Eventos - Artigos: Recent submissions

  • IPEN-DOC 26231

    BEZERRA, ANDRE de S. ; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A. ; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. . Analysis of the use of brachytherapy treatment in prostate cancer patients attended in general public hospital of Palmas in 2015. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1767-1772.

    Abstract: Approximately 68.000 prostate cancer cases are estimated per year in Brazil, but many of these will present a bad prognosis due to the difficulties of access by users of public health services and the precariousness of many of these. This scenario is determinant for the occurrence of many cases of advanced disease, late diagnosis, worse clinical condition and higher risk of death. The state of Tocantins has a humble health structure that unfortunately does not yet have brachytherapy treatment for this condition and offers few beds for surgical treatment, while radiotherapy, performed in only one city in the state, coexists with constant problems and interruptions of care. The objective of this study is to analyze the population of patients with prostate cancer treated at the General Public Hospital of Palmas, the main state reference, in the year 2015, and specifically to determine how many of the patients could have been treated through brachytherapy. After approval by the Ethics and Research Committee, data collection, analysis, organization and treatment were carried out using BioEstat® statistical software, aiming at consolidating information, producing results and obtaining answers to the objectives of this study. The study demonstrated that the majority of these patients came from other localities, with advanced clinical staging, adenocarcinoma histological type, but with 19% of cases presenting criteria for treatment by brachytherapy, which would lead to a significant decrease in the demand for beds and referrals to other centers.

    Palavras-Chave: brachytherapy; brazil; health services; neoplasms; patients; prostate; statistical data; therapeutic uses

  • IPEN-DOC 26230

    GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da ; NORY, RENATA M. ; MOREIRA, EDSON G. ; SANTIAGO, PAULO S. . On the feasibility of producing Lu-177 in the IEA-R1 reactor via the direct route. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1759-1765.

    Abstract: Over the last years the 177Lu radioisotope has attracted great interest for the use in therapeutic and diagnostic procedures simultaneously, being what is now called a theranostic radioisotope. There are mainly two ways of producing this radioisotope, by direct neutron capture in a 176Lu target (the \direct route") or by irradiating a 176Yb sample, producing 177Yb that will then decay to 177Lu (also referred as the \indirect route"). In this work the feasibility of producing 177Lu in the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor via the direct route was assessed, and the speci c activity that could be obtained was estimated both experimentally and theoretically, allowing for a discussion on the feasibility of commercially producing 177Lu by 176Lu neutron capture in the IEA-R1 reactor.

    Palavras-Chave: capture; feasibility studies; iear-1 reactor; isotope production; lutetium 176 target; lutetium 177; neutron reactions; nuclear medicine; therapy

  • IPEN-DOC 26229

    BAPTISTA, TATYANA S. ; FEHER, ANSELMO ; RODRIGUES, BRUNA T. ; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A. ; MOURA, JOÃO A. ; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. . A proposal of process validation in the implementation of good manufacturing practices in brachytherapy sources production. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1730-1735.

    Abstract: New laboratories for brachytherapy sources production are being implemented in our facility at IPEN, in São Paulo. A great challenge implementing a production laboratory is to comply with the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), which involves process validation and all supporting activities such as cleaning and sanitization. Much more than compliance with regulatory guidelines, required for certification and inspections, a validation builds large process knowledge, provides possibilities for optimization and improvement, increasing the degree of maturity of all people involved and also the quality system as a whole. The process validation results in a document that certifies that any procedure, process, equipment, material, operation or system actually leads to the expected results. This work focused on the new laboratory, been assembled to produce small iodine-125 seeds. The process validation was performed three times for evaluation. The parameters evaluated in this study were: the source welding efficiency and the leakage tests results (immersion test). The welding efficiency doesn’t have an established parameter, since is visually evaluated by the operator, and the leakage detection has to e under 5 nCi / 185 Bq, accordingly with the ISO 9978. We observed values were: average 79-87% production efficiency and leakage tests were under 5 nCi/seed. Although established values for the global efficiency aren’t available in the literature, the results showed high consistency and acceptable percentages, especially when other similar manufacturing processes are used in comparison (average 85-70% found in the literature for other similar metallic structures). Those values will be important data when drafting the validation document and to follow the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).

    Palavras-Chave: brachytherapy; brazilian cnen; certification; data; implementation; iodine 125; laboratories; quality assurance; radiation sources; seeds; validation

  • IPEN-DOC 26228

    TORRECILHA, JEFFERSON K. ; MARRICHI, JUSSARA M.O.; SOUZA, EDUARDO A.P.; GOUVEA, PAULO F. de M. ; SILVA, PAULO S.C.. . Radiological characterization of peloids maturated with Águas de Lindóia, Poços de Caldas and Peruíbe waters. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1709-1717.

    Abstract: One of the concerns about using mineral clay for therapy treatments is its radioactivity content due to natural radionuclides, normally, associated with the clays. This work proposes to characterize the natural radionuclides of the peloids obtained by the maturation process of mixing bentonite and montmorillonite with different mineral medicinal waters from Águas de Lindóia (SP), Peruíbe (SP) and Poços de Caldas (MG). For this procedure, gray end green bentonite samples were left in contact with running water for three, six and nine months, after this, they were collected, dried, transferred to a mortar, crushed and placed in approximately 40 cm3 polyethylene flasks, sealed and set apart for about four weeks, prior to the measurements. The concentration of 210Pb was determined by measuring the activity of its low energy peak (47 keV). Comparing the gray and green bentonite peloids, all the activity concentration of radionuclides are higher in gray ones, except 40K. The activity concentration varied from 84 to 156 Bq kg−1 (228Ra), 25 to 156 Bq kg−1 (228Th), 9 to 161 Bq kg−1 (226Ra), 39 to 256 Bq kg−1 (210Pb) and 162 to 1070 Bq kg−1 (40K).

    Palavras-Chave: bentonite; brazil; clays; concentration ratio; lead 210; montmorillonite; natural radioactivity; public health; radioecological concentration; therapy; thermal springs

  • IPEN-DOC 26227

    NARIO, ARIAN P. ; PIJIEIRA, MARTHA S.O. ; SANTOS, SOFIA N. dos ; CAMPOS, VANESSSA L.; BERNARDES, EMERSON S. . Synthesis of a 2-nitroimidazole glycopeptide radiolabeled with (68)Ga for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of tumor hypoxia. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1687-1701.

    Abstract: Hypoxia is a pathological condition characterized by a reduction of oxygen supply to a specific tissue or cell. About 60% of solid tumors in an advanced stage present areas of hypoxia. Tumor-associated hypoxia has been correlated to: 1) tumor aggressiveness; 2) resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy; 3) poor prognosis. Thus, the use of non-invasive methods dedicated to assess tumor hypoxic areas are of extremely importance for the treatment of several types of cancers, allowing the use of individualized therapeutic strategies. Here, we developed a new 68Ga-labeled radiopharmaceutical for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of tumor hypoxia. The 68Ga-labelled 2-nitroimidazole derivative was successfully obtained by linking the 2- nitroimidazole acetic acid derivative with a glycopeptide obtained by solid phase synthesis and further conjugated to DOTA-NHS and its identity was confirmed by mass spectrometry. The radiolabeling procedure of 68Ga-Glycopeptide was optimized regarding the amount of glycopeptide, temperature and time, and was obtained with a high radiochemical purity (96.6± 0.4%). Compared to the standard hypoxic radiopharmaceutical 18 68 F-FAZA, Cancer is a chronic degenerative process that culminates in the loss of mechanisms that regulate cell cycle and death. In addition, it is considered a public health problem worldwide and its incidence has grown by 20% in the last decade. In Brazil, it is the second cause of death due to illness and the National Cancer Institute estimate is approximately 600 thousand Ga-Glycopeptide was obtained in a faster way and high radiochemical purity was achieved after radiolabeling procedures. Our new 68Ga-Glycopeptide may be promising candidate for further evaluation as a potential hypoxia imaging agent. Moreover, the use of 68Ga as an alternative to 18F in the development of new tracers for PET imaging is still an advantage because of the use of radionuclide generators instead of costly cyclotron equipment. Additionally, the use of a glycopeptide may allow the development of a kit-type setup that will ease the preparation of the 68Ga-based agent.

    Palavras-Chave: anoxia; gallium 68; labelling; misonidazole; oxygen; peptides; positron computed tomography; radiochemistry; respiration

  • IPEN-DOC 26226

    AMARAL, KLEICY C. ; CARVALHO, LUMA R. de ; ALBIERO, ANA LIGIA ; LAUBE, RAQUEL ; NASCIMENTO, ANA C.G. ; BONFIM, LETICIA ; VIEIRA, DANIEL P. . Effects of an inhibitor of nitric oxide production on cell cycle and micronucleus frequency in irradiated human breast adenocarcinoma cells. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1649-1658.

    Abstract: Breast adenocarcinomas ar e the most frequent malignant tumor (about 25% of cases), and its malignant outcome causes about 15% of all deaths of women with cancer. The production of nitric oxide (NO) by isoforms of nitric ox ide synthases (NOS’s) are related to increased malignancy a nd stimuli to metastatic progression of breast adenocarcinomas, but its presence in irradiated cells can lead to higher frequencies of DNA damage. The work used aminoguanidine, an inhibitor of isof orm 2 of NOS (NOS 2) to treat human breast cancer cells (MCF 7) in non toxic concentrations (1 and 2mM) before exposure to gamma irradiation 60 Co) to assess if reduction of intracellular NO can protect from, or induce radio induced cell damage, cell cycle disruption or death. Cells were treated and irradiated at 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 or 8Gy . A dministration of aminoguanidine arrest ed the cell cycle in the synthesis (S) phase, altering the DNA repair capacity of cells. T he higher concentration (2mM) led to less genotoxic damage (about 50%) in cells irradiated at 8Gy as obse rved using micronucleus scoring by flow cytometry. Alternatively, 1mM of aminoguanidin e increased genotoxic damage and induced a less significant increase of S phase cells. Despite the findings, no significant alterations in cell proliferation rates were o bserved. Finding s showed that aminogua ni dine can modulate radio induced ef fects on cells.

    Palavras-Chave: computerized simulation; dynamical systems; interactions; investment; market; personnel; production; radiopharmaceuticals; supply and demand; v codes; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 26225

    MUTARELLI, RITA de C. ; LIMA, ANA C. de S. ; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANE . Study of the demand-supply for radiopharmaceuticals in IPEN: a system dynamics approach. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1617-1628.

    Abstract: Radiopharmaceuticals are unique medicinal formulations containing radioisotopes and are used in nuclear medicine for diagnosis and/or therapy for chronic diseases such as cancer, alzheimer and cardiac disorders. The increase in the incidence of these diseases in the Brazilian population and the trend of increasing demand for radiopharmaceuticals motivated the elaboration of this work from a system dynamics perspective. The aim of this paper is to present a System Dynamic Model for simulating the interaction between demand, capacity, workforce and production of radiopharmaceuticals produced by IPEN. The validity of this model is verified by running in Vensim PLE software using historical data. The model was based on the generic structure of commodity markets and main variables were considered to represent the market polices. The preliminary model presented was able to capture the expected behavior of the industry of radiopharmaceuticals. Two alternative scenarios were developed, one to analyze the impacts of investment in infrastructure of IPEN and the other to investigate the workforce investment. As result, the model performed well in representing the behavior of the market. In addition, scenario tests showed that investment in infrastructure and workforce investment have a significant impact in the dynamic of the system.

    Palavras-Chave: computerized simulation; dynamical systems; interactions; investment; market; personnel; production; radiopharmaceuticals; supply and demand; v codes; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 26224

    BURGOS, MANUEL R.; AOKI, PEDRO E. . Evaluating a primary wastewater treatment plant, numerical analysis of experimental data. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1593-1599.

    Abstract: The plant under study is processing the wastewater of the eastern part of Montevideo city, capital of Uruguay, its population is approximately one million people, its maximum capacity is 3 m3/s. The goal of the experiment was to determine the mean residence time, MRT, of the wastewater in the decanting tanks. The plant has four of these tanks of approximately 500 m3 each. The output of this system of decanting tanks is pumped to a 2.300 m length pipe into the River Plate. At the plant input a set of mechanical filters is used and after it the material is pumped to a central 25 m length distributor, where the entrances of the decanting tanks are placed. For evaluating the whole system, it was used about 740 MBq (20 mCi) of 131I in 10 ml as an input pulse. The analysis was performed in two steps. Initially the distributor was studied, a transfer function from the main input to the entrance of each tank was determined. In the second step, the goal of the plant evaluation, the MRT of each tank was analyzed. Considering the non-impulsive shape of the input function of the decanting tanks, a numerical deconvolution software of the output-input of each tank was developed ab initio. Deconvolution results of various sequences as: main input to the distributor system-decanting tanks entrances-output were compared with meaningful conclusions.

    Palavras-Chave: decantation; dispersions; experimental data; iodine 131; laminar flow; numerical analysis; residence half-time; tanks; tracer techniques; waste processing plants; waste water

  • IPEN-DOC 26222

    CORREA, JOAO C. ; GARCIA, RAFAEL H.L. ; SANTOS, RODRIGO S. dos ; AMADEU, RAFAEL A. ; BERNARDES, THIAGO L.S. ; VELO, ALEXANDRE F. ; CARVALHO, DIEGO V. de S. ; NASCIMENTO, TARCIANO J. do; CAVALLARO, FRANCISCO A.; MESQUITA, CARLOS H. de ; HAMADA, MARGARIDA M. . Chemical and physical analysis of sandstone rock from Botucatu formation. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1564-1582.

    Abstract: The productive capacity of the Guarani Aquifer System is subject to variations along its length, due to its complex structural and compositional heterogeneity. Several parameters may influence the quality of this reservoir rock, such as its mineralogical and textural constitution, as well as the physicochemical processes, its diagenesis is not the same throughout the aquifer, influencing the water productivity in wells in different locations. Such parameters are useful in the geoscience studies, in the elaboration of diagenetic models for the prediction of the reservoir quality. In this work, several properties of the sandstone rock from Botucatu Formation were determined, using different techniques, such as geotechnical tests, optical microscopy (MO), electron scanning microscopy (SEM), X-ray Fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The results indicate that the studied sandstones have characteristics of the reservoir rocks, with potential for water storage.

    Palavras-Chave: chemical analysis; optical microscopy; physical properties; plasticity; reservoir rock; sandstones; scanning electron microscopy; shear; x-ray diffraction; x-ray fluorescence analysis

  • IPEN-DOC 26221

    SANTOS, RODRIGO S. dos ; CAVALLARO, FRANCISCO DE A.; BERNARDES, THIAGO L.S. ; AMADEU, RAFAEL A. ; GARCIA, RAFAEL H.L. ; VELO, ALEXANDRE F.; CARVALHO, DIEGO V. de S. ; MESQUITA, CARLOS H. de ; HAMADA, MARGARIDA M. . Performance of the X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and the industrial computed tomography used for characterization of the vesicular volcanic rock. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1554-1563.

    Abstract: Volcanic rock is a designation in geology given to extrusive igneous rocks. One type of igneous rock of interest, in economic terms, is the vesicular, since besides the knowledge of the morphology (positioning, size, direction and interconnectivity of the vesicles) of these structures within the spill, there is also an economic interest regarding the possibility of this rock as a reservoir of fluids (water and hydrocarbons). In this work, samples of vesicular volcanic rock from the Paraná Basin were studied for their characterization, aiming to contribute in the knowledge of this rock proprieties as a reservoir of fluids. The elements present inside the rocks were identified and quantified by X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The dimensions of the vesicles and the interconnection between them could be clearly observed in the reconstructed images of the rocks measured, using the third generation gamma ray industrial tomography.

    Palavras-Chave: chemical composition; computerized tomography; gamma radiation; iridium 192; nai detectors; reservoir fluids; volcanic rocks; x-ray diffraction; x-ray fluorescence analysis

  • IPEN-DOC 26220

    AMADEU, RAFAEL A. ; BERNARDES, THIAGO L.S. ; SANTOS, RODRIGO S. dos ; GARCIA, RAFAEL H.L. ; VELO, ALEXANDRE F. ; CARVALHO, DIEGO V. de S. ; CAVALLARO, FRANCISCO A.; MESQUITA, CARLOS H. de ; HAMADA, MARGARIDA M. . Characterization of the petrology of the tar sandtone rock of the Paraná basin. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1541-1553.

    Abstract: In the state of São Paulo (Brazil), occurrences of tar sandstone are known in Botucatu, Angatuba, Pirambóia, Anhembi and Bofete municipalities. In the present work, a sample of white tar sandstone was taken from Anhembi municipality, located at Km 168 of the Castelo Branco Highway. In the petroleum area, sandstones act as excellent hydrocarbon reservoirs, since they have specific characteristics, such as: high porosity and permeability. Porosity is a property of rocks, and it may be understood as the voids contained in the matrix (where fluids remain stored), while permeability is the ability of the rock to transmit these stored fluids. Due to these characteristics of sandstones, researchers have shown a growing interest in the study and characterization of this type of rock, which is a fundamental element of an oil system. In the present work, four characterization techniques were used in the Anhembi tar sandstone sample, namely: X-ray Diffraction, X-ray Fluorescence, Scanning Electron Microscope and the third generation Industrial Computerized Tomography. Through these techniques, the chemical composition, grain morphology, crystalline structure phases and an image of a slice of the internal structure of the white tar sandstone sample were obtained.

    Palavras-Chave: chemical composition; computerized tomography; crystal structure; gamma radiation; morphology; petrology; sandstones; scanning electron microscopy; tar; x-ray diffraction; x-ray diffraction; x-ray fluorescence analysis

  • IPEN-DOC 26219

    BERNARDES, THIAGO L.S. ; AMADEU, RAFAEL A. ; SANTOS, RODRIGO S. dos ; GARCIA, RAFAEL H.L. ; VELO, ALEXANDRE F. ; CARVALHO, DIEGO V. de S. ; CAVALLARO, FRANCISCO A.; MESQUITA, CARLOS H. de ; HAMADA, MARGARIDA M. . Study of the petrology of the shale rock from the Parana basin. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1529-1540.

    Abstract: In the present work, the characteristics of shale rock, collected in the surrounds of Limeira, in the interior of São Paulo, were studied. Shales are rocks formed by the consolidation of layers of clay, silt or mud, and are composed of minerals derived from mechanical abrasion materials, weathering final product and chemical and/or biochemical additions [1]. Shales are mostly fine granules, susceptible to the mineralogical rearrangement, and their chemical composition is quite varied due to the geomorphology and the tectonism undergone by the sedimentary basins. They are impermeable structures, formed by the consolidation of layered clay with thin laminations. Because of these characteristics presented, together with the decline of petroleum production, a growing interest in the better understanding and knowledge of the physical-chemical properties of the interior of shale rocks has been demonstrated. In this work, different methodologies were used to characterize them, using the Gamma Ray Computed Industrial Tomography technique along with other complementary procedures, such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Fluorescence and X-Ray Diffraction. Several characteristics have been studied, such as the analysis of the particle morphology, the contrasts and distributions of these particles in the internal structure of the rock, identification of the types of elements present (quantitative analysis), as well as establishing a proportion in which each element is present in the mineral through its crystalline structure and obtaining images of the rock internal structure.

    Palavras-Chave: chemical properties; computerized tomography; crystal structure; gamma radiation; petrology; physical properties; quantitative chemical analysis; rocks; scanning electron microscopy; shales; x-ray diffraction; x-ray fluorescence analysis

  • IPEN-DOC 26218

    DELLAMANO, JOSE C. ; HIROMOTO, GORO . Borehole dimensions needed to fit the Brazilian inventory of disused radioactive sealed sources from lightning rods and smoke detectors. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1389-1395.

    Abstract: Brazil has a large inventory of disused sealed radioactive sources (DSRS), accounting over two hundred thousands sources being safely stored at Brazilian National Nuclear Energy Commission institutes. The majority of them can not be disposed of in near surface repository due to long lived alpha emitters, mainly Ra 226 needles formerly used in brachytherapy and Am 241 sources from smoke detectors and lightning rods, which correspond to more than 90% of the total number of the sources currently stored. Therefore, an alternative strategy to dispose of these classes of DSRS is to adopt the IAEA Borehole Disposal Concept (BDC); in this sense, due to the usually small diameter of the disposal container, knowledge of the volume of each of these sources is needed. All Ra 226 needles and Am 241 sources from lightning rods do not have significant variations in geometry and size, but Am 241 sources from smoke detectors have more than 20 different sizes covering a range from a few millimeters to about sixty millimeters in length. Of course, this fact will strongly affect the borehole design. The main objective of this paper was to determine accurately the capacity of the BDC disposal capsules required to condition these sources as a function of the different diameters of the capsules. Results showed that the borehole linear extension necessary to fit the Brazilian inventory of Am 241 sources from lightning rods and smoke detectors can reach hundreds of meters, depending on the BDC capsule diameter chosen. These findings showed that the final destination of this class of DSRS of the Brazilian inventory should be carefully examinated.

    Palavras-Chave: americium 241; boreholes; capsules; dimensions; inventories; lightning; radioactive materials; radioactive waste disposal; radium 226; sealed sources; smoke detectors

  • IPEN-DOC 26217

    ALVES, ITALO H. ; MARUMO, JULIO T. ; VICENTE, ROBERTO . The importance of a document management policy to radioactive waste management. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1379-1388.

    Abstract: The absence of document management policies on the nuclear area, in Brazil, can affect the short- and the long-term safety of radioactive waste management. Knowledge about the radioactive content of the waste is essential to its safety. However, in the national legal framework, there is no specific rules about the maintenance of documents/information, neither procedures that are related to management of records that ensures their integrity, authenticity and preservation. Considering the nature and the magnitude of the dangers associate to radioactive waste, information related to all steps of its life cycle, from generation to final disposal, is essential to an appropriate management and disposal, in line with the principles of preserving the human health and the environmental, today and in the future. This paper intends to indicate all the main aspects of a document management policy that could impact on radioactive waste management, and to discuss how a national policy establishing guidance to all those involved in the generation and the management of the radioactive waste could help improve the processes of recording and preserving the required information to the future.

    Palavras-Chave: documentation; legislation; radiation protection; radioactive waste management; regulations; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 26216

    MACHADO, GABO G.; GUILHEN, SABINE N. ; KRUPSKAYA, VICTORIA V.; ZAKUSIN, SERGEY V.; TYUPINA, EKATERINA A.; HARADA, JULIO; VICENTE, ROBERTO ; SOUZA, RODRIGO P. de; ARAUJO, LEANDRO G. de ; ESPINOSA, DENISE C.R.. Brazilian clays as potential buffer materials for radioactive waste final storage. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1357-1366.

    Abstract: Clayey materials have been adopted in most nuclear waste producing countries, as a key constituent in engineered barrier for final disposal facilities at all levels of radioactive wastes (LILW-SL, LILW-LL and HLW). The following study presents a thorough characterization upon five Brazilian clay rich deposits, mostly smectite bearing clays, aiming to evaluate their expected performance as clay buffer under the conditions associated to a Low and Intermediate Level Waste Repository (RBMN); being the former a matter of national strategic interest. Samples coming from the Brazilian states of Bahia, Maranhão, Pará and Paraíba were treated and analyzed by means of X-Ray diffraction as a main technique, and complemented by FTIR, LALLS, XRF and SEM-EDS, in order to stablish mineralogical composition, particle size distribution and chemical composition. Moreover, several standard clay treatments over the <1 μm size fraction were carried out to reveal information regarding layer charge, major interlayer cations, unit formula and other crystal features of smectite species present in a mineralogical assembly, enabling the construction of a molecular model over which would be realistic to simulate the diffusion of radionuclides. Results obtained on 133Cs adsorption experiments indicate that mineralogical composition would probably be the single most influential factor controlling transport capacity of positively charged radionuclides in the current setup, and can be expressed in terms of smectite contents, favoring montmorillonite rich materials containing majorly Na+ as compensating cation in interlayer position. Thus, the obtained data will be useful in the testing of optimal compaction conditions to obtain the most suitable buffer material for the repository design. However, this trend is yet to be contrasted against hydraulic conductivity measurements and swelling pressure to see how they match.

    Palavras-Chave: adsorption; buffers; cesium 133; chemical composition; clays; fourier transformation; infrared spectra; mineralogy; particle size; radioactive waste storage; scanning electron microscopy; x-ray diffraction; x-ray fluorescence analysis

  • IPEN-DOC 26215

    MOURÃO, ROGERIO P.; SILVA, EDSON P. da; FERREIRA, MARCIO D.C.; POTIENS JUNIOR, ADEMAR J. . Retrieval and conditioning of radium sources-containing package in Panama. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1348-1356.

    Abstract: A team of CNEN experts successfully conducted an operation in Panama to recover and condition disused radioactive sources stored in an unsafe condition. The sources, containing the Ra-226 isotope, were used in the past to treat tumors using the technique known as brachytherapy and were immobilized in a complex package buried in an old hospital wing destined for demolition. The compartment where the package stayed for decades, built under the floor of a hospital laboratory, was contaminated with radon and daughters, including Pb-210, responsible for the contamination found. The operation consisted of extracting the package from this compartment, placing it in a cylindrical metal overpack, transporting it to the temporary storage site and carry out site decontamination. Besides the package with the sources, three 200L drums containing contaminated debris from the demolition of walls and floor were generated. No relevant event of radiological protection, such as occupational dose above the established limits, contamination of personnel or place, etc, was observed. The package produced, together with those containing the contaminated debris, was transferred to the facilities of the National Oncology Institute.

    Palavras-Chave: contamination; cooperation; decontamination; fission products; materials recovery; packaging; panama; quality assurance; radiation doses; radiation protection; radioactive waste storage; radium 226; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 26214

    AYLLON, RAFAELLA M. ; TORRECILHA, JEFFERSON K. ; SAUEIA, CATIA H.R. ; NISTI, MARCELO B. ; TORQUATO, HENRIQUE; EL HAJJ, THAMMIRIS M.; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da . External gamma exposure due to the application of carbonate niobium tailing as soil amendment. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1318-1327.

    Abstract: The storage of tailing from anthropic activities like mining, which may contain radionuclides, is a problematic situation consequent from NORM industries and for which alternatives should be sought. This paper presents the preliminary results for the use of a carbonate tailing derived from niobium extraction as soil amendment from the point of view of the radiological indices, since this material is a NORM residue. The activity concentration of radionuclides 226Ra, 228Ra and 40K were determined in six samples of carbonate by gamma spectrometry and the radiological hazard indices were calculated for the carbonate itself and simulated for soil application. The results indicated that the dilution of the carbonate in the soil do not increase the radiological hazard indices.

    Palavras-Chave: agriculture; carbonates; gamma spectroscopy; mining; naturally occurring radioactive materials; niobium; potassium 40; radiation hazards; radioactive wastes; radium 226; radium 228

  • IPEN-DOC 26213

    LINHARES, VANESSA do N. ; VICENTE, ROBERTO ; MARUMO, JULIO T. . Treatment of TENORM waste using surfactant. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1310-1317.

    Abstract: The petroleum industry is responsible by the generation of wastes that are both toxic and radioactive, sometimes called mixed waste. The toxicity is due to the presence of hydrocarbons and sulfur and the radioactivity is the result of the leaching of thorium and uranium daughters present in the oil-producing formation and their transport by the extracted fluids to the production rigs. Because of the presence of these radioactive materials of natural origin, this waste is named TENORM (Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material). The main radionuclides present are 210Pb, 224Ra, 226Ra and 228Ra. In Brazil, the offshore platforms cannot dispose this waste by reinjection in wells because federal law prohibits disposal of radioactive waste in seawaters or seabed. The waste is, therefore transported to land and stored. This work aims at investigating a method of decontaminating the oil sludge by using surfactant that can increase the removal efficiency of the radionuclides. After a successful treatment, the decontaminated waste can be disposed of as non-radioactive industrial waste in a licensed facility and the concentrated radioactive material can be treated as radioactive waste, decreasing significantly the costs of management and improving safety.

    Palavras-Chave: daughter products; decontamination; lead 210; naturally occurring radioactive materials; offshore platforms; petroleum industry; radioactive waste management; radioactive wastes; radium 224; radium 226; radium 228; sludges; surfactants

  • IPEN-DOC 26212

    LINO, JULIANA dos S. ; AQUINO, AFONSO R. de . Dealing with a former rare earth separation facility site (USIN): case of a contaminated site in São Paulo city, Brazil. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1284-1292.

    Abstract: São Paulo city has currently 2,224 contaminated lands which are a t different stages of the environmental management process. It is possible to find areas developing environmental analysis and investigations, fields with confirmed risk to human health and w ithout an approved remediation plan, even places during the remediat ion process and revitalized spaces , which could be an otherwise land use . The USIN facility stopped their operation in 1992 and was initially used to store minerals and residues from the p rocessing of minerals. Furthermore, was equipped to process rare earth compounds using solvent extraction techniques, and also store by product material consisting of 2% of U 3 O 8 and 20% of ThO 2 concentrate . The former facility site consisted of 3 sheds con structed in an area of 60,000 m 2 located in a past urban industrial district, Campo Grande, in São Paulo city. Over the years, Campo Grande district was changing its land use, from industrial use to residential and commercial use, hence the number of resid ences in the neighborhood of USIN has increased. According to São Paulo Environment Agency (CETESB), USIN’s area was classified as an area with confirmed risk. This study approach chemical and radiological contaminants present in the area, also the remedia tion actions adopted. Despite CETESB classification, results indicated than the area has been remediated, a segment of 18,400 m² it was already cleaned up, and the remainder currently is in the remediation process.

    Palavras-Chave: environmental effects; minerals; radioactive waste management; radioactive wastes; rare earth compounds; remedial action; storage facilities; surface contamination; thorium; uranium; urban areas; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 26211

    OTERO, ANDRE G.L. ; POTIENS JUNIOR, ADEMAR J. ; CALZETA, EDUARDO P.; MARUMO, JULIO T. . Comparing deep learning architectures on gamma-spectroscopy analysis for nuclear waste characterization. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1278-1283.

    Abstract: Neural networks, particularly deep neural networks, are used nowadays with great success in several tasks, such as image classification, image segmentation, translation, text to speech, speech to text, achieving super-human performance. In this study, we explore the capabilities of deep learning on a new field: gamma-spectroscopy analysis, comparing the classification performance of different deep neural networks architectures. We choose VGG-16, VGG-19, Xception, ResNet, InceptionV3 and MobileNet architectures which are available through the Keras Deep Learning framework to identify several different radionuclides (Am-241, Ba- 133, Cd-109, Co-60, Cs-137, Eu-152, Mn-54, Na-24, and Pb-210). Using an HPGe detector to acquire several gamma spectra, from different sealed sources to created a dataset that was used for the training and validation of the neural networks comparison. This study demonstrates the strengths and weakness of applying deep learning on gamma-spectroscopy analysis for nuclear waste characterization.

    Palavras-Chave: artificial intelligence; computer architecture; gamma spectroscopy; high-purity ge detectors; neural networks; radioactive waste management; radioactive wastes; radioisotopes; sealed sources

  • IPEN-DOC 26210

    TESSARO, ANA P.G. ; CASAS, ALEXANDRE L. ; TEIXEIRA, ANTONIO C.S.C.; VICENTE, ROBERTO ; MARUMO, JULIO T. ; ARAUJO, LEANDRO G. de . Oil sludge treatment by electron beam irradiation. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1250-1257.

    Abstract: Radiation induced advanced oxidation processes have been proposed for the treatment of various types of wastes. However, electron beam technologies for the removal of recalcitrant compounds in petroleum wastes are still poorly understood. This work aims at evaluating the effects on the degradation of organic matter from oil sludge by electron beam irradiation. The radiometric analysis was also performed to identify radionuclides and measure dose rates. An electron beam accelerator, model Dynamitron II, with variable current up to 25 mA was employed and the irradiation dose values ranged from 20 to 250 kGy. Solutions were prepared with an initial H2O2 concentration of 1.34 mol L 1. Samples without H2O2 addition, but with water were also evaluated. Control tests with dry and pulverized sludge were submitted to irradiation. The effects on the removal of total organic carbon and the sludge degradation are discussed.

    Palavras-Chave: dose rates; electron beam furnaces; irradiation; oils; radioisotopes; radiometric analysis; sludges; wastes

  • IPEN-DOC 26209

    PETRI, ANNA R.; BARROS, SUELEN F.; GONCALVES, JOSEMARY A.C. ; BUENO, CARMEN C. ; MAIDANA, NORA; MARTINS, MARCOS N.; VANIN, VITO R.. Count rate effect on the response of a low-cost PIN diode for electron spectrometry. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1207-1213.

    Abstract: The response of a low-cost Si photodiode model BPX 65 for low-energy electron spectrometry is investigated envisaging its use in measurements of electron multiple elastic scattering. The electron beam with energy between 10-100 keV is delivered by the gun of the Racetrack Microtron at Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo, with an energy dispersion less than 0.5 keV. The energy resolution achieved was less than 3.5 keV, limited mainly by noise from the electronic acquisition chain. For count rates between 20 and 5500 counts/s, the variation on the centroid of electron peak was smaller than 0.4% throughout the energy range. Therefore, the BPX 65 is suitable for electron spectrometry.

    Palavras-Chave: electron beams; si semiconductor detectors; semiconductor diodes; silicon diodes; counting rates; electron beams; photodiodes; electron diffraction; energy spectra; electron detection; electron spectroscopy

  • IPEN-DOC 26208

    SOUZA, ALEXANDRE P.S. ; OLIVEIRA, LUIZ P. de ; YOKAICHIYA, FABIANO; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; FRANCO, MARGARETH K.K.D. . A diffractometer project for Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB): McStas simulations and instrument optimization. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1190-1199.

    Abstract: High-resolution di ractometer is one of the rst instruments of the set of 15 priority neutron scattering instruments to be installed at the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB). A basic project of this instrument consists of the existence of three guides through which neutrons pass from source to sample to guarantee maximum neutron ux at the sample position. In this study we investigate guide geometry performance considering xed di ractometer geometry and spatial arrangement. Comparisons between di erent guide shapes and supermirrors are performed using software based on the Monte Carlo method, McStas. Our conclusion shows that a better solution is splitting the initial ux into two di erent guides to obtain the maximum ux at the sample position.

    Palavras-Chave: computer codes; computerized simulation; configuration; diffractometers; monte carlo method; neutron flux; neutron guides; neutron sources; optimization; rmb reactor

  • IPEN-DOC 26207

    OLIVEIRA, LUIZ P. de ; SOUZA, ALEXANDRE P. S. ; YOKAICHIYA, FABIANO; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; FRANCO, MARGARETH K.K.D. . Study on s-shaped guide using McStas software. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1184-1189.

    Abstract: Monte Carlo simulations are performed for a vertical S-shaped neutron guide for the cold neutron sources of the FRM-II, HZB and PSI reactors through the McStas software. The aim of our study is investigate a relation between the cuto in the cold neutron spectrum and the sources. Results for the neutron ux at the sample position are presented for di erent supermirrors with m = 1, 2 and 3. The vertical S-shaped neutron guides additionally provide a vertical displacement between beam hole and sample position, which can facilitate the implementation and manipulation of sample environments.

    Palavras-Chave: cold neutrons; computer codes; monte carlo method; neutron flux; neutron guides; neutron sources; neutron spectra

  • IPEN-DOC 26206

    COSTA, OSVALDO L. da ; SOUZA, DAIANE C.B. de ; CASTANHO, FABIO G. ; FEHER, ANSELMO ; MOURA, JOÃO A. ; SOUZA, CARLA D. de ; OLIVEIRA, HENRIQUE B. de ; MADUAR, MARCELO F. ; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A. ; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. . Gamma spectrometry of iodine-125 produced in IEA-R1 nuclear reator, using HPGe detector and fixation into epoxy matrix disc. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1176-1183.

    Abstract: Few places in the world produce iodine-125. In Brazil, the first production happened in nuclear reactor IEA-R1 located at Nuclear and Energy Research Institute – IPEN. To verify the quality of iodine-125 produced, because contaminants as iodine-126, caesium-134 and caesium-137 among others, may be produced in irradiation process, iodine-125 samples were immobilized into epoxy matrix disc, with the same geometry of a barium-133 reference radioactive source, used to calibrate an HPGe detector. The HPGe detector has a thin carbon composite window, which allows measure the iodine-125 photopeaks, between 27.1 and 35.4 keV.

    Palavras-Chave: contamination; gamma spectroscopy; high-purity ge detectors; iodine 125; irradiation; quality control; volatility; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 26205

    SILVA, NATALIA F. da ; SILVA, TIAGO F.; S. FILHO, LUCAS A.; CASTRO, MAYSA C. de ; LUZ, HUGO N. da; CALDAS, LINDA V. E. . Electrical characterization of the amplification plate of a thick-GEM detector for low energy X radiation dosimetry. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1171-1175.

    Abstract: To evaluate the possible use of Thick-GEM detectors as dosimeters in standard mammography radiation qualities, a prototype is under development for tests. This is a collaboration project between the IPEN Calibration Laboratory and the High Energy Physics and Instrumentation Center (HEPIC-IFUSP). The prototype design takes into consideration many parameters that were obtained in an exploratory work using the Monte Carlo simulation code MCNP5. Using simulations, parameters such as typical dimensions and materials were optimized to match the characteristics of the detector to the requirements of a dosimeter for this purpose. At the present status of the project, electrical tests were undertaken to evaluate the quality of the amplification plate produced in-house. The amplification plate is composed of fiberglass with a thickness of 0.5 mm and 0.03 mm of copper on each side. The average diameter of the orifices in the plate is 0.25 mm, and the distance between centers is 1.00 mm. During the electrical tests, the amplification plate was in a gas chamber filled with Argon at atmospheric pressure. The leakage current was measured as a function of the applied voltage between the copper cladding of both sides. The electrical resistance of 15.3GΩ was obtained. Additionally, the breakdown voltage was observed at approximately 1.0 kV, limiting the maximum amplification voltages to this value.

    Palavras-Chave: amplification; argon; dosemeters; electric conductivity; electric potential; electrical testing; monte carlo method; plates; radiation detectors; x radiation

  • IPEN-DOC 26204

    COSTA, PRISCILA ; RAELE, MARCUS P. ; DOMIENIKAN, CLAUDIO ; MADI FILHO, TUFIC ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. . Characterization of a portable thermal neutron detector. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1163-1170.

    Abstract: A portable thermal neutron detector prototype, using a PIN-type silicon photodiode coupled to a boron converter, was developed at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN-CNEN/SP). Several boron layers were made by Pulsed Laser Deposition method and two different prototypes were made using distinct approaches in the associated electronics. The prototypes were characterized by measurements with the cold neutron beam at PHADES (Polarized 3He and Detector Experiment Station), in the NIST Center for Neutron Research. The distance between the prototype and the neutron source was different for each prototype: 70 cm (prototype one) and 7 cm (prototype two). The linearity behavior was verified for both prototypes in order to verify the relationship between counts and neutron fluence. The intrinsic efficiency values obtained for prototypes one and two were, respectively, (1.78 ± 0.01)% and (5.2 ± 0.4)%. The angular dependence was verified only for prototype one. The concept of this detector can be applied in a future dosimeter project.

    Palavras-Chave: thermal neutrons; photodiodes; portable equipment; silicon; cold neutrons; efficiency; neutron detectors; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 26203

    BUENO, LETICIA K. ; MARTINS, ELAINE W. ; ABOLAFIO, ADILSON ; POTIENS, MARIA da P.A. . Behavior analysis of the activity meter in standard fields. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1156-1162.

    Abstract: The measurements good practices consists in the periodic control of the results obtained by the instruments, the main objective of the quality control in the activity meter is to guarantee that its response is being constant over time and, the results are trustable in relation to the references. The objective of this study was to perform a comparison of the behavior of 12 activity meters that are located inside of the IPEN’s Radiopharmacy Center. These equipment were submitted to periodic tests using the reference sources of 57Co, 133Ba and 137Cs. To evaluate their behavior the accuracy and precision tests were applied individually to the well-type ionization chamber. Based on the survey accomplished, we can verify through the failures presented on the accuracy performance that the activity meters are instruments that need a periodic verification, requesting adjusts and recalibration.

    Palavras-Chave: activity meters; barium 133; brazilian cnen; cesium 137; cobalt 57; comparative evaluations; ionization chambers; nuclear medicine; quality control

  • IPEN-DOC 26202

    MORAIS, THALES S.L. de ; KOSKINAS, MARINA F. ; MOREIRA, DENISE S. ; DIAS, MAURO da S. . Preliminary study of radionuclide standardization by TDCR method applying a time-to-amplitude converter. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1147-1155.

    Abstract: This paper proposes an alternative to the use of counters for the standardization of radionuclides in a 3-photodetectors liquid scintillation counter by the triple to double coincidence ratio (TDCR) method using an electronic system for processing pulses that allows the subtraction of the accidental coincidences. The electronic system consists of ampli ers, discriminators, logic gates and delay modules feeding a time-to-amplitude converter (TAC) with output to a multichannel analyzer (MCA). This system does not require individual counters for each photodetector and coincident counts contribute to the noise reduction. The method compares 3 di erent TAC spectra registered in MCA with 4, 3 or 2 peaks obtained from di erent con gurations of the electronic system. For testing the system, a series of measurements with a 90Sr standard solution was performed.

    Palavras-Chave: carbon 14; cobalt 60; comparative evaluations; liquid scintillators; photomultipliers; standardization; tracer techniques; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 26201

    KOSKINAS, MARINA F. ; KUZNETSOVA, MARIA ; MOREIRA, DENISE S. ; SCHOUERI, ROBERTO M. ; MORAIS, THALES S.L. de ; SEMMLER, RENATO ; DIAS, MAURO da S. . Preliminary measurements using a Triple to Double Coincidence Ratio (TDCR) Liquid Scintillator Counter System. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1125-1131.

    Abstract: The preliminary measurements using a Triple to Double Coincidence Ratio (TDCR) Liquid Scintillator Counter System developed by the Nuclear Metrology Laboratory (LMN) at IPEN, is presented. The TDCR system makes use of three photomultipliers positioned at 120° relative angle, operating in coincidence. For this preliminary measurement, 14C was selected to be standardized. This solution was previously calibrated by the efficiency tracing technique using a  (PC) coincidence system, employing 60Co as a tracer. 14C was chosen due to be a beta pure emitter with low end-point energy of 156 keV. The Software Coincidence System (SCS) developed by the LMN was used for both systems to register the events. MICELLE 2 code was used to calculate the theoretical TDCR efficiency. Measurements using HIDEX, a commercial liquid scintillator system, were also carried out and the results from the three methods were compared, showing a good agreement.

    Palavras-Chave: carbon 14; cobalt 60; comparative evaluations; liquid scintillators; photomultipliers; standardization; tracer techniques; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 26200

    VIEIRA JUNIOR, NILSON D. ; BANERJEE, SUDEEP; MALDONADO, EDISON P.; ZUFFI, ARMANDO V.F. ; TABACOW, FABIO B.D. ; SAMAD, RICARDO E. . Laser particle acceleration in Brazil. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1112-1124.

    Abstract: The fast-growing field of particle acceleration using lasers is now in a new trend due to an enormous worldwide effort to increase the peak power of femtosecond laser systems, as well as increasing the average power of these systems in order to make them useful for applications. The most spectacular example of investment in this area is the Extreme Light Infrastructure in Europe, which has led to the establishment of three large research facilities in the Czech Republic, Romania and Hungary that host some of the most powerful lasers world-wide (above PW peak power). The decade’s long progress in this area is being celebrated by the conferment of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics to Gerard Mourou and Donna Strickland, who pioneered the technique of Chirped Pulse Amplification, on which all modern-day ultrashort and ultra-intense lasers are based. These lasers can produce extreme conditions that mimic the ones found in stellar cores. Besides the basic physics that is being brought to light due to these new regimes, several applications of these systems are very promising, and one of them, the acceleration of charged particles, is the goal of this program. Laser particle accelerators are compact and need less radiation shielding, predicting a significant cost reduction with impact in the widespread use, mostly in medicine.

    Palavras-Chave: acceleration; accelerators; charged particles; lasers; medicine; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 26199

    SUZART, KAROLINE F. ; HAMADA, MARGARIDA M. ; PEREIRA, MARIA da C.C. ; MESQUITA, CARLOS H. de . Development and characterization of CsI (Tl) crystal for use as a radiation detector. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1105-1111.

    Abstract: Cesium iodide crystal activated with thallium (CsI(Tl)) is used as radiation sensor because of its favorable characteristics as scintillator when excited by gamma radiation. This crystal has good mechanical strength and it is not hygroscopic. In the present work the CsI(Tl) crystal was growed in the Nuclear Energy Research Institute (IPEN/CNEN/SP) by Brigdman technique in different sizes. The scintillator response was studied through gamma radiation from 99mTc source with the energy of 140 keV. The crystals were coupled to a photomultiplier tube using 0.5 McStokes viscosity silicone grease as the optical interface. All electronics for signal measurements were developed at IPEN. Measurements of luminescence and gamma spectrometry of a 99mTc source were performed. The energy resolution of the crystals was determined by the spectrum photopeak considering its full width at half maximum (FWHM).

    Palavras-Chave: cesium iodides; crystals; gamma spectroscopy; luminescence; radiation detectors; technetium 99; thallium; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 26198

    MELO, GLEISER R. de; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; MOREIRA, EDSON G. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. . Development of an environmental monitoring station for HPGe detectors. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1097-1104.

    Abstract: Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) is a well-established nondestructive analytic technique where the gamma radiation emitted by an irradiated sample is analyzed using an HPGe detector. The Neutron Activation Laboratory (LAN) of IPEN-CNEN/SP has been performing NAA analyses for over 30 years, and has plans of implementing quality control protocols to their analyses. In this sense, the environmental monitoring of the laboratories where the detectors are used has been performed for many years, in a manual way with no more than 2 measurements per day. In this work, an automated monitoring station based on a microcontroller Arduino UNO board has been developed which comprises four thermo hygrometer sensors for monitoring different parts of the environment, plus a thermocouple for monitoring the inside of the liquid nitrogen dewar. The results obtained allow for a discussion on the performance and adequacy of the sensors.

    Palavras-Chave: automation; cost; environment; high-purity ge detectors; monitoring; neutron activation analysis; performance; uses; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 26197

    ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. . Efficiency stability of HPGe detectors under distinct count rates. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1092-1096.

    Abstract: In this work the reproducibility of the e ciency of di erent HPGe detectors was analyzed under a series of di erent conditions. The detectors studied were plugged either to a regular analogical ampli er or to a digital signal processing (DSP) device, in order to evaluate the possible di erences between either setup. Detectors were inspected by performing a long series of sequential measurements with standard calibration sources, and comparing the standard deviation of the number of counts per second in each series to the uncertainty of the individual measurements. Detectors were also subjected to distinct count rates, in order to verify the possible experimental issues associated with this parameter. The results allow a discussion on the stability of the detectors' e ciencies over a few days, the possible dependence with the count rate, and the estimation of the uncertainty related to the e ciency variation.

    Palavras-Chave: calibration standards; comparative evaluations; data covariances; efficiency; high-purity ge detectors; stability

  • IPEN-DOC 26196

    CARVALHO, DIEGO V. de S. ; GREGIANIN, GUSTAVO M.; MESQUITA, CARLOS H. de . Development of an automated source port in IoT for application in industrial process tomography. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1066-1071.

    Abstract: Computed tomography technology uses an electromagnetic radiation source or particulate radiation source, to analyze / study different samples that can range from living organisms to the most diverse objects (rocks, phantoms, etc.). The use of the radioactive materials may cause harm to the operator if he is exposed to the source of radiation, so aiming at the safety of the operator, the objective of this work is to develop an Internet of Things automation system for the opening of the Industrial Process Tomography source port for industrial tomography applications. Thus, this system can drive the stepper motors through this platform can be opened at a safe distance to the operator, avoiding the operator to take radiation dose to perform this operation. For the IPT project, five source ports were made so that each was positioned diametrically opposite each array of detectors. In this project we used 192Ir sources that have activity of 18,500 MBq and that were produced in the reactor IEA-R1, from the neutron bombardment of the pellet containing stable isotope 191Ir. The main characteristics of 192Ir are: half-life of 74.2 days; radiation energy from 0.13 to 0.65 MeV. For the safety of the operator during the opening of the sources, an automated opening system with IoT that can be activated with software installed on the tomography or by a smartphone application by the MQTT protocol, which makes it possible to be monitored in real time at long distance showing the opening and closing status of each source port.

    Palavras-Chave: automation; computer codes; iridium 191; iridium 192; monitoring; openings; radiation detectors; radiation sources; real time systems; remote handling

  • IPEN-DOC 26195

    TOMAZ, LUCAS F. ; MADI FILHO, TUFIC ; BERRETTA, JOSE R. ; PEREIRA, MARIA da C.C. . Growth and optics characteristics of the CsI:Li scintillator crystal for use as radiation detector. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1052-1065.

    Abstract: Materials capable of converting ionizing radiation into light photons are called scintillators, some have specific efficiencies for certain applications and types of radiation, e.g. gamma, X-ray, alpha, beta and neutrons. CsI:Tl and NaI:Tl crystals are commonly found in the market because they have several applications, but few studies have been done on lithium doped cesium iodide crystal (CsI:Li). The lithium element, in this crystal used as a dopant, is also exploited as a converter for neutron detection, as it has a shock section of 940 barns for thermal neutrons. The study of the CsI:Li crystal is convenient considering the natural abundance of the lithium element with 7.5%, besides the interest in having a low cost national scintillator material with an opportunity to search the response of a detector for different types of radiation. The CsI:Li crystal was grown with molar concentration 10-4 to 10-1, using the vertical Bridgman technique. The parameters involved in the growth process were investigated. The transmittance was evaluated in the spectral region from 190 nm to 1100 nm. Luminescence emission spectra for the CsI:Li crystal were evaluated by photometric analysis of the crystal stimulated with a 137Cs (662 keV) source in front of the coupled sample at the monochromator input. The crystals showed of maximum luminescence intensity at the wavelength of 420 nm. The response of the scintillators when excited with gamma radiation of 241Am, 133Ba, 22Na,137Cs, 60Co and neutron radiation from the AmBe source, with energy range of 1 MeV to 12 Mev was evaluated.

    Palavras-Chave: cesium 137; energy range; gamma radiation; growth; lithium; neutron detection; optics; phosphors; photometry; radiation detectors

  • IPEN-DOC 26194

    GOMES, ANTONIO M.S. ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da . Determination of Cu, Mn and V adsorption capacity in dry macrophyte biomass. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1032-1044.

    Abstract: The importance of macrophytes in aquatic and wetland environments is of great importance. Among its relevant role are the applications for bioindication, phytoremediation and removal of potentially toxic elements from aquatic media. Aquatic environments have always been exposed to all types of contamination, whether natural or anthropogenic, from volcanic eruptions to the deliberate release of untreated chemical sewage. The importance of research to minimize the harmful effects caused by discharges of pollutants in water bodies is have been raising. The objective of this study was to determine the adsorption capacity of elements considered essential for plant growth at low concentrations, but acting as pollutants at high ones: copper, manganese and vanadium. The methodology used is was the cultivation of plants in an environment free of polluting charges for subsequent adsorption tests at different times and pH concentrations. The methods used to perform the measurements was INAA and GF-AAS. Copper at the concentrations used did not show favorable results for adsorption with the macrophyte biomass Eichhornia crassipes, Egria densa, Pistia stratiotes and Salvinia auriculata.

    Palavras-Chave: absorption spectroscopy; adsorption; aquatic organisms; ash content; biomass; contamination; copper; ions; manganese; neutron activation analysis; plants; pollutants; vanadium

  • IPEN-DOC 26193

    PIRANI, DEBORA A. ; COTRIM, MARYCEL E.B. ; OLIVEIRA, GLAUCIA A.C. de ; ANDRADE, MARIANA N. de ; FURUSAWA, HELIO A. . Uranium removal from contaminated water by ion exchange resins. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 1009-1014.

    Abstract: In the nuclear fuel cycle, uranium containing liquid wastes can be produced in large quantities. There are several possible operations to separate this element from an aqueous solution. The classic examples are separation by solvent extraction and by precipitation when uranium is present in high concentrated solutions. In those cases where the element is present in concentrations as low as 100-200 μg mL-1, ion exchange technique can be very helpful to bring the uranium concentration to less than 10-20 ug mL-1. The synthetic resins used in ion exchange processes effectively remove metals from contaminated liquid wastes. This work intends to remove uranium from aqueous solutions by ion exchange technique. A column (10 cm in height and 1 cm in diameter) was used with 30 ml of dry Dowex 1-X8 strong anionic resin to fix and remove uranium from the solution. The solution with 155 mg.L-1 of uranium was percolated through the column with a flow of 4.0 mL.min-1. Resin was conditioned at pH = 7. The determination of the uranium contents was performed by Optical Emission Spectrometry with Argon Plasma Source (ICP-OES). The main operational parameters, such as pH, flow and column height, were evaluated to determine the best operating condition of the system. The results indicated approximately 99.9% removal of uranium from the application of the ion exchange technique. The percentage of removal allows the effluent to be properly disposed of in a sewage collection system in accordance with the regulations in force in the country.

    Palavras-Chave: aqueous solutions; contamination; ion exchange; liquid wastes; nuclear fuels; reagents; resins; uranium; water

  • IPEN-DOC 26192

    AQUINO, SIMONE ; LIMA, JOSE E.A. de; BORRELY, SUELI I. . Bioburden proliferation in vehicle air filters waste: the use of gamma radiation on fungal decontamination. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 999-1008.

    Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the fungal contamination of air-conditioning filters waste (n=20) as an indicator of Quality Air Indoor from different car models, that were collected from 10 exchange stations located in the South, North, West, Downtown and East, of the city of São Paulo in São Paulo State, Brazil, during the period from August 2018 to December 2018. A non-selective fungal agar was used, as a commercially prepared media. Sampling consisted of filters particles (33 fragments of 10 × 10-mm size) were plated onto solidified agar in Petri dishes in triplicate. The samples were incubated for seven days at 25 °C and were stored in a standard Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) incubator, for growth of fungal cultures. After incubation, the fungal culture in the plates was evaluated, and the total counting of infected fragments was expressed as a percentage. The molds were examined by Lactophenol blue solution staining for microscopy. All samples were contaminated with various fungal genera, including Aspergillus, Alternaria, Cladosporium, and Penicillium. The study also aimed to evaluate the fungal enumeration in the samples that were irradiated with a dose of 10 kGy to fungal decontamination of air-conditioning filters waste. Of total samples, 50% were completed decontaminated, but yeasts, Cladosporium spp., Penicillium spp., Aspergillus niger demonstrated radioresistance at the dose of 10 kGy.

    Palavras-Chave: air conditioning; air filters; air quality; automobiles; cobalt 60; contamination; decontamination; fungi; wastes

  • IPEN-DOC 26191

    SCHENEMANN, GISIELE ; FRANKLIN, ROBSON L.; FAVARO, DEBORAH I.T. . Metal, trace and rare earth elements assessment in a sediment profile from Taiaçupeba Reservoir, São Paulo state, by INAA. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 975-988.

    Abstract: The Taiaçupeba reservoir is located on the border of Mogi das Cruzes and Suzano counties and composes the Alto Tietê Producing System (SPAT). The region shows high population density and industrial production, which cause waste and contaminants generation, which can affect the water supply quality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the concentration and distribution of As, Ba, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, Hf, K, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Ta, Th, U, Zn and the rare earth elements (Ce, Eu, La, Lu, Nd, Sm, Tb and Yb), present in a sediment profile collected in the Taiaçupeba reservoir. Sampling was performed in 2016 by CETESB for monitoring purposes. Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis technique was applied for multilemental determinations. A great variation of the concentration for the elements analyzed along the sediment profile was observed, with a concentration peak in the depth of 20cm for all elements and decreasing in the deepest slices. Enrichment factor (EF) and Geoacumulation Index (IGeo) tools used to evaluate the presence of anthropogenic pollution sources indicated As and Zn contamination, mainly in the more recent sediment samples (from 0 to 5 cm depth). When the concentration values for As, Cr and Zn were compared to TEL and PEL for quality sediment evaluation, none of the concentration values for As and Cr surpassed the PEL values but not Zn. The results showed that an important anthropogenic contribution for As, Cr and Zn in the upper layers of the sediment core is occurring.

    Palavras-Chave: aquifers; concentration ratio; elements; metals; neutron activation analysis; rare earths; sampling; sediments; trace amounts; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 26190

    GERALDO, RICARDO R.; PASCHUK, SERGEI A.; BARRETO, RAFAEL C.; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da ; SILVA, AMANDA C.M.da; NARLOCH, DANIELLE C.; ARAUJO, ISABELLE C.. Application of semi-empirical model for the evaluation of radium activity in phosphogypsum used as component of clinker. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 965-974.

    Abstract: Phosphogypsum is a residue that has been used by the cement industry as a substitute for the natural gypsum, used as a clinker additive during the production of Portland cement. There is a potential increase in this residue use since the large amount of phosphogypsum is generated as outcome of the phosphate fertilizer industries. However, phosphogypsum can be considered a source of radioactive contamination since it has 226Ra in its composition. Depending on the concentration of 226Ra, from the radiological protection point of view, this may cause a problem because this radionuclide and its direct decay product 222Rn along with other decay products, represent the largest fraction of radiation internal dose received by people. In order to evaluate the level of radiological risk that may be associated with the use of phosphogypsum, it is necessary to identify the concentration of 226Ra in building material. The aim of this research is to analyze the samples of phosphogypsum in relation to the concentrations of 226Ra, determined indirectly through 222Rn activity measurements. This measurement process has the advantage of being fast, convenient and relatively inexpensive when compared to traditional 226Ra concentration in samples measurement methods. Proposed physical-mathematical model was used to establish radium concentration from radon exhalation rate from cement mortar samples. The 222Rn activity measurements were performed with a portable detector with cubic phosphate samples with dimensions of 50x50x50mm3 allocated in a closed atmosphere of sampling chamber until secular equilibrium was reached. Obtained concentrations of radium activity in studied samples of phosphogypsum and cement mortars were found below the limits recommended by CNEN and international regulation.

    Palavras-Chave: concentration ratio; exhalation; gypsum cements; radiation detectors; radiation protection; radium 226; radon 222; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 26189

    THEOPHILO, CAROLINA Y.S. ; COLABUONO, FERNANDA I.; MONTONE, ROSALINDA C.; PETRY, MARIA V.; FIGUEIRA, RUBENS C.L.; MOREIRA, EDSON G. . Mercury and selenium concentrations study on Macronectes Giganteus feathers by instrumental neutron activation analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 916-925.

    Abstract: Southern Giant Petrel (Macronectes giganteus) is a seabird species, from the Procelariiformes order. It has circumpolar distribution and can travel great distances from its breeding area to foraging areas, its diet is composed of fish, squid, crustaceans, carcasses of marine mammals and other birds. It is known that through food or environmental contamination any organism can assimilate different chemical elements. Some chemical elements are essential to metabolism, but some have no function and may end up causing adverse effects, such as Hg, which is considered one of the most toxic contaminants in the environment. The accumulation of Hg is a great danger due to the high potential of toxicity and transference capacity to the trophic web through bioaccumulation and biomagnification processes. Hg can affect the nervous, circulatory and endocrine systems, behavior, reproduction and embryo, in addiction, high concentrations can cause death. Due to the high toxicity of Hg and few studies about toxic elements in Southern Giant Petrel, this study aimed to quantify Hg in feathers of this seabird. The feathers were chosen for analysis because they can be collected without the need to sacrifice the birds. Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) was used for Hg and Se quantification. Hg concentrations ranging between 2.6 and 10.4 mg kg-1 and Se between 1.5 and 10.4 mg kg-1.

    Palavras-Chave: antarctic regions; biological accumulation; birds; concentration ratio; contamination; feathers; mercury; neutron activation analysis; selenium; toxicity

  • IPEN-DOC 26188

    BARABÁS, CARLOS ; LIMA, ANA C. de S. ; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANE . Sustainability: the use of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to identify and measure implicit attitudes. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 891-899.

    Abstract: Over the years, sustainability has been a major theme discussed by the leading environmental organizations around the world. Excessive consumption is one of the factors that is directly connected to environmental issues, interfering with the sustainability capacity of the Earth. Attitudes and behavior are influenced by both conscious (explicit) or unconscious (implicit) associations that subjects have in their memory. In order to identify unconscious associations, specific implicit memory tests are required, such as the Implicit Association Test (IAT), which is widely used to measure implicit associations towards several themes. This work aims to present the results from a pretest using the IAT to identify and measure the implicit associations of a group of environmental specialists regarding consumption and sustainability. By using the FreeIAT software, the IAT was customized for this research. The pretest with environmental specialists was conducted to check the consistency of the customized IAT. The Cronbach´s alpha was applied to measure the reliability of the test and showed good internal consistency. Since the results from the pretest with the specialists demonstrated that the customized IAT is reliable and consistent, this test can be applied to other groups of subjects to identify the implicit associations towards consumption and sustainability. The data obtained from the administration of the customized IAT will contribute to many research fields related to the environment, consumption, sustainability, energy and development.

    Palavras-Chave: computer codes; energy; environment; statistics; sustainability; sustainable development

  • IPEN-DOC 26187

    SILVA, RITA de C.A. da ; SAIKI, MITIKO ; MOREIRA, EDSON G. ; OLIVEIRA, PAULO T.M.S.; THEOPHILO, CAROLINA Y.S. ; SANCHES, THAIS C.; COIMBRA, AMANDA A.; BIANCHI, TICIANA Z.D.. Trace elements in livers of great egrets (Ardea Alba) from São Paulo metropolitan region: temporal considerations (2006-2013) and the relations with sex and mass of birds. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 881-890.

    Abstract: To evaluate possible variations over time (2006-2013) in trace element levels in livers from adult specimens of great egret from the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR), recent data and published data have been used. The elements Br, Cl, Co, Cs, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Se and Zn were determined by Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) and the toxic elements Cd and Hg by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). The large inter annual variations observed for several elements showed the importance of expanding the time period for this analysis as the series is considered short (<10 years). However, non-significant increase of Br, Cu, Mn, Fe and Zn and a decrease in Cd, also non- significant, were observed at the end of the series. The concentration relations with sex and mass of the birds were also assessed. Females presented lower concentrations of Br, Co, Cs, Se and Zn and it may be related to metabolic differences, detoxification pathways, and other factors. No relationship between body mass and element levels were observed. Obtained results demonstrated the importance of temporal monitoring of trace elements in livers of great egrets, especially for the results obtained for Cu, Fe and Zn, since the contamination by these elements in the region should be considered. The present study is the first relating contaminant level with conditions of birds in the region, encouraging future studies that evaluate this issue.

    Palavras-Chave: absorption spectroscopy; aquatic organisms; birds; contamination; ecological concentration; elements; liver; neutron activation analysis; trace amounts

  • IPEN-DOC 26186

    ORMENIO, MATHEUS B. ; MAZIERO, JOANA da S. ; ROGERO, SIZUE O. ; ROGERO, JOSE R. . Resveratrol radiomodifier effect on Daphnia similis. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 867-872.

    Abstract: Resveratrol has beneficial properties as a potential antioxidant, protecting cells from free radicals, responsible for the natural aging process, anti-inflammatory action, acts against cardiovascular diseases in addition to showing a radiomodifying effect. Resveratrol is synthesized by a wide variety of plants in response to ultraviolet radiation or the action of certain pathogens. Due to the increasing use of this compound, due to its biological properties, studies are being carried out in the field of Ecotoxicology in order to provide information on the toxicity and radiomodifying effect of resveratrol for the development and adoption of criteria in order to improve environmental quality. It is known that resveratrol has radioprotective or radiosensitizing action, depending on its concentration. The objective of this study was to verify in which concentration resveratrol presents radioprotective effect. To achieve this goal, previous studies were carried out about the toxicity of resveratrol and gamma radiation effect on Daphnia similis to determine the lethal dose (LD50) of radiation and the EC50 (effective concentration) of resveratrol. Based on these data, the study of resveratrol radiomodifier effect on Daphnia similis demonstrated a higher resistance of this organism to gamma radiation at 55 Gy dose when previously exposed to resveratrol at concentrations of 6 and 7 μM, suggesting a radioprotective effect.

    Palavras-Chave: antioxidants; ecology; gamma radiation; microorganisms; polyphenols; radioprotective substances; toxicity

  • IPEN-DOC 26185

    ISHIMARU, GABRIEL ; SANTOS, ELIANE C. dos ; SAIKI, MITIKO . Evaluation of the spatial variability of the elements in tree barks used as biomonitors of atmospheric pollution. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 856-866.

    Abstract: The tree barks have proven to be a valuable source of information on air quality and nowadays studies with this biomonitor are constantly being developed. However, data of several factors such as bark porosity, duration of the deposition on the bark and dispersion or variability of pollutants in a defined area that affect the accumulation of the pollutants in the barks are scarce in the literature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of chemical elements concentrations accumulated on Sibipiruna (Poincianella pluviosa) barks in order to examine their aerial dispersion in two small urban areas of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. The neutron activation analysis (NAA) applied in the analyses consisted of irradiation the aliquots of the sample together the synthetic element standards at the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor. Concentrations of the As, Br, Ca, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, K, La, Mn, Rb, Sb, Sc, V and Zn were determined in tree barks using short and long irradiations. Results obtained in the analyses of the tree bark samples indicated that the variability of element concentrations depends on the element, study area and numbers of trees. The variability of element concentrations in general was higher for elements presenting low concentrations. Quality control of the analytical results was evaluated by the analysis of INCT-MPH-2 Mixed Polish Herbs Certified Reference Material and these results presented good accuracy with values of standardized difference or |ζ score| ≤ 2, indicating that the procedure of NAA applied is suitable for the analyses.

    Palavras-Chave: air pollution monitoring; bark; biological markers; concentration ratio; elements; neutron activation analysis; trees; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 26184

    SANTOS, ELIANE C. dos ; MAIHARA, VERA A. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; SAIKI, MITIKO . A study on tree bark samples for atmospheric pollution monitoring. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 845-855.

    Abstract: Tree barks are considered a promising indicator of air pollution monitoring, because of its accumulation of aerosol particles, simplicity of species identification and wide geographical distribution. However, there are no established protocols for its sampling as well as there are no detailed studies on its usability as an alternative or complementary indicator of atmospheric pollution. In this study, barks from very common tree species, Sibipiruna (Poincianella pluviosa) and Tipuana (Tipuana tipu), were analyzed to define experimental conditions for their use as biomonitor of air pollution. Bark samples collected at the São Paulo city were cleaned and ground for analysis. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was applied for the determination of As, Br, Ca, Co, Cr, Fe, K, Sb, Sc and Zn and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) for Cd and Pb. Results obtained in these analyses indicated that species of trees, bark surface layers taken for analysis as well as tree trunk diameter or tree age should be considered for use tree bark as a biomonitor. Analytical control of results carried out by analyzing certified reference materials demonstrated that INAA and GF AAS techniques can provide reliable data for element concentrations with standardized differences, |Enscore | < 1.

    Palavras-Chave: air pollution monitoring; bark; biological markers; detection; neutron activation analysis; pollutants; trees; sensitivity

  • IPEN-DOC 26183

    COUTINHO, SUELLEN N. ; FIGUEIREDO, ANA MARIA G. ; QUINAGLIA, GILSON A; HELD, BARBARA. Accumulation of rare earth elements, U and Th in floating macrophytes from the Guarapiranga Reservoir. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 835-844.

    Abstract: Macrophytes play a relevant role in aquatic environments since they may accumulate metallic elements and can be an important tool for bioaccumulation studies, especially concerning an important and strategic water supply as Guarapiranga Reservoir. The reservoir is one of the main water supply systems in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, contributing with 20% of the water provided to the region, which represents a water supply for about 3.7 million people. The industrial use of rare earth elements (REEs) has increased in the last years, affecting the levels of REEs in urban environments. Information about REEs accumulation in macrophytes of reservoirs are scarce, and none for Guarapiranga Reservoir. This study aims to evaluate REEs, U and Th concentration in floating macrophytes of Guarapiranga Reservoir, in order to assess possible sources and potential environmental impacts. Sampling was performed with the support of the Environmental Agency of the state of São Paulo (CETESB) in three points along the reservoir for dry (September 2016) and wet season (March and April 2016). Macrophyte samples were analyzed by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) for REEs and Th and by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP MS) for U. The results obtained were compared to Guarapiranga soil values and to other study using floating macrophytes, indicating a natural source of these elements in Guarapiranga Reservoir.

    Palavras-Chave: aquatic ecosystems; environmental impacts; icp mass spectroscopy; neutron activation analysis; plants; radioecological concentration; rare earths; thorium; uranium; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 26182

    CAVALCANTE, FERNANDA ; NISTI, MARCELO B. ; SAUEIA, CATIA H.R. . Estimation of exposure levels of terrestrial biota and radiation exposure around IPEN´s facilities. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 825-834.

    Abstract: Humans are exposed to natural radiation; soil is a major source of external and internal exposure of radiation. The external exposure from the soil is associated with gamma radiation and internal exposure mainly from radon inhalation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the exposure levels of terrestrial biota and to estimate the radiation exposure around IPEN facilities. The Institute comprises several nuclear and radioactive facilities including a research reactor, cyclotrons and a radioisotope and radiopharmaceutical production plant. The ERICA Tool was used to calculate the exposure levels of terrestrial biota; the estimation of radiation exposure for humans was determined using a model proposed by UNSCEAR (Absorbed dose rate in air and Annual effective dose equivalent) and Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk. Six soil points were collected and their activity concentrations were measured by gamma spectrometry, using a HPGe detector. Two soil points showed a risk coefficient greater than 1, suggesting that the screening dose ratio of 10μGy h 1 might be exceeding for the most exposed species, namely lichen and bryophytes, even though the activity concentration values of the analyzed radionuclides showed no evidence of soil contamination due to the atmospheric discharges of the IPEN facilities. Thus, the radioactive discharges in the soil from all facilities are negligible. Hence, the authors concluded that the ERICA Tool can be useful in assisting environmental radiological monitoring program for decision making, especially regarding: points collected, sample types and sampling frequency.

    Palavras-Chave: activity levels; bryophyta; environmental exposure pathway; gamma spectroscopy; high-purity ge detectors; human populations; ionizing radiations; lichens; soils; unscear

  • IPEN-DOC 26181

    ARRUDA, CLAUDIA S.C. de ; FRANKLIN , ROBSON L.; FIGUEIREDO, ANA M.G. . Metal distribution in sediment cores of Ponte Nova Reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 806-816.

    Abstract: The study of the metal distribution in sediments is very important from the point of view of environmental pollution. One of the objectives of the study of metal pollution in estuarine sediments is the historical record of anthropic activity. Ponte Nova reservoir, located in the upper basin of the Tietê River in the southern region of São Paulo State, covers an area of 25.7 km2 and drains an area of 320 km2. A sediment core was collected in the dam in August 2018 and in February 2019, sliced at every 2.5 cm, totalizing 13 samples in August and 17 samples in February 2019. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was applied to the sediment samples to determine some major (Fe, K and Na), trace (As, Ba, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Hf, Rb, Sb, Sc, Ta, Tb, Th, U and Zn) and rare earth (Ce, Eu, La, Lu, Nd, Sm, Tb and Yb) elements. Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was applied to determine (Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, P and Pb). The results were evaluated by comparison to Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines (TEL and PEL) and by the enrichment factor (EF) in relation to background values. EF>1.5 was obtained for As in both campaigns. In comparison to guidance values from Canada, Cr and Pb exceeded TEL in some superficial samples. Other elements analysed did not show enrichment factors >1.5 and the results were below TEL, indicating that there is not an important anthropogenic contribution of the analyzed elements in the reservoir.

    Palavras-Chave: contamination; mass spectroscopy; metals; neutron activation analysis; quality control; rare earths; sediments; trace amounts; water pollution; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 26180

    SILVA, GRAZIELA M. da ; PECEQUILO, BRIGITTE R.S. . Preliminary results of natural radioactivity in flours commercialized in the city São Paulo by high resolution gamma ray spectrometry. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 799-805.

    Abstract: In the present work, the activity concentrations of natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were analyzed in 32 samples of wheat, corn, manioc and rice flours commonly used by residents of the city of São Paulo, Brazil. All samples were dried, homogenized and tightly sealed in standard 100 mL HDPE flasks with plan screw cap and bubble spigot and measured for 150 ks by gamma spectrometry with an Extended Range Coaxial germanium detector (Canberra GX4020 detector), after approximately 4 weeks storage, in order to ensure secular equilibrium. All spectra were analyzed with the InterWinner 6.0 software. The 226Ra activity concentration was determined from the weighted average concentrations of 214Pb and 214Bi. The 232Th activity concentration was determined from the weighted average concentrations of 228Ac, 212Pb and 212Bi and the 40K one from its single gamma transition. The 226Ra, 232Th and 40K activity concentrations results ranged, respectively, from 0.97 Bq/kg ± 0.42 Bq/kg to 4.75 Bq/kg ± 0.82 Bq/kg, from 8.07 Bq/kg ± 2.36 Bq/kg to 19.02 Bq/kg ± 3.56 Bq/kg and from 25.22 Bq/kg ± 4.38 Bq/kg to 153.5 Bq/kg ± 17.02 Bq/kg.

    Palavras-Chave: activity levels; brazil; flour; food; gamma spectroscopy; ge semiconductor detectors; natural radioactivity; radiation dose units; radioactivity; radioisotopes

  • IPEN-DOC 26179

    SILVA, TATIANE B. de S.C. da ; OLIVEIRA, CINTIA C. de ; MARQUES, JOYCE R. ; FAUSTINO, MAINARA G. ; STELLATO, THAMIRIS B. ; MONTEIRO, LUCILENA R. ; PIRES, MARIA A.F. ; CONTRIM, MARYCEL E.B. . Estimated pollutant load from nuclear and energy research institute (IPEN/CNEN-SP, Brazil). In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 790-798.

    Abstract: Quantifying the pollutant load in a receiving water body is one of the needed steps to keep its original standards, irrespective of its releases source. Monitoring, and thus, controlling the amount of pollutants to be destined to the water body means ensuring water quality, keeping it free of excessive pollution and harm to human health and the environment. Hence, this paper aims to estimate the pollutant load of sanitary wastewater released by the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN / CNEN-SP) during 2015 and 2016. The assay of Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Zn, Ba, Ni, Mn, Fe, B and Sn were performed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) and As, Hg and Se by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GF-AAS). The metals and total fixed solids pollutant load estimative carried out, employed wastewater flow measurement, using bromide (Br- ) as tracer and the annual water consumption at IPEN. This evaluation is performed annually by IPEN since 2006 as part of the Environmental Monitoring Program (PMA-Q), in order to comply with the current environmental legislation and the Term of Adjustment of Conduct requirements, agreed with the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA).

    Palavras-Chave: absorption spectroscopy; brazilian cnen; environment; flow rate; metals; pollutants; semimetals; solids; waste water

  • IPEN-DOC 26178

    RODRIGUES, ELAINE A. ; AQUINO, AFONSO R. de ; CARVALHO, AMANDA R. de. Convergence between studies on ecosystem services and nuclear technology: a necessary approximation. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 774-789.

    Abstract: If in the 19th-century scientific knowledge moved from a generalist perspective to a growing specialization, in recent decades, problems that transcend disciplinary and political boundaries have required solutions based on interdisciplinary research and global actions, which led to the establishment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. In the same perspective, studies on ecosystem services emerged as an area of transdisciplinary knowledge in rapid growth, while advances in the nuclear field enabled applications in industry, health, agriculture and the environment. Considering the development of these two spheres of knowledge, the objective of this study is to evaluate the correlation between the areas of Ecosystem Services and Nuclear Science and Technology, through category building and content analysis applied to articles listed in the Web of Science. From 1980 to June 2019, 22,751 records (article and review) were listed for the term "ecosystem service*". When refining the result with the application of descriptors related to the nuclear area, correspondences were found for "Uranium"=13; "Nuclear Power"=6; "Nuclear Energy"=1; "Nuclear technolog*"=1; "Nuclear fuel*"=1; "Nuclear material*"=1, in a total of 23 correspondences only. On the other hand, the search using key descriptors of the nuclear area, plus the terms "nature" or "ecosystem*" or "environment" for the same period, totaled 9,328 papers (articles and reviews). While the NST is broadly convergent with SE, this correlation needs to be made more explicit in the studies, expanding the prospects for the conservation, preservation and recovery of the ecosystem services and their contribution to human wellbeing.

    Palavras-Chave: data; ecology; ecosystems; environment; information; information retrieval; information systems; nuclear energy

  • IPEN-DOC 26177

    GONÇALVES, PEDRO do N. ; DAMATTO, SANDRA R. ; LEONARDO, LUCIO ; SOUZA, JOSEILTON M. de . Natural radionuclides in soil profiles and sediment cores from Jundiai reservoir, state of São Paulo. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 751-763.

    Abstract: The activity concentration of natural radionuclides in soils and sediments is dependent on many factors, such as the rock parental material, pedogenic and weathering processes, physical and chemical properties of the environment, anthropogenic sources, among other aspects. Naturally occurring radiation in the environment is mostly due to the decay of 238U and 232Th series; another important source of natural radiation is the radionuclide 40K. Reservoirs are artificial systems made in order to stock riverine and rainwater to supply water to the population. There are few studies about the levels of natural radionuclides in reservoirs in both, international and national, literature. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the activity concentration of 238U and 232Th by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis and 226Ra, 210Pb, 228Ra, 228Th and 40K by gamma spectrometry in two soil profiles and three sediment cores collected in the catchment area of Jundiai reservoir, located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Principal component analysis was applied to verify the correlation of the activity concentrations of the natural radionuclides with physical and chemical properties of soil and sediment samples. In the soil profiles, the radionuclides that showed higher activity concentration when compared to the UNSCEAR values were 232Th in the both profiles and 238U only in one; for the sediment cores, the activity concentrations of 238U and 232Th were higher than the UNSCEAR values in all the samples analyzed and also for the radionuclide 226Ra in two sediment cores.

    Palavras-Chave: chemical properties; natural radioactivity; neutron activation analysis; physical properties; radioecological concentration; sediments; soils; thorium 232; uranium 238; water reservoirs

  • IPEN-DOC 26176

    MELO, CAMILA G. ; ROSA, JORGE M. ; GARCIA, VANESSA S.G. ; BORRELY, SUELI I. ; PEREIRA, MARIA da C.C. . Toxicity and color reduction of reactive dyestuff RB21 and surfactant submitted to electron beam irradiation. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 743-750.

    Abstract: There is an unwelcome reaction between the coloring and the water during the dyeing procedure, a portion of the coloring agent is lost in the bathing and it will compose the final whole effluent. The high absorbance index is related to lost dyes and they also contribute with the toxic effects to the aquatic biota. In addition, these effluents contain large quantity of surfactants applied during dyeing baths, which also contribute to the high toxicity in these samples. The objective of this study was to evaluate electron beam irradiation technology, applied in samples of the Color Index Reactive Blue 21 (RB21) dye and in samples of surfactant nonionic and in order to reduce toxicity for both and for RB21, color reduction. Among the objectives of the study there are the dye exhaustion degree, and some physic-chemical parameters. The acute toxicity assays were carried with Daphnia similis microcrustacean and the results for of dyestuff solution were: the irradiated samples with concentration of 0.61g.L-1 did not present significant results, the EC 50(%) value was to 58.26 for irradiated sample with 2.5kGy and EC 50(%) 63.59 for sample irradiated with 5kGy. The surfactant was more toxic than RB 21, with EC 50(%) value at 0.42. The color reduction reached 63.30% for the sample of the lowest concentration of effluent. There was a reduction of pH during irradiation.

    Palavras-Chave: color; dyes; electron beams; irradiation; liquid wastes; ph value; reduction; surfactants; toxicity; water

  • IPEN-DOC 26175

    GARCIA, VANESSA S.G. ; BOIANI, NATHALIA F. ; ROSA, JORGE M ; BORRELY, SUELI I. . Toxicity of textile effluents treated by electron beam technology. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 735-742.

    Abstract: The textile industry uses expressive amount of water during the production and generate effluents that contain residuals of dyes, surfactants, peroxides, acids and salts, and toxicity. In addition, the textile effluents are commonly colored, because the dyes used in fibers dyeing usually have low fixation and high solubility. Many of the mentioned products are not easily removed, requiring additional treatment steps. Advanced Oxidative Processes, such as electron beam irradiantion (EBI), can be a good alternative to reduction of organic pollutants from effluents. Therefore, studies on these contaminants in aquatic environment are important for assessing their impacts on ecosystems and water quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of textile effluents treated with EBI. The doses of 2.5 kGy and 5.0 kGy were used. The toxicity assays were performed with Daphnia similis organisms, exposed to samples during 48 hours, and the results expressed by EC50 (median effective concentration). For the textile effluent, EC 50% values ranged from: 2.95 ±0.13 (raw effluent) until 20.90 ±1.48 (irradiated effluent, at 5kGy). The EBI treatment was effective for toxicity reduction, with efficiency higher than 60% (2.5 kGy) and 80% (5.0 kGy). The study of organic and inorganic contaminants, presents in these effluents, demonstred EC 50 values below 5%. These results demonstrate high toxicity of contaminants from textile effluents for aquatic organisms (D. similis, cladocera). Similar data was observed for the raw effluent. These values are relevant for thinking radiation as a possible technology for such a type of effluent.

    Palavras-Chave: chemical effluents; decontamination; electron beams; environment; industrial wastes; irradiation; liquid wastes; pollutants; textile industry; textiles; toxicity; water quality

  • IPEN-DOC 26174

    FEREIRA, ADEMAR DE OLIVEIRA; PECEQUILO, BRIGITTE R.S. . Dose rates evaluation of some granitic rocks from the Paraná state. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 723-729.

    Abstract: Granitic rocks, widely used as building materials, are known to contain natural radionuclides and can be an important source of radiation for the population. Thirty-four samples of granite rocks from geological occurrences in Paraná state were measured with an HPGe detector for evaluation of226Ra, 232Th and 40K activity concentrations. The effective annual external dose was evaluated from these radionuclides activities using a dosimetric room model with dimensions 4 m x 5 m x 2.8 m in which all walls are internally coated with granites of thickness 2 cm and considering an annual exposure time of 7000 h. This value was suggested by the European Commission on Radiological Protection for superficial coating materials. The internal exposure was evaluated from radon air concentration of the model room, simulated from an exhalation rate of 222Rn, determined with CR-39 solid state nuclear track detectors using the sealed can technique, considering a ventilation rate of 0.5 h-1 and an annual exposure time of 7000 h. The results of this study showed that the increase in the annual effective dose ranged from 62 ± 3 μSv.a-1 to 138 ± 1 μSv.a-1 from external gamma rays and the increase in the annual effective dose ranged from 0.39 ± 0.04 μSv.a-1 to 70 ± 4 μSv.a-1 from radon inhalation. All results stayed below 1 mSv.a-1 recommended by the European Commission on Radiological Protection.

    Palavras-Chave: building materials; environmental effects; high-purity ge detectors; inhalation; potassium 40; radiation doses; radiation protection; radium 226; radon 222; thorium 232

  • IPEN-DOC 26173

    CAMARGO, GUSTAVO E.; FERREIRA, ADEMAR O.; NERY, ANDRESSA D. ; SAUEIA, CATIA R. ; NISTI, MARCELO B. . Determination of gross alpha and beta radioactivity by liquid scintillation counting in drinking water consumed in the cities of Paraná-Brazil. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 710-715.

    Abstract: The liquid scintillation counting (LSC) is a technique in which the sample is mixed to a chemical organic liquid, forming a scintillation solution, capable to convert the kinetic energy of nuclear emissions into light energy photons. The aim of this study was to quantify the concentration of gross alpha and beta radioactivity in drinking water using the LSC. The water samples were collected in the Paraná cities: Telêmaco Borba, Castro, Tibagi, Reserva, Curiúva, Ponta Grossa, Imbaú and Curitiba. They have free access sources of drinking water to the public. The initial step of the methodology was standardizing the pre-concentration of the water samples by heating on a hot plate from 1 L to a final volume of 50 mL, at maximum temperature of 80°C. An aliquot of 5 mL of the final solution was mixed with 15 mL of the scintillation solution (Hisafe 3) in a vial and measured on a LSC. The equipment used for the measurement of gross alpha and beta activities was a 1220 Quantulus™ Ultra Low Level Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer. The activity concentration of gross alpha varied from <0.10 to 0.20 Bq L-1 and gross beta varied from <0.18 to 0.23 Bq L-1. The results of gross alpha and beta concentration obtained in the samples are below the maximum limits adopted by Ministry of Health in Brazil.

    Palavras-Chave: alpha decay radioisotopes; beta decay radioisotopes; brazil; contamination; drinking water; ecosystems; radiation dose ranges; radioactivity; radioecological concentration; scintillation counting

  • IPEN-DOC 26172

    SILVA, THALITA T. ; BORRELY, SUELI I. . Use of ionizing radiation for the inhibition and removal of cyanotoxins in the water: a review. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 690-699.

    Abstract: Cyanobacteria blooms have been observed in the aquatic systems in different continents, frequently with the production of cyanotoxins that negatively alter water potability. This work provides a small review of the state of the art of the use of advanced oxidation processes in the degradation of cyanobacteria and their toxins. It is divided into 3 major sections: the first part focuses on cyanobacteria and the mechanisms of production related to the environmental conditions. The second part we exposed the guidance values of the evaluation in drinking water for the control of cyanotoxins worldwide, and Brazil regulations. In the third and last part, we present some studies about the use of the advanced oxidation processes for the inhibition and degradation of cyanotoxins, focuses on ionizing radiation: gamma-ray and electron beam irradiation. In conclusion, the ionizing radiation is an efficient and economically viable alternative on the remediation of areas contaminated by cyanobacteria blooms and their toxins, mainly in the reservoirs destined to the water treatment and supply. As well, some suggestions are provided for additional studies about the use of this technology for the treatment of drinking water.

    Palavras-Chave: algae; bacteria; comparative evaluations; drinking water; ecosystems; environmental effects; gamma radiation; ionizing radiations; radiation doses; toxicity; toxins

  • IPEN-DOC 26171

    AFFA, GABRIEL B. ; PECEQUILO, BRIGITTE R.S. . Preliminary results of natural radioactivity evaluation in underground waters of the city of Campos do Jordao, SP, Brazil. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 672-680.

    Abstract: Twenty-eight 5-liter samples were collected during the year of 2018 on four different campaings (January, April, August and December) for seven selected sources (SP-123, Britania, Amizade, Dom Bosco, Volta Fria, Simao and Renato) of easy and free access to the population on the city of Campos do Jordão, SP, Brazil. Samples were concentrated from 1L to 50 mL of which 4 mL pipetted on 60 mm diameter stainless steel planchet were analyzed with a Berthold’s PC-controlled 10-channel Low-level Alpha-Beta Counter LB 770 Win in three 120-minute counting cycles. Preliminary results have shown low alpha and beta activity concentrations for all sources with values ranging between 0.0288 Bq/L ± 0.0036 Bq/L and 0.1059 Bq/L ± 0.0118 Bq/L for alpha activity and between 0.0371 Bq/L ± 0.005 Bq/L and 0.1352 Bq/L ± 0.0148 Bq/L for beta activities. Results showed a tendency of higher concentrations during periods of drier weather. All obtained values are below the limits of 0.5 Bq/L and 1 Bq/L, respectively for alpha and beta activity concentrations, recommended by the 2017 WHO Guideline on Drinking Water Management.

    Palavras-Chave: aquifers; concentration ratio; ecological concentration; natural radioactivity; radiation detectors; recommendations; underground; water; who; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 26170

    GERALDES, LARISSA L. ; BORRELY, SUELI I. . Hyalella azteca used for the evaluation of cyanotoxins before and after irradiation with electron beam: preliminary results. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 667-671.

    Abstract: The occurrence of cyanobacteria blooms in water bodies used for human consumption represents risks to the population due to the ability of these microorganisms to produce metabolites, known as cyanotoxins. They can be classified as hepatotoxins, dermatotoxins and neurotoxins. Cyanotoxins are water soluble and are not removed by the conventional water treatment system for public supply. Several studies have been carried out to minimize this type of contamination. Electron beam irradiation has been applied in aqueous solution containing the cyanobacteria of the genus Microcystis, in 40% of growth medium content and applying 2.5 kGy. The amphipod Hyalella azteca was the aquatic organism selected for the evaluation of the potential of cyanotoxins risks to the biota of the reservoirs where the cyanobacteria blooms occurs, being demonstrated high toxicity.

    Palavras-Chave: aqueous solutions; cyanobacteria; electron beams; irradiation; radiation doses; toxicity; toxins; water

  • IPEN-DOC 26169

    FUNGARO, DENISE A. ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da ; GROSCHE, LUCAS C. ; BIBIANO, RAMIRO H.N. . Assessment of natural radioactivity levels in flue gas desulfurization gypsum and clinker samples. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 660-666.

    Abstract: Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) are the by-products generated from burning coal in coal-fired power plants. which includes fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag and flue gas desulfurization wastes. These by-products contain trace quantities of naturally occurring radionuclides from the uranium and thorium series, as well as other naturally occurring radionuclides such as 40K derived from the original coal matrix that tend to become enriched in the ashes. Flue gas desulfurization gypsum (FGD gypsum) is the hydrated calcium sulphate produced when SOx is removed from gases produced during the combustion of coal. FGD gypsum can be used as an alternative material to natural gypsum as retarder additive for Portland cement. In this work, analysis of the radioactive content in FGD gypsum samples were performed to determine if beneficial uses of this CPP in building materials could be of radiological concern. Analysis of clinker sample was also performed. The FGD gypsum samples were collected at Presidente Médici thermoelectric power plant, located in Candiota, RS. The radioactive content of 238U, 232Th, 226Ra, 228Ra, 210Pb and 40K was determined using Neutron activation analysis and Gamma-ray spectrometry. The specific activities (Bq kg−1) were compared to results from literature studies including different building materials and coal ashes specific activities.

    Palavras-Chave: building materials; construction industry; desulfurization; flue gas; gamma spectroscopy; gypsum; natural radioactivity; neutron activation analysis; public health; radiation effects

  • IPEN-DOC 26168

    BOIANI, NATHALIA F. ; VILLARDI, BRUNO D.Q. ; GARCIA, VANESSA S.G. ; BORRELY, SUELI I. . Electron beam irradiation of combined pharmaceuticals: propranonol and fluoxetine and related ecotoxicity. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 641-649.

    Abstract: There are serious evidences that justify the search for treatment technologies or processes combination for the improvement of decomposition for dozens of pharmaceuticals in wastewaters. Electron beam irradiation may play an important role in this scenario and relatively low doses have been reported for such purposes. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the toxic response of the crustacean Daphnia similis exposed to individual and combined pharmaceuticals. Several experimental trials of an acute immobilization test were performed with a mixture of pharmaceuticals composed of fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac®), and propranolol. Single pharmaceuticals were first tested separately. Toxicity of binary mixture was then assessed using five concentrations and 5 percentages of each substance in the mixture (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%). Acute EC50% values ranged from 5.0 to 7.4 for fluoxetine and from 11.3 to 13.7 for propranolol. In mixture, values ranged from 6.4 to 9.8. Fluoxetine was more toxic for D.similis than propranolol. The different pharmaceuticals concentrations employed in a mixture showed no difference in toxicity values. When electron beam irradiation was applied, approximately 80% of acute effects were reduced at 5 kGy, and the mixture containing a higher percentage of fluoxetine, also showed a greater reduction of toxicity.

    Palavras-Chave: aqueous solutions; drugs; ecological concentration; electron beams; environmental effects; environmental protection; irradiation; toxicity; waste water

  • IPEN-DOC 26167

    SOUFIA, LAYLA B. ; GOUVEA, PAULO F. de M. ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da . Determination of mineral elements and traces present in the fractions of the humic substances of Peruíbe Black Mud. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 628-640.

    Abstract: Peruíbe Black Mud (PBM) found in the city of Peruíbe in state of São Paulo, is known for its curative and anti-inflammatory properties. Considered as a material with high cation exchange capacity, microbiological analyzes revealed a large amount of sulfate reducing bacteria and high content of organic material from the biological-metabolic process. In order to provide data that may be useful to understand its therapeutic effects and secondly to certify its quality for use in medical treatments it is necessary to determine the presence of trace elements and minerals present in the different fractions of humic substances and, for this, the technique of neutron activation analysis (INAA) associated with gamma spectrometry was used. Results demonstrate that elements such as Cr and Zn may be concentrated in the humic fraction over the mineral fraction of the mud.

    Palavras-Chave: elements; gamma spectroscopy; humidity; minerals; sludges; trace amounts; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 26166

    ARMELIN, MARIA J.A. ; MOREIRA, EDSON G. . Importance of the neutron activation analysis for the determination of elements in different organic materials. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 621-627.

    Abstract: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) was the analytical technique used to determine the concentrations of As, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Fe, La, K, Mg, Mn, Pr, Sb, Sm, V and Zn in the following materials: petroleum, rubber, plastics and petroleum coke. The precision of the results were mostly between 1 and 20%. The technique is non-destructive and fast for Cl, Cu, Mg and V analyses. For this reason, INAA showed to be a good option to be applied in organic matrices.

    Palavras-Chave: coke; concentration ratio; elements; neutron activation analysis; nondestructive testing; petroleum; plastics; quantitative chemical analysis; rubbers

  • IPEN-DOC 26165

    MAIHARA, VERA A. ; OLIVEIRA, MUNIQUE A.P. ; OLIVEIRA, DAVI F. . Characterization of nutrient composition in functional foods. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 614-620.

    Abstract: Functional foods contain in their composition some biologically active substances that when added to a usual diet produce metabolic or physiological processes, resulting in disease risk reduction and health maintenance. Acai, green tea, quinoa, chia, flaxseed and goji berry are examples functional foods due to their health benefits. The concentrations of Br, Ca, Co, Cl, K, Fe, Mn, Mg, Na, Rb and Zn were determined in quinoa, chia and flaxseed samples by Neutron Activation Analysis. The obtained results were discussed using the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for essential elements provided by the Institute of the Medicine of National Academy and a comparison between the different functional foods was carried out.

    Palavras-Chave: diet; elements; food; health hazards; neutron activation analysis; nutrients; toxicity

  • IPEN-DOC 26164

    SOUZA, LUCAS S.G. de ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da . Uranium determination in tap water by INAA. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 594-601.

    Abstract: Uranium can exist in the water as a result of soil leaching or technological processes (mining and processing of phosphate minerals to fertilizer production). The INAA (instrumental neutron activation analysis) usually is used to determination of trace elements through the conversion of stable nuclei to another via nuclear reactions. The present work used INAA method for determination of U in water samples. The goals are validate a methodology to determine U in water samples, apply this methodology and determinate the physical chemical parameters pH, total solids and alkalinity in tap waters samples. The validation was stablished based on varying the irradiation and counting times. A-one-liter sample with 87 g of U was prepared from the standard solution of U 1000 mg L􀀀1 (SPEX CERTIPREP). From this prepared solution was taken ten samples of 100 mL each. After complete evaporation at 100oC in hot plate and at 60oC in infrared lamp, the ten samples were irradiated in the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor. Two samples from di erent regions were collected for determination of pH, total solids, alkalinity and U concentration.

    Palavras-Chave: acid neutralizing capacity; concentration ratio; elements; iear-1 reactor; irradiation; neutron activation analysis; ph value; solids; trace amounts; uranium; water

  • IPEN-DOC 26163

    CARVALHO, GLAUBER M. de ; SEMMLER, RENATO ; MENEZES, MARIO O. de . Development of a semantic layer for a data repository prototype for neutron activation analysis domain data. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 584-593.

    Abstract: In order to provide greater transparency for scienti c research and the results achieved, a great e ort is ongoing to make available scienti c data repositories, which allow for di erent researchers to validate, reproduce and reuse third party scienti c data. With the always increasing use of technology in all kinds of scienti c facilities, a growing amount of data is collected even from simple experiments. This scenario presents a new paradigm: the understanding of third party data easily found on data repositories. Consequently, being able to do useful searches on these data repositories poses a new challenge for traditional search engines. In this work, the approach taken to help solve these problems was to propose a semantic layer for scienti c data repository. By using ontologies, with appropriated integration of traditional search mechanisms, it will be easier for users to nd related data that could be used in their work, improving the overall scienti c yield. In order to achieve this goal, a ontology was developed, using the Prot eg e software, for the Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) data domain. This ontology was validated by experts from NAA Laboratory of the Reactor Research Center (CERPq) at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN-CNEN/SP). A prototype of a semantic data repository is, thus, being developed using the Django web development framework. RDFlib, a software library written in Python is being used to allow the integration of semantic operations, based on the NAA ontology, with the relational database layer provided by Django.

    Palavras-Chave: computer codes; data; data base management; information; information retrieval; information systems; neutron activation analysis; standardized terminology

  • IPEN-DOC 26162

    TICIANELLI, REGINA B. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. . Radionuclide analysis of the IEA-R1 pool water. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 579-583.

    Abstract: IEA-R1 is a 5MW pool-type research reactor built in the late 1950's. In the last years, it operates at 4.5MW for 8h on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. In every day of operation, a sample is taken from the pool water both before starting the reactor and at the end of the day and analyzed in an HPGe detector, in order to verify for possible problems with the fuel elements or other issues. In this work, the results obtained in these analyses spanning for some months are discussed regarding the radionuclides frequently identi ed and the dependence of their activities with time.

    Palavras-Chave: fuel elements; high-purity ge detectors; iear-1 reactor; radiochemical analysis; radioisotopes; radiometric analysis; time dependence; water

  • IPEN-DOC 26161

    BARIA, ROGÉRIO ; WATANABE, SHIGUEO ; MUNITA, CASIMIRO S. ; SILVA, PAULO S. ; TATUMI, SONIA H.. Comparative study of the determination of (238)U, (232)TH, and (40)K in geological samples using INAA and gamma-ray spectroscopy. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 569-578.

    Abstract: Physical dating methods including thermoluminescence (TL), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) require the precise determination of the dose rate of experimental ionizing radiation. To determine the age of sediment by TL and OSL or EPR, it is necessary to accurately determine the exact mass fractions of 238U, 232Th, and 40K, since these concentrations are used in the calculation of the annual radiation dose. This work presents a comparative study of the determination of 238U, 232Th, and 40K using two analytical techniques: instrumental activation analysis (INAA) and γ-ray spectroscopy. The results presented in this paper are concordant between the two techniques.

    Palavras-Chave: comparative evaluations; gamma spectroscopy; geology; isotope ratio; neutron activation analysis; potassium 40; radioactivity; sediments; thorium 232; uranium 238

  • IPEN-DOC 26160

    SILVA, PAULO S.C. da ; EL HAJJ, THAMMIRIS M.; DANTAS, G.A.S.A.; TORQUATO, HENRIQUE. Exhalation rates determined in construction material produced from niobium waste. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 556-568.

    Abstract: Mining operations annually generate large volumes of mining waste that can have several environmental impacts requiring appropriate management strategies in the short and long term. Recently, in Brazil, we have witnessed the catastrophic consequences of poor management of these tailings. One way to better manage mining waste may be to reduce its quantity by reusing it. In the case of niobium industry one possibility for the huge amount of solid tailing generated is its application as construction material. Nevertheless, these tailing also carries some radioactive elements. Exposure to radiation originated from construction material is mainly due to the presence of radionuclides from uranium and thorium series. The external exposure comes from the gamma emitters present in the material while internal exposure can come from radon and thoron gas. This study had evaluated the radiological impact of using niobium waste tailing in concrete plates and proof bodies, for use in construction material. It was determined the activity concentration of 238U, 226Ra, 210Pb, 232Th, 228Th, 228Ra and 40K in cement made with niobium waste to compare with commercial cement. Exhalation rates for 222Rn and 220Rn were determined for cement plates and proof bodies made with 0, 50 and 100% of niobium waste. Results showed that the exhalation rates varied from 0.032 ± 0.004 to 0.20 ± 0.01 Bq/m2.s for 222Rn and from 0.044 ± 0.005 to 0.8 ± 0.1 Bq/m2.s for 220Rn in the different cements. The exhalation rate of the plates varied from 0.035 ± 0.002 to 0.35 ± 0.02 Bq/m2.s for 222Rn and from 0.048 ± 0.006 to 1.2 ± 0.1 Bq/m2.s for 220Rn and the variation for the proof bodies was 0.0042 ± 0.0006 to 0.2 ± 0.1 Bq/m2.s and from 0.008 ± 0.001 to 0.054 ± 0.006 Bq/m2.s for 222Rn and 220Rn, respectively.

    Palavras-Chave: breath; building materials; cements; construction; dose rates; exhalation; gamma spectroscopy; neutron activation analysis; niobium; public health; radon; statistical data; thorium

  • IPEN-DOC 26159

    SUSSA, FÁBIO V. ; FURLAN, MARCOS R.; VICORINO, MARCOS; SILVA, PAULO S.C. . Soil-to-plant transfer factors for stable elements in lemon balm (Melissa Officinalis L.) commonly used as a medicinal plant. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 545-555.

    Abstract: This study evaluated the transfer factors (TF) of stable elements (essential and non-essential) As, Ba, Br, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Th, Ti, V and Zn from soil to Melissa officinalis L. (Lemon balm). The transfer factors were calculated by dividing the metal concentration in Lemon balm leaf by the total metal concentrations in the soil. The experiments were conducted from January 2013 to January 2014 at the Municipal Gardening School area, in Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized (CRD), with three treatment: control (site soil), organic (2 t ha-1 poultry manure) and conventional (30 t ha-1 of NPK, 6:14:8), and four harvest (April, July, October and January) with four replications. The soil samples collected (0 – 20 cm) were dried at 100 °C and grounded to 100 mesh size particles and homogenized. Lemon balm samples were collected and washed with ultrapure water to remove impurities and soil particles present in all plant structures, air-dried and the leaves were separated. After these processes, the Lemon balm leaves were dried at 100 °C and grounded to 100 mesh size particles. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) were applied to determine the elemental concentration in the samples. The results showed that the metals accumulate in species with different intensity. Our findings indicated that Ca, Cd, K, Ni and Rb accumulated the most with the transfer factor of 1.0 – 12, followed by Ba, Br, Co, Cr, Cu, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, Sb and Zn with TF of 0.1 – 1.0, while As, Fe, Hf, La, Sm, Th, Ti and V had the lowest accumulation with TF usually < 0.1.

    Palavras-Chave: absorption spectroscopy; concentration ratio; ecological concentration; elements; medicinal plants; neutron activation analysis; public lands; recreational areas; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 26158

    CAVALCANTI, HELOISA S. ; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B. ; MIURA, VIVIANI M. ; AZEVEDO, MARIA R.. The reference value for blood potassium in inhabitants of Brazil by EDXRF technique. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 541-544.

    Abstract: In the present study was intend to use the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence technique (EDXRF) to perform potassium dosage in human beings using whole blood aiming its application, in the future, for studying in more details the common deficienciesin Brazilian population helping their diagnostic. To perform this investigation a total of 227 whole blood samples were analyzed. The influence of gender was also investigated. The results provide information which permit to perform a discussion about the advantages and limitations of using this alternative methodology for biochemistry examinations.

    Palavras-Chave: biochemistry; blood; brazil; doses; human populations; potassium; x-ray fluorescence analysis; x-ray spectroscopy

  • IPEN-DOC 26157

    MENEGHINI, ARTHUR A. ; WAKASUGI, DENISE S.M. ; SANTOS, LAISSA A.B. dos ; DAMATTO, SANDRA R. ; SALVADOR, VERA L.R. . Inorganic chemical elements determined in mineral water springs from the water circuit of Minas Gerais, Brazil by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 529-540.

    Abstract: Water Circuit of Minas Gerais (Circuito das Águas de Minas Gerais) is known by its mineral water parks located in the cities of Cambuquira, Caxambu, Conceição do Rio Verde, Lambari and São Lourenço. The mineral water of these parks is consumed regularly by the local population and tourists that are motivated by the medicinal use of the mineral water. One of the characteristics that defines a mineral water is its chemical composition, hence a water is considered mineral due to the chemical elements present in its composition. The objective of this work was to determine the inorganic chemical characterization of the mineral waters from the Water Parks of Cambuquira, Caxambu, Conceição do Rio Verde, Lambari and Marimbeiro analyzing the elements Ag, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K. Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Ti, V and Zn by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry – EDXRF. Each water park presented different chemical elements with different concentrations, in spite of the parks are located near each other. The elements that presented the highest concentrations in all the samples analyzed were the major elements Ca, Fe, K and Mn. Among the four water parks studied, the mineral waters from Water Park of Caxambu presented the highest concentrations for all the elements determined. This study is part of a research project developed at CMR that studied the natural radionuclides 226Ra, 228Ra, 210Pb and 210Po and the inorganic chemical elements of the mineral waters of the Water Circuit of Minas Gerais.

    Palavras-Chave: drinking water; elements; environment; fluorescence spectroscopy; public lands; recreational areas; water springs; x-ray fluorescence analysis; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 26156

    TAPPIZ, BRUNO ; MOREIRA, EDSON G. . Measurement uncertainty evaluation in fish samples analyzed by INAA and AAS. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 521-528.

    Abstract: Measurement uncertainty was estimated following the EURACHEM guide (Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement) for the elements As, Br, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Se and Zn determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) and for the elements Cd, Hg and Pb determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) in the fillet of the most consumed fish species at São Paulo city, Brazil. INAA expanded uncertainties ranged from 1.0 to 21% and the main contributions were due the counting statistics of sample and pipetted standards. For AAS, expanded uncertainties ranged from 6.5 to 13% and the main contributions were associated to the calibration curves. Uncertainty results were compared with the standard deviations of the mass fraction in the fishes (n = 10). Due to the wide variability in the mass fraction in the analyzed fish tissues, explained by factors such gender, age, fat content and fishing location of the specimens of each specie, standard deviations were greater than expanded uncertainties, which means that the natural variability of the elements determined is greater than the data dispersion associate

    Palavras-Chave: absorption spectroscopy; brazil; data covariances; elements; evaluation; fishes; neutron activation analysis; toxicity

  • IPEN-DOC 26155

    JUNQUEIRA, LUCAS S. ; SILVA, SHARLLENY A.; FRANKLIN, ROBSON L.; FAVARO, DEBORAH I.T. . Trace element assessment in sediment cores from Graminha reservoir, São Paulo State, by INAA. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 505-520.

    Abstract: In the present study, sediment cores were collected in the Graminha (Caconde) water supply reservoir in Feb/2015 (points 1 and 3) and Aug/2015 (points 1 and 4) sampling campaigns. The four sediment cores with different depths were cut every 2.5 cm, yielding 36, 21, 33 and 37 slices of sediments, respectively, that were individually analyzed by INAA (Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis). This analytical technique was used to quantify the elements: As, Ba, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, Hf, Rb, Sb, Sc, Ta, Zn, U and Th. The validation of precision of the methodolody was made by analyzing certified reference material. The concentration values obtained for As, Cr and Zn were compared with TEL and PEL oriented values established by the CCME (Canada) and adopted by CETESB for sediment quality evaluation. None of the sediment cores analyzed surpassed the PEL value for these elements. Sediment samples from points 2 and 3 presented the worst sediment quality but were still classified as good quality for sediments. The enrichment factor (EF) and Geoacumulation Index (IGeo) tools used for contamination level assessment were used for all sediment cores and mostly presented enrichment on As and U. The results from concentrations, EF and IGeo showed a significant increase mostly below 30 cm of depth in every core. Statistical analyses were applied to the elemental concentration values for better interpretation of the results.

    Palavras-Chave: elements; evaluation; metals; neutron activation analysis; sampling; sediments; trace amounts; water reservoirs; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 26154

    JUNQUEIRA, LUCAS S. ; ANGELINI, MATHEUS ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da . Determination of I-129 on radioactive waste from Angra 1 and 2 Power Plants. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 492-495.

    Abstract: Radioactive waste must be characterized in order to be deposited in a suitable place for its confinement, avoiding any contamination of the environment. This study determined 129I, one of the difficult-to-measure nuclides that make up the radioactive waste from Angra 1 and 2 nuclear power plants. The methodology used a 129-I (1Bq/mL) liquid certified standard and consisted on guarantying that all the iodine was converted into iodide before the addition of PdCl2 for the precipitation of PdI2. After the separation procedure the 129I was quantified by gamma spectrometry by measuring its X-ray emissions with energies of 29.7 keV and 33.8 keV, as well as the gamma-ray emission of 39.6 keV. The chemical yield of the procedure was 74.4% (0,2).

    Palavras-Chave: activity meters; energy spectra; gamma spectroscopy; iodides; iodine 129; nuclear power plants; radioactive wastes; x-ray emission analysis

  • IPEN-DOC 26153

    JUNQUEIRA, LUCAS S. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da . Ni-59 determination by measurement of annihilation energy. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 486-491.

    Abstract: Radioactive waste is subject to regulations regarding its inventory, transportation and final deposition. Such standards require the knowledge of the tailing contents in a way that is possible to accommodate them in a repository capable of containing their radiation completely. In this study a methodology was established for determining the concentration of 59Ni using the annihilation energy (0.511 MeV) between a positron from its + emission, and an electron that is widely present in matter. To ensure the reliability of the methodology, the area of the annihilation peak was compared to 59Ni Kα and Kβ x-ray peaks. To make this method viable the separations of Ni from the other components of the sample was necessary. This was done by using dimethylglyoxime (DMG) for Ni precipitation. Of all the Ni radioisotopes only 59Ni have a half-life longer than a few days, so that 59Ni can be determined without radioisotopical interferences. After precipitation with DMG, the substrate was vacuum filtered on filter paper, using an apparatus to preserve the geometry of the precipitate in different samples. The 59Ni precipitate was then counted in an extended range gamma spectrometer and the 511 keV peak compared to the Ni x-rays in order to verify the reliability of the method.

    Palavras-Chave: annihilation; comparative evaluations; dimethylglyoxime; gamma spectrometers; nickel 59; radioactive wastes; reliability; sampling

  • IPEN-DOC 26152

    LIMA, GEAN B. de ; KAISER, THIAGO J. S.; MOREIRA, EDSON G. . Z-score, a tool for quality assurance of analytical results in neutron activation analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 478-485.

    Abstract: The Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN CNEN / SP), through the Research Reactor Center (CERPq), conducts several studies using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) in its Activation Analysis Laboratory (LAN). The present study performed a critical analysis of the way Certified Reference Materials (CRM) are used to assess accuracy in LAN activities, from a statistical point of view. With the wide dissemination and application of metrological concepts, the use of regulatory standards (ABNT and INMETRO) became increasingly necessary. The literature defines several approaches to the statistical principles for the use of the obtained values. CRMs are used to assess the accuracy of analytical methods, being essential for trueness assessment. There are a few ways to quantify trueness, and this can be done by percent relative error and z score, determining the trend of the analytical method, which is defined as the estimation of a systematic error. The use of z scores is interesting in evaluating the quality of analytical methods, as it is less subject to the influence of the concentration value. Theses and dissertations developed at LAN were selected as the object of study and the calculations were performed using the concepts presented to verify the data treatment, at a 95% confidence level, presenting satisfactory results.

    Palavras-Chave: accuracy; calibration standards; data; data analysis; neutron activation analysis; quality assurance; statistical data; statistical models

  • IPEN-DOC 26151

    RIBEIRO JR., IBERÊ S. ; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; ZAHN, GUILHERME S. . Comparison of two methodologies for spectra analysis in coincidence neutron activation analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 459-468.

    Abstract: The Research Reactor Center (CERPq) of IPEN-CNEN/SP has been developing a facility for Coincidence Neutron Activation Analysis (CNAA), a variation of the Neutron Activation Analysis technique in which gamma-gamma coincidence is used to reduce spectral interferences and improve detection limits of some elements. As the acquisition results in 2D-coincidence spectra, the spectrum analysis had to be dealt with accordingly. There are two distinct ways to perform these analyses, either directly, by fitting bidimensional peaks in the coincidence matrix, or by gating the spectra in one detector around each peak of interest and fitting the resulting 1D-spectrum in the usual way. In this work the concentrations of As, Co, Cs, Sb and Se were determined in geological and biological reference materials by CNAA using two different methodologies of analysis, using the BIDIM software, which provides 2D-peak-fitting; and a combination of the AnalisaCAEN suite, which gates the 2D-spectra, with Canberra’s Genie2000, which fits the resulting unidimensional spectra. The results allow for a discussion of the advantages and shortcomings of each method, both in terms of usability and of the reliability of the results.

    Palavras-Chave: biological materials; calibration standards; comparative evaluations; concentration ratio; geology; neutron activation analysis; spectra

  • IPEN-DOC 26150

    OLIVEIRA, J.P. ; SILVA, P.S.C. ; SEMMLER, R. . Calibration of the short irradiation facility for K0 − NAA implementation at the IEA-R1 Reactor. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 454-458.

    Abstract: The short irradiation facility of the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor at IPEN, S~ao Paulo, Brazil, has been used for short irradiation of samples for the purpose of determining the concentration of elements of these samples through the use of the instrumental neutron activation analysis technique. With the aim of implementing the k0-NAA method at the Neutron Activation Analysis Laboratory (LAN), the reactor parameters and f were obtained using the bare triple method. In this method, a set of three neutron ux monitors were irradiated without Cd-cover. The e ciency curve of the gamma-ray spectrometer used were determined by measuring calibrated radioactive sources at the usually utilized counting geometries. The results obtained for the parameters and f were respectively 0:0384 0:0016 and 35:67 0:26. The obtained value of f shows that the neutrons in the irradiation position are well thermalized, in other words, the value of f, means that thermal neutron ux is 35 times higher than epithermal neutron ux. It means that this irradiation position is well thermalized. The variation of these parameters was studied with time and the reproducibility was veri ed.

    Palavras-Chave: calibration; cobalt 60; high-purity ge detectors; iear-1 reactor; irradiation; neutron activation analysis; neutron flux

  • IPEN-DOC 26149

    ANGELINI, MATHEUS ; SILVA, PAULO S.C. da ; JUNQUEIRA, LUCAS S. . Activity determination of the difficult to measure radionuclide 55Fe in operational radioative waste from the Angra Nuclear Power Plant. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro, 2019. p. 446-453.

    Abstract: Pressurized Water Reactors, PWR, are responsible for converting nuclear energy from the nuclear reactions, in the core, into thermal energy by heat exchange with the water in the primary system and then into mechanical energy by the pressure increase from the heat exchange and at last, electrical energy, from the turbine rotation due to the resultant pressure. In a reactor such as described, cool water must flow through the Primary System (where the nuclear core is located) in order to allow heat exchange for electrical energy generation and also to refrigerate the core, providing it will not to be melted or causing any acci dent. Materials that make up the internal part of the primary system such as the walls or core coating may suffer effects like drag force due to the high water pressure or neutron activation due to the high l evels of radiation. Therefore some of these nucl ides that compose these materials are expected to be present in the core water and so, a filtration system is required to reduce these nuclides concentrations. At Angra Nuclear Power Plant two types of filtration systems are used , ion exchange resin, respo nsible for adsorbing these nuclides and a polymer type filter responsible for withholding solid particles in suspension. After a while, these filters become saturated and must b e replaced; once replaced , the old ones become Radioactive Waste of Low or Medi um Activity. This study has evaluated the chemical yield of different procedures for 55 Fe determination by using anion exchange chromatography, to be further applied to determine the activity concentration in nuclear waste samples. The activity concentrati ons were determined by Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) and Gamma Spectrometry (GS). This project is part of a bigger objective that aims to fulfill several regulations from the Brazilian National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) and the development of a repository for proper storage of radioactive waste materials

    Palavras-Chave: activity levels; activity meters; ion exchange chromatography; iron 55; nuclear power plants; pwr type reactors; radioactive wastes

  • IPEN-DOC 26148

    SILVA, CAIO A.J. da ; COSTA, ISOLDA ; ROSSI, JESUALDO L. ; SAIKI, MITIKO . Determination of chemical elements in magnesium- based materials by neutron activation analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 427-437.

    Abstract: Over the last decades there was an increasing interest in using magnesium alloys for medical applications due to their biodegradability in the human body, providing a temporary mechanical support and corroding completely after the tissue healing. Although magnesium is a non-toxic element, it is of great importance to evaluate the element concentration, as well as the impurities present in both, pure magnesium and magnesium alloys, as the AZ31. The purpose of this study was to analyze the element composition of these materials using the method of neutron activation analysis (NAA). Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) acquired from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) were analyzed for analytical quality control. Short and long term irradiations were carried out at the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor and gamma-ray activities induced to the samples and element standard were measured using HPGe detector coupled to a Digital Spectrum Analyzer. The radioisotopes were identified by gamma ray energies and half-life. Concentrations of the elements As, Cr, Cd, Co, Fe, In, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Sb, V, W and Zn were determined in pure magnesium sample and the Al, As, La, Mg, Mn, Na, Sb and Zn in the AZ31 alloy, calculated by comparative method. The SRMs were analyzed by applying the same experimental conditions used for magnesium-based materials and their results presented good accuracy and precision. Thus, from the measurements obtained in this study it can be concluded that NAA is a suitable method for element determinations in magnesium-based materials providing reliable results.

    Palavras-Chave: biological materials; chemical analysis; iear-1 reactor; irradiation; magnesium alloys; medicine; neutron activation analysis; prostheses

  • IPEN-DOC 26147

    BRAGUIN, LILIAN N.M. ; COSTA, ISOLDA ; SAIKI, MITIKO . Elemental determination of austenitic stainless steel alloy used as biomaterial by neutron activation analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 416-426.

    Abstract: Austenitic stainless steel alloys, mainly those produced according to ISO 5832-1, have received much attention due to their promising characteristics to be used as biomaterials. The aim of this study was to establish the proper conditions of neutron activation analysis (NAA) in order to determine chemical elements in a sample of ISO 5832-1 stainless steel. These determinations are of great interest for further evaluation of its corrosion resistance and of cytotoxicity of corrosion products. For the analyses, chips of ISO 5832-1 austenitic stainless steel were obtained. Aliquots of this material were weighed in polyethylene involucres and irradiated together with synthetic element standards at the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor. Short and long irradiations were carried out using thermal neutron flux of about 4.5 x 1012 n cm-2 s -1. Quality control of the results was performed by analyzing two certified reference materials (CRMs). The elements concentrations of Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo and Ni obtained in the ISO 5832-1 austenitic alloy are within the specification values of this material. Besides, the elements As, Co, V and W were determined in this alloy. The sensitivity of the technique was verified by the determination of detection and quantification limits. In the case of CRMs, their results presented precision and accuracy for most of elements with relative standard deviations and relative errors lower than 15 %. Results obtained in this study demonstrated the viability of applying NAA in the analysis of the ISO 5832-1 stainless steel alloy.

    Palavras-Chave: alloys; austenitic steels; biological materials; calibration standards; iear-1 reactor; irradiation; neutron activation analysis; prostheses; stainless steels

  • IPEN-DOC 26146

    MEDEIROS, ILCA M.M.A. ; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B. ; GIOVANNI, DALTON N.S. ; MEDEIROS, JOSÉ A.G. de. Investigation of elements in sweeteners by NAA analytic technique. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 402-407.

    Abstract: In this study, brands of sweeteners (aspartame and sucralose) marketed in Brazil were investigated by Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). The measurements were performed using the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor at IPEN - CNEN/SP. The elements Cl and Na were identified in all samples. The Na concentration in sweeteners samples showed low content for most of the brands (0.013 –3.81 g kg-1), while Cl had high concentration variation (0.04 – 11.10 g kg-1). These data provide knowledge regarding nutritional aspect and toxicity derived from sweetener consumption.

    Palavras-Chave: chlorine; iear-1 reactor; irradiation; neutron activation analysis; nutrition; saccharose; sodium

  • IPEN-DOC 26145

    ZAMBONI, CIBELE B. ; METAIRON, SABRINA ; MEDEIROS, JOSE A.G. de ; SILVA, DALTON G.N. da ; TASSO, ORION G. . Progress and trends for radiation applications in clinical practice. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 396-401.

    Abstract: In this study, we intend to optimize the use of equipment based on the X-Ray Fluorescence technology to perform ions dosage in body fluids. This procedure can be an efficient alternative for clinical diagnosis, mainly in underserved regions of Brazil with the deficit of medical care in the hospitals. In addition, this procedure has potential use when the biological material is scarce, case of the pediatric practice in newborns and premature infants (blood collection is the main cause of transfusions) as well as in Hemodialysis units which requires several biochemical tests (before and after dialysis).

    Palavras-Chave: biological materials; blood; body fluids; diagnostic uses; experimental data; neutron activation analysis; numerical data; x radiation; x-ray spectrometers

  • IPEN-DOC 26144

    CHAMAS, CLAUDIA ; MOREIRA, EDSON G. ; MENEZES, MARIO O. de . Data governance for neutron activation analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 383-395.

    Abstract: This study describes the importance of managing scientific research data, and incorporating the demands that are currently presented such as data sharing, data repositories, metadata management, as well as ensuring the truth and value of data. A proper data management helps in gaining insight on data governance. The area of study is the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN – CNEN/SP) where there is a wide variety of researches, yielding lots of data. IPEN has already recognized the importance of proper management of research data as an essential part of the research's good practices and of the institution's commitment to the truthfulness and quality of its scientific research. Following this commitment, IPEN has established the necessity of data management and sharing in order to ensure the greatest possible benefits for scientific and technological advancement. A case study with data from neutron activation analysis experiments, belonging to the Neutron Activation Analysis Laboratory (LANCERPq) of IPEN is presented. The current status of data management was assessed and a basic implementation plan for a proper data management was proposed, delineating also a path to the adoption of data governance practices at a larger scale in the whole IPEN-CNEN/SP.

    Palavras-Chave: data; data processing; information dissemination; management; neutron activation analysis; planning; technology transfer

  • IPEN-DOC 26143

    CORREIA, RUANYTO W. ; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. ; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A. . Study and calibration of the HPGe detector for radionuclide analysis of iodine-125. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 370-382.

    Abstract: In this work, a theoretical-experimental methodology was developed for the calibration of HPGe Detector for quantitative analysis of iodine-125. Photopick efficiencies was measured between 0 - 40 keV using a certified calibration source (iodine-129) with well-known activity. The efficiency curve was determined for an energy range that covers the region of interest for iodine-125 (0 - 40 keV). The calibrate spectrum was obtained for study and the result was saved in the detector directory for future analysis and determination of the iodine-125 activity.

    Palavras-Chave: calibration; computer codes; high-purity ge detectors; iodine 125; quantitative chemical analysis

  • IPEN-DOC 26142

    MANTOVANI, JULIANA ; SCAPIN, MARCOS A. ; MACACCINI, JOSÉ. F.; COTRIM, MARYCEL E.B. ; PIRES, MARIA A.F. . Applying multi-incremental sampling methodology to soils for radiological and environmental risks evaluation. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 362-369.

    Abstract: Multi-increment soil sampling is a methodology that allows evaluating environmental liability inside decision unit, providing a representative aliquot for laboratory analysis with associated uncertainties lower than conventional sampling. The literature has reported much works about environmental liabilities evaluation in soil using multi-increment sampling however, for nuclear facilities soils are practically nonexistent. Therefore, aim of this study was to determinate radionuclides concentration (by Gamma spectroscopy), major and minor constituents (by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry) and metals (by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry) in soils of nuclear material storage facilities in Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN/CNEN-SP) using multi-increment sampling. The natural radionuclides (210Pb, 226Ra, 228Ra, 238U), major and minor constituents (MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, P2O5, K2O, CaO, TiO2, and others) and metals (Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, As, Pb, and other) were determined in 120 soil samples, in-depth between 0 and 150 mm at 30 quadrants. The results showed specific activity of 57 ± 16 Bq kg-1 (210Pb), 51 ± 22 Bq kg-1 (226Ra), 81 ± 12 Bq kg-1 (228Ra) and 48 ± 14 Bq kg-1 (238U), corresponding uncontaminated soil, according reference values. With regarding metals concentration, results also were lower than values reference. The statistical tests showed that methodology is efficient for environmental impact studies and monitoring programs and adequate to attend established conditions in IPEN-CNEN / SP environmental licensing.

    Palavras-Chave: elements; environmental impacts; gamma spectroscopy; metals; nuclear materials management; radioisotopes; sampling; soils; trace amounts; x-ray fluorescence analysis

  • IPEN-DOC 26141

    COTIS, DÉBORA S.; MARQUES, LEILA S.; FIGUEIREDO, ANA M.G. ; CORVAL, ARTUR; VALENTE, SÉRGIO C.. Application of neutron activation analysis to the study of low-titanium tholeiitic dykes of the Serra do Mar Swarm (RJ). In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 330-343.

    Abstract: The tholeiitic dykes of the Serra do Mar Swarm (SMS) outcrop along the coast of the São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro states (Southeastern Brazil), spreading over the Rio Paraiba Valley. Previous studies carried out in such dykes showed that they are related to the tectonic and magmatic processes that took place during the South Atlantic Ocean opening and gave rise to the Paraná Magmatic Province (PMP). The dykes are vertical to subvertical and preferentially NE-SW trending, with thicknesses ranging from centimeters to tens of meters. Most of the SMS intrusive rocks have relatively high concentrations of TiO2 (>3wt%), except for occurrences in the Região dos Lagos (Costa Azul Suite), as well as around Nova Friburgo Town (Serrana Suite), where they are characterized by basic rocks with low TiO2 (<2wt%) contents, whose genesis are still not completely understood. Therefore, a detailed study is being carried out in rocks of the Suite Serrana, with the determination of the concentrations of the rare earth (REE: La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, and Lu) and other trace (Ta, Th, U, Hf, Cs, Sc, and Co) elements by instrumental neutron (thermal and epithermal) activation analysis, which has accuracy and precision required for petrogenetic studies. The data obtained so far show a substantial enrichment of highly incompatible trace elements (light REE, Th and U) and a remarkable geochemical similarity with the low-TiO2 basaltic flows of Gramado type found in southern PMP, suggesting important processes of crustal contamination during the genesis of the investigated dykes.

    Palavras-Chave: elements; geology; igneous rocks; neutron activation analysis; radioisotopes; titanium; trace amounts; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 26140

    NOGUEIRA, ANDRÉ L.; MUNITA, CASIMIRO S. . The effect of data standardization in cluster analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 321-329.

    Abstract: The application of multivariate techniques to experimental results requires a responsibility on behalf of the researcher to understand, evaluate and interpret their results, especially the ones that are more complex. In this work, the impact of three standardization techniques on the formation of clusters by the SOM (self-organizing map) neural network were studied. The techniques studied were logarithm (log10), generalized-log and improved min-max. The studies were performed using two databases consisting of 298 and 146 samples and containing the mass fractions of As, Na, K, La, Yb, Lu, U, Sc, Cr, Fe, Cs, Eu, Tn, Hf and Th, determined by neutron activation analysis. The results were evaluated using validation indices.

    Palavras-Chave: algorithms; cluster analysis; computer codes; data; mass; neural networks; neutron activation analysis; standardization; statistical models

  • IPEN-DOC 26139

    GUILHEN, SABINE N. ; SOUZA, ALEXANDRE L.; COTRIM, MARYCEL E.B. ; PIRES, MARIA A.F. . Direct determination of aluminum in low-enriched UALx targets ( UAlx-Al) by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 298-311.

    Abstract: The production of molybdenum-99 (99Mo) using low-enriched uranium targets (< 20% 235U) dispersed in aluminum (UAlx) is a very promising strategy towards the independence in 99Mo local production. A thorough control must be performed to ensure that these targets meet the regulatory requirements to achieve the expected efficiency in the reactor. The determination of the targets’ composition is of high interest, because the distribution of Al in different phases may have an impact on the U concentration. Among the techniques used for this purpose, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) stands out because of its high sensitivity and precision, allowing for simultaneous determination of several elements in a variety of samples and matrices. However, because U exhibits a complex emission spectrum, spectral interferences are prone to affect the analysis of Al, calling for time consuming preparation steps to remove the U from the matrix. This study proposes a method of direct determination of Al in UAlx targets through the selection of specific emission lines enabled by the evaluation of the associated interferences on the recovery values.

    Palavras-Chave: aluminium; chemical analysis; emission spectroscopy; molybdenum 99; plasma; technetium 99; uranium 235 target

  • IPEN-DOC 26138

    RODRIGUES JR ., ORLANDO ; SANTOS, SILAS C. dos . Stability study of the alanine epr dosimetry system at IPEN/CNEN SP. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 259-264.

    Abstract: The dosimetry system using alanine EPR is a standard secondary calibration system for high doses. IPEN's High Doses Dosimetry Laboratory (LDA) has an Electron Paramagnetic Resonance equipment operating in the X band which performs high dose dosimetry service for electron and X ray fields for the dose range of 10Gy to 200kGy. IPEN has established a dosimetry system based on an alanine dosimeter developed at the institute. The system is composed of pure DL alanine encapsulated in a polyethylene microtube, which allows estimated doses of 10Gy to 200kGy. The advantages of this system are the low signal fading over a long period of time (over 90 days) and dose measurements above 150kGy. The main disadvantage is the difficulty in measures below 10Gy. In order to improve quality assurance services delivered in radiotherapy, commercial alanine dosimeters are being tested and compared with the already established system for measurements with time intervals longer than 90 days. The present work is an evaluation of the commercial L alanine dosimeter signal compared to the alanine dosimeter produced in IPEN. The dosimeters were irradiated with X ray and E beam and doses of 1, 10 and 20Gy. All measurements were performed following the same laboratory protocol based in ISO/ASTM guidelines. Environmental effects such as temperature, sensitivity to light and air humidity, and other storage conditions were evaluated. The results show that the decay of commercial dosimeters over 36 months was 11% higher than that observed in the dosimeter developed in IPEN, indicating the need for a correction factor for the comparison of dosimetry systems.

    Palavras-Chave: alanine-l; calibration; dosemeters; dosimetry; irradiation; radiation dose ranges; radiation doses

  • IPEN-DOC 26137

    CARDOSO, JOAQUIM C.S. ; XAVIER, MARCOS . The whole body counting experience on the internal contamination of radionuclides at IPEN/CNEN-SP. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 234-238.

    Abstract: The intake of radioactive material by workers can occur in the radiopharmaceuticals production, during the handling of radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine and in bi ological and research laboratories. The members of staff occupationally exposed to radionuclides are routinely monitored for the purpose of quantitative assessment of internal exposure . Direct measurements of whole body and t hyroid contents provide an estimate of the activity of these radionuclides in the potentially exposed workers. The whole body measurements of the workers, trainees and visitors are routinely performed by the In Vivo Monitoring Laboratory (LMIV) of the Ener gy and Nuclear Research Institute (IPEN/CNEN SP). The frequency of measurements is defined by the Radioprotection Service (SRP) and the Dose Calculation Group of IPEN. For this purpose LMIV has two counters, whole body. NaI(Tl) (8x4”), and thyroid one, NaI (Tl) (3x3”). The system was calibrated in energy and efficiency, with calibration sources of Am 241, Co 60, Cs 137 and Eu 152 with gamma emissions between 59.54 and 1408.08 keV, positioned within Alderson Research Labs. anthropomorphic phantom. The backgro und measures were obtained of worker’s spectrum that wasn’t exposed occupationally yet. The concepts adopted in the HPS N13.30 Standard and proposed in ISO documents for standardization were used for activity measurements. During the period January 2014 to December 2018, approximately 3500 measurements had been carried in workers who develop tasks related to the production and research. The activities of the radionuclides and the workers’ tasks relationship had been evaluated.

    Palavras-Chave: calibration; dose equivalents; nai detectors; occupational exposure; personnel; radiation doses; radiation protection; radioisotopes; radionuclide kinetics; thyroid; whole-body counting; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 26136

    ANGELOCCI, LUCAS V. ; NOGUEIRA, BEATRIZ R. ; ABREU, RODRIGO T. ; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A. ; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. . End-weld thickness variation effects on dose rate for a new ir-192 brachytherapy source. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 198-206.

    Abstract: Brachytherapy is a form of radiation therapy that uses small sealed sources close to the tumor to deliver a high dose to target while keeping dose on neighboring healthy tissues as low as possible. A wide variety of radionuclides and different sources are available for brachytherapy, each with his own unique geometry. The Laboratory of Sources Production for Radiotherapy (IPEN/CNEN) developed a new Ir-192 seed for eye tumor treatment that is currently under dosimetric definition. This work is part of a larger project that aims the full dosimetry of this new source, but rather than calculate the usual parameters proposed by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, the specific contribution to the dose rate of a usually not considered factor was investigated under a statistical approach: end-weld thickness variation, which is important due to this source being welded by an in-house method. Its effects were investigated using the Monte Carlo radiation transport code MCNP4C and an in-house routine programmed with MATLAB® to analyze the data. Final results are presented as a mean value for dose rate at different points of interest and their associated standard deviations. The results are discussed based on the influence of said parameter on different points around the source.

    Palavras-Chave: brachytherapy; dose rates; dosimetry; eyes; iridium 192; monte carlo method; radiation source implants; sealed sources; thickness; welding

  • IPEN-DOC 26135

    GONCALVES, JOSEMARY A.C. ; MANGIAROTTI, ALESSIO; BUENO, CARMEN C. . Comparative evaluation of the performance of thin diodes used as on-line dosimeters in radiation processing applications. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 192-197.

    Abstract: In this work, we report a comparison between the performance of two samples of commercial PIN photodiodes (SFH206K from OsramÒ and S2506-04 from HamamatsuÒ) mainly addressing the variation of their current sensitivities with accumulated dose ranging from 0-15 kGy. All the results so far obtained have revealed that the radiation induced currents are linearly dependent on dose rates from 3.65 to 55.64 Gy/h. The current sensitivity of both unirradiated diodes (0.178 nA.h/Gy.mm3) slightly decreases with accumulated dose, namely 0.32%/kGy (SFH206K) and 1.4%/kGy (S2506-04). Although the SFH206K device compares favorably with the S2506-04, both diodes can be considered as a low budge alternative, good enough for on-line dosimetry applications in the field of radiation processing.

    Palavras-Chave: cobalt 60; comparative evaluations; dose rates; dosemeters; electrical faults; gamma radiation; performance; photodiodes; sensitivity

  • IPEN-DOC 26134

    SANTOS, WILLIAM S. ; NEVES, LUCIO P.; PERINI, ANA P.; SANTOS, CARLA J.; BELINATO, WALMIR; CALDAS, LINDA V.E. . The influence of the lead eyewear geometry on the doses to the eye lens. In: ABEN (Ed.) INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro, 2019. p. 186-191.

    Abstract: The scattered radiation from interventional procedures is an important source of radiological risk for the medical staff. Considering all affected organs, the eye lens are among the most critical organs. As pointed out by several studies, even for low radiation doses, the appearance of cataract may occur. Considering this scenario, the radiation doses to the eye lens were determined using three different lead eyewear models commonly employed. The fluoroscopist was represented by an adult virtual anthropomorphic phantom (MASH3), coupled to the Monte Carlo code MCNP6.1™, in a typical cardiac interventional radiology procedure. The eyewear had 0.5 mmPb each, and the evaluation was carried out for four different beam angulations (PA, LAO90, LAO65 e RAO65), 80 kVp of tube voltage and HVL of 4 mmAl. The results pointed out that the shielding efficiency has a strong dependence on the eyewear type utilized, which may be very useful for the decision-making during the acquisition of such equipments.

    Palavras-Chave: crystalline lens; equivalent radiation doses; fluoroscopy; lead; monte carlo method; occupational exposure; phantoms; radiation protection; shielding

  • IPEN-DOC 26133

    ABREU, RODRIGO T. ; ANGELOCCI, LUCAS V. ; NOGUEIRA, BEATRIZ R. ; SANTOS, HAMONA N. dos ; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A. ; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. . Anisotropy function of a new 192-Ir brachytherapy source. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 175-185.

    Abstract: Brachytherapy is a type of radiotherapy that uses radioactive sources (seeds, wires, among others) close to the tumor. Is important to provide a detailed description of seed dosimetry, so only the tumor will be irradiated avoiding unnecessary dose on adjacent organs and structures. To evaluate the dosimetric parameter of the anisotropy function for a new brachytherapy source, this work proposes the use of microcube TLD-100 dosimeters to find the dose rate using the AAPM Task Group 43 protocol (TG-43). The anisotropy function represents dose distribution around the source and has a major role for characterization of a new iridium source being implemented in Brazil. The value of D(r,θ) was measured using Solid Water phantoms, r value being the distance from the geometric center of the source to the position of the dosimeter on the phantom, and θ being the angle formed between the longitudinal axis of the source and the line connecting the geometric center to the TLD. Monte Carlo calculations were performed to evaluate the anisotropy function to validate the experimental measurements. For each distance value (r), an anisotropy function was plotted (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 10.0 cm). The results obtained with Monte Carlo calculations agreed ±2% with the experimental values for r greater than 3.0 cm, so these results show a good distribution of dose around the seed considering the high energy of 192-Ir (average of 380 KeV) and encapsulation thickness.

    Palavras-Chave: anisotropy; brachytherapy; dose rates; dosimetry; iridium 192; monte carlo method; phantoms; radiation dose distributions; radiation source implants; sealed sources; thermoluminescent dosemeters

  • IPEN-DOC 26132

    PRIMO, CAMILA de O. ; ANGELOCCI, LUCAS V. ; KARAM JUNIOR, DIB; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A. ; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. . Dose-rate constant and air-kerma strength evaluation of a new 125-I brachytherapy source using Monte-Carlo. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 167-174.

    Abstract: Brachytherapy is a modality of radiotherapy which treats tumors using ionizing radiation with sources located close to the tumor. The sources can be produced from several radionuclides in various formats, such as Iodine-125 seeds and Iridium-192 wires. In order to produce a new Iodine-125 seed in IPEN/CNEN and ensure its quality, it is essential to describe the dosimetry of the seed, so when applied in a treatment the lowest possible dose to neighboring healthy tissues can be reached. The report by the AAPM’s Task Group 43 U1 is a document that indicates the dosimetry procedures in brachytherapy based on physical and geometrical parameters. In this study, dose-rate constant and air-kerma strength parameters were simulated using the Monte Carlo method radiation transport code MCNP4C. The air-kerma strength is obtained from an ideal modeled seed, since its actual value should be measured for seeds individually in a specialized lab with a Wide-Angle Free-Air Chamber (WAFAC). Dose-rate constant and air-kerma strength are parameters that depends on intrinsic characteristics of the source, i.e. geometry, radionuclide, encapsulation, and together they define the dose-rate to the reference point, defined as the dose-rate to a point 1 cm away from the geometric center of the source, in its transverse plane. This study presents the values found for these parameters with associated statistical uncertainty, and is part of a larger project that aims the full dosimetry of this new seed model, including experimental measures.

    Palavras-Chave: brachytherapy; computerized simulation; dose rates; dosimetry; iodine 125; kerma; monte carlo method

  • IPEN-DOC 26131

    MAZER, AMANDA C ; SHORTO, JULIAN M.B. ; SIQUEIRA, PAULO T.D. ; NAKANDAKARI, MARCOS V.N.; RIBEIRO, VICTOR A.B.; YORIYAZ, HELIO . Interpolation studies of a 3D dosimetric system for quality assurance in radiation therapy. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, October 21-25, 2019, Santos, SP. Proceedings... Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019. p. 153-160.

    Abstract: With the evolution of radiation therapy techniques, treatments have become increasingly accurate. To ensure a good quality assurance program for modern equipment, Sun Nuclear Corporation has developed ArcCHECK, a 3D dosimetric system, which contains 1386 helically arranged diodes within a PMMA cylindrical structure. The outputs of this system show, in addition to dose values acquired directly from the diodes, also matrices with interpolated dose values, in order to provide values at more than 5000 points for quality assurance. The main purpose of this work is to analyze the interpolated dose values provided by ArcCHECK. For this, simple measurements were taken with ArcCHECK, with a 10x10 cm2 static field of 6 MeV photons and 100 MU. A algorithm for MATLAB software was also developed so that it was possible to interpolate crude dose values obtained from the diodes and compare them with the values interpolated by the dosimetric system software. Significant dose differences values were found in the relative dose difference between the matrices interpolated by the algorithm and by ArcCHECK. The method used by this dosimetric system presented a diode selection pattern for the interpolation and different when compared to the developed method, even if both were calculated in the 2D plane, based on the dose map acquired by ArcCHECK.

    Palavras-Chave: algorithms; computerized simulation; dose rates; dosemeters; dosimetry; interpolation; monte carlo method; photons; quality assurance; radiation doses; radiotherapy

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Título: loss of coolant

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Ano de publicação: 2015

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A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

1. Portaria IPEN-CNEN/SP nº 387, que estabeleceu os princípios que nortearam a criação do RDI, clique aqui.

2. A experiência do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN/SP) na criação de um Repositório Digital Institucional – RDI, clique aqui.

O Repositório Digital do IPEN é um equipamento institucional de acesso aberto, criado com o objetivo de reunir, preservar, disponibilizar e conferir maior visibilidade à Produção Científica publicada pelo Instituto, desde sua criação em 1956.

Operando, inicialmente como uma base de dados referencial o Repositório foi disponibilizado na atual plataforma, em junho de 2015. No Repositório está disponível o acesso ao conteúdo digital de artigos de periódicos, eventos, nacionais e internacionais, livros, capítulos, dissertações, teses e relatórios técnicos.

A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

O gerenciamento do Repositório está a cargo da Biblioteca do IPEN. Constam neste RI, até o presente momento 20.950 itens que tanto podem ser artigos de periódicos ou de eventos nacionais e internacionais, dissertações e teses, livros, capítulo de livros e relatórios técnicos. Para participar do RI-IPEN é necessário que pelo menos um dos autores tenha vínculo acadêmico ou funcional com o Instituto. Nesta primeira etapa de funcionamento do RI, a coleta das publicações é realizada periodicamente pela equipe da Biblioteca do IPEN, extraindo os dados das bases internacionais tais como a Web of Science, Scopus, INIS, SciElo além de verificar o Currículo Lattes. O RI-IPEN apresenta também um aspecto inovador no seu funcionamento. Por meio de metadados específicos ele está vinculado ao sistema de gerenciamento das atividades do Plano Diretor anual do IPEN (SIGEPI). Com o objetivo de fornecer dados numéricos para a elaboração dos indicadores da Produção Cientifica Institucional, disponibiliza uma tabela estatística registrando em tempo real a inserção de novos itens. Foi criado um metadado que contém um número único para cada integrante da comunidade científica do IPEN. Esse metadado se transformou em um filtro que ao ser acionado apresenta todos os trabalhos de um determinado autor independente das variáveis na forma de citação do seu nome.