Reposiório IPEN: Recent submissions

  • IPEN-DOC 29994

    FIGUEIREDO, R.F. ; BELOTTO, R.A.; POZZO, L. ; ROSTELATO, M.E. ; RIBEIRO, M.S. . Could light-based technologies replace high potency corticosteroids in the treatment of vulvar lichen sclerosus?. In: MESQUITA-FERRARI, RAQUEL A. (Ed.); HORLIANA, ANNA C.R.T. (Ed.); CECATTO, REBECA B. (Ed.); FERNANDES, KRISTIANNE P.S. (Ed.) BIOPHOTONICS INTERNATIONAL FORUM, 8th, November 8-9, 2022, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE, 2022. p. 7-7.

    Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Vulvar lichen sclerosus (LS) is considered a chronic inflammatory dermatosis that affects woman's anogenital area and may cause scarring of the vulva and sexual dysfunction. Currently, there is no cure for LS and the treatment is based on the topical application of high-potency corticosteroids (HPCs). The cutaneous atrophy, irritation, hypopigmentation, blistering, and dryness that HPCs cause are, however, undesirable side effects. Light-based technologies have been employed as an alternative for LS therapy since they are less invasive and promote positive results. OBJECTIVE: Systematically examine whether light-based technologies may be a suitable option for the treatment of LS. METHODOLOGY: We followed the guidelines recommended by PRISMA to conduct this review and registered the protocol on the PROSPERO. We searched original articles published in English on Medline, Web of Science, Embase, Clinical Trials, and Cochrane databases. We covered all light-based technologies for treating LS using the following strategy: ((LIGHT OR LASER OR LED OR LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE OR PHOTOTHERAPY OR PHOTODYNAMIC) AND (VULVAR LICHEN SCLEROSUS)). For eligibility, studies should present the number of patients per group, consistent methodology, reliable light source parameters, and HPC-treated control group. For the assessment of the quality of included studies, we used the Cochrane risk of bias (RoB) tool. RESULTS: Overall, the search turned up 582 articles. Of these, 579 were excluded, including duplicates (n= 227), reviews, letters, comments, preclinical studies (n= 292) articles without an HPC control group (n = 34), light-based technologies used as an adjuvant (n= 2), ongoing trials (n= 17), and other diseases associated with LS (n= 7). As a result, three studies were included in which 3 different technologies were used: CO2 high power laser, 5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated photodynamic therapy (ALA-PDT), and ultraviolet-A (UVA) phototherapy. UVA caused erythema, pruritus, skin xerosis, and tanning, even though it has promoted less burning and suffering. In contrast, CO2 laser and ALA-PDT were able to provide higher patient satisfaction. Overall, RoB was considered low for the articles assessed. CONCLUSION: Despite the lack of a defined treatment procedure, ALA-PDT and CO2 laser are both promising approaches to treat LS. More randomized clinical trials using light-based technologies should be conducted to improve evidence-based healthcare for women with LS.

  • IPEN-DOC 29993

    PRATES, BRENDA C.R. ; POZZO, LORENA . Avaliação de desempenho da incorporação de equipamentos PET/CT no SUS. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE SAUDE COLETIVA, 13., 21-24 de novembro, 2022, Salvador, BA. Resumo... Campinas, SP: Galoá, 2022.

    Abstract: A incorporação de tecnologias de alta complexidade como o PET/CT deve ser constantemente analisada e aprimorada para que ocorra favorecendo sua consolidação. O estudo de avaliação quanto ao desempenho desses equipamentos contribui no entendimento da efetividade clínica, da utilização desses na vida real do paciente e do impacto dessa tecnologia nas diferentes regiões em que estão inseridas. Objetivos Avaliar o desempenho de equipamentos PET/CT incorporados pelo SUS nos domínios admissibilidade, técnico, econômico e inovação que permeiam essa tecnologia, conforme Diretriz Metodológica de Elaboração de Estudos para Avaliação de EMA. Metodologia As metodologias basearam-se na busca ativa de informações a partir de levantamentos bibliográficos e consultas em sites que apresentassem dados de interesse. Consultou-se o site da ANVISA para aquisição dos registros sanitários e manuais de operações, além do banco de dados do CNES e CNEN, para a quantidade de estabelecimentos e instalações radioativas autorizadas. Neste último foi possível obter o número de profissionais devidamente certificados. Valores de equipamentos e financiamento de projetos foram obtidos através do site do FNS, já os valores dos procedimentos foram extraídos junto ao SIGTAP. Requisitos operacionais de SMN foram consultados nas normativas estabelecidas pela CNEN. Resultados Identificou-se treze registros de equipamentos de sete fabricantes distintos com registro sanitário dentro do período de vigência junto à ANVISA. Há 104 inscrições junto ao CNES de estabelecimentos com pelo menos um equipamento PET/CT e 160 matrículas de instalações autorizadas pela CNEN. O valor sugerido para tais equipamentos em 2022, divulgado pelo FNS é R$ 6.405.000,00. São registradas 7 propostas de financiamentos aprovadas, distribuídas em 5 cadastros de estabelecimentos. Os impostos observados são: IPI, PIS e COFINS. O valor pago pela tabela SUS é R$ 2.107,22 por procedimento. Profissionais devidamente certificados pela CNEN estão concentrados principalmente na região sudeste do país. Conclusões/Considerações De maneira geral, percebeu-se dificuldade para se obter alguns dados que permeiam a tecnologia PET/CT. A maneira de disponibilização das informações, visto que estas são autodeclaradas pelas partes interessadas (fabricantes e estabelecimentos), corroboram com isso. Outro fator, é ser tratar da incorporação de uma tecnologia de alta complexidade em plena utilização, sendo observados poucos estudos que se propõem a avaliar seu desempenho.

  • IPEN-DOC 29953

    ROSALES, THIECLA K.O. ; SILVA, FABIO F.A. da ; BERNARDES, EMERSON S. ; FABI, JOAO P.. Plant-derived polyphenolic compounds: nanodelivery through polysaccharidebased systems to improve the biological properties. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, p. 1-25, 2023. DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2023.2245038

    Abstract: Plant-derived polyphenols are naturally occurring compounds widely distributed in plants. They have received greater attention in the food and pharmaceutical industries due to their potential health benefits, reducing the risk of some chronic diseases due to their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, cardioprotective, and neuro-action properties. Polyphenolic compounds orally administered can be used as adjuvants in several treatments but with restricted uses due to chemical instability. The review discusses the different structural compositions of polyphenols and their influence on chemical stability. Despite the potential and wide applications, there is a need to improve the delivery of polyphenolics to target the human intestine without massive chemical modifications. Oral administration of polyphenols is unfeasible due to instability, low bioaccessibility, and limited bioavailability. Nano-delivery systems based on polysaccharides (starch, pectin, chitosan, and cellulose) have been identified as a viable option for oral ingestion, potentiate biological effects, and direct-controlled delivery in specific tissues. The time and dose can be individualized for specific diseases, such as intestinal cancer. This review will address the mechanisms by which polysaccharides-based nanostructured systems can protect against degradation and enhance intestinal permeation, oral bioavailability, and the potential application of polysaccharides as nanocarriers for the controlled and targeted delivery of polyphenolic compounds.

  • IPEN-DOC 29992

    PAIVA, MARCIA M.D.P. ; POZZO, LORENA . Análise de custo de tratamento para pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer de próstata com recidiva bioquímica submetido ao [68Ga] PSMA - PET-CT. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE SAUDE COLETIVA, 13., 21-24 de novembro, 2022, Salvador, BA. Resumo... Campinas, SP: Galoá, 2022.

    Abstract: A Recidiva Bioquímica (RB) do câncer de Próstata (CP) já tratado é identificada através da elevação do Antígeno Prostático Específico (PSA). A tecnologia [68Ga] PSMA PET-CT é um método diagnóstico não invasivo realizado no momento da RB que pode evidenciar a localização da doença e sua extensão para otimização do tratamento. Objetivos O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar o custo de tratamento para pacientes com diagnóstico de primeira recidiva bioquímica de câncer de próstata após a realização de [68Ga] PSMA PET-CT sob a perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde. Metodologia Levantamento bibliográfico de revisões sistemáticas até o ano de 2021 para elaboração do cenário de restadiamento diagnóstico 1, considerando o exame [68Ga] PSMA PET-CT. Revisão de diretrizes e guidelines para o cenário 2, considerando o Método Padrão de Imagem (Tomografia Computadorizada, Ressonância Magnética e Cintilografia Óssea). Aplicação de formulário (Delphi) a painel de especialistas para criar modelo de tratamento para cada cenário. Neste trabalho, foi usada a Tabela Unificada de Procedimentos do SUS como referencia para levantamento dos custos de cada tratamento. Resultados Cenário de restadiamento diagnóstico 1 com 4 possibilidades: Doença localizada (DL) , Linfonodos pélvicos (LP), Oligometástases e Metástases. Cenário de restadiamento diagnóstico 2: DL e metástases. Conforme painel de especialistas os tratamentos seriam os seguintes: DL: Radioterapia (RT) de resgate, LP: RT de resgate, Terapia de privação androgênica (TDA) ou Tratamento Sistêmico (medicamentos e RT), Oligometástases: Tratamento Sistêmico, Radiocirurgia Estereotáxica Corpórea (SBRT) e TDA, Metástases: Quimioterapia, Terapia Combinada (medicamentos e hormânios) ou TDA. Resultado negativo ou duvidoso: A RT de Resgate ou Pélvica será utilizada considerando os aumentos consecutivos do PSA. Conclusões/Considerações A análise dos custos dos tratamentos para pacientes em primeira recidiva bioquímica demonstram que os gastos são maiores no cenário 1 com custo total de R$ 264.965.465,00, após a realização do [68Ga] PSMA PET-CT e de R$ 123.585.612,72 no cenário 2, após o método de imagem padrão. Ainda são necessários estudos de seguimento prolongado do paciente após alteração de conduta resultante do [68Ga] PSMA PET-CT para verificação de custo-efetividade.

  • IPEN-DOC 29991

    OLIVEIRA, MERCIA L. de; MENEZES, MARIO O. de ; TOCAS, FOTINI; POZZO, LORENA . Alta complexidade no SUS: o exemplo da medicina nuclear. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE SAUDE COLETIVA, 13., 21-24 de novembro, 2022, Salvador, BA. Resumo... Campinas, SP: Galoá, 2022.

    Abstract: As demandas regionais diferenciadas, os cenários de limitações orçamentárias, os interesses do capital especulativo, os fatores externos, entre outros, representam grandes desafios para a gestão e funcionamento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e tendem a limitar o acesso da população aos serviços de saúde. O setor da alta complexidade torna-se emblemático no contexto da discussão sobre o SUS. Objetivos Análise da distribuição de estabelecimentos e equipamentos de medicina nuclear no país: aceleradores de partículas, gama câmaras e tomógrafos por emissão de pósitrons com tomografia computadorizada (PET/CT). Metodologia Os dados relativos ao número de instalações e à localidade foram obtidos na base de dados do Cadastro Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde (CNES - DATASUS) (, utilizando-se os filtros PET/CT e gama câmara. As informações acerca dos aceleradores de partículas (cíclotrons) foram obtidas no sítio da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN) ( Os dados se referem ao ano de 2022. Resultados Segundo os dados referentes a 2022, 614 estabelecimentos possuem gama câmara, sendo que 134 estão localizados na cidade de SP. Do total das instalações, 310 instalações recebem pacientes do SUS. Estão cadastradas na CNES/DATASUS 102 instalações com PET/CT, sendo que 56 atendem ao SUS com grande concentração no Estado de SP (27). Não existem instalações PET/CT nos estados do AC, AP, RO, RR, TO, AL e CE. Com relação aos estabelecimentos com aceleradores de partículas, na base de dados na CNEN, estão listadas 10 instalações, sendo três em SP e nenhum na região Norte. Conclusões/Considerações As assimetrias na distribuição de tecnologias para serviços de medicina nuclear no país revelam as desigualdades regionais. A alta concentração e os vazios tecnológicos corroboram com a imensa dificuldade de difusão dos serviços de alta complexidade no SUS. As tecnologias de alta complexidade têm alto potencial de gerar iniquidades exigindo esforços governamentais para reduzir possíveis vazios assistenciais decorrentes de vazios tecnológicos.

  • IPEN-DOC 29952

    DOUGLIN, JHON C.; SANKAR, KALIMUTHU V.; BIANCOLLI, ANA L.G. ; SANTIAGO, ELISABETE I. ; TSUR, YOED; DEKEL, DARIO R.. Quantifying the resistive losses of the catalytic layers in anion-exchange membrane fuel cells. ChemSusChem, v. 16, n. 24, p. 1-9, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202301080

    Abstract: The existing gap in the ability to quantify the impacts of resistive losses on the performance of anion-exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs) during the lifetime of their operation is a serious concern for the technology. In this paper, we analyzed the ohmic region of an operating AEMFC fed with pure oxygen followed by CO2-free air at various operating currents, using a combination of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and a novel technique called impedance spectroscopy genetic programming (ISGP). Presented here for the first time in this work, we isolated and quantified the individual effective resistance (Reff) values occurring in the AEMFC and their influence on performance as operating conditions change. We believe that this first work is vital to help distinguish the influence of the individual catalytic and mass-transfer processes in this technology thereby providing valuable data to the AEMFC community, with potentially wider applicability to other electrochemical devices where individual physical processes occur simultaneously and need to be sequestered for deeper understanding.

  • IPEN-DOC 29951

    TESSARI-ZAMPIERI, M.C. ; SANTIAGO, A.F.; LOPES, RENAN N.; COTRIM, MARYCEL E.B. ; SCAPIN, MARCOS A. . A review on the radiological protection materiality in environmental sustainability reports. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, v. 11, n. 1A, p. 1-11, 2023. DOI: 10.15392/2319-0612.2023.2160

    Abstract: Materiality should be used as a strategic business tool, with implications beyond social, economic, and environmental responsibility in sustainability reporting. Organizations can benefit by incorporate materiality into their existing economic processes, creating a broader approach and ensuring strategies with significant social and environmental topics. This provides stakeholder engagement; prioritizes financial resources for sustainability; develops new business; identifies climate change issues; among others. In this context, aim this study was to present a review the materiality related to radiologic protection in organizational sustainability reports. The results show that radiologic protection is considered in several topics in the organizational sustainability reports evaluated, represented from issues occupational health and safety, environmental assessment suppliers, environmental compliance, local communities, and waste management. It was concluded that, in preparing the materiality matrix, it is necessary to have the methods defined advance to grant them to be reproduced and periodically reviewed. This will allow to demonstrate the sustainability evolution and its alignment with the organizations' strategies.

  • IPEN-DOC 29950

    PIERETTI, EURICO F. ; CORREA, OLANDIR V. ; NEVES, MAURICIO D.M. das ; ANTUNES, RENATO A.; PILLIS, MARINA F. . Tribology analysis on anodized aluminum surfaces for biomedical purposes. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior, v. 17, n. 2, p. 196-197, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29949

    LOPES, ISABELA S.; SILVA, FLAVIA R. de O. ; COURROL, LILIA C.. Aminolevulinic acid coated—silver, copper, and silver–copper nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, and application in seed nanopriming. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, v. 42, n. 9, p. 5842–5854, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s00344-023-10969-2

    Abstract: Seed priming is a potential tool for improving productivity under diferent environmental conditions. Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) priming can enhance plant tolerance to abiotic stresses, such as salinity, drought, and extreme temperatures. Nanopriming, priming with nanoparticles, can increase seed germination, growth, and plant development. The goal of this work was to compare the germination, growth, and development of sunfower seeds primed at 25 °C for 24 h with fve treatments: water, ALA, silver, copper, and copper-silver nanoparticles (ALANPs) using a two-way analysis of variance. ALANPs were prepared by the photoreduction process (ALA as stabilizing/capping agent) and characterized by UV–Vis, transmission electron microscopy, FTIR, and Zeta potential. The germination percentage, shoot length, root length, seedling vigor index (Vi), and allometric coefcient were obtained on the 3rd, 6th, and 10th days after the priming process. The fuorescence spectra of chlorophyll extract of the whole seedling or directly in the cotyledons were measured. According to the results, seed priming with ALANPs enhanced sunfower seed germination capacity, seed growth, and increased chlorophyll production compared to water and ALA-primed seeds.

  • IPEN-DOC 29948

    GUIDOLIN, FELIPE R.; GODOI, KEMILY S. de; MEGALE, ANGELA A.A.; SILVA, CRISTIANE C.F. da; KODAMA, ROBERTO T.; CAJADO-CARVALHO, DANIELA; IWAI, LEO K.; SPENCER, PATRICK J. ; PORTARO, FERNANDA C.V.; SILVA, WILMAR D. da. Comparing traditional and toxin-oriented approaches towards antivenom production against Bitis arietans snake venom. Toxins, v. 15, n. 9, p. 1-20, 2023. DOI: 10.3390/toxins15090584

    Abstract: Accidents with snakes are responsible for about 32,000 deaths annually in sub-Saharan Africa, caused mostly by snakes from the genus Bitis, in particular Bitis arietans. B. arietans venom is composed of a complex mixture of toxins, mainly metalloproteases, serine proteases, phospholipases, lectins, and disintegrins. In this work, we compared two approaches to anti-B. arietans antivenom production: immunization with crude snake venom (“traditional approach”) and immunization with selected key toxins isolated from the snake venom (“toxin oriented” approach). Fractions from B. arietans venom were isolated by size exclusion chromatography. Crude venom and samples containing serine proteases or metalloproteases were selected for the immunization of BALB/c mice. Anti-B. arietans and anti-serine proteases plasmas showed a similar recognition profile and higher titers and affinity than the anti-metalloproteases plasma. Cross-recognition of other Bitis venoms was observed, but with low intensity. Although the plasma of all experimental groups inhibited the enzymatic activity of B. arietans venom in vitro, in vivo protection was not achieved. Our results have shown limitations in both approaches considered. Based on this, we proposed a model of polyclonal, species-specific, monovalent antivenoms that could be used as a base to produce customizable polyvalent sera for use in sub-Saharan Africa.

  • IPEN-DOC 29947

    ANDRADE, L.G.F.; MATTAR NETO, M. ; DONATO, G.H.B.. Crack tunneling effects on the elastic unloading compliance of C(T), SE(B) and clamped SE(T) specimens and correction methodology. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, v. 125, p. 1-13, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2023.103944

    Abstract: This paper covers the effects of crack tunneling on SE(B), C(T), and clamped SE(T) specimens and presents a correction methodology for this effect and is divided in two parts. Part one presents an investigation of how crack front curvature affects instantaneous crack size predictions based on the elastic unloading compliance technique. Relative crack depths (a/W) of 0.2, 0.5, and 0.7, were considered alongside five levels of crack curvature. Refined finite element models provided load-CMOD records in order to support compliance assessment. The crack front was modeled as a semi-ellipse, and the compliance results agreed with experimental data from the literature. It was shown that for the same equivalent physical straight crack standardized by ASTM, compliance generally decreases as tunneling increases. Since the maximum crack curvature allowed by the aforementioned standards is very restrictive, compliance did not meaningfully change within that limit, however, if violated, this paper shows that higher deviations may occur, leading to inaccurate crack depth estimations and invalid test results. These limits and deviations were clearly determined and, as a step to improve the techniques, this paper also presents – in part two – an exploration of a possible approach to mitigate this problem, which is based on the modification of how the equivalent straight crack of a curved crack front is determined. This new approach presents reduced errors in compliance-based crack size estimation as crack curvature increases when compared to current standardized protocols, and it can support further investigations in order to validate and standardize improved measuring techniques. Finally, it is important to state that even though the ASTM E1820 is used for the determination of crack driving forces, this study is based only on the study of the crack front curvature, the limit imposed by this standard and the deviations on crack size estimation when those limits are violated, while not focusing on determining errors directly on the J-integral. This paper is a further development on the studies published before by the research group.

  • IPEN-DOC 29946

    NEGAHDARY, MASOUD; VELOSO, WILLIAM B.; BACIL, RAPHAEL P.; BUORO, RAFAEL M.; GUTZ, IVANO G.R.; PAIXAO, THIAGO R.L.C.; LAGO, CLAUDIMIR L. do; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. ; MELONI, GABRIEL N.; FRANCA, MESAQUE C.; OLIVEIRA, THAWAN G. de; AMEKU, WILSON A.; DURAZZO, MICHELANGELO ; ANGNES, LUCIO. Aptasensing of beta-amyloid (Aβ(1− 42)) by a 3D-printed platform integrated with leaf-shaped gold nanodendrites. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, v. 393, p. 1-11, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2023.134130

    Abstract: In this study, beta-amyloid (Aβ(1− 42)), an essential biomarker for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease (AD), was detected via an electrochemical aptasensing platform. Here, an innovative signal transducer was developed using a CO2 laser-ablated 3D-printed electrode modified with leaf-shaped gold nanodendrites (LSG NDs, mean diameter: ~ 92 nm), which could provide an efficient interface for immobilizing aptamer strands. The modified electrode with LSG NDs exhibited an enhancement in its electrochemically active surface area about 7 times, compared with the bare electrode. This modification showed that the size, morphology, and distributions of LSG NDs in amplifying electrochemical signals might effectively provide a highly sensitive infrastructure for analyte detection. The strands of a thiol-functionalized aptamer sequence interacted with the gold surface, which created an optimized biointerface to detect Aβ(1− 42) in a linear range from 0.1 pg mL− 1 to 10 ng mL− 1 (limit of detection (LOD): 84 fg mL− 1 , (S/N = 3)). The developed aptasensor confirmed satisfactory stability, desired reproducibility and regeneration, and minimal impact of interfering agents. In addition, the application of this aptasensor was monitored via an assay of spiked analyte concentrations in 20 samples, including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and human serum.

  • IPEN-DOC 29927

    FERNANDEZ, ANTONIO P.R. ; PERIGO, ELIO A.; FARIA JUNIOR, RUBENS N. de . Modelling and simulation of electrical analogous for permanent magnet materials. Physica Scripta, v. 98, n. 11, p. 1-18, 2023. DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/ad0079

    Abstract: Expressions to simulate the intrinsic demagnetizing curve of permanent magnets are derived from the classical electrical analogy of a 2RLC circuit as an equivalent to a magnet under demagnetization in a closed magnetic circuit. Comparisons between experimental and theoretical intrinsicMxHcurves were carried out for hard magnetic materials, and the possibility of using this analogous circuit with two components has also been investigated. The demagnetization curves of permanent sintered magnets have been simulated with time domain analytical expressions obtained using an electric equivalent circuit analogous to a closed magnetic circuit. This has been carried out for magnets measured at room temperature and at 373 K. Equivalent electric parameters influenced the various regions of the demagnetization curve. It has also been shown that it was possible to simulate the demagnetization curve of rare earth magnets and also other types of permanent magnets. The Stoner- Wohlfarth model theoretical curves have also been used as a comparison. At last, the electrical analogous parameters have been systematically varied in order to correlate them to the magnetic properties.

  • IPEN-DOC 29926

    PRADO, FELIPE M. ; FRANCO, TOMÁS J.; WETTER, NIKLAUS U. . Efficient trichromatic Nd:YLF Laser emitting at 1047 nm, 1053 nm and 1314 nm. Photonics, v. 10, n. 10, p. 1-10, 2023. DOI: 10.3390/photonics10101146

    Abstract: We report a Nd:YLF laser, side-pumped by a diode-stack at 797 nm with 1545 W peak power, resulting in triple-wavelength emission at 1314 nm, 1053 nm, and 1047 nm. The resonator is capable of emitting each wavelength separately as well as any combination of them simply by cavity alignment. When operating at 1314 nm, the laser reached record optical-to-optical efficiency of 49%, with a slope efficiency of 53%.

  • IPEN-DOC 29925

    JUVINO, AMANDA C. ; ZANINI, NATHALIA A. ; AVELINO, SABRINA G. ; OLIVEIRA, YASMIN R.F. de ; GERMANO, GLEICE C.M. ; EDUARDO, CARLOS de P.; ZEZELL, DENISE M. . Caries preventive action of Nd:YAG and fluoride in three different pH conditions: FTIR Spectroscopy and SEM evaluation. Photonics, v. 10, n. 9, p. 1-12, 2023. DOI: 10.3390/photonics10090985

    Abstract: This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the preventive action of topical fluoride application combined with laser irradiation under different pH conditions using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning ElectronMicroscopy (SEM). A total of 180 samples of human dental enamel were prepared and divided into groups: Negative Control, Fluoride (FFA 12.300 F􀀀/g), Laser (Nd:YAG 84.9 J/cm2), and Laser + Fluoride (Nd:YAG 84.9 J/cm2 + FFA 12.300 F􀀀/g). The pH cycling was performed at three different pH conditions: pH 5 (below the critical pH for hydroxyapatite), pH 4.5 (below the critical pH in the presence of fluorapatite), and pH 4 (investigating acid resistance of hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite forms with laser irradiation). In the FTIR analysis, the Laser + Fluoride group demonstrated statistically significant differences compared to the Negative Control group and Fluoride group at pH 4.5 and pH 4 when evaluating the phosphate bands. Similar results were observed in the SEM analysis, where the Laser + Fluoride group exhibited lower demineralization compared to the other treatments at pH 4.5 and pH 4. In conclusion, the Laser + Fluoride group demonstrated a significant reduction in demineralization even at pH levels below the critical threshold for fluorapatite, highlighting its superior acid resistance compared to fluoride alone.

  • IPEN-DOC 29924

    CABRAL, FERNANDA V. ; SANTANA, BIANCA de M.; LANGE, CAMILA N.; BATISTA, BRUNO L.; SEABRA, AMEDEA B.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S . Pluronic F-127 hydrogels containing copper oxide nanoparticles and a nitric oxide donor to treat skin cancer. Pharmaceutics, v. 15, n. 1971, p. 1-19, 2023. DOI: 10.3390/ pharmaceutics15071971

    Abstract: Melanoma is a serious and aggressive type of skin cancer with growing incidence, and it is the leading cause of death among those affected by this disease. Although surgical resection has been employed as a first-line treatment for the early stages of the tumor, noninvasive topical treatments might represent an alternative option. However, they can be irritating to the skin and result in undesirable side effects. In this context, the potential of topical polymeric hydrogels has been investigated for biomedical applications to overcome current limitations. Due to their biocompatible properties, hydrogels have been considered ideal candidates to improve local therapy and promote wound repair. Moreover, drug combinations incorporated into the polymeric-based matrix have emerged as a promising approach to improve the efficacy of cancer therapy, making them suitable vehicles for drug delivery. In this work, we demonstrate the synthesis and characterization of Pluronic F-127 hydrogels (PL) containing the nitric oxide donor S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) against melanoma cells. Individually applied NO donor or metallic oxide nanoparticles have been widely explored against various types of cancer with encouraging results. This is the first report to assess the potential and possible underlying mechanisms of action of PL containing both NO donor and CuO NPs toward cancer cells. We found that PL + GSNO + CuO NPs significantly reduced cell viability and greatly increased the levels of reactive oxygen species. In addition, this novel platform had a huge impact on different organelles, thus triggering cell death by inducing nuclear changes, a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, and lipid peroxidation. Thus, GSNO and CuO NPs incorporated into PL hydrogels might find important applications in the treatment of skin cancer.

  • IPEN-DOC 29923

    TUSI, MARCELO M.; POLANCO, NATALY S. de O.; VILLALBA, JUAN C.; ANAISSI, FAUZE J.; OLIVEIRA NETO, ALMIR ; SPINACE, ESTEVAM V. . Influência do tempo de síntese nas propriedades de híbridos PtRu/carbono preparados pelo método da carbonização hidrotérmica / Influence of synthesis time in the properties of PtRu/carbon hybrids prepared by hydrothermal carbonization method. Periódico Tchê Química, v. 20, n. 44, p. 1-14, 2023. DOI: 10.52571/PTQ.v20.n44.2023_01_TUSI_pgs_01_14.pdf

    Abstract: Introdução: Eletrocatalizadores PtRu/C apresentam bons resultados para a eletro-oxidação do metanol. A atividade destes eletrocatalisadores é fortemente dependente do método de síntese. Adicionalmente, o uso de carbonos mesoporosos ou nanoestruturados aumentam o desempenho de eletrocatalisadores usados para a eletro-oxidação de álcoois. A carbonização hidrotérmica é uma alternativa para obter diferentes nanoarquiteturas sem envolver condições drásticas. Objetivos: Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do tempo de síntese nas propriedades de híbridos PtRu/Carbono preparados pelo método da carbonização hidrotérmica. Métodos: Híbridos PtRu/Carbono foram preparados por carbonização hidrotérmica em diferentes tempos (6 h e 12 h). A celulose foi a fonte de carbono e agente redutor e H2PtCl6.6H2O e RuCl3.xH2O foram as fontes de metais e catalisadores do processo de carbonização. Os materiais foram tratados a 900 °C e caracterizados por espectroscopia por energia dispersiva de raios-X, termogravimetria, isotermas de B.E.T., difração de raios-X, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e voltametria cíclica. A eletro-oxidação do metanol foi estudada por cronoamperometria. Resultados: O aumento de 6 para 12 h de síntese, aparentemente, resultou em aumento do tamanho médio de partículas, redução do volume de mesoporos e aumento da área superficial e do volume total de poros. A cronoamperometria da eletro-oxidação do metanol sobre os híbridos PtRu/Carbono indicaram uma maior eletroatividade para o material preparado em 6 h. Discussão: Provavelmente, a maior eletroatividade do material preparado em 6 h está associada ao menor tamanho de partícula, à estrutura de mesoporos e conteúdo de óxidos superficiais. Conclusões: Portanto, é possível afirmar que o tempo de síntese é um importante parâmetro que afeta as propriedades físico-químicas de híbridos metal/carbono obtidos pelo método da carbonização hidrotérmica.

  • IPEN-DOC 29922

    CAMPOS, ROGERIO C. de ; BELCHIOR JUNIOR, ANTONIO ; SOARES, HUMBERTO V. ; UMBEHAUN, PEDRO E. ; TORRES, WALMIR M. ; ANDRADE, DELVONEI A. de . Análise de temperaturas em um elemento combustível do reator de pesquisas IEA-R1 durante evento de perda lenta de vazão com RELAP / RELAP Temperature analysis of a fuel element in the IEA-R1 research reactor during a slow loss of flow. Peer Review, v. 5, n. 18, p. 245-271, 2023. DOI: 10.53660/866.prw2310

    Abstract: O código RELAP (Reactor Excursion and Leak Analysis Program) é amplamente utilizado para realizar análises de acidentes em reatores nucleares de potência ou de pesquisa. O presente trabalho apresenta uma simulação do transiente de perda lenta de vazão no núcleo do reator a partir de um modelo com RELAP para o reator de pesquisas IEA-R1 contemplando a piscina, o núcleo do reator, toda tubulação e válvulas do circuito primário, o tanque de decaimento, bomba de circulação principal, trocador de calor e tubulação de retorno à piscina. A modelagem proposta conseguiu representar toda a fenomenologia do acidente, ou seja, o comportamento das temperaturas desde o início da perda de vazão, desligamento do reator, seguida da abertura da válvula de circulação natural até a reversão da direção do escoamento no núcleo do reator. A comparação com resultados experimentais mostrou diferenças de temperaturas de 2,3°C para o fluido e de até 4°C para o revestimento.

  • IPEN-DOC 29921

    PITOMBEIRA, DANIEL R.S.; COSTA, MARIA J.S.; ANTUNES, RENATO A.; FERREIRA, RAPHAEL O.; SILVA, REJANE M.P. ; SANTOS, REGINALDO S.. Crystalline S-doped TiO2 photoanodes from amorphous titanium oxysulfide (TiOxSy) for photo-oxidation reactions. Optical Materials, v. 142, p. 1-10, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2023.114081

    Abstract: S-doped TiO2 films were prepared by oxidation annealing of amorphous titanium oxysulfide (TiOxSy) at different temperatures. According to the X-ray diffraction patterns, the films calcined at temperatures of 300–600 ◦C showed only anatase phase, while the uncalcined sample was amorphous. The chemical composition of synthesized TiOxSy was estimated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). High-resolution S 2p spectra showed S􀀀 2 bonds at 163.47 eV for the amorphous sample. The intensity of this signal decreased after heat treatment. Raman spectroscopy indicated an organization of the material structure with heat treatment of the material. Furthermore, optical characterization revealed that sulfur as dopant into the anatase TiO2 structure, shifted light absorption from ultraviolet to the visible region. Photoeletrochemical studies developed under polychromatic irradiation revealed superior photocurrents for samples calcined at 600 ◦C, with n-type behavior, adequate for photo-oxidation reactions.

  • IPEN-DOC 29920

    BORGES, ROGER; OLIVEIRA, JULIANA S.S.; QUEIROZ, ANTONIA P.; ZAMBANINI, TELMA; HANASHIRO, AKIKO M.; LIMA, NELSON B. ; SCHNEIDER, JOSÉ F.; MARCHI, JULIANA. On the structure of Ag-containing sol-gel bioactive glasses: a surface crystal growth of metallic silver removes its network modifier role in the glass structure. Open Ceramics, v. 16, p. 1-10, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.oceram.2023.100449

    Abstract: Ag-containing bioactive glasses (Ag-BG) have been extensively studied as a bactericidal biomaterial, produced mainly by the sol-gel method over the last decades. According to the literature, sol-gel-derived Ag-BG may show metallic or ionic silver species in the glass structure. However, most of these works lack detailed information about how the addition of silver affects the glass network. In this study, we systematically produced sol-gel derived 58S glasses containing different quantities of Ag2O (1, 5, and 10 wt%), yielding glasses with different proportions of silver species (Ag0 or Ag+1). Results from X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) evidenced the progressive formation of silver crystals due to the addition of silver in the glass structure. 29Si and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance and photoelectronic X-ray spectroscopies evidenced a glass depolymerization caused by Ag1+ addition in the glass structure. On the other hand, the presence of silver crystals (Ag0) removes the network modifier role of silver, yielding glasses with higher network connectivity. A possible mechanism to explain the formation of silver crystals was proposed based on surface nucleation and growth. Finally, we suggest understanding Ag1+ or Ag0 formation as a solution to design glasses with tuned bactericidal properties.

  • IPEN-DOC 29919

    SANTOS, SOFIA N. dos ; WUEST, MELINDA; JANS, HANS-SONKE; WOODFIELD, JENILEE; NARIO, ARIAN P. ; KRYS, DANIEL; DUFOUR, JENNIFER; GLUBRECHT, DARRYL; BERGMAN, CODY; BERNARDES, EMERSON S. ; WUEST, FRANK. Comparison of three 18F-labeled 2-nitroimidazoles for imaging hypoxia in breast cancer xenografts: [18F]FBNA, [18F]FAZA and [18F]FMISO. Nuclear Engineering and Design, v. 124-125, p. 1-14, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.nucmedbio.2023.108383

    Abstract: Background: Tumour hypoxia is associated with increased metastasis, invasion, poor therapy response and prognosis. Most PET radiotracers developed and used for clinical hypoxia imaging belong to the 2-nitroimidazole family. Recently we have developed novel 2-nitroimidazole-derived PET radiotracer [18F]FBNA (N-(4-[18F]fluoro- benzyl)-2-(2-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)-acet-amide), an 18F-labeled analogue of antiparasitic drug benznidazole. The present study aimed to analyze its radio-pharmacological properties and systematically compare its PET imaging profiles with [18F]FMISO and [18F]FAZA in preclinical triple-negative (MDA-MB231) and estrogen receptor-positive (MCF-7) breast cancer models. Methods: In vitro cellular uptake experiments were carried out in MDA-MB321 and MCF-7 cells under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Metabolic stability in vivo was determined in BALB/c mice using radio-TLC analysis. Dynamic PET experiments over 3 h post-injection were performed in MDA-MB231 and MCF-7 tumour-bearing mice. Those PET data were used for kinetic modelling analysis utilizing the reversible two-tissue-compartment model. Autoradiography was carried out in tumour tissue slices and compared to HIF-1α immunohistochemistry. Detailed ex vivo biodistribution was accomplished in BALB/c mice, and this biodistribution data were used for dosimetry calculation. Results: Under hypoxic conditions in vitro cellular uptake was elevated in both cell lines, MCF-7 and MDA-MB231, for all three radiotracers. After intravenous injection, [18F]FBNA formed two radiometabolites, resulting in a final fraction of 65 ± 9 % intact [18F]FBNA after 60 min p.i. After 3 h p.i., [18F]FBNA tumour uptake reached SUV values of 0.78 ± 0.01 in MCF-7 and 0.61 ± 0.04 in MDA-MB231 tumours (both n = 3), representing tumourto- muscle ratios of 2.19 ± 0.04 and 1.98 ± 0.15, respectively. [18F]FMISO resulted in higher tumour uptakes (SUV 1.36 ± 0.04 in MCF-7 and 1.23 ± 0.08 in MDA-MB231 (both n = 4; p < 0.05) than [18F]FAZA (0.66 ± 0.11 in MCF-7 and 0.63 ± 0.14 in MDA-MB231 (both n = 4; n.s.)), representing tumour-to-muscle ratios of 3.24 ± 0.30 and 3.32 ± 0.50 for [18F]FMISO, and 2.92 ± 0.74 and 3.00 ± 0.42 for [18F]FAZA, respectively. While the fraction per time of radiotracer entering the second compartment (k3) was similar within uncertainties for all three radiotracers in MDA-MB231 tumours, it was different in MCF-7 tumours. The ratios k3/(k3 + k2) and K1*k3/(k3 + k2) in MCF-7 tumours were also significantly different, indicating dissimilar fractions of radiotracer bound and trapped intracellularly: K1*k3/(k2 + k3) [18F]FMISO (0.0088 ± 0.001)/min, n = 4; p < 0.001) > [18F]FAZA (0.0052 ± 0.002)/min, n = 4; p < 0.01) > [18F]FBNA (0.003 ± 0.001)/min, n = 3). In contrast, in MDA-MB231 tumours, only K1 was significantly elevated for [18F]FMISO. However, this did not result in significant differences for K1*k3/(k2 + k3) for all three 2-nitroimidazoles in MDA-MB231 tumours. Conclusion: Novel 2-nitroimidazole PET radiotracer [18F]FBNA showed uptake into hypoxic breast cancer cells and tumour tissue presumably associated with elevated HIF1-α expression. Systematic comparison of PET imaging performance with [18F]FMISO and [18F]FAZA in different types of preclinical breast cancer models revealed a similar tumour uptake profile for [18F]FBNA with [18F]FAZA and, despite its higher lipophilicity, still a slightly higher muscle tissue clearance compared to [18F]FMISO.

  • IPEN-DOC 29918

    CALDAS NETO, A.B.; SILVA, A.T. . Strategies for decommissioning small nuclear reactors in Brazil. Nuclear Engineering and Design, v. 414, p. 1-14, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2023.112608

    Abstract: The process of decommissioning nuclear reactors is a complex activity that involves various technical and administrative stages. Its main objective is to ensure the safety of the site, workers, the general public, and the environment during the execution of decommissioning activities, aiming for the release of the site from regulatory control. In the Brazilian context, it is essential to develop decommissioning strategies, taking into consideration the established technical and regulatory requirements, as well as following the guidelines of the Brazilian Nuclear Policy (BNP). Eight decommissioning strategies were proposed for small reactors, with different objectives and in different scenarios, encompassing 23 decommissioning approaches, divided into 6 groups: 1) decontamination and dismantling (DD); 2) radioactive waste (RW) management; 3) RW storage management; 4) human resources (HR) and knowledge management; 5) cost estimation; and 6) financial fund management. Additionally, 18 factors affecting the selection of these approaches were considered, taking into account particularities of the Brazilian context. A qualitative risk analysis was conducted using risk assessment techniques from the ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 31,010 standard, with a focus on the Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) technique. This qualitative analysis allowed for the evaluation of the approaches considering the current scenario and the future scenario, which includes possible changes in the BNP currently under discussion in the National Congress. The observations and results obtained in this study will be useful in guiding future efforts related to nuclear reactor decommissioning projects in Brazil. Based on the proposed strategies and considerations of safety, regulation, and governmental policies, it will be possible to plan and execute decommissioning activities more efficiently and safely.

  • IPEN-DOC 29917

    SANTOS, THIAGO A. dos ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; STEFANI, GIOVANNI L. de. Optimization of IEA-R1 reactor core parameters using the particle swarm algorithm. Nuclear Engineering and Design, v. 415, p. 1-9, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2023.112713

    Abstract: This work aims on the development of a FORTRAN 90 code to solve the Loading Pattern Optimization Problem (LPOP) in the IEA-R1 research reactor at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN/CNEN-SP) in S˜ao Paulo, Brazil. The code integrates the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method, with the current reactor calculation methodology. The objective function seeks to maximize the effective multiplication factor (keff), minimize the peak power factor (PPF), and achieve the most uniform neutron flux distribution possible. A comparison with the parameters of the reactor’s current configuration, and the code successfully finds solutions meeting the standard problem requirements. The new configuration enhances peak power (6.93%) and variance (9.62%), slightly increases neutron flux (0.48%), and marginally reduces in keff (0.45%). Additionally, it lowers the maximum fuel cladding temperature (0.7%), contributing to reactor safety.

  • IPEN-DOC 29916

    MOURA, A.J.S.; MATTAR NETO, M. . Evaluation of the influence of the viscous sublayer on the mechanical stability of fuel plates under axial flow conditions. Nuclear Engineering and Design, v. 415, p. 1-12, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2023.112616

    Abstract: The current work aims to investigate the influence of the viscous sublayer on the mechanical stability of fuel element plates under axial flow conditions by means of two-way Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) numerical simulations. The methodology adopted is that proposed by (Mantec´on, 2019; Mantec´on and Mattar Neto, 2018), who observed a transition from linear to non-linear behavior between the maximum deflection of the plates in their leading edge with the square of the velocity of the cooling fluid in the channel. The speed at which the transition is identified is the critical speed (Vc). In order to verify the influence of the viscous effects, the CFD domain was discretized from its viscous sublayer. As this approach greatly increases the computational cost, where the characteristics of the flow allowed, symmetry boundary conditions were used. In addition to this approach, it was decided to investigate the ability to solve the FSI problem in steady state. The obtained results confirmed that the boundary layer modeling is sufficient to determine the critical velocity. Furthermore, they also suggest that the steady-state approach and the application of symmetry boundary conditions, where possible, can be used in the design of new fuel elements, supporting traditional methods.

  • IPEN-DOC 29915

    AVELAR, ALAN M.; DINIZ, CAMILA; CAMARGO, FÁBIO de; GIOVEDI, CLAUDIA ; ABE, ALFREDO ; CHERUBINI, MARCO; PETRUZZI, ALESSANDRO; MOURÃO, MARCELO B.. Best estimate plus uncertainty analysis of metal-water reaction transient experiment. Nuclear Engineering and Design, v. 411, p. 1-12, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2023.112414

    Abstract: Uncertainty analysis is applied in the licensing process for nuclear installations to complement best estimate analysis and to verify that the upper bound value is less than the threshold corresponding to the safety parameter of interest. Metal-water reaction is a critical safety phenomenon of water-cooled nuclear reactors at accident conditions, e.g. Loss-Of-Coolant Accidents (LOCA). AISI 348 cladding is able to increase the accident tolerance comparing to Zr-based alloys and differently from other accident tolerant fuel cladding options, there is operational experience of nuclear power plants with stainless steel. In this study, a transient oxidation experiment of AISI 348 by steam was conducted and the major sources of uncertainty were addressed. An evaluation model was developed to calculate the evolution of mass gain during the experiment. Meanwhile, uncertainty propagation of experimental data was performed. The results show that the mass gain predicted by the transient metal-water reaction model lays within the experimental data uncertainty band. Furthermore, the selection of the oxidation kinetics model seems to be important whether the analysis wills to provide conservative results.

  • IPEN-DOC 29914

    ABE, ALFREDO ; GIOVEDI, CLAUDIA; MELO, CAIO; SILVA, ANTONIO T. e . Assessment of minimum allowable thickness of advanced steel (FeCrAl) cladding for accident tolerant fuel. Nuclear Engineering and Design, v. 415, p. 1-7, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2023.112707

    Abstract: The ferritic iron-chromium-aluminum (FeCrAl) alloy cladding is considered to be the most promising for near-term application in the ATF framework to replace existing zirconium alloy cladding. Although FeCrAl cladding presents several advantages, it is well known that there are at least two main drawbacks, one is the increased thermal neutron absorption cross-section compared to the current Zr-based cladding resulting in a neutronic penalty and another is tritium higher permeation. In the present study, the minimum allowable thickness of cladding is addressed considering neutronic penalty reduction and the mechanical-structural behavior under the LOCA accident condition. The neutronic penalty assessment was performed using the Monte Carlo code and mechanical-structural performance of the FeCrAl cladding using the TRANSURANUS fuel code, which was modified to consider properly the FeCrAl cladding.

  • IPEN-DOC 29913


    Abstract: The Amazon forest carbon sink is declining, mainly as a result of land-use and climate change1–4. Here we investigate how changes in law enforcement of environmental protection policies may have affected the Amazonian carbon balance between 2010 and 2018 compared with 2019 and 2020, based on atmospheric CO2 vertical profiles5,6, deforestation7 and fire data8, as well as infraction notices related to illegal deforestation9. We estimate that Amazonia carbon emissions increased from a mean of 0.24 ± 0.08 PgC year−1 in 2010–2018 to 0.44 ± 0.10 PgC year−1 in 2019 and 0.52 ± 0.10 PgC year−1 in 2020 (± uncertainty). The observed increases in deforestation were 82% and 77% (94% accuracy) and burned area were 14% and 42% in 2019 and 2020 compared with the 2010–2018 mean, respectively. We find that the numbers of notifications of infractions against flora decreased by 30% and 54% and fines paid by 74% and 89% in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Carbon losses during 2019–2020 were comparable with those of the record warm El Niño (2015–2016) without an extreme drought event. Statistical tests show that the observed differences between the 2010– 2018 mean and 2019–2020 are unlikely to have arisen by chance. The changes in the carbon budget of Amazonia during 2019–2020 were mainly because of western Amazonia becoming a carbon source. Our results indicate that a decline in law enforcement led to increases in deforestation, biomass burning and forest degradation, which increased carbon emissions and enhanced drying and warming of the Amazon forests.

  • IPEN-DOC 29945

    SOUTO-OLIVEIRA, CARLOS E.; MARQUES, MARCIA T.A.; NOGUEIRA, THIAGO; LOPES, FABIO J.S. ; MEDEIROS, JOSE A.G. ; MEDEIROS, ILCA M.M.A. ; MOREIRA, GREGORI A. ; DIAS, PEDRO L. da S.; LANDULFO, EDUARDO ; ANDRADE, MARIA de F.. Impact of extreme wildfires from the Brazilian Forests and sugarcane burning on the air quality of the biggest megacity on South America. Science of the Total Environment, v. 888, p. 1-10, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163439

    Abstract: Recently, extreme wildfires have damaged important ecosystems worldwide and have affected urban areas miles away due to long-range transport of smoke plumes. We performed a comprehensive analysis to clarify how smoke plumes from Pantanal and Amazon forests wildfires and sugarcane harvest burning also from interior of the state of São Paulo (ISSP) were transported and injected into the atmosphere of the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP), where they worsened air quality and increased greenhouse gas (GHG) levels. To classify event days, multiple biomass burning fingerprints as carbon isotopes, Lidar ratio and specific compounds ratios were combined with back trajectories modeling. During smoke plume event days in the MASP fine particulate matter concentrations exceeded the WHO standard (>25 μg m−3 ), at 99 % of the air quality monitoring stations, and peak CO2 excess were 100 % to 1178 % higher than non-event days. We demonstrated how external pollution events such as wildfires pose an additional challenge for cities, regarding public health threats associated to air quality, and reinforces the importance of GHG monitoring networks to track local and remote GHG emissions and sources in urban areas.

  • IPEN-DOC 29944

    ARAUJO, MARCIO M. de ; REIS, FABRICIO C. ; ROMANO, JAMILE I.S. ; POTENZA, MARCOS R.; ARTHUR, VALTER. Determinação da dose letal imediata de radiação gama para três carunchos do feijão utilizando irradiador multiproposito. Revista Verde, v. 1, n. 3, p. 39-48, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7853435

    Abstract: Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a dose letal imediata de radiação gama do Cobalto60 para Acanthocelides obtectus, Zabrotes subfasciatus e Callosobruchus maculatus, utilizando o irradiador Multiproposito do IPEN/CNEN. Os insetos foram mantidos em grãos de feijão das variedades Phaseolus vulgaris e Vigna unguiculata acondicionados em potes plásticos. Foram separados 20 indivíduos adultos com idade de 3 –7 dias, para cada repetição, num total de 5 repetições por tratamento. Foi irradiado com doses crescentes de radiação gama até atingir a mortalidade total dos insetos. A dose de 3,0 kGy foi a estabelecida para o controle imediato dos insetos adultos das espécies estudadas.

  • IPEN-DOC 29943

    SOUZA, CATARINA da S. ; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B. ; MOURA, LARISSA A.S. ; METAIRON, SABRINA; SILVA, DALTON G.N. da . Uso de mini-espectrômetro de fluorescência de raios X como alternativa para a prática clínica de dialisados / Use of X-ray fluorescence mini-spectrometer as an alternative for clinical practice of dialysates. Revista Remecs, v. 8, n. 14, p. 52-60, 2023. DOI: 10.24281/rremecs2023.8.14.52-60

    Abstract: Neste estudo, o uso de equipamento compacto e portátil, baseado na tecnologia de Fluorescência de Raios X, foi empregado para execução de análises bioquímicas (dosagens de íons) em microamostras de fluidos corpóreos depositadas em papel. Foi realizada a análise simultânea de íons de relevância clínica e nutricional (Ca, Cl, Fe, K, P e S), em sangue total de pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) submetidos a tratamento dialítico. Durante a investigação as concentrações obtidas em sangue total levaram a resultados que corroboram com o quadro clínico obtido pelas análises convencionais. Com os dados do presente foi possível elaborar uma discussão sobre a viabilidade de uso deste equipamento para a realização desses exames bioquímicos em Unidades Básicas de Saúde Fluviais (UBSF), gerando melhorias na qualidade de vida de populações ribeirinhas, bem como no âmbito econômico em função de sua aplicabilidade com menor custo. Descritores: Íons, Sangue, Análise Clínica.

  • IPEN-DOC 29912

    MAIA, VICTORIA A. ; NANDENHA, JULIO ; GONCALVES, MARLON H. ; SOUZA, RODRIGO F.B. de ; O.NETO, ALMIR . Methane to methanol conversion using proton-exchange membrane fuel cells and PdAu/antimony-doped tin oxide nanomaterials. Methane, v. 2, n. 3, p. 252–264, 2023. DOI: 10.3390/methane2030017

    Abstract: This study investigates the use of Au-doped Pd anodic electrocatalysts on ATO support for the conversion of methane to methanol. The study uses cyclic voltammetry, in situ Raman spectra, polarization curves, and FTIR analysis to determine the optimal composition of gold and palladium for enhancing the conversion process. The results demonstrate the potential for utilizing methane as a feedstock for producing sustainable energy sources. The Pd75Au25/ATO electrode exhibited the highest OCP value, and Pd50Au50/ATO had the highest methanol production value at a potential of 0.05 V. Therefore, it can be concluded that an optimal composition of gold and palladium exists to enhance the conversion of methane to methanol. The findings contribute to the development of efficient and sustainable energy sources, highlighting the importance of exploring alternative ways to produce methanol.

  • IPEN-DOC 29911

    MOREIRA, TATIANA M. ; GENOVA, LUIS A. . Influência da composição e distribuição de tamanho de microesferas de Al2O3/Fe2O3, produzidas por gelificação interna, na adsorção de metais pesados / Influence of composition and size distribution of Al2O3/Fe2O3 microspheres, produced by internal gelation, on the adsorption of heavy metals. Revista Matéria, v. 28, n. 2, p. 1-11, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1517-7076-RMAT-2023-0004

    Abstract: Os metais pesados são amplamente utilizados em diversos setores industriais, tais como, metalurgia, mineração, galvanoplastia, têxtil, fertilizantes, baterias, pesticidas, circuito impresso, entre outros, sendo comumente encontrados no efluente gerado por estas indústrias. Por serem extremamente tóxicos, podendo contaminar tanto o ecossistema quanto a comunidade ao seu entorno, se faz necessário um tratamento eficiente dos efluentes, a fim de se reduzir a concentração destes elementos, a níveis aceitáveis, antes do descarte. Dentre os diversos tratamentos de efluentes possíveis, a adsorção é amplamente empregada por sua simplicidade, eficiência e baixo custo. Nesse trabalho, foram produzidas, pelo método de gelificação interna, microesferas porosas contendo alumina e hematita em diferentes concentrações, que foram utilizadas como adsorventes em ensaios de adsorção, em batelada e em coluna de leito fixo, de soluções aquosas contendo Zn2+, Ni2+ e Mn2+. As microesferas foram caracterizadas quanto à morfologia e distribuição de tamanho de partículas, área de superfície específica, adsorção gasosa e fases cristalinas. Foi possível avaliar o efeito da composição e da distribuição de tamanho das microesferas na adsorção dos metais pesados. Obteve-se mais de 90% de adsorção dos metais pesados, no regime de coluna de leito fixo, indicando alta eficiência dessas microesferas como adsorventes destes íons.

  • IPEN-DOC 29910

    SILVA, P.R.C. ; COLOSIO, M.A. ; ORLANDO, M.T.D.; ROSSI, J.L. . Obtention of hard coating using electrochemical process in aluminum-silicon alloys for automotive vehicles. Materials Research, v. 26, p. 1-7, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2023-0017

    Abstract: Automotive industry is searching for new ways to improve vehicles’ energy efficiency through mass reduction, using aluminum alloys. This change requires a surface protection to extend the life cycle of the components and aluminum anodization is the most used solution. This research is focused on the intake and exhaust ducts’ surfaces of aluminum internal combustion engines cylinder head, which are subject to chemical agents and temperature variation. To extend the working life of this component it is necessary to obtain a covering protective layer. The process targeted the anodization of an internal surface of a much larger part of a cast aluminum-silicon alloy cylinder head. The anodization was obtained using a H2SO4 solution (184 g.L-1) and a DC voltage starting at 20 V. The Al2O3 layer obtained, inside the cylinder head´s ducts, has an average thickness of 120 μm in accordance with the proposal of providing a suitable surface protection.

  • IPEN-DOC 29909

    MORAIS, NATHANAEL W.S. ; MUCSI, CRISTIANO S. ; FABRIM, ZACARIAS E. ; SCHON, CLAUDIO G.; ROSSI, JESUALDO L. . Microstructural characterization of U-7.5Nb-2.5Zr alloy after ageing and constrained fatigue. Materials Research, v. 26, Suppl.1, p. 1-6, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2023-0039

    Abstract: U-7.5Nb-2.5Zr cladded in Zircaloy-4 is one of the most studied fuel prototypes. The Nb and Zrare added to the U to stabilize the body-centered cubic (BCC) gamma phase and grant mechanical and swelling resistance. The U-7.5Nb-2.5Zr undergoes the gamma to α′′ phase transformation, generating compressive stresses due to the volume reduction. The α′′ phase also can transform to a combination of α + γ2 phase (equilibrium phases), which are known to be hard and brittle. This work had the objective to test the effect of ageing the gamma to α′′ phase in thermal cycling of a U-7.5Nb-2.5Zr cladded in Zircaloy-4 part. A co-laminated specimen was aged and thermally cycled in a dilatometry experiment. The samples were characterized through X-ray diffraction and metallography. The results show that the gamma to α′′ phase transformations occur at the begin- ning of the initial ageing, followed by stress relief. During the cycling, the sample demonstrated non-equal thermal strains and presented fractures along with the U matrix.

  • IPEN-DOC 29908

    FUJIMOTO, T.G. ; SERIACOPI, V.; FERREIRA, L.A.S. ; MACHADO, I.F.; MUCCILLO, E.N.S. . Mechanical and electrical characterization of 8YSZ-ScCeSZ ceramics. Materials Research, v. 26, Suppl.1, p. 1-5, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2022-0595

    Abstract: The effects of small amounts (up to 5 wt.%) of scandia- and ceria-stabilized zirconia on the electrical conductivity, and the elastic modulus and hardness of yttria-stabilized zirconia were investigated by impedance spectroscopy and nanoindentation tests, respectively. The main purpose of this work was to obtain solid electrolyte compounds with improved properties compared to those of the base materials. Solid electrolytes compounds were prepared by solid-state reaction synthesis with sintering at 1450 ºC for 4 h. All prepared compounds exhibit a cubic fluorite-type structure. The microstructure of the compounds consists of polygonal grains with low (< 2%) porosity. The mean grain size estimated by the intercept method was 5 ± 1 μm. The electrical conductivity of the compound ceramics is lower than that of the base material. Addition of scandia-stabilized zirconia is found to exert a beneficial effect on the matrix by increasing the elastic modulus, achieving 221 MPa for 5 wt.% of the additive.

  • IPEN-DOC 29907

    ALMEIDA, GISELE F.C.; ARBEX, ALEXANDRA A.; OLIVEIRA, HAMON V.S.; DOMINGUES, NILTON I.; VATAVUK, JAN; REIS, DANIELI A.P.; MASSI, MARCOS; COUTO, ANTONIO A. . Influence of thermal oxidation on the creep behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Materials Research, v. 26, Suppl.1, p. 1-9, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2022-0521

    Abstract: The formation of a stable and adherent oxide layer on the Ti-6Al-4V alloy can improve the mechanical and corrosion resistance of this material. This work studied the creep behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy after two different thermal oxidation conditions: at 650 °C for 12 h and at 800 °C for 2 h. In the XRD analysis of the oxidized samples, it was possible to observe the formation of rutile (TiO2) and a displacement of the peaks of α and β phases caused by the dissolution of oxygen. In the creep test at 550 °C, the material oxidized at 800 °C for 2 h showed a greater creep life at 125 MPa, the crack took longer to brake probably due to the greater thickness of the layer. At 550°C and 187.5 MPa the material oxidized at 650 °C for 12h has a better creep life, probably due to the layer more adhered.

  • IPEN-DOC 29906

    OKAMOTO, FABIO; OLIVEIRA, MARA C.L. de; SILVA, ADENILSON A. ; DROPPA JR, ROOSEVELT; ANTUNES, RENATO A.. Effect of anodization on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of the AZ61 magnesium alloy in 0.1 m NaCl solution. Materials Research, v. 26, p. 1-16, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2022-0357

    Abstract: In the present work, the AZ61 alloy, one of the most important commercial structural magnesium alloys, was anodized in three different alkaline electrolytes consisting of 3 M KOH + 0.15 M Na2SiO3 + 0.1 M Na2B4O7.10H2O, 3 M KOH + 0.5 M Na3PO4 and 3 M KOH + 0.50 M Na2SiO3. The treatment was conducted at two different current densities, 20 and 30 for 10 minutes. The anodized layers were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The corrosion resistance was assessed by potentiodynamic polarization tests. The SCC behavior was studied using slow strain rate tests in 0.1 M NaCl solution at room temperature. Conventional tensile tests were also conducted in air. The susceptibility to SCC was dependent on the morphology of the anodized film. The composition of the electrolyte and the current density of the anodization treatment affected the SCC susceptibility of the AZ61 alloy. The best corrosion resistance and the lowest susceptibility to SCC were obtained for samples anodized in the borate-containing electrolyte at 30 The smooth and compact surface morphology of the anodized film obtained in this condition was the main reason for the improved SCC behavior of the AZ61 alloy.

  • IPEN-DOC 29905

    RIBEIRO, GLEICY de L.X. ; CASTRO, RENATO S. de; SANTOS, ROGERIO G. dos; BUGARIN, ALINE de F.S. ; TERADA, MAYSA; BATALHA, GILMAR F.; COUTO, ANTONIO . Characterization of Ti6Al4V alloy produced by laser-powder bed fusion and surface modification using nanosecond laser. Materials Research, v. 26, Suppl.1, p. 1-5, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2022-0544

    Abstract: Ti alloys are widely used in severe corrosion environments where corrosion resistance is required, as biomedical industry. Additive manufacturing produces customized and complexes products. Laser texturing is a process of structuring surfaces using laser pulses, that allows the creation of periodic patterns on the surfaces of materials, to modify them, functionally and/or aesthetically, in a precise and direct way, allowing parameterization, versatility and repeatability. Consequently, bringing together metallic additive manufacturing with laser texturing process could be an alternative to obtain parts with functional hydrophilic surfaces, which improves osteointegration and reduces bacteria adhesion. Thus, the aim of this work is to characterize and evaluate the influence of LASER parameters in as-built additive manufactured potential biomedical components. Ti6Al4V specimens were produced by L-PBF, using Ytterbium LASER with maximum power of 500 W, varying the laser power from 61 W to 244 W. The samples were characterized by SEM, Microhardness, and wettability. After that, some specimens were Laser textured using an Ytterbium optical fiber laser, and then evaluated by SEM, wettability, and 3D roughness. It was possible to observe that the surface of all studied samples was flattened after Laser texturing in comparison with as-built condition, due to the melting of the powder particles.

  • IPEN-DOC 29904

    PEREIRA, LETICIA dos S. ; DONATO, GUSTAVO H.B.; MATTAR NETO, MIGUEL . Assessment of the von Mises stresses and stress triaxiality in notches using modified tensile specimens. Materials Research, v. 26, Suppl.1, p. 1-8, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2022-0572

    Abstract: Complete understanding of the local stress triaxiality and stress concentration is essential to ensuring structural safety of several structures. A combination of mechanical tests with numerical simulations can be used to obtain this information. One way to study stress triaxiality is by modifying the standard tensile test geometry (ASTM E8) with a notch. Based on previous results from the literature, five notches were chosen: 10, 5, 3, 2, and 1 mm. These geometries were tested, and the results were numerically reproduced using the Abaqus/Explicit 2020 software. The models used were a non-linear model with the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman damage model to reproduce the failure. The numerical analyses allowed the assessment of the von Mises stress and stress triaxiality near the notch to compare with the standard smooth specimen. Two instants were considered as crack propagation onset; the instant of the maximum von Mises stress in the element at the center of the specimen, where the failure process begins; and the moment of maximum stress in the true stress x true strain curve. For the von Mises stress analysis, the difference between the curves was small. The stress triaxiality is a better variable to visualize the influences of the notch. When the strain is equal to a 0.07 (instant of the maximum force for the standard specimens), for the smaller notches (1 and 2 mm), there is a region where the effective plastic strain is zero. Consequently, the stress triaxiality is larger in this region than in the center. For the crack propagation onset instant, the plastic strain occurs along the whole transversal section. In this instant, the maximum value of stress triaxiality occurs in the center for all specimens. These results demonstrate that the stress triaxiality changes as the strain increases, i.e., varies with time.

  • IPEN-DOC 29903

    LARA, J.A.C. ; ABBADE, L. ; MUCSI, C.S. ; NIZES, A.D.C.; ROSSI, J.L. . Study of Patchwelded Blanks Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) Before Hot Stamping with and without Heat Treatment Parameters. Materials Research, v. 26, Suppl.1, p. 1-8, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2023-0053

    Abstract: In recent years, increasing automotive safety and energy efficiency has become a major concern in the automotive industry. Advanced high-strength steel (AHSS) was chosen for its weight reduction and high mechanical strength for the body in white (BIW). Specifically, it has been used in 22MnB5 steel press hardening type steel (PHS) with patchweld technology, which enables the production of reinforced and structural parts in a single stroke during the hot forming process. This study aimed to evaluate the resistance spot welding parameters for patchweld before hot stamping, considering the minimum and maximum residual stress, while ensuring a welding nugget diameter within the approved range. Microhardness and X-ray diffraction were used to analyze the welding zones for phase identification and residual stress measurements. After five weeks of elapsed time, the spot weld showed cracks that were not seen immediately after welding and were probably due to a high residual stress state.

  • IPEN-DOC 29902

    MEDINA, MIDILANE S. ; CARVALHO, SABRINA G.M. ; TABUTI, FRANCISCO N. ; MUCCILLO, ELIANA N.S. ; FONSECA, FABIO C. ; MUCCILLO, REGINALDO . W-doped Lanthanum Molybdenum Oxide/Lithium-Sodium-Potassium Carbonate Composite Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Permeation. Materials, v. 16, n. 14, p. 1-14, 2023. DOI: 10.3390/ma16145128

    Abstract: Single-phase tungsten-doped lanthanum molybdenum oxide (La2MoWO9) ceramic powders were synthesized using the complex polymerization technique. Porous ceramic pellets were obtained by thermally removing graphite, which served as a pore former. The porous pellets were then impregnated with molten eutectic lithium-sodium-potassium carbonates. The energy dispersive X-ray analysis and scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) images of the external and fracture surfaces of the La2MoWO9-(Li,Na,K)2CO3 composite dual-phase membrane revealed the percolation of the carbonate mixture through the pores. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements conducted at temperatures below and above the melting point of the eutectic carbonate composition demonstrated the contributions of oxygen and carbonate ions to the ionic conductivity of the dual membrane. The electrical conductivity of the carbonate ions within the membrane was continuously monitored for over 1300 h with negligible degradation, implying that the membrane could be used for long-term monitoring of CO2 without aging effects. A comparison of FEG-SEM images taken before and after this endurance test suggested minimal fouling, indicating that the membrane could potentially replace similar zirconia- and ceria-based composite membranes.

  • IPEN-DOC 29942

    MANHANI, KELLY C.; LACERDA, JOAO P.A. de; NAKANO, VIVIANE E.; CRUZ, LUCAS M.S.; COSTA, ALAN R.; BUSTILLOS, JOSE O.W.V. . Técnicas analíticas para o controle de resíduos de agrotóxicos em alimentos cítricos / Analytical techniques for pesticide residues control in citrus foodstuffs. Revista IPT, v. 8, n. 23, p. 61-82, 2023.

    Abstract: O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de laranja, responsável pela exportação de três quartos de suco de laranja consumidos no mundo. Devido a posição de destaque na cadeia agroindustrial, a segurança alimentar é item fundamental para garantir a sustentabilidade produtiva, qualidade e competitividade de mercado. Dado a sua importância, com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade dos citros, neste trabalho foram estudados três métodos de extração: “QuEChERS ORIGINAL”, “QuEChERS Acetato MODIFICADO” e extração Líquido-Líquido, com a utilização dos equipamentos GC/ECD e GC/MS para quantificação e confirmação dos analitos. O método QuEChERS está revolucionando o preparo de amostras de matrizes complexas, e neste estudo, foram avaliados a mudança de pH na extração bem como a proporção de amostra e adição de diferentes sais e adsorventes na etapa de limpeza da amostra (Clean Up) para a eficiência da extração dos ingredientes ativos. Parâmetros de qualidade analítica como seletividade/efeito matriz, linearidade, limite de detecção e quantificação foram estabelecidos para cinco agrotóxicos: Trifluralina, Clorotalonil, Clorpirifós, Dicofol e Azoxistrobina. Foram analisadas um total de 26 amostras de laranja Pêra e suco de laranja, coletadas em feiras livres, supermercados, sítios com produção local e restaurantes da cidade de São Paulo, dentre as quais, três amostras de suco analisadas durante o desenvolvimento apresentaram indícios do agrotóxico Dicofol, proibido pela legislação brasileira.

  • IPEN-DOC 29941

    ROSSI, JESUALDO L. ; FARIA JUNIOR, RUBENS N. de . O IPEN: da metalurgia nuclear ao grafeno. Revista Grafeno, n. 6, p. 21-23, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29940

    SUSSA, FABIO V. ; FURLAN, MARCOS R.; SILVA, PAULO S.C. . Produção de biomassa e dos óleos voláteis de Melissa officinalis L. (erva-cidreira) em função da adubação e da sazonalidade / Biomass and volatile oil production of Melissa officinalis L. (lemon balm) under different fertilizations and seasonality. Revista Fitos, v. 17, n. 2, p. 200-2017, 2023. DOI: 10.32712/2446-4775.2023.1450

    Abstract: O estudo sobre adubação e a sazonalidade faz-se necessário, pois podem influenciar na produção de biomassa e na qualidade e quantidade dos óleos voláteis produzidos por plantas medicinais. A pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar o manejo agrícola e época no ano apropriados para a colheita com melhor qualidade dos óleos voláteis de Melissa officinalis submetida ao delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado (DIC), sendo adubações orgânica e convencional, cultivo controle, com e sem adição micronutrientes e colheitas no outono, inverno, primavera e verão. Os óleos voláteis foram extraídos das folhas de erva-cidreira por hidrodestilação e determinados por cromatografia gasosa acoplada ao espectrômetro de massas (GC-MS). A produção de biomassa foi maior no manejo orgânico nas primeiras colheitas (outono e inverno). O rendimento do óleo essencial (0,02%) não foi influenciado pelo manejo agrícola, entretanto apresentou menor rendimento no inverno (0,003%). A adubação convencional favoreceu a produção dos constituintes majoritários neral (33,9–37,5%) e geranial (54,1–59,3%) nas colheitas do outono, da primavera e do verão. Este trabalho contribui para ampliar o conhecimento do cultivo da espécie e para a Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares, voltadas à implementação da Fitoterapia no Sistema Único de Saúde.

  • IPEN-DOC 29939

    SOARES, CARLOS ; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA; ARENHARDT, VALERIA; DELIZA, EDUARDO E.V.; SAO PEDRO FILHO, FLAVIO de. Biotechnology management in the Amazon and the production of polypropylene / Brazil Nut Shell fiber biocomposite / Manejo biotecnológico na Amazônia e a produção de biocomposto polipropileno/fibra de casca de Castanha-do-Brasil. Revista de Gestao e Secretariado, v. 14, n. 7, p. 10734-10748, 2023. DOI: 10.7769/gesec.v14i7.2424

    Abstract: This study seeks to produce and analyze the characteristics of a polypropylene composite with vegetable fiber derived from Brazil nut shell. The objective is to develop a biocomposite material based on polypropylene fiber from the brazil nut shell, aiming at a lower environmental impact and promoting sustainability in the industrialization process of biodegradable plastic and/or derivatives. Physical and chemical characterization of vegetable fiber derived from Brazil nut shell (1); characterization of PP and composites with brazil nut shell fibers (PP/FC) (2); characterization of PP and PP/FC/RGO hybrid nanocomposites (3).

  • IPEN-DOC 29938

    FERREIRA, MAURICIO L.; DALMAS, FABRICIO B.; SANTANNA, MARYLY; RODRIGUES, ELAINE A. ; SODRE, MARCELO G.. Sustainable development in São Paulo's Green Belt Biosphere Reserve: between the void of municipal environmental policies and the ecosystem management of the territory / Desenvolvimento sustentável na Reserva da Biosfera do Cinturão Verde de São Paulo: entre o vazio das políticas ambientais municipais e a gestão ecossistêmica do território. Revista de Gestao Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1-37, 2023. DOI: 10.5585/2023.22940

    Abstract: Introduction: The Green Belt Biosphere Reserve, with 2.33 million hectares and its internal urban area with 220 thousand hectares, is configured as a water security territory and expresses a direct relationship between urban development and areas that ensure well-being and ecosystem services for 12% of Brazil's population. With seventy-eight municipalities that fully or partially integrate the GBBR, the socioeconomic differences and the different contexts of urbanization and governance reflect on territorial management at the local level and impact the environmental and regional sustainable development agendas. Objective: Based on a survey of environmental policies and correlations between economic and socio-environmental indicators on a municipal scale for the entire study area, this article assesses the level of development of the main environmental public policies and identifies the relationship between these policies and socio-environmental indicators. Originality: Although the Green Belt Biosphere Reserve is an area recognized by the United Nations (UN), the management of its territory depends on municipal actions that comprise it. Little attention has been paid to environmental management, especially in terms of public environmental policies and a broad and ongoing understanding of the conservation of this area. Results: The analysis shows that the different municipalities in the GBBR have different levels of implementation regarding Environmental Agenda. When considering the Municipal Plans for Urban Afforestation, Adaptation to Climate Change, Atlantic Forest and Solid Waste, only Guarujá, Mogi das Cruzes, Santos and São Paulo have these four policies in preparation or completed, while for 33.3% (n=25) of the municipalities, none of these agendas was developed, and a positive correlation was identified between the HDI and the largest number of implemented policies. Contribution: Large and medium-sized cities in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, present studies addressing ecological patterns and processes, however, they do not address specific questions on the environmental sector itself, which this paper aimed at providing. Conclusion: As the Green Belt accounts for 72% of the volume of drinking water in all of São Paulo, the disparities between the municipal indicators analyzed reinforce the need to adopt the GBBR as a platform for adequate governance to integrate policies at different scales for sustainable regional development. Systemic efforts are needed, especially at the municipal scale, in order to carry out adequate environmental management of the GBBR territory.

  • IPEN-DOC 29937

    FERNANDEZ, ANTONIO P.R.; FARIA JUNIOR, RUBENS N. de . Influência da energia térmica nos parâmetros elétricos de supercapacitores de dupla camada elétrica com eletrodos de carbono ativado / Influence of thermal energy on the electrical parameters of electric double layer supercapacitors with activated carbon electrodes. Revista Científica SENAI-SP, v. 1, n. 3, p. 1-23,

    Abstract: Este artigo objetiva reportar os efeitos da influência da energia térmica sobre os três principais parâmetros elétricos de supercapacitores de dupla camada elétrica, o mesmo que supercapacitores eletroquímicos, sendo tais parâmetros elétricos a capacitância fixa (C(DC)), a resistência em série equivalente (ESR(Inst)) e a resistência em paralelo equivalente (EPR(Dep)), tendo como base de estudo cinco supercapacitores de dupla camada elétrica comerciais e idênticos (mesmo fabricante e modelo), cada qual com capacitância nominal de 1 F/5,5 V, produzidos com eletrodos de carbono ativado e eletrólito orgânico, expostos às temperaturas de 25 oC (ambiente), 50 oC, 75 oC, 100 oC e 125 oC por 672 horas.

  • IPEN-DOC 29936

    MARTINS, THIAGO G. dos S.; FREITAS, ANDERSON Z. de ; MORGADO, ANTONIO M.L.S.; MARTINS, RICARDO V.. Princípios fisicos básicos do exame de tomografia de coerência óptica / Basic physical principles of the optical coherence tomography examination. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, v. 45, p. e20230125-1 - e20230125-8, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1806-9126-RBEF-2023-0125

    Abstract: Tomografia por coerência óptica (OCT – sigla referente a optical coherence tomography) é um exame de imagem não invasivo, capaz de gerar análises da seção transversal de tecidos biológicos. O exame de OCT gera imagens a partir da luz refletida e retroespalhada pelos materiais, possuindo diversas aplicações em várias áreas da saúde, como na oftalmologia, cardiologia e gastroenterologia por exemplo. O escopo deste texto é apresentar de forma didática os princípios do funcionamento da tomografia obtida através de fontes de luz coerentes.

  • IPEN-DOC 29935

    DUARTE, LUIS F. de A.; RIBEIRO, RENAN B.; MEDEIROS, TIERRY V. de; SCHEPPIS, WILLIAM R.; GIMILIANI, GIOVANA T. . Are mangroves hotspots of marine litter for surrounding beaches? Hydrodynamic modeling and quali-quantitative analyses of waste in southeastern Brazil. v. 67, p. 1-12, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2023.103177

  • IPEN-DOC 29934

    SILVA, CAMILA R. ; PEREIRA, SAULO T. ; SILVA, DANIELA F.T. ; PRETTO, LUCAS R. de ; FREITAS, ANDERSON Z. ; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A. ; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. ; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S. . Noninvasive red Laser intervention before radiotherapy of triple-negative breast cancer in a murine model. Radiation Research, v. 200, n. 4, p. 366-373, 2023. DOI: 10.1667/RADE-23-00050.1

    Abstract: In proton beam treatments, the superposition of several weighted Bragg curves with different incident energies is required to homogeneously irradiate a large tumor volume, creating a spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP). This paper confirms on the suitability of two different methods to create SOBPs – Bortfeld/Jette's and MCMC (Monte Carlo calculations and Matrix Computations), using Monte Carlo simulations performed with TOPAS and MCNP6.1. To generate the SOBPs, algorithms were developed for implementation of the two methods, which enabled to find the weights for thirty variations of SOBPs, categorized according to their width and maximum depths. The MCMC method used weight optimization in designing SOBPs to avoid negative values. In contrast, the Bortfeld/Jette's method yielded the SOBPs according to the variation of a power-law parameter ( ) introduced by the range-energy relationship. Optimal values of , from MCNP and TOPAS, were selected in order to retrieve SOBPs with the best smoothness and then related to those obtained from the literature. In comparing both methods and codes, dose homogeneity parameters ( ) were used to examine the SOBP flatness and gamma analyses were employed to assess the dose deposition along its full extension. The results showed that the SOBPs designed using the MCMC method had better values and computational performance for both codes when compared to the Bortfeld/Jette's method. The gamma analyses highlighted significant differences between the entrance doses comparing the two different methods, for SOBPs with intermediate and high depths and small width. This evaluation was not possible with the values alone, which stresses the relevance of a broad analysis to avoid unintended doses in healthy tissues.

  • IPEN-DOC 29932

    TAKINAMI, PATRICIA Y. I. ; MASTRO, NELIDA L. del ; ASHFAQ, AIYSHA; AL-SHEIKHLY, MOHAMAD. Ionizing radiation synthesis of hydrogel nanoparticles of gelatin and polyethylene glycol at high temperature. Polymers, v. 15, n. 20, p. 1-11, 2023. DOI: 10.3390/polym15204128

    Abstract: Nanohydrogel particles of polyethylene glycol (PEG), gelatin (GEL), and PEG–GEL mixtures (MIXs) were synthesized with a high electron beam and 60Co gamma-ray radiation. The relatively novel technique of Asymmetrical Flow Field Flow Fractionation (AF4 or AFFFF) coupled to a Multi-Angle Laser Light Scattering (MALLS) detector was mainly used to determine the hydrodynamic diameter (Dh) of the radiation-synthesized PEG, GEL, and PEG–GEL nanohydrogel particles. Our approach to achieving nanohydrogel particles is to enhance the intracrosslinking reactions and decrease the intercrosslinking reactions of the C-centered radicals of the PEG and GEL. The intracrosslinking reactions of these free radicals were enhanced via irradiation at temperatures of 77–80 ◦C and using a high dose rate and pulsed irradiation. The shorter average distance between the C-centered free radicals on the backbone of the thermally collapsed PEG and GEL chain, due to the destruction of hydrogen bonds, enhances the intracrosslinking reactions. It was observed that increasing the dose and dose rate decreased the Dh. DLS results lined up with AF4 measurements. This study provides researchers with a clean method to produce GEL–PEG hydrogels without the use of toxic reagents. Particle size can be tuned with dose, dose rate, and temperature as demonstrated in this work. This is ideal for medical applications as the use of ionizing radiation eliminates toxicity concerns and provides simultaneous sterilization of the material.

  • IPEN-DOC 29931

    SCAGLIUSI, SANDRA R.; CARDOSO, ELISABETH C.L. ; ESPER, FABIO J.; LUGAO, ADEMAR B. ; WIEBECK, HELIO. Study of mechanical properties of inner tubes exposed to gamma radiation. Polimeros, v. 33, n. 2, p. 1-6, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/0104-1428.20220010

    Abstract: Due to the technical evolution of tires, currently most automotive tires do not have an inner tube. However, truck, motorcycle and bicycle tires still use tires with inner tubes, mostly made of synthetic elastomeric material, which guarantees good potential for air restriction or longer periods for tire pressure failure. This work aims to study changes in the mechanical properties of a truck inner tire, after its exposure to gamma rays, to promote the subsequent recycling of the material. The choice of ionizing radiation is due to its ability to modify the structure and properties of materials, in addition to its applicability in recycling/recovering rubber. For the characterization of the samples, doses of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 kGy were applied, and after irradiation as a sample, they were tested using the following characterization methods: traction and elongation at break, hardness, thermal aging and elemental analysis. Observed that is a decrease in the values of the mechanical properties of the samples after irradiation, mainly at doses greater than 10 kGy.

  • IPEN-DOC 29930

    CABRAL, FERNANDA V. ; CERONE, MICHELA; PERSHEYEV, SAYDULLA; LIAN, CHENG; SAMUEL, IFOR D.W.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S. ; SMITH, TERRY K.. New insights in photodynamic inactivation of Leishmania amazonensis:: A focus on lipidomics and resistance. PLoS ONE, v. 18, n. 9, p. 1-23, 2023. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0289492

    Abstract: The emergence of drug resistance in cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) has become a major problem over the past decades. The spread of resistant phenotypes has been attributed to the wide misuse of current antileishmanial chemotherapy, which is a serious threat to global health. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been shown to be effective against a wide spectrum of drug-resistant pathogens. Due to its multi-target approach and immediate effects, it may be an attractive strategy for treatment of drug-resistant Leishmania species. In this study, we sought to evaluate the activity of PDT in vitro using the photosensitizer 1,9-dimethyl methylene blue (DMMB), against promastigotes of two Leishmania amazonensis strains: the wild-type (WT) and a lab induced miltefosine-resistant (MFR) strain. The underlying mechanisms of DMMB-PDT action upon the parasites was focused on the changes in the lipid metabolism of both strains, which was conducted by a quantitative lipidomics analysis. We also assessed the production of ROS, mitochondrial labeling and lipid droplets accumulation after DMMB-PDT. Our results show that DMMB-PDT produced high levels of ROS, promoting mitochondrial membrane depolarization due to the loss of membrane potential. In addition, both untreated strains revealed some differences in the lipid content, in which MFR parasites showed increased levels of phosphatidylcholine, hence suggesting this could also be related to their mechanism of resistance to miltefosine. Moreover, the oxidative stress and consequent lipid peroxidation led to significant phospholipid alterations, thereby resulting in cellular dysfunction and parasite death. Thus, our results demonstrated that DMMB-mediated PDT is effective to kill L. amazonensis MFR strain and should be further studied as a potential strategy to overcome antileishmanial drug resistance.

  • IPEN-DOC 29929

    CORDEIRO, LEANDERSON P.; SA, LIDIA V. de; KITAMIKADO, RAFAEL A.; SAPIENZA, MARCELO T.; BONIFACIO, DANIEL A.B. . Optimized Monte Carlo simulations for voxel-based internal dosimetry. Physics in Medicine and Biology, v. 68, n. 11, p. 1-12, 2023. DOI: 0031-9155

    Abstract: Objective. The scientific community has considered internal dosimetry by the Monte Carlo method the gold standard. However, there is a trade-off between simulation processing time and the statistical quality of the results that makes it a challenge to obtain accurate absorbed dose values in some situations, such as dose estimation in organs affected by cross-irradiation or limited computing power. Variance reduction techniques are used to reduce computational processing time without impairing the statistical quality of the results, such as tracking energy cutoff, secondary particle production threshold, and parallelism of different types of emissions from radionuclides. Approach.In this work, GATE Monte Carlo code and its variance reduction techniques were evaluated to calculate S values of organs from the international commission on radiological protection (ICRP)report 110 male phantom for the lutetium-177, iodine-131, yttrium-90, and radium-223 radionuclides. The results are compared with the data from the OpenDose collaboration. Main results. A cutoff of 5 MeV for local electron deposition and 2.0 mm of secondary particle production range resulted in a computational efficiency increase of 7.9 and 1.05 times, respectively. Simulation of ICRP 107 spectrabased source proved to be about 5 times more efficient when compared to a decay simulation using G4RadioactiveDecay (Geant4-based radioactive decay processes). Track length estimator(TLE) and split exponential track length estimator(seTLE)techniques were used to calculate the absorbed dose of photon emissions, resulting in computational efficiency up to 29.4 and 62.5 times higher when compared to traditional simulations, respectively. In particular, the seTLE technique accelerates the simulation time by up to 1426 times, achieving a statistical uncertainty of 10% in volumes affected by cross-irradiation. Significance. The variance reduction techniques used in this work drastically reduced the simulation time and maintained the statistical quality of the calculated absorbed dose values, proving the feasibility of the use of the Monte Carlo method in internal dosimetry under challenging situations and making it viable for clinical routine or web applications.

  • IPEN-DOC 29928

    SGOUROS, O.; CUTULI, M.; CAPPUZZELLO, F.; CAVALLARO, M.; CARBONE, D.; AGODI, C.; GREGORIO, G. de; GARGANO, A.; LINARES, R.; BRISCHETTO, G.A.; CALVO, D.; CHAVEZ LOMELI, E.R.; CIRALDO, I.; DELAUNAY, F.; DJAPO, H; EKE, C.; FINOCCHIARO, P.; FISICHELLA, M.; GUAZZELLI, M.A.; HACISALIHOGLU, A.; LUBIAN, J.; MEDINA, N.H.; MORALLES, M. ; OLIVEIRA, J.R.B.; PAKOU, A.; PANDOLA, L.; SOUKERAS, V.; SOULIOTIS, G.; SPATAFORA, A.; TORRESI, D.; YILDIRIM, A.; ZAGATTO, V.A.B.. One-neutron transfer reaction in the 18O + 48Ti collision at 275 MeV. Physical Review C, v. 108, n. 4, p. 044611-1 - 044611-16, 2023. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.108.044611

    Abstract: The present article reports new data on the 48Ti(18O, 17O) 49Ti reaction at 275 MeV incident energy as part of the systematic research pursued within the NUMEN (NUclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless double β decay) project. Supplementary measurements of the same reaction on 16O and 27Al targets were also performed in order to estimate the background arising from the use of a composite target (TiO2 + 27Al). These data were analyzed under the same theoretical framework as those obtained with the titanium target in order to reinforce the conclusions of our analysis. Differential cross-section angular distribution measurements for the 17O8+ ejectiles were performed in a wide angular range by using the MAGNEX large acceptance magnetic spectrometer. The experimental results were analyzed within the distorted-wave and coupled-channels Born approximation frameworks. The optical potentials at the entrance and exit channels were calculated in a double folding approach adopting the São Paulo potential, and the spectroscopic amplitudes for the projectile and target overlaps were obtained from large-scale shell model calculations. The differential cross sections are well described by the theoretical calculations, where a weak coupling to collective excitations of projectile and target is inferred. The sensitivity of transfer cross sections on different model spaces adopted in nuclear structure calculations is also discussed.

  • IPEN-DOC 29901

    ARATA FOUND, ANELYSE ; PRETTO, L.R. de ; USSUI, V. ; LIMA, N.B. de ; SOUZA, G.M. de; MACHADO, J.P.B.; TANGO, R.N.; FREITAS, A.Z. ; LAZAR, D.R.R. . Optical coherence tomography (OCT) for the analysis of zirconia crystalline phase transformation. Materialia, v. 30, p. 1-14, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.mtla.2023.101825

    Abstract: This study aimed to validate the Optical coherence tomography (OCT) for the analysis of the transformed zone of two dental zirconia-based materials after hydrothermal ageing and correlate the values with biaxial flexural strength. Kinetics of tetragonal to monoclinic phase transformation (t→m) was calculated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed a sigmoidal transformation rate over time due to the limited X-ray maximum penetration depth. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and OCT showed a linear relationship between the thickness of the transformed layer and the ageing time. The apparent activation energy was 104.5 kJ/mol and 106.7 kJ/mol (SEM) and 106 kJ/mol and 99.4 kJ/mol (OCT) for the infrastructure and monolithic dental zirconia, respectively. Mechanical strength decreased after 150 h. of ageing at 150 ◦C for both materials showing a correlation with the depth of the transformed zone observed by OCT. Therefore, both monoclinic phase percentage and the depth of the transformed layer are critical concerning zirconia mechanical properties upon hydrothermal ageing. OCT is a non-destructive, fast, innovative, and accurate method for the analysis of zirconia’s t→m phase transformation depth kinetics after hydrothermal ageing.

  • IPEN-DOC 29900

    SANTOS, SILAS C. dos ; RODRIGUES JR., ORLANDO ; CAMPOS, LETICIA L. . Building up europium thulium co-doped yttria nanoparticles with electron paramagnetic resonance response by colloidal synthesis. Materialia, v. 30, p. 1-13, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.mtla.2023.101829

    Abstract: In the radiation dosimetry field the research for new materials is a continuos demand with the aim to provide highly improvement procedures where ionizing radiation is used. Considering this challenge, the present work reports the colloidal synthesis of europium-thulium-co-doped yttria powders (YET) and evaluates the dopants effect on the promotion of EPR response of yttria. The powdered compositions prepared with up to 2at.%Tm and 2at.%Eu (at.%, atomic percentage) were evaluate by XRD, PCS, SEM, and EPR. Based on the results, the proposed synthesis method provided ceramic powders with cubic C-type form and mean particle size (d50) less than 160nm. The most significant EPR dose-response was noticed for the powdered composition prepared with 0.5at. %Tm (YET0.5) as irradiated with 5kGy (60Co). These findings are key parameters to advance toward the formation of new materials for radiation dosimetry.

  • IPEN-DOC 29899

    TORRECILHA, JEFFERSON K. ; MENDES, ANA P.T. ; THEOPHILO, CAROLINA Y.S. ; LINHARES, HORACIO M. da S.M.D. ; PAULA, JOSE H. de ; SCAPIN, MARCOS A. ; GARCIA, RAFAEL H.L. ; MARAVER, FRANCISCO; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da . Characterization of peloids from different regions of Brazil. Journal of Trace Elements and Minerals, v. 6, p. 1-13, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtemin.2023.100098

    Abstract: Introduction: Since the early days of humankind, peloids have been used for therapeutic purposes. However, the safety and efficacy of these materials for therapeutic treatments has never been regulated in most of the countries where it is commonly used. Materials and methods: In this study, samples os peloids from different regions of Brazil (´Aguas de S˜ao Pedro, Paraty and Arax´a) were characterized: mineral composition (X-ray diffractometry), physicochemical characteristics (pH, redox potential, moisture, % loss on ignition at 550 ◦C and 1000 ◦C, cooling kinetics, swelling power, specific surface area), concentration of trace elements (X-ray fluorescence, Neutron activation analysis, Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry) and radiological activity (Gamma spectrometry). Results: The results showed great variability in mineral composition, physicochemical characteristics, elemental concentration, concentration of activity and little variation in cooling kinetics. However, this variation is also found when comparing the results with some those presented by other authors. Conclusion: This study concludes that the three peloids studied are good candidates to be used for topical application. Metals and potentially toxic elements present are in concentrations levels that are unlikely to cause risk to health.

  • IPEN-DOC 29898

    TRICARIO, JULIANA de M. ; FREITAS, GUSTAVO R. ; MUNOZ, BERGMAN N.S.; RODRIGUES, GUILHERME O.; SANTOS, JADE S. dos; SOUZA, CARLA D. de . Educational booklet for patients and health care professionals in the field with focus on ensuring the completeness of radiation therapy treatment. Journal of Radiology Nursing, v. 42, n. 3, p. 346-352, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.jradnu.2023.04.001

    Abstract: The present work presented an educational booklet aimed at oncology radiation therapy health professionals focused on treatment completion. The booklet was made in Portuguese and English using the Adobe Illustrator software and are available for free in our own website made on the free platform 123site. The methodology for the booklet was made by literature review and by the experience of 5 professionals. The booklet was submitted to an evaluation at four universities in S~ao Paulo, through a questionnaire applied to students and professors. The results shown that 27.06% confirmed that the booklet have a light visual reading and, in parallel, 80.00% considered the booklet as very informative. 100% judged the booklet is important for professionals working in radiation therapy. Professionals believe they have a responsibility to educate patients (67.06%) and also think they should provide emotional support (76.47%). 98.82% thought that booklets can help the patient complete the treatment. The results obtained were positive in relation to the booklet in their visual part, but even better in the results regarding the content.

  • IPEN-DOC 29897

    STIPP, WAGNER ; MORAIS, NATHANAEL W.S. ; MARTINS, JOSÉ V.; MATOS, PRISCILA ; ROSSI, JESUALDO L. ; ROSSI, WAGNER de ; RAELLE, MARCUS P. . Surface contaminants’ incorporation after nanosecond laser ablation. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 332, n. 11, p. 4535-4540, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-023-09153-3

    Abstract: Decontamination and cleaning of surface-contaminated radioactive waste using laser ablation is a promising new technique being researched. One advantage is the potential to recycle waste and reduce the demand for repository storage. However, prior studies have shown that residual radioactivity can persist after laser decontamination indicating the incorporation of contaminants beneath the surface of metal samples. In this study, a q-switched laser was used to measure the depth of the recast zone at various fluences and simulate a decontamination process using a gold-coated sample. The results showed that surface material was found in the recast zone for fluences ranging from 1 to 10 J/cm2. This suggests that incorporation of surface contaminants after laser ablation is an important issue that must be considered before using this technique for radioactive waste treatment.

  • IPEN-DOC 29896

    ONUDIBIA, MOSES E. ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da ; ESSIETT, ANIESUA A.; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; IMEH, EDET E.; NNAMANI, NGENE C.; OGODO, ALLOYSIUS C.; MFOM, CELESTIAL B.; OKOH, FRANCA O.. Examination of Natural Radioactivity Concentration and Radiological Exposure of Soil Within Mining Site in Umuahia South Abia State Nigeria, Using High Purity Germanium (HPGe) Gamma Ray Spectrometry. Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Applications, v. 8, n. 3, p. 215-223, 2023. DOI: 10.18576/jrna/080304

    Abstract: Mining activity is one of the major sources of exposure to radiation. The main goal of this study was to determine the natural radioactivity level and its radiological exposure risk in mining site Umuahia South Abia State, Nigeria, using High Purity Germanium (HPGe) gamma ray spectrometry. The activity concentration of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th in the soil ranges from 31±2 to 367±27 Bq kg-1, with mean value of 142±11 Bq kg-1; from 26±2 to 65±5 Bq kg-1, with mean value of 49±4; and from 53±9 to 109±17 Bq kg-1, with mean value of 77±16 Bq kg-1, respectively. The activity concentrations of 226Ra and 232Th are above the global values of 32 and 45 Bq kg-1 while 40K is depleted in relation to the global mean of 412 Bq kg-1. Radiological parameters are generally in agreement with the values observed for other Nigerian and other countries soil reported in literature. The main responsible for the values observed for the radiological parameters is 232Th followed by 226Ra. The use of this soil for dwelling construction is unlikely to pose any radiological harm for the residents.

  • IPEN-DOC 29893


    Abstract: Different reactions channels induced by the 18O + 40Ca collisions at 275 MeV incident energy are simultaneously measured and analysed consistently within the same reaction and structure frameworks within the NUMEN project. The project aims to provide data-driven information for the determination of the nuclear matrix elements involved in the neutrinoless double beta decay. In particular, the elastic and inelastic scattering, one- and two-proton transfer, one-neutron transfer, and single charge exchange reactions are explored. The full quantum-mechanical calculations, performed by including microscopic nuclear structure inputs, describe well all the experimental data, giving support to a multi-channel strategy for the analysis of heavy-ion induced direct reactions.

  • IPEN-DOC 29990

    ALVES, VICTORIA M. ; LUGAO, ADEMAR B. . Nanopartículas proteicas: síntese induzida por radiação ionizante em substituição aos métodos convencionais. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29989

    DUTTON, VALENTINA A. ; PERONI, CIBELE N. . Expressão do fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina‐1 de camundongo (mIGF‐1) em células HEK293 utilizando diferentes vetores de expressão. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29988

    SILVA, THIAGO C. ; DAMATTO, SANDRA R. . Determinação de elementos traços em testemunhos de sedimento do reservatório Biritiba-Mirim, São Paulo utilizando a técnica de INAA. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29987

    BARBOSA, THALITA A.C. ; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANE ; PALADINO, PATRICIA A. . Desenvolvimento de visita virtual para divulgação científica e ensino de tecnologia nuclear. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29986

    OLIVEIRA, THALES Z. dos S. de ; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B. . Análise multielementar de suplementos alimentares utilizando raios-X. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29985

    BLAT, STELLA R. ; COTRIM, MARYCEL E.B. . Validação do método de medida de pH em amostras de efluente liquido do IPEN/CNEN-SP. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29984

    AVELINO, SABRINA G. ; ZEZELL, DENISE M. . Prevenção de cárie dental além do pH crítico, utilizando aplicação tópica de flúor e laser de Nd:YAG. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29983

    FRANCO, RENNAN de A. ; CONTI, THADEU das N. . Viabilização governamental da instalação de módulos fotovoltaicos nos bairros periféricos e em projetos sociais. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29982

    SILVA, REGINA O. da ; SILVA, CECILIA C.G. e . Obtenção de nitreto de silício poroso por gelcasting de espuma. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29981

    ARAUJO, PEDRO H.S. ; BERNARDES, EMERSON S. . Desenvolvimento de um radiofármaco para diagnóstico de câncer de mama HER2 positivo. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29980

    GESSERAME, MAYSA M.F. ; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. . Funcionalização de nanopartículas com PEG para aplicações em células tumorais. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29979

    NAKASHIMA, LAURA N. ; KODAMA, YASKO . Estudo da variação dos parâmetros e condições de enxertia polimérica em filmes de polietileno, utilizando radiação ionizante, para aplicações em células a combustível. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29978

    CASTRO, LAURA F. ; CRUZ, PEDRO V.D. da ; BONIFACIO, RAFAEL N. ; LAZAR, DOLORES R.R. . Caracterização de materiais à base de grafeno sintetizados a partir de diferentes fontes de grafite. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29977

    SANTOS, LARISSA S. dos ; RODRIGUES, MURILO A.V. ; LUGAO, ADEMAR B. . Produção de mantas de policaprolactona para liberação de curcumina: efeito no crescimento celular. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29976

    COUTO, LARA V.S. ; MAZZILLI, BARBARA P. . Experiências práticas na gestão e valorização de resíduos NORM: estudo de caso da produção de alumina. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29975

    ALEXANDRE, KAILAINE A.S. ; GUILHEN, SABINE N. . Biossorção de radionuclídeos em solução aquosa: uma revisão sistemática. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29974

    MURARO, JULIA P. ; RIBEIRO JUNIOR, IBERE S. . Determinação elementar em amostras de soja utilizando a técnica de análise por ativação com nêutrons. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29973

    CASTRO, JULIA O. ; DAMATTO, SANDRA R. . Determinação de 210Pb em amostras pluviométricas coletadas no Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN). In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29972

    PONCIANO, JANAINA R. ; SAIKI, MITIKO . Determinação de elementos químicos em plásticos pelo método de análise por ativação com nêutrons. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29971

    RODRIGUES, ISADORA L. ; FERREIRA, ARYEL H. . Síntese de nanocompósitos de óxido de grafeno e nanopartículas de prata. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29970

    CARDOSO, ISADORA de A. ; ARAUJO, SUMAIR G. de ; LANDINI, LILIANE . Apoio no processamento de cargas de agro-resíduos com micro-ondas, para a síntese de óxido de grafeno reduzido. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29969

    BRAGA, GUSTAVO R. ; SILVA, LUIS C.E. da ; NEVES, MAURICIO D.M. das . Fabricação e avaliação de consolidados de pós de ligas de titânio fabricados por fusão seletiva a laser. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29968

    BERTACO, GUSTAVO P. ; SEMMLER, RENATO ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da ; SILVA, BRUNO F. da. Determinação de radionuclídeos em solos em áreas do bioma caatinga inseridas no núcleo de desertificação do semiárido brasileiro. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29967

    LOURENCO, GUILHERME da R. ; MARUMO, JULIO T. . Impacto da dose efetiva coletiva da população da região do Vale do Aço em exames de tomografia computadorizada durante a pandemia de Covid-19. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29966

    SASDELLI, GABRIEL C.A. ; LUGAO, ADEMAR B. ; RODRIGUES, MURILO A.V. . Mantas nanoestruturadas de álcool polivinílico com papaína para aplicação como curativos cutâneos. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29965

    MUTA, FERNANDA Y. ; MAZZILLI, BARBARA P. . Experiências práticas na gestão e valorização de resíduos NORM: estudo de caso da produção de óxido de titânio. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29964

    LAGEDO, ERICK S. ; CARBONARI, ARTUR W. . Investigação de óxidos multiferróicos do tipo dupla perovskita La2TMnO6 (T= Cr, Co e Ni). In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29963

    SEPULBEDA, CAROLINA F.A. ; SANTIAGO, ELISABETE I. . Desenvolvimento de membranas poliméricas para aplicação em células combustível. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29962

    SANTOS, BRUNA M. dos ; ZEZELL, DENISE M. . Descolamento de laminados cerâmicos com laser de Er: YAG: análise de esmalte dental por MEV. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29961

    RUIVO, BEATRIZ T.P. ; AFFONSO, REGINA . Caracterização microbiológica de rejeitos radioativos provenientes do acidente de Goiânia. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29960

    SILVA, BEATRIZ N. ; SAIKI, MITIKO ; ROSSI, JESUALDO L. . Análise de materiais de referência certificados de ligas metálicas pelo método de ativação com nêutrons. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29959

    NETO, BEATRIZ M. ; BELLINI, MARIA H. . Análise de amostras urinárias de pacientes com câncer de próstata, por espectroscopia raman. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29958

    OLIVEIRA, ANTONY A. de ; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. . Efeito de diferentes fontes de irradiação na redução do óxido de grafeno e aumento de escala. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29957

    GABRIEL, ANNA C.N. ; CARBONARI, ARTUR W. . Síntese pela via química e caracterização por difração de raios X de óxidos multiferroicos com elementos terras raras. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29956

    MORAES, AMANDA A. ; RODRIGUES, MURILO A.V. ; FREITAS, LUCAS F. de . Desenvolvimento de membranas poliméricas fiadas com resveratrol para fins de regeneração tecidual. In: PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSAS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBIC, 29.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PROBIC, 20.; SEMINÁRIO ANUAL PIBITI, 13., 23-24 de novembro, 2023, São Paulo, SP. Resumo expandido... São Paulo, SP: IPEN-CNEN/SP, 2023.

  • IPEN-DOC 29890

    ANDRADE, DELVONEI A. de ; UMBEHAUN, PEDRO E. ; TORRES, WALMIR M. . Reinstalação do sistema de aquisição e monitoração de gamagrafia do detector de germânio instalado no prédio do reator IPEN/MB-01. São Paulo: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - CEENG, Outubro, 2023. (IPEN-CEN-P&D-INTC-003-00-RELT-007-00). Restrito.

    Título do projeto: Intercentros 2020.06.IPEN.45.PD

    Abstract: Este relatório apresenta os procedimentos adotados na reinstalação e recuperação do computador para a aquisição e monitoração de gamagrafia do detector de germânio instalado no prédio do reator IPEN/MB-01.

  • IPEN-DOC 29856

    SILVA, PAULO S.C. da ; SAUEIA, CATIA . Resultados atualizados das análises radioquímicas das amostras de concentrado do evaporador enviadas ao IPEN em 2018 e 2019. São Paulo: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - CEENG, Novembro, 2023. (IPEN-CEN-P&D-ETN-218-01-RELT-011-00). Restrito.

    Título do projeto: Composição Isotópica dos Rejeitos Radioativos da CNAAA

    Abstract: Este documento descreve os procedimentos empregados nas determinações das concentrações de atividade dos radionuclídeos nas amostras de concentrado do evaporador de Angra 1 e de Angra 2, bem como os resultados obtidos nas determinações. Os resultados das determinações referem-se às amostras recebidas no SEGRR do IPEN-CNEN/SP entre março de 2018 e maio de 2019, dando continuidade ao relatório anteriormente encaminhado; IPEN-CEN-P&D-ETN-218-01INFT-002-00 [1] e; IPEN-CEN-P&D-ETN-218-01 RELT-005-00[2]. Os procedimentos empregado nas determinações foram baseados principalmente nas metodologias desenvolvidas no Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear – CDTN, no projeto Eletronuclear/CDTN - Caracterização Ativo Isotópico – Relatório Técnico número RC-SERTA-001- 2011 [3]. Apesar da similaridade das metodologias empregadas aqui e no CDTN para a determinação dos radionuclídeos, muitas modificações foram introduzidas baseadas nas publicações mais recentes encontradas na literatura. O presente relatório técnico foi elaborado em atendimento ao item 8.4.1 , “Resultados atualizados das análises radioquímicas das amostras de rejeitos” do Plano de trabalho anexo ao Acordo “Determinação da Composição Isotópica dos Rejeitos Radioativos da CNAAA (Fase B)”, do ACORDO DE PARCERIA TECNOLÓGICA firmado entre a ELETROBRÁS TERMONUCLEAR S.A., a CNEN - COMISSÃO NACIONAL DE ENERGIA NUCLEAR e a FUNDEP – Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa.

  • IPEN-DOC 29852

    YORIYAZ, HELIO ; MEDEIROS, JOSE A.G. de ; SIQUEIRA, PAULO de T.D. . Modelagem computacional dos Geradores de Vapor e da Tampa do Vaso do Reator. São Paulo: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - CEENG, Novembro, 2023. (IPEN-CEN-P&D-ETN-218-01-RELT-010-00). Restrito.

    Título do projeto: Composição Isotópica dos Rejeitos Radioativos da CNAAA

    Abstract: Este relatório apresenta a descrição da metodologia de cálculo que está sendo desenvolvida para a estimativa do inventário radioativo do Gerador de Vapor (GV), e da Tampa do Vaso do Reator (TVR), bem como, os principais resultados e análises realizados até o momento através de simulações computacionais. A simulação computacional de qualquer problema começa com a construção de um modelo computacional que irá representar o problema que está sendo estudado. No presente caso, isso engloba a modelagem da geometria do GV e da TVR, assim como as composições e densidades dos materiais que compõem essas estruturas. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho consistiu na elaboração de vários modelos computacionais que levam em consideração diferentes características geométricas e também diferentes densidades e composições de materiais, no sentido de buscar a melhor representação ou modelo computacional de cálculo de dose para estimativa do inventário do 60Co presente nessas estruturas. A ferramenta principal de análise é o código computacional para o transporte de radiação baseado no Método de Monte Carlo (MMC) denominado MCNP versões 5 e 6.1. Este código permite uma grande versatilidade em trabalhar com geometrias complexas, sendo amplamente utilizado em problemas na área nuclear. Este documento visa atender o item 8.4.3 – “Estudos sobre a modelagem computacional para a estimativa do inventário da Tampa do Vaso do Reator e do Gerador de Vapor” do plano de trabalho anexo ao acordo “Determinação da Composição Isotópica dos Rejeitos Radioativos de Baixo e Médio Nível de Radiação da CNAAA (Fase B)”.

A pesquisa no RD utiliza os recursos de busca da maioria das bases de dados. No entanto algumas dicas podem auxiliar para obter um resultado mais pertinente.

É possível efetuar a busca de um autor ou um termo em todo o RD, por meio do Buscar no Repositório , isto é, o termo solicitado será localizado em qualquer campo do RD. No entanto esse tipo de pesquisa não é recomendada a não ser que se deseje um resultado amplo e generalizado.

A pesquisa apresentará melhor resultado selecionando um dos filtros disponíveis em Navegar

Os filtros disponíveis em Navegar tais como: Coleções, Ano de publicação, Títulos, Assuntos, Autores, Revista, Tipo de publicação são autoexplicativos. O filtro, Autores IPEN apresenta uma relação com os autores vinculados ao IPEN; o ID Autor IPEN diz respeito ao número único de identificação de cada autor constante no RD e sob o qual estão agrupados todos os seus trabalhos independente das variáveis do seu nome; Tipo de acesso diz respeito à acessibilidade do documento, isto é , sujeito as leis de direitos autorais, ID RT apresenta a relação dos relatórios técnicos, restritos para consulta das comunidades indicadas.

A opção Busca avançada utiliza os conectores da lógica boleana, é o melhor recurso para combinar chaves de busca e obter documentos relevantes à sua pesquisa, utilize os filtros apresentados na caixa de seleção para refinar o resultado de busca. Pode-se adicionar vários filtros a uma mesma busca.


Buscar os artigos apresentados em um evento internacional de 2015, sobre loss of coolant, do autor Maprelian.

Autor: Maprelian

Título: loss of coolant

Tipo de publicação: Texto completo de evento

Ano de publicação: 2015

Para indexação dos documentos é utilizado o Thesaurus do INIS, especializado na área nuclear e utilizado em todos os países membros da International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA , por esse motivo, utilize os termos de busca de assunto em inglês; isto não exclui a busca livre por palavras, apenas o resultado pode não ser tão relevante ou pertinente.

95% do RD apresenta o texto completo do documento com livre acesso, para aqueles que apresentam o significa que e o documento está sujeito as leis de direitos autorais, solicita-se nesses casos contatar a Biblioteca do IPEN, .

Ao efetuar a busca por um autor o RD apresentará uma relação de todos os trabalhos depositados no RD. No lado direito da tela são apresentados os coautores com o número de trabalhos produzidos em conjunto bem como os assuntos abordados e os respectivos anos de publicação agrupados.

O RD disponibiliza um quadro estatístico de produtividade, onde é possível visualizar o número dos trabalhos agrupados por tipo de coleção, a medida que estão sendo depositados no RD.

Na página inicial nas referências são sinalizados todos os autores IPEN, ao clicar nesse símbolo será aberta uma nova página correspondente à aquele autor – trata-se da página do pesquisador.

Na página do pesquisador, é possível verificar, as variações do nome, a relação de todos os trabalhos com texto completo bem como um quadro resumo numérico; há links para o Currículo Lattes e o Google Acadêmico ( quando esse for informado).



O gerenciamento do Repositório está a cargo da Biblioteca do IPEN. Constam neste RI, até o presente momento 20.950 itens que tanto podem ser artigos de periódicos ou de eventos nacionais e internacionais, dissertações e teses, livros, capítulo de livros e relatórios técnicos. Para participar do RI-IPEN é necessário que pelo menos um dos autores tenha vínculo acadêmico ou funcional com o Instituto. Nesta primeira etapa de funcionamento do RI, a coleta das publicações é realizada periodicamente pela equipe da Biblioteca do IPEN, extraindo os dados das bases internacionais tais como a Web of Science, Scopus, INIS, SciElo além de verificar o Currículo Lattes. O RI-IPEN apresenta também um aspecto inovador no seu funcionamento. Por meio de metadados específicos ele está vinculado ao sistema de gerenciamento das atividades do Plano Diretor anual do IPEN (SIGEPI). Com o objetivo de fornecer dados numéricos para a elaboração dos indicadores da Produção Cientifica Institucional, disponibiliza uma tabela estatística registrando em tempo real a inserção de novos itens. Foi criado um metadado que contém um número único para cada integrante da comunidade científica do IPEN. Esse metadado se transformou em um filtro que ao ser acionado apresenta todos os trabalhos de um determinado autor independente das variáveis na forma de citação do seu nome.

A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

1. Portaria IPEN-CNEN/SP nº 387, que estabeleceu os princípios que nortearam a criação do RDI, clique aqui.

2. A experiência do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN/SP) na criação de um Repositório Digital Institucional – RDI, clique aqui.

O Repositório Digital do IPEN é um equipamento institucional de acesso aberto, criado com o objetivo de reunir, preservar, disponibilizar e conferir maior visibilidade à Produção Científica publicada pelo Instituto, desde sua criação em 1956.

Operando, inicialmente como uma base de dados referencial o Repositório foi disponibilizado na atual plataforma, em junho de 2015. No Repositório está disponível o acesso ao conteúdo digital de artigos de periódicos, eventos, nacionais e internacionais, livros, capítulos, dissertações, teses e relatórios técnicos.

A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

O gerenciamento do Repositório está a cargo da Biblioteca do IPEN. Constam neste RI, até o presente momento 20.950 itens que tanto podem ser artigos de periódicos ou de eventos nacionais e internacionais, dissertações e teses, livros, capítulo de livros e relatórios técnicos. Para participar do RI-IPEN é necessário que pelo menos um dos autores tenha vínculo acadêmico ou funcional com o Instituto. Nesta primeira etapa de funcionamento do RI, a coleta das publicações é realizada periodicamente pela equipe da Biblioteca do IPEN, extraindo os dados das bases internacionais tais como a Web of Science, Scopus, INIS, SciElo além de verificar o Currículo Lattes. O RI-IPEN apresenta também um aspecto inovador no seu funcionamento. Por meio de metadados específicos ele está vinculado ao sistema de gerenciamento das atividades do Plano Diretor anual do IPEN (SIGEPI). Com o objetivo de fornecer dados numéricos para a elaboração dos indicadores da Produção Cientifica Institucional, disponibiliza uma tabela estatística registrando em tempo real a inserção de novos itens. Foi criado um metadado que contém um número único para cada integrante da comunidade científica do IPEN. Esse metadado se transformou em um filtro que ao ser acionado apresenta todos os trabalhos de um determinado autor independente das variáveis na forma de citação do seu nome.