paulo, SP: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2021.

    Abstract: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) is a widely used technique applied on the determination of several elements in different matrices. Selenium is one of the elements that can be studied by INAA and its determination is usually performed using one, or both, 136:01 and 264:66 keV transitions from 75Se radioisotope. Se determination by INAA is a case that requires special attention, mainly in virtue of three issues: (i) spectral interferences may occur due to intense gamma rays from 181Hf (136 keV) and 182Ta (264 keV); (ii) in samples with high levels of K and Na, the increased background levels due to Compton effect lead to enlargement of the detection limit; (iii) high concentration of P or any other intense high-energy beta emitter can severely impact the detection below 200{300 keV due to bremsstrahlung radiation. A possible solution for these issues is the use of gamma-gamma coincidence INAA (CINAA), as the 136 and 264 keV transitions are part of a strong gamma-gamma cascade. In this work coincidence measurements of the decay of 75Se were performed to compare the results for Se obtained by conventional INAA and CINAA in biological and geological Certi ed Reference Materials (CRMs). The results show that the use of coincidence can drastically reduce the net/gross ratio, which implies in a reduction of the detection limit for 75Se; furthermore, the results of Se concentration obtained using both methodologies are in agreement with the certi ed values, and both techniques provided accurate results.

  • IPEN-DOC 26965

    ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; RIBEIRO JUNIOR, IBERE S. ; FAGIONATO, ESNEL A. . On the use of gamma-gamma coincidence to detect very low activities. In: BRAZILIAN MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, 40th, September 3-7, 2017, Campos do Jordão, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2017. p. 1-1.

    Abstract: The detection of very low gamma ray activities is a delicate task, and very important in environmental radiation studies, for instance. It usually requires the use of low-background shielding, as the long counting times required usually make the background subtraction quite tricky, and often result in rather high experimental uncertainties. In this work a different approach is tested, where a two-detector gamma-gamma coincidence system is used to eliminate essentially all of the background continuum - at the cost of reduced overall efficiency and, more importantly, requiring that the radionuclide to be studied presents useful gamma-gamma coincidences. Two distinct methods of analysis are tested, either using an "open-window" coincidence where an event is registered whenever any event is registered in the other detector, or using a strict coincidence analysis, where a valid coincidence between two gamma-rays from the same decay are required; this allow for a discussion on the advantages and problems of each method, as well as for an experimental assessment of the performance of such a system.

  • IPEN-DOC 29178

    GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; MORALLES, MAURICIO . Opportunities for using the IEA-R1 reactor in nuclear applications. In: REUNIÃO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FÍSICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 44., 9-11 de novembro, 2021, Online. Resumo... São Paulo, SP: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2021.

    Abstract: The IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor is a pool-type reactor that has been in operation at the Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research, IPEN, at the University of São Paulo-USP main campus since the 1950s. The IEA-R1 reactor, which is Brazil's largest source of neutrons, can be used in a variety of nuclear applications when operating at the maximum power currently allowed, 5 MW. Irradiations in the reactor core aimed at producing radioactive sources and neutron beam studies can both be performed and generate competitive data. Upgrades to the reactor's equipments and a plan to extend the operational cycle to nine days in a row are ongoing. These actions should attract additional customers and create new opportunities for the IEA-R1 in nuclear applications.

  • IPEN-DOC 27608

    ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; MORALLES, MAURICIO ; SOUZA, FRANCISCO A. . Playing with neutrons: experimental facilities at the IEA-R1 reactor. In: REUNIÃO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FÍSICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 43., 14-16 de dezembro, 2020, Online. Resumo... São Paulo, SP: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2020.

    Abstract: Due to their unique characteristics, neutrons are an excellent tool to probe materials, as well as to produce radionuclides for other uses. The IEA-R1, the largest nuclear research reactor in Brasil, located in IPEN-CNEN/SP, is a 5MW pool-type reactor from the mid-1950's that, despite its age, still provides important facilities for neutron irradiation and probing under high neutron uxes. These facilities can be divided in two groups: in-core irradiation positions with uxes ranging from 10(12) to 10(14)cm(-2).s(-1), where a sample is irradiated inside the reactor core for posterior analysis; and in-beam facilities, with 8 radial and 2 tangential tubes delivering collimated neutrons in the experimental hall with uxes up to 10(8)cm(-2).s(-1), where a sample is irradiated outide the core, under a considerably lower ux, but with the possibility of real-time analysis and of better radiation filtering and collimation. Different experiments can be performed using the IEA-R1 neutron sources, and this work intends to showcase these facilities, giving an insight regarding the specific properties or each, with their capabilities and some present applications, while also discussing some possible future applications.

  • IPEN-DOC 14687

    ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; OLIVA, JEFFERSON W.M.; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B. . The half life of the sup(193)Os 'beta'-decay. In: REUNIAO DE TRABALHO SOBRE FISICA NUCLEAR NO BRASIL, 32., 7-12 de setembro, 2009, Aguas de Lindoia, SP. Resumo... 2009.

    Palavras-Chave: beta decay; data covariances; experimental data; half-life; isotope enriched materials; osmium 192; osmium 193

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Buscar os artigos apresentados em um evento internacional de 2015, sobre loss of coolant, do autor Maprelian.

Autor: Maprelian

Título: loss of coolant

Tipo de publicação: Texto completo de evento

Ano de publicação: 2015

Para indexação dos documentos é utilizado o Thesaurus do INIS, especializado na área nuclear e utilizado em todos os países membros da International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA , por esse motivo, utilize os termos de busca de assunto em inglês; isto não exclui a busca livre por palavras, apenas o resultado pode não ser tão relevante ou pertinente.

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O gerenciamento do Repositório está a cargo da Biblioteca do IPEN. Constam neste RI, até o presente momento 20.950 itens que tanto podem ser artigos de periódicos ou de eventos nacionais e internacionais, dissertações e teses, livros, capítulo de livros e relatórios técnicos. Para participar do RI-IPEN é necessário que pelo menos um dos autores tenha vínculo acadêmico ou funcional com o Instituto. Nesta primeira etapa de funcionamento do RI, a coleta das publicações é realizada periodicamente pela equipe da Biblioteca do IPEN, extraindo os dados das bases internacionais tais como a Web of Science, Scopus, INIS, SciElo além de verificar o Currículo Lattes. O RI-IPEN apresenta também um aspecto inovador no seu funcionamento. Por meio de metadados específicos ele está vinculado ao sistema de gerenciamento das atividades do Plano Diretor anual do IPEN (SIGEPI). Com o objetivo de fornecer dados numéricos para a elaboração dos indicadores da Produção Cientifica Institucional, disponibiliza uma tabela estatística registrando em tempo real a inserção de novos itens. Foi criado um metadado que contém um número único para cada integrante da comunidade científica do IPEN. Esse metadado se transformou em um filtro que ao ser acionado apresenta todos os trabalhos de um determinado autor independente das variáveis na forma de citação do seu nome.

A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

1. Portaria IPEN-CNEN/SP nº 387, que estabeleceu os princípios que nortearam a criação do RDI, clique aqui.

2. A experiência do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN/SP) na criação de um Repositório Digital Institucional – RDI, clique aqui.

O Repositório Digital do IPEN é um equipamento institucional de acesso aberto, criado com o objetivo de reunir, preservar, disponibilizar e conferir maior visibilidade à Produção Científica publicada pelo Instituto, desde sua criação em 1956.

Operando, inicialmente como uma base de dados referencial o Repositório foi disponibilizado na atual plataforma, em junho de 2015. No Repositório está disponível o acesso ao conteúdo digital de artigos de periódicos, eventos, nacionais e internacionais, livros, capítulos, dissertações, teses e relatórios técnicos.

A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

O gerenciamento do Repositório está a cargo da Biblioteca do IPEN. Constam neste RI, até o presente momento 20.950 itens que tanto podem ser artigos de periódicos ou de eventos nacionais e internacionais, dissertações e teses, livros, capítulo de livros e relatórios técnicos. Para participar do RI-IPEN é necessário que pelo menos um dos autores tenha vínculo acadêmico ou funcional com o Instituto. Nesta primeira etapa de funcionamento do RI, a coleta das publicações é realizada periodicamente pela equipe da Biblioteca do IPEN, extraindo os dados das bases internacionais tais como a Web of Science, Scopus, INIS, SciElo além de verificar o Currículo Lattes. O RI-IPEN apresenta também um aspecto inovador no seu funcionamento. Por meio de metadados específicos ele está vinculado ao sistema de gerenciamento das atividades do Plano Diretor anual do IPEN (SIGEPI). Com o objetivo de fornecer dados numéricos para a elaboração dos indicadores da Produção Cientifica Institucional, disponibiliza uma tabela estatística registrando em tempo real a inserção de novos itens. Foi criado um metadado que contém um número único para cada integrante da comunidade científica do IPEN. Esse metadado se transformou em um filtro que ao ser acionado apresenta todos os trabalhos de um determinado autor independente das variáveis na forma de citação do seu nome.