Eventos - Resumos: Recent submissions

  • IPEN-DOC 25019

    BENTO, R.T. ; CORREA, O.V. ; FERRUS FILHO, A.; PILLIS, M.F. . Estudo quantitativo do processo de degradação térmica de fibras de aramida. In: SIMPOSIO DE ANALISE TERMICA, 8., 13-15 de agosto, 2017, Ponta Grossa, PR. Resumo... 2017. p. 45-45.

    Abstract: Fios de aramida são fibras têxteis de alto desempenho, apresentando excelentes propriedades físico-químicas que favorecem a sua utilização em aplicações onde há a necessidade de tecnologia avançada. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal o estudo e análise quantitativa do comportamento de dois tipos diferentes de fio de aramida – 1100 dTex e 3300 dTex – durante o processo de degradação térmica, por meio da técnica de análise termogravimétrica (TGA). Para caracterização estrutural, morfológica e composição química das amostras foram realizados ensaios de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS) e difração de raios-X (DRX). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as fibras de aramida apresentam estrutura cristalina, exibindo uma morfologia superficial homogênea e de baixa rugosidade. Verificou-se que as fibras em estudo possuem boa estabilidade térmica. A decomposição térmica dos fios de aramida 1100 dTex ocorre no intervalo de 493ºC – 629 ºC, enquanto que a degradação térmica da aramida 3300 dTex se inicia a aproximadamente 504ºC e se completa em torno de 644ºC, o que permite concluir que a aramida 3300 dTex é dotada de excelente resistência térmica, quando comparada a outros materiais têxteis.

  • IPEN-DOC 25015

    SILVA, ANDRE F. ; COSTA, PRISCILA ; MACHADO, NOE G.P. ; SAMAD, RICARDO E. ; ZEZELL, DENISE M. ; RAELE, MARCUS P. ; ZAMATARO, CLAUDIA B. . Analysis of temperature on microscope slide by a boron pulsed laser deposition process. In: ENCONTRO DE OUTONO, 41., 06-11 de maio, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Resumo... São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2018. p. 1-1.

    Abstract: A boron thin ¯lm can be used for neutrons conversion and in electrically charged particles and further detection. Since boron has a high evaporation temperature and the thickness of the boron layer needs to have few microns, pulsed laser deposition also known as PLD can be used. When producing thin ¯lms with the PLD technique, the target absorbs energy promoting the material ablation creating a plasma plume that deposits material on a substrate, thus creating a thin ¯lm. Since all the deposition occurs in a vacuum chamber, the residual heat of the plasma that condensate at the substrate can build up, thus potentially source of concern if the substrate sensitive to temperature somehow. This work reports the analysis of the variation of temperature in a microscope slide (substrate) as a function of the energy of femtosecond laser pulses. For measuring the substrate temperature a type-K thermocouple was used together with associated electronics. The thermocouple was ¯xed to the back of substrate with thermal grease for vacuum and connected to the microchip using a feed through in the vacuum chamber. Was detected the increase of the substrate+¯lm starting at 6oC from initial temperature (room) for the minimal laser energy 100 microjoules (25 femtoseconds).

  • IPEN-DOC 25014

    FERREIRA, MERILYN ; PASK, HELEN; WETTER, NIKLAUS U. . Laser Raman intracavidade de Nd:YLF/KGW bombeado lateralmente emitindo em 1147 e 1163 nm. In: SIMPOSIO DE APLICACOES DE OPTICA E LASERS, 2., 04-06 de outubro, 2017, São José dos Campos, SP. Resumo... São José dos Campos: Instituto de Estudos Avançados, 2017.

    Abstract: Foi investigado neste trabalho um laser Raman intracavidade de Nd:YLF/KGW na configuração de bombeio lateral. Para a geração do laser fundamental foi usado um cristal de Nd:YLF bombeado por um diodo, emitindo em 792 nm, na configuração lateral gerando um comprimento de onda de 1053 nm. Como cristal Raman foi usado um KGW bombeado em suas duas linhas Raman principais, 768 cm-1 e 901 cm-1, conseqüentemente gerando dois comprimentos de onda Raman, 1147 e 1163 nm, respectivamente. Dentro da cavidade a densidade de potência do laser fundamental é muito alta, desta maneira a configuração Raman intracavidade irá produzir uma conversão Raman mais eficiente [1]. Aliando-se a isso as boas características do Nd:YLF em configuração lateral [2] fomos capazes de gerar uma potência de saída em 1163 nm de 4,85W em regime multímodo, correspondendo à uma eficiência diodo-Raman de 12,2%, a eficiência diodo-Raman em modo TEM00 alcançou 7,5%. Para a emissão em 1147 nm foi atingido 1,47W de potência de saída com uma eficiência diodo-Raman de 3,7%. Até o momento não encontramos um laser Raman intracavidade de Nd:YLF/KGW em bombeio lateral reportado na literatura.

    Palavras-Chave: raman effect; lasers; cavity resonators; neodymium lasers; yttrium; laser radiation; diode tubes; cavitation

  • IPEN-DOC 25008

    ROVANI, SUZIMARA ; SANTOS, JONNATAN J. ; CORIO, PAOLA; FUNGARO, DENISE A. . Adsorption study of acid orange 8 dye using silica nanoparticles obtained from sugarcane ash. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, November 27-30, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Developing of new adsorbents becomes a very important need, especially because of the increase of contaminants present in rivers, oceans and any other water body capable of became potable. Biosorbents has a special feature, because they can solve two problems at the same time, once they are prepared from a natural source, giving a utility for wasted materials, and bioremediate a water body, adsorbing contaminants on their surface. In this context, the properties of a biosorbent prepared from sugarcane ash by surfactant mediated synthesis has been studied to the adsorption of acid orange 8 dye, a model molecule, aiming future applications for removal of emerging contaminants of water. According to the results of adsorption kinetic (Fig. 1A), the acid orange 8 dye removal was higher than 89% and 95% in 4 h of contact time for an initial concentration of 200 and 150 mg L-1, respectively. FTIR-ATR analyses (Fig. 1B) indicated the presence of bands: at 799 and 446 cm-1 are due to symmetric stretching of siloxane groups, at 1058 cm-1 is due the Si–O–Si asymmetric stretching, at 2925 cm-1 and 2850 cm-1 are due to the bending of –CH3 and –CH2, respectively, for silica-CTAB sample and additionally, at 1031, 689 and 641 cm-1 are due sulfur groups (S=O), out-of-plane deformation of ring and aromatics groups, respectively, of acid orange 8 dye. In TGA analysis (Fig. 1C), the peak between 150 to 235 °C for silica-CTAB sample has been attributed to the unbound CTAB less stabilized bonding sites on the silica surface due to hydrophobic– hydrophobic interactions of interdigitated CTAB and the peak around 256 °C indicates a stronger bonding of the surfactant to the silica surface due to the electrostatic binding of the ammonium cation head group to the electronegative silica surface [1]. For the silica-CTAB + dye sample, the substitution of the interdigitated CTAB of a second layer by dye was observed by the disappearance of the DTG peak between 150 to 235 °C. The displacement the DTG peak of 256 for 300 °C and appearance of the DTG peak around 435 °C are related to the dye adsorption. These aspects demonstrate the potential of silica nanoparticles obtained from sugarcane ash as new biosorbent for removal of organic compounds, such as, dye from aqueous solution and can be used to alleviate environmental problems.

  • IPEN-DOC 25007

    ROVANI, SUZIMARA ; SANTOS, JONNATAN J. ; CORIO, PAOLA; FUNGARO, DENISE A. . Surfactant mediated synthesis of silica nanoparticles using sugarcane ash waste as renewable source. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, November 27-30, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Green silica from renewable source can be used in very different materials, since addictive for construction materials or polymers to traditional products as glass, silicone rubber as well as source for silicon. Brazil is the world’s largest producer of sugarcane and generates huge amounts of sugarcane ash waste (SAW) which is a rich source of silica. This work investigates a method to produce pure silica nanoparticles from SAW. Initially, sodium silicate was obtained from sugarcane ash waste adapting the methodology published by Alves, et al., 2017. Subsequently, sodium silicate was added to a mixture of water/butyl alcohol (1:1) with 2.5% wt. of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide under constant stirring at 60 °C. Then, 0.5 mol L-1 sulfuric acid solution was added slowly to suspension until pH 4 and the resulting gel was aged at 60 °C for 8 h. The aged nanosilica gel was washed with distilled water, filtered and oven dried at 120 °C. The silica nanoparticles were characterized by different techniques. In the Figure 1 can be observed energy dispersive spectra (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of sugarcane ash waste (A and B) and of silica nanoparticles (C and D). EDS of SAW shows the presence of several different elements (being Si, Fe, Al, P, Cl and S more abundant) and only Si and O were observed after synthesis procedure (Cu signal comes from TEM grid). Transmission electron microscopy image of samples exhibit a drastic alterations of the material size ranging from several micrometers (Fig. 1C) to less than 20 nm (Fig. 1D). The results indicate that was possible to obtain pure silica in a nano- size from waste material to reduce disposal and pollution problems.

  • IPEN-DOC 24997

    SOUZA FILHO, E.A. de ; ARAUJO, E.G. de; CORREA, O.V. ; PILLIS, M.F. . Synthesis and characterization of N-doped TiO2 thin films. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE APLICACOES DE VACUO NA INDUSTRIA E NA CIENCIA, 38.; WORKSHOP DE TRATAMENTO E MODIFICACAO DE SUPERFICIES, 3., 21-25 de agosto, 2017, São José dos Campos, SP. Resumo expandido... 2017. p. 193-194.

  • IPEN-DOC 24933

    GONCALVES, K.O.; VIEIRA, D.P. ; COURROL, L.C.. Synthesis of iron gold nanoparticle with aminolevulinic acid. In: ANNUAL MULTIUSER EXPERIMENTAL CENTRAL REGIONAL MEETING, 01-02 de agosto, 2017, Santo André, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Gold nanoparticles may act as a photosensitizing agent in photodynamic therapy (PDT). In this work we propose to synthesize gold nanoparticles (5-ALA: AuNPs) and gold with iron (5-ALA: AuFeNPs), functionalized with the incorporation of aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA). Zeta potential measurements were made to evaluate the stability of the solutions.

  • IPEN-DOC 24971

    SILVA, R.A.; LEAL NETO, R.M. ; COUTINHO, G.C.S. ; LEIVA, D.R.; ISHIKAWA, T.T.; KIMINAMI, C.S.; BOTTA, W.J.. Absorption and desorption properties of the Mg + X wt.%TiFe composite, X = 2.5 and 40, manufactured by high-energy ball milling. In: LATIN AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON METASTABLE AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS, 7th, March 19-22, 2017, Brotas, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: This work compares the absorption and desorption properties of the Mg + TiFe composite with additions of 2.5 and 40 wt. % TiFe. The composite was produced by high-energy ball milling during 36 h at 600 rpm under purified argon atmosphere. The TiFe was previously milled in ethanol absolute to refine the particle size. The composites materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The kinetics of hydrogen absorption and desorption were evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and by a Sievert´s type apparatus. For both evaluated compositions, the main results revealed that it was possible absorb H2 at room temperature. Even a few TiFe content (2.5 wt. %) was enough to obtain kinetic improvements. The TiFe had an important role in the kinects of H2 absorption of Mg in a broad range of temperatures, including room temperature.

  • IPEN-DOC 24963

    GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; GLOOR, MANUEL; MILLER, JOHN B.; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; SILVA, MARCELO G.; ARAGAO, LUIZ E.O.C.; MARANI, LUCIANO; CORREIA, CAIO C.S. ; PETERS, WOUTER; BORGES, VIVIANE F. ; IPIA, ALBER H.S.; BASSO, LUANA S. ; ANDERSON, LIANA O.; ALDEN, CAROLINE B.; VAN DER LAAN-LUIJKX, INGRID; BARICHIVICH, JONATHAN; SANTOS, RICARDO S. ; CRISPIM, STEPHANE P. ; COSTA, WELLISSON R.; ROSAN, THAIS M.. Invited Keynote: Inter-annual variation of Amazon greenhouse balances 2010- 2014: nature and causes. In: INTERNATIONAL CARBON DIOXIDE CONFERENCE, 10th, August 21-25, 2017, Interlaken, Switzerland. Abstract... Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), 2017. p. 303-303.

    Abstract: Net carbon exchange between tropical land and the atmosphere is potentially important because the vast amounts of carbon in forests and soils can be released on short time-scales e.g. via deforestation or changes in temperature and moisture. Such changes may thus cause feedbacks on global climate, as have been predicted in earth system models. In the tropics, the Amazon is most significant in the global carbon cycle, hosting by far the largest carbon vegetation and soil carbon pools (~200 PgC). Because of the very large precipitation amounts, approximately 20-25% of its area is seasonally flooded and thus it is also an important region for methane emissions. From 2010 onwards we have extended an earlier greenhouse gas measurement program to include regular vertical profiles of CO2, CH4, N2O, CO, SF6, from the ground up to 4.5 km height at four sites along the main air-stream over the Amazon Basin. Our measurements demonstrate that surface flux signals are primarily concentrated to the lower 2 km and thus vertical profile measurements are ideally suited to estimate greenhouse gas balances. Clearly a higher measurement density is desirable. We are in the process of expanding the number of surface and airborne sampling sites as well as the number of trace gases measured. Nonetheless, because of the homogeneity of the vegetation (forests) and the coherent east to west trade-winds over the Basin, these data already permit a range of insights about the magnitude, seasonality, inter-annual variation of carbon fluxes and their controls. Most recent years have been anomalously hot with the southern part of the Basin having warmed the most. Precipitation regimes also seem to have shifted with an increase in extreme floods. Approximately 20 percent of Amazon forests have been deforested by now and development pressure on forests continues. For the specific period we will discuss the year 2010 was anomalously dry, followed by 4 years wet (2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014) and another dry year (2015/16 -El Nino year). This period provides an interesting contrast of climatic conditions in a warming world with increasing human pressures. We will analyze the effect of this climate variability on annual and seasonal carbon balances for these five years using our atmospheric data. We will estimate fluxes using a simple, but powerful back-trajectory based atmospheric mass balance approach. Our data permit us not only to estimate net CO2 and CH4 fluxes, but using carbon monoxide we estimate carbon release via fires and thus the net carbon balance of the unburned land vegetation. We will relate fire emissions to controls of land vegetation functioning and independent diagnostics like fire counts. We will also discuss what our results suggest for the role of the tropics of the global carbon balance.

  • IPEN-DOC 24962

    GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; CORREIA, CAIO S.C. ; SANCHEZ, ALBER; GLOOR, MANUEL; MILLER, JOHN B.; ALDEN, CAROLINE; MARANI, LUCIANO; SANTOS, RICARDO S. ; COSTA, WELLISON R.; CRISPIM, STEPHANE P.; BORGES, VIVIANE F.; AQUINO, AFONSO R. . A New Approach to estimate GHG content of air entering the Amazon basin for purpose of GHG fluxes using air column budgets. In: INTERNATIONAL CARBON DIOXIDE CONFERENCE, 10th, August 21-25, 2017, Interlaken, Switzerland. Abstract... Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), 2017. p. 242-242.

    Abstract: Amazon humid forests are an important part of the tropical climate system and are a large pool of organic carbon which can be released rapidly both as a result of human destruction as well possibly in response to changing climate. In 2000 we started to measure regularly vertical profiles over the Brazilian Amazon Basin to estimate GHG balances as a large scale diagnostic of longer-term changes and short term responses to climate anomalies. To estimate Amazon Basin regional fluxes based on vertical profile data, we use an air column budget technique. To do so we profit from the primary air flow pattern over the basin with trade winds entering the basin along the North-east Atlantic coast, then travelling westwards towards the Andes, from where the air flow is bent south-eats-wards returning back towards the sea. Thus we can estimate fluxes from the difference in air column greenhouse gas content at a site in the Amazon basin and the air column content of air entering the basin, and an estimate of the time it takes for air parcels to travel from the Atlantic coast to the site in the Amazon. To estimate travel time we use back-trajectories calculated based on meteorological fields [Hysplit1 GDAS 1degree] One approach to estimate the greenhouse gas air column content of air entering the basin is to express air entering the basin as a mixture of northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere air. Specifically we use as end-members air concentrations measured at Barbados (RPB, NOAA site) and Ascension (ASC, NOAA site) respectively. To estimate fractional contributions we use a linear mixing model expressing in situ measured SF6 as a weighted sum of SF6 measured at the two NOAA background sites. Because flux estimates are very sensitive to SF6 precision and accuracy we have developed an alternative approach. Instead of determining weights from SF6 we base the weights on the latitude where a back-trajectory extending backwards in time from the site intersects a line connecting RPB, ASC (until 30°S). Now we use RPB, ASC and CPT (Cape Point; 34.35°S, 18.49°E). We will describe in detail the method and show tests of the approach using the SF6 based method which we trust for the years 2010 and 2011, but less for the following years because the NOAA quantification method change and our continue during more 4 years in the old linear quantification method. This difference produce slightly bias over time. While we developed this method for the Amazon it similarly could be applied to other regions with clearly defined wind patterns.

  • IPEN-DOC 24961

    DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; GLOOR, MANUEL; MILLER, JOHN B.; AQUINO, AFONSO R. ; ARAGAO, LUIZ E.O. e C.; ANDERSON, LIANA O.; MARANI, LUCIANO; CORREIA, CAIO S. de C. ; SILVA, MARCELO G.; BORGES, VIVIANE F. ; IPIA, ALBER H.S.; BASSO, LUANA S. ; SANTOS, RICARDO S. ; CRISPIM, STEPHANI P.; COSTA, WELLISON R.. Amazon Basin biomass burning emission and its correlation with climatology and deforestation. In: INTERNATIONAL CARBON DIOXIDE CONFERENCE, 10th, August 21-25, 2017, Interlaken, Switzerland. Abstract... Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), 2017. p. 159-159.

    Abstract: Tropical rainforests have great potential to affect the global carbon budget considering their large quantities of labile carbon stored in forests and soils. Among the tropical regions, the Amazon forest covers the largest area and also hosts the largest carbon pool (~200 PgC), corresponding for 50% of its biome globally. It has a total area of approximately 6.7 million km2, of which, 4.2 million km2 is in Brazil, which corresponds to approximately 60 % of Amazon territory, and contains one quarter of global biodiversity. Over recent years, the Amazon Basin hydrological cycle has changed considerably which presented severe droughts in 2005, 2010 and 2015. 2015 is likely the largest drought over the past 15 years. Droughts in the Amazon are intrinsically correlated to extensive wildfires. At 2004/2005 the number of fire hot spots reached its maximum, coincident with the peak in deforestation. However, in the recent years, despite the decrease in deforestation rates, increase in fire hot spots have been observed, particularly during the years of extreme drought, 2010 and 2015. 2011 had the fewest number of fire hot spots, but since 2013 a positive trend was identified, reaching the maximum peak in 2015. Although deforestation estimation has decreased strongly over the last decade (71% reduction from 2004 to 2012), estimates of fire related carbon fluxes to the atmosphere estimated using regular atmospheric carbon monoxide concentration measurements indicate that there may be a discrepancy. These data do suggest a much smaller decrease, which lead us to believe that deforestation, as observed from satellite, is not the only process causing release of carbon by fires. Thus, understanding the relation between carbon emissions from biomass burning and climate, fire hot spots based on remote sensing and deforestation is important as it may reveal biases in remote sensing based estimates of deforestation. In turn it may help to evaluate the effectiveness of actions to preserve the forests. To elucidate the actual contribution and the carbon emission from biomass burning in the Amazon Basin, measurements of carbon monoxide are an important tool. We will report the results from a recently established pan Amazon lower troposphere biweekly to monthly atmospheric sampling program for the years 2010 to 2014. Amazon Basin biomass burning carbon emissions have been determined by applying a mass balance technique to carbon monoxide measured from vertical profiles in four sites over the Amazon Basin. We will present these results from biomass burning and compare the carbon monoxide emissions with those from carbon dioxide, resulting in a ratio of carbon biomass burning emission which we will analyze with respect to climate, deforestation and number of fire hot spots.

  • IPEN-DOC 24960

    BORGES, VIVIANE F. ; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; GLOOR, EMANUEL U.; MILLER, JOHN B.; BOESCH, HARTMUT; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G. ; CORREIA, CAIO S. de C. ; BASSO, LUANA S. ; SANTOS, RICARDO S. . Amazon Atlantic outflow region carbon cycling constrained by atmospheric greenhouse gas data. In: INTERNATIONAL CARBON DIOXIDE CONFERENCE, 10th, August 21-25, 2017, Interlaken, Switzerland. Abstract... Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), 2017. p. 137-137.

    Abstract: Estuaries and near-coastal regions may process substantial amounts of carbon causing a nonnegligible carbon uptake from the atmosphere. For purpose of characterizing the greenhouse gas levels of air entering the Amazon basin from the Atlantic we have been measuring regularly greenhouse gas concentrations at several sites along the North-East Atlantic coast of Brazil over approximately the past six years (at some of the sites for much longer). At some of the sites sampling is restricted close to the surface while at other sites we have been measuring vertical profiles. At Salinopolis which is located close to the Amazon outflow region to the Atlantic seasonally strong CO2 depletion in both surface records and aircraft vertical profiles compared to background sites like Ascension Island is clearly discernible. The seasonality is synchronous with increases in chlorophyll observed from space e.g. by the SeaWiFS mission. Incidentally during the CO2 depletion period airmass trajectories tend to pass over the shelf region along the Brazilian coast travelling from the South along the coast. This enables us to apply an air column mass balance approach to estimate the magnitude of the CO2 flux into the sea along the coast during the blooms. Using the chlorophyll maps we may furthermore extrapolate the flux estimates spatially to obtain an area integrated flux. We will discuss our findings and put our flux estimates into perspective with estimates for productivity and carbon uptake in coastal regions of major tropical rivers as well as the extra-tropics. Acknowledgment: CNPq, NERC, FAPESP, MCTI, NOAA, IPEN and INPE.

  • IPEN-DOC 24959

    LAVRIC, JOST V.; WALTER, DAVID; GERBIG, CHRISTOPH; KOCH, FRANK-THOMAS; GATTI, LUCIANA V. ; ARAUJO, ALESSANDRO C.; CANDIDO, LUIZ A.; HEIMANN, MARTIN; ANDREAE, MEINRAT O.; TRUMBORE, SUSAN E.. Five years of CO2/CH4/CO measurements at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO, Brazil) - site and source area characterisation. In: INTERNATIONAL CARBON DIOXIDE CONFERENCE, 10th, August 21-25, 2017, Interlaken, Switzerland. Abstract... Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), 2017. p. 67-67.

    Abstract: The Amazon plays a major role in the global biogeochemical cycles of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Interannual variations in the global atmospheric CO2 growth rate are strongly influenced by fluctuations of carbon fluxes in tropical land areas. Methane, another important GHG, has large natural sources in Amazon’s wetlands, as well as from biomass burning. Fires in the region are a large source of carbon monoxide (CO), while the tropical troposphere is a major photochemical sink for this gas. Long-term atmospheric observations of GHGs and related gases at ATTO are expected to provide critical data for local, regional and global estimation of GHG budgets. The Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO, Brazil; 2°08’S, 59°00’W), where a 325 m-tall tower is currently being equipped with scientific measurement instrumentation, is the counterpart of the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO; 304 m-tall tower), located in central Siberia (Russia; 60°48’N, 89°21’E). Additionally, a number of campaign or continuous pilot measurements are taking place on the ATTO site at and around a smaller tower and mast (both 80 m tall). Since March 2012, we run continuous high-precision CO2/CH4/CO measurements at the 80 m walk-up tower, with sample air inlets installed at five levels (79, 53, 38, 24, and 4 m a.g.l.). Two frequently calibrated CRDS analyzers (G1301 and G1302; Picarro Inc., USA) are used for measuring CO2/CH4 and CO/CO2, respectively. Due to the proximity of our measurements to the canopy (~ 35 m a.g.l.), the atmospheric signal is partially influenced by local sources and sinks, which gives us valuable insights into local ecosystem dynamics. In addition, under favorable conditions, we capture signals representative for a much larger source area. Supported by STILT footprint simulations, we present an analysis of the diurnal, synoptic and seasonal variability of the observed trace gas species and attempt a source attribution.

  • IPEN-DOC 24955

    MUNITA, CASIMIRO S. ; NEVES, EDUARDO G.. Contribuição das técnicas nucleares e não nucleares no resgate do passado. In: SIMPOSIO USP DE HISTORIA DA CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA, 13-14 de novembro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... São Paulo: USP, 2017. p. 31-31.

    Abstract: Na falta de registros escritos, o entendimento dos grupos humanos pretéritos e suas relações, realiza-se por meio da cultura material ou registro arqueológico. Nesse contexto, é possível entender a interação da arqueologia e das ciências exatas com o propósito de maximizar as informações para elaborar modelos, testar hipóteses e teorias acerca das atividades humanas pretéritas. Dentro desse contexto, há uma área denominada Arqueometria, campo multi e interdisciplinar que abrange a física, química, estatística, biologia, a energia nuclear, entre outras, para o estudo das interconexões entre grupos humanos. Dentro desse contexto, o Grupo de Estudos Arqueométricos do IPEN-CNEN-SP, junto com o Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia – USP, desenvolvem pesquisas usando métodos nucleares e não nucleares para estudar registros arqueológicos, focados, principalmente, na Amazônia por formar organizações sociais complexas, marcada por ocupações esparsas com baixa densidade demográfica. Os resultados experimentais são interpretados por meio de métodos estatísticos avançados com o intuito de encontrar padrões de mobilidade, processos tecnológicos, redes de comunicação, de organização social, de desenvolvimento sociocultural e de integração social entre essas comunidades para o resgate e preservação do patrimônio cultural.

  • IPEN-DOC 24938


    Abstract: The commercial applications of nanoparticles are diverse, such as use in the food industry, textile industry, electronics, water treatment and products used in medicine and health. The increase in the production and use of nanoparticles has caused great concern about the potential impacts and risks that these can cause to the environment and to human health. Nanoparticles can be released to the environment in a variety of ways and can reach the aquatic ecosystem and pose biota risks. Ecotoxicology is the study of the behavior and transformations of chemical agents and abiotic factors in the environment, as well as their effects on biota. The evaluation of the toxicity of chemical agents in the aquatic environment occurs by means of ecotoxicological tests. The purpose of this review was to summarize some ecotoxicological assays by addressing some concepts and data from nanoparticle ecotoxicity assays in order to demonstrate that ecotoxicological evaluation is an important tool for nanotechnology and that it has efficient methodologies for analyzing the Environmental health of aquatic ecosystems.

  • IPEN-DOC 24937

    CASTRO, PEDRO A.A. de ; DIAS, DERLY A. ; VELOSO, MARCELO N. ; ZEZELL, DENISE M. . Biochemical evaluation of bone submitted to ionizing radiation by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. In: CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS, May 14-19, 2017, San Jose, California, USA. Resumo expandido... Washington, DC, USA: OSA, 2017.

    Abstract: FTIR spectroscopy associated with PC-LDA was able to discriminate bone samples receiving different ionizing radiation doses (0,01 kGy, 1 kGy, 15 kGy), showing potential to the use of phosphate vibrational modes as a dose marker. OCIS codes: (170.4580) Medical optics and biotechnology – Optical diagnostics for medicine; (170.6510) Medical optics and biotechnology – Spectroscopy, tissue diagnostics; (170.1580) Medical optics and biotechnology – Chemometrics.

  • IPEN-DOC 24936

    LIMA, CASSIO ; ZEZELL, DENISE . Discrimination of healthy skin and cutaneous malignant lesions using FTIR spectra and their second derivatives: a comparative study. In: CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL BIOPHOTONICS, April 3-6, 2018, Hollywood, Florida, United States. Resumo expandido... Washington, DC, USA: OSA, 2018.

    Abstract: PC-LDA statistical method was used to differentiate cutaneous tumor tissue from healthy skin. Discrimination accuracy obtained by raw FTIR spectra was 95% and by second derivatives 92%, besides identifying secondary structure of proteins and collagen.

  • IPEN-DOC 24934

    BORGES, V.F. ; GATTI, L.V. ; DOMINGUES, L.G. ; CORREIA, C.S.C. ; BASSO, L.S. ; SANTOS, R.S. ; COSTA, W.R.; CRISPIM, S.P.; MARANI, L.; PENHA, T.L.B.; PAULA, A.L.S.; GLOOR, E.U.; MILLER, J.B.; KOFLER, J.. Greenhouse gases: background concentrations in brazilian coast. In: WMO/IAEA MEETING ON CARBON DIOXIDE, OTHER GREENHOUSE GASES, AND RELATED MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, 19th, August 27-31, 2017, Empa Dübendorf, Switzerland. Abstract... Geneva, Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization, 2017. p. 10-10.

    Abstract: In Tropical areas, and specifically in the Atlantic Ocean, there are not enough measures on greenhouse gases (GHG), and Amazon Basin represent around 50% of the world's rainforest [1]. Understand the characteristic GHG concentrations in Tropical Global range on Atlantic Ocean is an important task for many studies to determine GHG balances. The motivation of this study was understanding better the typical background for Amazon Basin from the air masses that arrived on North and Northeast Brazilian coast, come from the Atlantic Ocean in the period 2006 to 2016. We started to collect air samples on the Brazilian coast: Arembepe/BA (ABP: 12º45’46.79”S; 38º10’08.39”W – from 2006 to 2010, 15 meters above sea-level), Salinopolis/PA (SAL: 00º36’15.03”S; 47º22’25.02”W – from 2010 to 2017, 10 m a.s.l.), Natal/RN (NAT: 05º29’22.05”S; 35º15’39.64”W 15 m a.s.l – since 2010 to December 2015, then the site moved to 05º47’42.77”S; 35º11’07.10”W, 87 m a.s.l.), Camocim/CE (CAM: 02º51’47.00”S; 40º51’36.70”W – since 2014, 21.5 m a.s.l.), and in December 2016 it was started a special place at Itarema/CE (ITA: 02º55’57.11”S; 39º50’38.49”W, 96.5 m a.s.l.), where the inlet was installed in the top of a 100 m tower in the beach. In each site, the air samples, with variable height were collected weekly by using a pair of glass flasks (2.5L) and a portable sampler. The air samples were analysed on the Greenhouse Gas Laboratory (LaGEE) at IPEN (until April 2015) and later at INPE/CCST. It was quantified the respective gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and carbon monoxide (CO). Results showed that each site presents seasonality when compared to Ascension Island (ASC: 07º96'67.00"S; 14º0'00.00"W, South Atlantic Ocean) and Ragged Point Barbados (RPB: 13º16'50.00"N, 59º43'20.00"W, North Atlantic Ocean) global stations. Simulations of backward trajectories by HYSPLIT model (using 240 hours) [2], allowed observing how each study site is influenced by global circulation and process like Intertropical Convergence Zone [3]. Between Jan-May, the ITCZ is below SAL and CAM latitude, influencing the air masses that arrived at sites in this period. At SAL and CAM the air masses came from both North and South Atlantic Ocean, depending on time of the year, and at NAT and ABP the air masses came from only South Atlantic Ocean. The GHG concentrations showed seasonality and sometimes periods with high concentrations. Overall, all Brazilian coast sites, showed the same increase on the GHG concentrations than global mean.

  • IPEN-DOC 24932

    BERTOLINI, T.C.R. ; GHILHEN, S.N. ; FUNGARO, D.A. . Evaluation of pelletization methods of zeolitic material from coal ash. In: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP - ADVANCES IN CLEANER PRODUCTION, 6th, May 24-26, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: The evaluation of different methods of pelletization of zeolitic material synthesized from coal ashes was described in this work. The coal fly ash used in the synthesis of the zeolite by alkaline hydrothermal treatment were collected in the Thermoelectric Complex Jorge Lacerda, located in the Santa Catarina State, Brazil, the largest coal burning thermoelectric complex of Latin America. The raw material and synthesized zeolite in powder form were characterized to obtain chemical composition, mineralogical composition and cation-exchange capacity. The pellets were formed by mixing of zeolitic material with one or more binders and addition of deionized water. The obtained plastic mass was molded manually in the form of spheres in the size range between 4 mm and 7 mm. Different methodologies of pelletization of zeolite material were evaluated by determining the cation exchange capacity of the obtained products, workability, physical strength and water stability. The pelletized zeolitic material obtained by the best method evaluated in this study was selected for future application as adsorbent material in the effluent treatment.

  • IPEN-DOC 24931

    BENTO, RODRIGO T. ; SZURKALO, MARGARIDA ; CORREA, OLANDIR V. ; PILLIS, MARINA F. . Morphological characterization of S-doped TiO2 thin films. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE APLICACOES DE VACUO NA INDUSTRIA E NA CIENCIA, 38.; WORKSHOP DE TRATAMENTO E MODIFICACAO DE SUPERFICIES, 3., 21-25 de agosto, 2017, São José dos Campos, SP. Resumo expandido... 2017. p. 96-97.

  • IPEN-DOC 24880

    SANTOS, GUILHERME L.; FABRETTI, LEONARDO T.; DAGHASTANLI, NASSER A.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S. ; PRATES, RENATO A.; KATO, ILKA T.. Interaction of methylene blue and fluconazole on photodynamic therapy. In: DEANA, ALESSANDRO M. (Ed.); PRATES, RENATO A. (Ed.); FERNANDES, KRISTIANNE P.S. (Ed.); DEANA, ALESSANDRO M. (Org.) FORUM INTERNACIONAL DE LASERTERAPIA, 3.; ENCONTRO DE ALUNOS E EX-ALUNOS DO PPG; BIOFOTONICA APLICADA AS CIENCIAS DA SAUDE, 05-06 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo: Universidade Nove de Julho, 2017. p. 76-76.

  • IPEN-DOC 24879

    OLIVEIRA-SILVA, T.; LIMA-LEAL, C.R.; ALVARENGA, L.H.; SUZUKI, L.C. ; KATO, I.T.; RIBEIRO, M.S. ; PRATES, R.A.. Sensitization of glucose sensors as a pathway for increased uptake of methylene blue in Candida albicans with multidrug efflux systems. In: DEANA, ALESSANDRO M. (Ed.); PRATES, RENATO A. (Ed.); FERNANDES, KRISTIANNE P.S. (Ed.); DEANA, ALESSANDRO M. (Org.) FORUM INTERNACIONAL DE LASERTERAPIA, 3.; ENCONTRO DE ALUNOS E EX-ALUNOS DO PPG; BIOFOTONICA APLICADA AS CIENCIAS DA SAUDE, 05-06 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo: Universidade Nove de Julho, 2017. p. 72-72.

  • IPEN-DOC 24855

    PASCOAL, ERIC S.; KLEINGESINDS, EDUARDO K.; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B. ; LUGAO, ADEMAR B. ; RODRIGUES, RITA C.L.B.. Corncob pretreated with the combination of electron beam irradiation and enzymes to enhance fermentable sugars for biofuel production. In: BRAZILIAN BIOENERGY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, October 17-19, 2017, Campos do Jordão, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, 2017.

    Abstract: Lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment technologies have been taken up as a global challenge as it comprises to increase enzyme accessibility to biomass and yields of fermentable sugars. The reducing sugars released from pretreatment of the corn cob can be converted into biofuels. Corncob is a lignocellulosic material composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Cellulose and hemicellulose are polysaccharides constituted of simple sugars (hexoses and pentoses). However, these sugars are difficult to access, due to the presence of lignin, which is a polyphenolic molecule that provides a high recalcitrance to plant tissue. An appropriate biomass pretreatment disrupts the hydrogen bonds in crystalline cellulose, breaks down cross-linked matrix of hemicelluloses and lignin, and raises the porosity and surface area of cellulose for subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. There are several pretreatment methods including, physical pretreatment (electron beam irradiation, grinding and milling, microwave, and extrusion), chemical pretreatment (alkali, acid, organosolv, ozonolysis, and ionic liquid), physico-chemical pretreatment (steam explosion, liquid hot water, ammonia fiber explosion, wet oxidation, and CO2 explosion), and biological pretreatment. This study evaluated electron beam irradiation (EB) in combination with enzymatic hydrolysis on corncob at different grain size to produce fermentable sugars. Dry biomass samples after characterization were exposed to EB radiation doses of 0, 30, 50, 70, 100, and 200 kGy. Enzymatic hydrolysis of the pretreated biomass samples were conducted using 10% of solid in Erlenmeyer flasks (125 mL) containing of 50 mL of medium prepared with sodium citrate buffer (50 mmol.L-1, pH 4.8), CellicCTec 2 25.50 FPU/g dry lignocellulosic material) and Tween 80 (9.8 % w/w) under 200 rpm at 50 °C. using the Cellic® CTec2 from Novozymes. The structural changes and degree of crystallinity of the pretreated biomass were studied by FTIR, DRX, DSC, TG and SEM analyses. Corncob in natura showed 6.3 % extractives, 40.3 % cellulose, 31.8 % hemicellulose, 17.3 % lignin, and 0.7 % ash. The highest conversion of cellulose to glucose (44.2%) was by using EB radiation doses of 200 kGy and reduced corn cob grain size. Significant improvement in the enzymatic saccharification (80.4%) of the EBI exposed biomass was observed compared to control. The sugars released can be converted to biofuel or another bioproduct. The EB in combination with enzymatic hydrolysis of corncob is an environmentally sound biomass pretreatment.

  • IPEN-DOC 24852

    SOUSA, THAINA S. ; JACOVONE, RAYNARA M.S. ; SOARES, JAQUELINE J.S. ; RODRIGUES, DEBORA F.; SILVA, FLAVIA R. de O. ; GARCIA, RAFAEL H.L. ; ZAIM, MARCIO H.; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. . Antimicrobial activity of Graphene Oxide/Silver nanocomposite obtained by Electron Beam. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Graphene oxide is a carbon-based nano material that has a high specific surface area, high chemical stability, excellent electrical and thermal conductivities, high mechanical resistance, the oxygen groups facilitate dispersion in polar solvents and its functionalization. In the literature, is described several methods of metal incorporation on graphene oxide surface using toxic reagents or with long periods of reaction. The objective of this work is to develop an innovative and sustainable method of incorporating silver into graphene oxide that does not involve toxic reagents or generated residues. in a short reaction time at room temperature beyond the use of the as an alternative process to the chemical processes traditional.A silver solution in the complex form was added to a dispersed graphene oxide in water/isopropanol solution. The mixture wassubmitted to a dose of radiation ranged from 150 to 400 KGy using a electron beam acelerator. The nanocomposite GO/Ag characterization was performed by thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XDR), scanning transmission electron microscope coupled to the energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (TEM/EDS). The antimicrobial activity of GO/Ag was observed by Escherichia coli, a Gram negative bacterium and Bacillus subtilis a Gram positive bacterium in solid culture medium. The minimum inhibitory concentration of GO/Ag was 50 mg/L. .It is noteworthy that the incorporation of silver occurred at the same time the reduction of graphene oxide without the generation of toxic chemical residues.

  • IPEN-DOC 24851

    SOBRINHO, LUIZA F. ; GOTO, PAULA T. ; GARCIA, RAFAEL H.L. ; FRANCISCO, DANIEL; ANGNES, LUCIO; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. . The study of chemical and physical properties of Polyaniline-Graphene Oxide and Palladium Polyaniline-Graphene Oxide composites. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: A Polyaniline (PANI)-Graphene Oxide (GO) composite was studied for the electrical activities. The GO was obtained by modified Hummers method. For the palladium nanoparticles (Pd-NPs) incorporation, it was established an environmentally friendly approach based on electron beam reduction. The chemical characterization was performed by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Thermogravimetry (TG), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and for the electrical properties Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) in alkaline medium and conductivity measurements. The FTIR spectroscopy and TG were used to obtain the composition of the synthesized materials, while XRD pattern indicated polymerization quality and the crystallization degree of the samples. The CV and conductivity measurements indicated the electrical activity of the composite. The results showed the GO amount was directly proportional to the resistivity of PANI, and when the Pd (Pd-Pani-GO) was present, the CV showed a larger current than the Pd-GO. The high electrochemical performance of the Pani-GO electrode could be due the increasing active sites for the deposition of polyaniline provided by large surface areas of graphene oxide sheets and the synergistic effect between polyaniline and GO. These results demonstrated the importance and great potential of graphene oxide in the development of high-performance conductivity system based on polyaniline.

  • IPEN-DOC 24850

    SOARES, JAQUELINE J.S. ; JACOVONE, RAYNARA M.S. ; MATHOR, MONICA B. ; ZAIM, MARCIO H.; MAIZATO, MARINA J.S.; CESTARI, IDAGENE A.; JATENE, FABIO B.; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. . The effect of GO-PEG-NH2 on the mechanical resistance of bovine pericardium used in cardiovascular device. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Valvular heart disease (VHD) is a clinical condition where one of the four-heart valves is damage or has a defect. It was estimated that approximately 300,000 to 400,000 heart valve replacement surgeries were performed in 2014. There are two types of prostheses, the bioprothesis and the mechanical prosthesis. Even though the first one presents a smaller rejection, its durability is reduced due to calcification followed by deterioration. The objective of this work was to increase the durability of prostheses made from bovine pericardium (BP) by incorporating GO functionalized with amino-PEG (GO-PEG-NH2). Briefly, GO functionalized was firstly sterilized with gamma radiation and then incorporated to BP in two different ways: chemical and physical. Mechanical characterization assays of BP treated with GO-PEG-NH2 and untreated (control) were performed in an INSTRON model 3365 universal test equipment using the BioPlus accessory, which allows the assays to be carried out immersed in a physiological solution of 0,9% NaCl at 36 °C, simulating the environment of material’s application. The static deformation in the uniaxial direction of the test specimens was verified using the ASTM D638-10 standard test method for tensile properties of plastics, 2010 from the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM Standards). The results indicated that GO-PEG-NH2 improved the mechanical strength of the biomaterial, increasing the resistance to permanent plastic deformation, maximum supported load, flow limit, maximum traction tension, rupture tenacity and rupture traction tension no matter of GO-PEG-NH2 incorporation methods and it is possible to improve the performance of bioprothesis by coating them with GO-PEG-NH2 and consequently increasing their durability.

  • IPEN-DOC 24849

    SOARES, JAQUELINE J.S. ; COSTA, CARLOS A.R.; JACOVONE, RAYNARA M.S. ; ZAIM, MARCIO H.; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. . Characterization by atomic force microscope (AFM) of graphene oxide and graphene oxide-PEG-NH2 incorporated in bovine pericardium. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a technique that allows images from the surface topography with high spatial resolution at Nano metric scales. AFM has being used in several fields in science such as Biology, Medicine, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals. In this study, the tecnhique was used to characterize graphene oxide and graphene oxide functionalized with amino-PEG (GO-PEG-NH2) in the bovine pericardium (BP) surface. The treatment of BP with GO and (GO-PEG-NH2) improved the mechanical properties of the biomaterial that will be used in the manufacture of cardiovascular device that is used to replace heart valves. For the BP coating, two different pathways were tested: 1) chemical pathway using solution containing 1-Ethyl-3- (3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and GO; and 2) in physical adsorption the incorporation were performed by ultrassom. The same procedure was performed to incorporate GO-PEG-NH2. The images of the BP with its modified surface were obtained by AFM and proof the efficiency in the two incorporation processes. The study also demonstrated the applicability of AFM to characterize incorporated nanomaterial in the biological samples.

  • IPEN-DOC 24848

    SEIXAS, MARCUS V. de S. ; RANGARI, VIJAYA K.; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B. ; WIEBECK, HELIO. Preparation and characterization of nanocellulose from sugarcane bagasse. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Nanocellulose is steadily gaining attention since this material is a renewable alternative to reinforce polymers. Research and development of materials obtained from renewable natural sources have been the focus of attention in various engineering applications. The residues from different kinds of lignocellulosic materials has great potential for production of biocomposites, which are applied in optoelectronic devices, packaging, and building. The main object of this work was study of nanocellulose preparation from sugarcane bagasse and its characterization. The sugarcane bagasse was submitted to chemical treatment for separating of the cellulose from the lignocellulosic material, bleaching with hydrogen peroxide followed by sonication treatment for obtaining nanocellulose. Sonication treatment solution was prepared with a cellulosic material in water/DMF(dimethylformamide)/ethanol. Sonication treatment was done in a DES500 ultrasonic cell tip/horn sonicator with a 20 kHz ultrasonic frequency. The nanocellulose samples were characterized by FTIR, XRD, FE-SEM and TEM analysis. According to the results, the methodology used in this work presented a great potential to the obtaining of nanocellulose for applications in the development of new nanocomposite materials.

  • IPEN-DOC 24847

    SANTOS, JONNATAN J. ; LEAL, JESSICA ; DIAS, LUIS A.P. ; TOMA, SERGIO H.; CORIO, PAOLA; ARAKI, KOITI; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A. ; KATTI, KATTESH V.; LUGAO, ADEMAR B. . Synthesis of high stable gold (198) nanoparticles for radiotherapy. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Cancer has become a problem in the last years, is expect be diagnosed more than 500 000 new cases in 2017, only in Brazil, according to Brazilian Cancer Nacional Institute. Among women breast cancer is the most common and among men the most representative is prostate cancer, and although treatments for both cancers have been already developed, new methods more efficient and that causes less damage to the patient are always being searched. Gold nanoparticles (AuNps) have many different applications on chemistry, biology, medicine, etc; their low reactivity and toxicity and high stability become it very interesting for bioapplications, such as drugs delivery and biosensing. In this work, we had developed a new method to prepare 198AuNps, from a leaf of gold bombed by neutrons, adapting Turkevich method, these nanoparticles were modified with bovine serum albumin (BSA) and characterized by multiple techniques, after 30 days (eleven half-life decays). This methodology was capable of generate AuNps with almost 14 nm and Zeta potential higher than -37 mV, very stable. BSA can be used for different applications, like a simple stabilizer or to increase cellular uptaking, but in our case its chromophore groups were utilized to follow damages caused by radiation, as a sensor for radiation damage, a dosimeter. Bellow are presented TEM image, Zeta potential measures and fluorescence spectroscopy of the 198AuNps-BSA samples.

  • IPEN-DOC 24846

    SANTOS, MONIQUE C.L. ; OLIVEIRA NETO, ALMIR . Oxidation of methanol on PtRuIn/C in alkaline medium: effect of metals on the electrocatalytic activity. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: In this work the different electrocatalytic systems PtRu(50:50)/C, PtIn(50:50)/C, PtRuIn(50:10:40)/C and PtRuIn(50:40:10)/C were synthesized by the sodium borohydride reduction method, in order to be used as an anode in the alkaline fuel cell in the presence of methanol. The obtained materials were characterized by EDX, DRX and MET techniques. The reduction method applied in the synthesis was effective, since the particles showed good dispersion in the carbon support Vulcan XC72, according to the EDX and MET analyzes. The results obtained by XRD showed in all the diffractograms presented the FCC structure of platinum and a relative displacement of the equivalent peak to the plane (220) for values greater than and less than 2Ɵ. The mean crystallite size and the calculated net parameters indicated the insertion of Indium and Ruthenium atoms to the Platinum structure, assuming the formation of alloys. The electrochemical oxidation of methanol was studied by cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry and polarization curves. The PtRu(50:50)/C electrocatalyst in alkaline media showed the higher electrocatalytic activity fot the methanol electro-oxidation at room temperature compared to the others electrocatalysts prepared. The experiments in alkaline single direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) also showed that PtRuIn(50:10:40)/C electrocatalyst exhibited higher performance for methanol oxidation at 80ºC, in comparison with the others electrocatalysts synthesized. These results indicated that the addition of Ru and In promote the methanol electrochemical oxidation, which could be attributed to the bifunctional mechanism (the presence of Ru and In oxides species) associated to the electronic effect (Pt-Ru-In alloys).

  • IPEN-DOC 24845

    SANTANA, JULYANA G. ; SEIXAS, M.V. de S. ; ARANTES, MARIANA ; GUVEN, OLGUN; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B. . Effects on Clay addition on properties of LDPE flexible films. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Studies have indicated that the addition of nanoparticles in flexible films improves performance flexible packaging, leading to better mechanical, thermal and barrier properties. Clay is an abundant mineral, inexpensive, easy to process, and provide considerable enhancements on the properties of polymers. Titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) is widely used for its efficiency in scattering visible light, and imparting whiteness, brightness, and high opacity when incorporated into a plastic formulation. Low density polyethylene (LDPE) is generally used as a packaging material due to its good resistance, easy processing, low cost and high hardness. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of clay and TiO 2 nanoparticles addition on the properties of LDPE flexible films. LDPE with 1 wt % of TiO 2 addition and 1-3 wt. % of green Brazilian Clay, from Cubati, Pb, Brazil were prepared by melt extrusion process, using a twin-screw extruder Haake Rheomex P332 with 16 mm and L/D = 25, from Thermo Scientific. Then the LDPE/Clay nanocomposite was transformed into thin films using an extrusion blown film, single screw machine with 25 mm diameter and specimen test samples were obtained. The specimen samples were characterized by mechanical tests, UV-VIS, DSC, TG and FE-SEM analysis.

  • IPEN-DOC 24844

    SAKATA, S.K. ; SOBRINHO, L.F. ; JACOVONE, R.M.S. ; SOARES, J.J.S. ; TOMINAGA, F.K. ; ANGNES, L.; GARCIA, R.H.L. . Sustainable synthesis of transition metals/graphene oxide nanocomposites by electron beam irradiation. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Graphene is nanomaterial with unique physical and chemical properties that makes it a precursor for the synthesis of new materials, such as conductive nanocomposites. Graphene can be obtained by the reduction of graphene oxide, but when it is incomplete, reduced graphene oxide (rGO) is produced with both graphene and graphene oxide properties: it is electrical and thermal conductor, it can be exfoliated in several polar solvents and moreover, the oxygen groups can later be functionalized, affording nanocomposites for electrochemical applications and also in biomaterials. A method of increasing the electrical conductivity of graphene-based compounds is by the incorporation of metallic nanoparticles. When these nanomaterials are joined together the surface area increases for the passage of electric current and the electrical conductivity. The chemical reduction method for the incorporation of metallic nanoparticle on GO involves toxic reagents or it is a time-consuming and it also requires high costs for the removal of excess reagents and by-products. The general synthesis of transition Metal/graphene-based nanocomposites by the electron beam in a sustainable process will be presented. The experiments were performed in a 1.5 MeV electron accelerator at room temperature and no hazardous wastes were generated. The nanocomposites were characterized by FT-IR, DRX and TEM/EDS as metallic nanoparticle at the average size of 5-20 nm incorporated into reduced graphene oxide layers. The electrochemical behavior of these nanocomposites was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry.

  • IPEN-DOC 24843

    RODRIGUES, THENNER S. ; MOURA, ARTHUR B. ; SILVA, FELIPE A. e ; CANDIDO, EDUARDO G. ; BERGAMASCHI, VANDERLEI S. ; FERREIRA, JOAO C. ; LINARDI, MARCELO ; FONSECA, FABIO C. . Hardwired for success: Ni supported CeO2-Sm2O3 nanowires as a super stable catalyst for ethanol steam reforming. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: CeO2-based nanomaterials have been extensively employed in catalysis and industry, showing excellent performances towards a variety of applications. In the past few decades, great developments have been reported associating the properties of nanostructured CeO2 with its catalytic performances. Thus, an intense research in this field have been performed in order to increasingly improve the performances of these nanomaterials such as the precise control over their structures, morphologies, compositions, among others. We propose herein, the synthesis of a novel well-defined Sm2O3-doped CeO2 nanowires decorated with nickel nanoparticles as a novel catalyst with outstanding performance towards ethanol steam reforming (ESR). In order to address these challenges, we were inspired by a well-established hydrothermal method for the synthesis of CeO2 nanowires. Herein, through simple modifications in the original protocol allowed us the obtaining in high yield (97%) extremely well-defined CeO2-Sm2O3 nanowires exhibiting uniform distributions in lengths and diameters. XRD results (Figure 1A) suggested the introduction of Sm species into the CeO2 crystal lattices, in which the quantitative Sm3+(aq) conversion achieved 10 mol%, as corroborated by ICP-OES analysis. The resulting CeO2-Sm2O3 nanowires were then employed as support for the Ni incorporation (1 wt%) by a wet impregnation approach, and the obtained catalyst (Figure 1B) was evaluated towards the ESR displaying an exceptional stability even after 100 hours of process at 550 °C. More specifically, 100 % of ethanol conversion was observed with the formation of only H2 and CO2 (ESR products) and CO and CH4 as byproducts (both in low concentrations), indicating a good selectivity for ESR compared to the most recent literature. The characterization data for the Ni/CeO2-Sm2O3 nanowires after catalytic experiment (Figure 1C) indicated that, even after 100 hours at 550 °C, no loss of shape was observed as well as no carbon structures formation justifying the exceptional observed stability.

  • IPEN-DOC 24842

    REIS, PEDRO R.S. ; SANTANA, JULYANA G. ; OLIVEIRA, RENE R. ; RANGARI, VIJAYA K.; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B. . Biodegradable polymer blends reinforced with bio-hydroxyapatite nanoparticle - preparation and characterization. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Nowadays significant advances have been made in the development of biodegradable polymeric materials for biomedical applications. The purpose of this study was to preparation and characterization of biodegradable polymer blend reinforced with bio-hydroxyapatite nanoparticle from eggshell by sonochemical method. Biodegradable polymer blends based on PLA (Poly(lactic acid)) and the PBAT (butylene adipate-co-terepthalate)) reinforced with 1-5 wt. % of bio-hydroxyapatite were prepared by melt extrusion, using a twin screw extruder and injection molding machine to obtain specimen test. The effects of the bio-hydroxyapatite addition on properties of PLA/PBAT biodegradable blend were investigated by tensile tests, XRD, DSC, TG and SEM-FEG analysis and the correlation between the results was discussed.

  • IPEN-DOC 24841

    PINHO, PRISCILA G.M. ; OLIVEIRA, FABIO B.V. ; ANDRADE, DELVONEI A. ; ROCHA, MARCELO S. . Experimental study of radiation influence on thermophysical properties of Al2O3 and ZrO2 nanofluids. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Nanofluids are a promising technology for application in nuclear reactor systems for high heat flux transport. As demonstrated by the recent researches, nanofluids have very interesting physical properties with respect to its ability to remove and transport of heat. There is, currently, research groups in the world conducting investigations on the influence of ionizing radiation on nanofluids and the possibility of its use as working fluid or cooling of the core of nuclear reactors core in cases of accidents. Among the countless applications presently proposed for the nanofluids, the applications in energy have special attention by academic and industrial interest. Studies demonstrate that nanofluids based on metal oxide nanoparticles have physical properties that characterize them as promising working fluids, mainly, in industrial systems in which high heat flux want to be removed. The nuclear reactors for power production are examples of industry where such an application has been proposed. However, there are no concrete results about the ionizing radiation effects on nanofluids properties. This work aims to present the initial results of the current study carried out with the objective to check the effects caused by that ionizing radiation on nanofluids based on Al2O3 and ZrO2 nanoparticles. Results from thermophysical analyses demonstrate that particular behavior on thermal conductivity, and density of such nanofluids can be observed as a function of temperature under no ionizing radiation effect. New investigations will analyze the application potentiality of some nanofluids in nuclear systems for heat transfer enhancement under ionizing radiation influence.

  • IPEN-DOC 24840

    PERINI, ALINE A. ; FREITAS, ANDERSON Z. . Innovation trajectories: an IPEN´s nanotechnology competence roadmapping to match´s market mechanisms. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: The main objective of this work is to present general framework of the impact of technological innovation in the IPEN´s nanotechnology competence. The innovation are vital to improvement offer through chains front-to-end in health, environment, food and agriculture, energy, chemistry, education, entertainment and arts: treat supranational levels, offers accessible global technology. The pool innovation perspective in IPEN´s nanotechnology competence is a natural consequence of investments in Research and Development (R&D), between and among Universities and Public Research Institutions and multiple benefits arising from results, towards Awards in Science and policy disclosure. Geographically IPEN is held at São Paulo, Capital, one of the 10 biggest cities of the globe with high density on population and market demand. The innovation impact measures depend of (1) quality of diversified technology knowledge and (2) quality of diversified country industry knowledge that can be more specified. From this big view picture, the IPEN Technology Transference Office took account both dimensional innovation impact measures and listed detail in four (4) dimensional approach performance indicators over 5 years casting potential benefits outcomes in areas: a) human resource, b) services and products, c) research, teach and educational, d) intellectuals property, patents, projects, creativity and inventiveness. Regarding on Key Innovation Indicators and Policy of Impact Measures, the methodology applied to the present study consists oh the three main stages. First stage is a review with bibliometric analysis of market dynamics and technological management approach. The second stage was characterized by the data collection on management system from IPEN in labeled activities on nanotechnology. The third stage was marked to the understanding of the structure and the dynamics of nanotechnology markets, especially their sometimes acute response in innovation. The case study in IPEN´s in nanotechnology market built a preliminary assessment from a suitable a roadmapping system. Roodmapping is one of the most widely used tools as predictive exercise, supporting systematic planning and standardized strategy development. Many countries have developed standardization of roadmaps in various areas reported in intelligent systems, identifying significant opportunities and challenges associated with standardization in complex areas. IPEN´s nanotechnology competence in numbers is an inspirational approach engine and large influence in cultural and Institutional policymaking in Science, Technology and Innovation (S&T&I). The unique strengthen link can be matched from the S&T&I policy in term "technology transfer” in capacity building from push or/and pull innovation models. The central competence framework aimed at advancing knowledge necessary that would eventually lead to innovation trajectories and with strong security cultural insertion gauge to country succeed in international competition through innovation and growth, high-quality products and services, and research and education. Strategic differentiation could lead disruption in technology and development of new markets. The solutions by market-driven provide improvement at total quality managing front-to-end of technology transfer.

    Palavras-Chave: commercialization; technology assessment; technology impacts; research programs; nanotechnology; education; technology transfer; knowledge management

  • IPEN-DOC 24839

    OSHIRO, MAURICIO T. ; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. ; POTIENS JUNIOR, ADEMAR J. . Adsorption isotherms for the removal of Am-241 in radioactive liquid wastes using magnetite nanoparticles. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Americium-241 (Am-241) is a radionuclide with half-life of 432 years, emitting alpha particles and low gamma energy and it is also considered radiotoxic. Am-241 is produced, in a low level, from nuclear fuel and laboratory wastes. Magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) are iron oxides that possess highly magnetic properties, and its application for removal of water contaminants refers due to its high surface area which allows the adsorption capability and the facility to be prepared and removed from the aqueous medium. In This study, magnetite was synthesized by coprecipitation method largely described. Batch experiments were accomplished at room temperature, at pH 6 and the contacts varying from 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 minutes and at 30 minutes for the isotherms experiments. The solid containing magnetite and Am-241 were removed with a magnet and the solution analyzed in a gamma-ray spectrometer (Canberra Model GX2518) which could be quantified. Results show that magnetite possess a capability of removal up to 80% of Am-241 at room temperature, indicating that magnetite nanoparticles are a good sorbent for the removal of radionuclides. Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherms models were investigated and the parameters obtained. Langmuir’s isotherm showed constants of KL (75.7575 L/mg), Q (0.1617 mg/g) and R2 (0.9892) and Freundlich’s isotherm exhibited values of KF (2.6416 [(mg/g).(L/mg)1/n]), 1/n (0.7853 mg/g) and R2 (0.8395), which indicates that the Am- 241 removal from magnetite fits more suitable the Langmuir isotherm model. The thermodynamics parameters, such as the enthalpy and entropy of adsorption, the activation energy, as well as, the kinetics studies are under development.

  • IPEN-DOC 24838

    OLIVEIRA, FERNANDO M. ; POTIENS JUNIOR, ADEMAR J. ; FEJFAR, JOSE L.; RODRIGUES, DEBORA F.; DI VITTA, PATRICIA B.; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. . Immobilization of graphene oxide in a poly(divinylbenzene) matrix for the treatment of liquid radioactive waste containing 137Cs. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Cesium is one of the fission products of major radiological concern, it is often found in nuclear radioactive waste generated at nuclear power plants. Several methods are used to treat radioactive aqueous waste, especially adsorption, which is a technique that combines cost and efficiency and is widely used in preconcentration of radionuclides. Graphene Oxide (GO) has attracted great attention due to its functionalized surface, which includes hydroxyl, epoxy, carbonyl and carboxyl groups, with great capacity of complexation of metal ions and it can be used as adsorbent to remove cesium from radioactive liquid wastes.This work, GO was immobilized in poly(divinylbenzene) to increase the specific mass and grain size of the adsorbent, that can be easily remove from solution by vaccum filtration or being used in a fixed bed column. The incorporation of the GO on the polymer surface was confirmed by electron scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Figure 1.

  • IPEN-DOC 24837

    OLIVEIRA, MARIA J.A. ; SANTOS, JONNATAN J. ; TOMA, SERGIO H.; ALCANTARA, MARA T.S. ; VASQUEZ, PABLO A.V. ; ARAKI, KOITI; LUGAO, ADEMAR B. . Hydrogels with silver nanoparticles for wound treatment. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: In recent years, the study and preparation of nanoparticles have attracted considerable interest for both fundamental and applied research. In biomedical area, silver nanoparticles have been a vast field of study, although antimicrobial properties have originated from their medical application since 19th century. Since silver has had several uses and its enormous potential for the treatment of injuries. Silver-containing topcoats are an excellent option for topical microbial combat on wounds that present infection, as well as being an essential tool for controlling bacterial load. Among these coatings are the hydrogel dressings with silver nanoparticles that have broad spectrum of antimicrobial action. In vitro studies have demonstrated bactericidal activity in strains of antibiotic resistant microorganisms. The objective of this work is characterize hydrogels with silver nanoparticles, prepared using polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), used to treat wounds. A gamma radiation source cobalt-60 was used to crosslink the hydrogels, sterilize and form the silver nanoparticles simultaneously. Irradiation is recognized as a very viable tool because there is no need to add possibly harmful primers or crosslink that are difficult to remove. The results showed uniform distribution of the nanoparticles on the surface of the hydrogels, making it feasible for topical application.

  • IPEN-DOC 24836

    MOURA, TIAGO S. ; GOTO, PAULA T. ; GARCIA, RAFAEL H.L. ; SALVADOR, PABLO A.V. ; SANTOS, PAULO S. ; SOARES, JAQUELINE J.S. ; NODA, LUCIA; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. . Gamma radiation assisted reduction of graphene oxide in unoxidized environment. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Graphene is a honeycomb like structure of carbon atoms of sp2 hybridization, with remarkable physical and chemical properties. Perhaps, the most desirable properties of a such material is the quasi-ballistic electronic transport and its excellent thermal conductivity that make graphene an excellent alternative to build electronic devices related to silicon, for instance. However, the lack of organic functions and the strong bonds between carbons in graphene nano-sheets make them unable to undergo functionalization reactions, that is important for many applications such as gas and biochemical sensors or nanoparticles decoration. So, in order to allow the functionalization of graphene nano-sheets and make possible a variety of new applications it was developed a nanomaterial based on the oxidation and exfoliation of graphite: the graphene oxide. This new material has epoxide and hydroxyl groups in the basal planes, with carboxyl groups in the borders, improving the hydrophilic properties and potential for chemical functionalization. Graphene oxide also serves as a starting material to graphene production by reduction routes. Partial reduction of graphene oxide leads to reduced graphene, a nanomaterial that combines both proprieties of graphene and graphene oxide: an excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, high superficial area and remaining oxygen groups that allow its functionalization. In the literature is described different ways to produce reduced oxide graphene from graphene oxide, such as chemical reduction using hydrazine hydrate or NaBH4, thermal reduction using high temperatures and plasma hydrogenation. Here in it is described a sustainable process to reduce graphene oxide in sodium bisulfite solution using gamma radiation. Exfoliated Graphene oxide (1-100mg/L) with NaHSO3 under inert medium was submitted to gamma radiation. The radiation dose ranged from 50 to 500 kGy and the product was centrifuged and analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and infra-red (FT-IR) spectroscopies. It was observed that depending on the dose total or partial reduction was achieved. This methodology does not produce any toxic residue.

  • IPEN-DOC 24835

    LUGAO, ADEMAR B. ; FAZOLIN, GABRIELA N. ; VARCA, GUSTAVO H.C. ; SANTOS, JORGE G. ; BARROS, JANAINA ; FUCASE, TAMARA ; SANTOS, JONNATAN J. ; LEAL, JESSICA ; GRASSELLI, MARIANO; KATTI, KATTESH V.. Radiation-induced "one pot" synthesis for cell therapies. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: The dream of Marie Curie lab’s expressed by Regaud and Lacassagne in 1927 was to administer radiations with penetration range of molecular dimensions to the organism and selectively fixed in the protoplasm of cells one seeks to destroy. Gold nanoparticles can be employed as a radiation sensitizer by utilizing mainly Auger effect and photoelectrons. Auger electrons are released in large numbers with low kinetic energy therefore these electrons damage cells over a very short range: less than the size of a single cell, on the order of nanometers. Gold-198 is a beta and gamma emitter can be employed for therapy as well as diagnostic. The radioactive properties of gold include: Au (βmax=0.96 MeV; t1/2 = 2.7 days) and Au (βmax =0.46 MeV; t1/2 = 3.14 days), making it a strong candidate for theranostics. However, Gold or Gold-198 need to internalize selectively in tumor cells. Conjugation with proteins and peptides can make them very selective. While radioactive nanoparticles can offer a much higher dose payload than ions for therapy and diagnostic, in addition to the huge surface to bind targeting species presented by the nanoparticles, functionalization with proteins may potentially increases the particle uptake by tumors or tissues. Albumin and Papain features a set of characteristics that assure applications as natural drug carriers with particular attractive properties in oncology. Albumin may be easily crosslinked and engineered towards loading of large number of hydrophobic molecules as well as hydrophilic ones. They can be bound in a reversible way and the delivery controlled by endogenous mechanism. Alternatively to conventional systems, albumin can be crosslinked by radiation in such way that dialdehydes or toxic chemicals are totally avoided . Conjugation of such materials with sugars, peptides, antibodies, proteins among others is routinely used nowadays for targeting. The main purpose of this work was the development of one pot in situ synthesis of radioactive gold 198 nanoparticle encapsulated by albumin for application in cancer Theranostics. While crosslinked albumin may provide a nontoxic coating on AuNPs with a controllable hydrodynamic diameter, conventional AuNP can be activated by nuclear reactor to produce AuNP. The gamma or beta radiation originated from the gold nanoparticle was used to crosslink the Albumin layer. The use of a radioactive particle able to emit radiation for crosslinking of the Albumin layer and simultaneous theranostic application was tried for the first time. The elegant procedure and simplicity of the production process combined with the properties of Au and the safety of AuNP/BSA make this new particle an exciting advancement in cancer therapy and diagnosis. Gold conjugated protein nanoparticles and protein nanoparticles itself were also produced in an radiation induced one pot process. Crosslinking and protein damage werea cessed by different techniques.

  • IPEN-DOC 24834

    LODIS, ALINE M. ; SEIXAS, M.V. de S. ; VALENZUELA-DIAZ, FRANCISCO; GUVEN, OLGUN; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B. . Structure and thermal/mechanical properties of poly (ϵ‐caprolactone)‐clay blend: synthesis and characterization of eva/clay flexible films treated by electron beam radiation. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: In the area of nanotechnology, polymer matrix based on nanocomposites have generated a significant amount of attention in the recent literature. The achieved results were at least initially viewed as unexpected (‘‘nano-effect’’) offering improved properties over that expected from thermal and mechanics predictions. This work presents the synthesis and characterization of EVA/Clay flexible films treated by electron beam radiation. EVA with 0.5 -3 wt.% of green Brazilian Clay addition were prepared by melt extrusion process, using a twin-screw extruder Haake Rheomex P332 with 16 mm and L/D = 25, from Thermo Scientific. Then, EVA/Clay nanocomposite was transformed into flexible films using a single-screw extruder with 25 mm diameter equipped with a flat die (laboratory line) and specimen test samples were obtained. Part of flexible film samples was submitted at electron beam radiation dose range 25-100 kGy using a 1.5 MeV electron beam accelerator, at room temperature in presence of air. The irradiated and non-irradiated samples were submitted to mechanical tests, XRD, UV-VIS, DSC, TG and FE-SEM analysis. The results showed significant changes in mechanical and thermal properties of EVA/CLAY flexible film due to clay addition and electron-beam irradiation. These results showed that it is possible to get interesting property in EVA flexible films by clay addition and electron-beam radiation treatment

  • IPEN-DOC 24833

    KOMATSU, LUIZ G.H. ; OLIANI, WASHINGTON L. ; RANGARI, VIJAYA K.; PARRA, DUCLERC F. ; LUGAO, ADEMAR B. . Synthesis of ZnO for biocide activity on SEBS/PP applications. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Antimicrobial activity represents a challenge for scientific community. Polymer processing conditions impose temperature limitation for stability of biocide nanoparticles. In the present work, we evaluate ZnO synthesized in laboratory, utilizing Zn(NO3)26H2O as precursor. The main proposal is to improve the incorporation of this nanoparticle on SEBS/PP resulting on biocide material films. Before application on SEBS/PP, the nanoparticles was tested by reduction of forming colony units (CFU)(%), Dynamical Light Scattering (DLS) and Zeta potential. On CFU tests, all samples showed biocide properties. The samples with concentration of 1% showed the higher biocide effect on E.coli bacteria, in comparison of lower concentrations. The obtained material biocide was processed on SEBS/PP for obtaining of polymeric films with biocide activity and the new material was characterized by: forming colony units (CFU)(%), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR).

  • IPEN-DOC 24832

    JARA, FERNANDO G.B. ; CRUZ, PEDRO V.D.; GALDINO, GABRIEL S.; CASINI, JULIO C.S.; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. ; FARIA JUNIOR, RUBENS N. . Thermal reduction of graphene oxide nanocomposite using a low temperature HDDR process for supercapacitors. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Recently, it has shown that the hydrogenation disproportionation desorption and recombination (HDDR) process can be an efficient method for the production of reduced graphene oxide for supercapacitors electrodes. The HDDR reduced graphene oxide was processed using a standard temperature (850 o C) for other materials applications. Some improvement in the specific capacitance and in the equivalent serial resistance has been obtained with this particular hydrogen thermal reduction process. The HDDR process has been considered a promising alternative method of reducing graphene oxide with efficiency and possibly in large scale production. A low temperature HDDR process was unreported for this purpose. In the present work, attempts of reducing a graphene oxide powder using a low temperature hydrogenation disproportionation desorption and recombination process (L-HDDR) has been carried out. A lower processing temperature in large scale production is significant as far as costs are concerned. Graphite oxide was prepared using a modified Hummers’ method and dispersed in ethanol, exfoliated using ultrasonication to produce Graphene Oxide (GO). Investigations have been carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The experimental results of L-HDDR processing graphene oxide powder using unmixed hydrogen at 400°C and relatively low pressures (<2 bars) have been reported.

  • IPEN-DOC 24831

    GALDINO, GABRIEL S. ; FERREIRA SOBRINHO, LUIZA ; CRUZ, PEDRO V.D. ; CASINI, JULIO C.S.; SAKATA, SOLANGE K. ; FARIA JUNIOR, RUBENS N. . Electron beam irradiation of reduced graphene oxide-palladium nanocomposite for electrochemical supercapacitor. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Recent work has shown that palladium nanoparticle–graphene composite can be an efficient electrode material in energy storage applications in supercapacitors. These Pd-based supercapacitors showed remarkable properties with a maximum specific capacitance of 637 F g -1 and also exhibited excellent cycle life with 91.4% of the initial specific capacitance retained after 10000 cycles. Palladium nanoparticle decorated graphene composite was synthesized via a chemical approach in a single step by the simultaneous reduction of graphene oxide and palladium chloride from the aqueous phase using ascorbic acid as reducing agent. In the present work, electron beam irradiation has been investigated as an attempt to produce graphene-palladium nanocomposites. Graphite oxide was prepared using a modified Hummers’ method and dispersed in ethanol, exfoliated using ultrasonication to produce Graphene Oxide (GO) and dried for further analysis and processing. This material was thermic reduced in high vacuum (10 -6 mbar) at various temperatures (200-600 o C) and mixed in a solution with palladium. The samples were placed in a 50 ml beaker with Pd(NO 2 ) 2 2H 2 O and were irradiated with 300kGy , dose rate 1,6 kGy s -1 . Irradiation was carried out in an electron accelerator Dynamitron de 37,5 kW (E = 1,5 MeV, 25 mA) (Radiation Dynamics Inc.), The resulting irradiated material was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). These investigations showed that a palladium graphene mixture for supercapacitors applications is formed by electron beam irradiation.

  • IPEN-DOC 24830

    FELINTO, M.C.F.C. ; SALVADOR, F.F.S. ; FRANCISCO, L.H.C. ; BONTURIM, EVERTON ; BRITO, H.F.; MALTA, O.M.L.; TEOTONIO, E.E.S.. Rare earth compounds as smart materials to biological application. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Materials containing rare earth metals are receiving increasing attention due to its wide range of potential applications, including bioanalytical, images, dye-sensitized solar cells, nanobiotechnology, catalyses among others. The distinguished spectroscopic properties of lanthanides (intense emission bands, high color purity, long lifetime and high quantum efficiency) make them strong candidates for use as markers or bio- selective detectors. Besides the interest in developing nanoparticles ( NP ) associated with biological materials continues growing rapidly . This interest is mainly motivated by the desire to simultaneously exploit the properties of both the NP and biological components in new hybrid operating devices or materials that can be applied in strategic areas. In this work, we design various materials, synthesized and characterized in several laboratories that are part of the group fluoroimunoensaios inct - INAMI and NanoBio network and that have potential to use as biological markers .An attention to materials that emit in the regions of Vis and IR as the compound of Eu and Nd compounds, RE3 + compounds covered with silica and functionalized, RE3 + complexes dispersed in polymeric matrix and have sharp, etc. luminescence will be discussed. Also it will show these nanoparticles in - action , signaling biological materials at very low concentrations , on the order of nanomolar . The principal studies are connected to the diagnostic field and has been studied mainly Leishmania , PSA , LDL, sickle cell disease, estradiol and Chagas disease.

  • IPEN-DOC 24829

    FELINTO, M.C.F.C. ; DIAS, C.L. ; FRANCISCO, L.H.C. ; BONTURIM, EVERTON ; BARBOSA, H.P.; BRITO, H.F.; MALTA, O.M.L.; TEOTONIO, E.E.S.. Preparation of luminescent Nd2(MoO4)3 amino-functionalized silica nanoparticles for bioconjugation. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Nanomaterials are used in many areas of biological research. Nanoparticles can be used as active components in various functional materials and devices of interest for bio-applications. Nanoparticles have long been signaled as a potential revolution in the way we probe and interact with biological materials and organisms. This is because they are small enough to interact with their environment at a molecular level, but strong enough to maintain useful properties such as luminescence over extended periods. However, the physical properties of the host materials with nanometer dimensions may differ markedly from those of their bulk counterparts due to the particle size-dependent influences such as structure disordering and surface defects. The development of materials incorporated in the silica has been studied since these materials exhibit intrinsic luminescent properties of the inorganic part and characteristics of the silica matrix. In the present work Nd2(MoO4)3 compounds incorporated into silica particles were prepared using a microwave synthesis procedure. Then, the material was dispersed in ethyl alcohol and functionalized with APTES: 3-aminopropyltriethoxisilane. The emission spectra show broad bands when compared with the emission spectra of the own rare earth compound. The narrow lines are assigned to 4f–4f transitions from the emitting 4 F3/2 level to the 4 I9/2 and, 4 I11/2 levels, centered around 915 and 1060 respectively.. Emission spectrum of the Nd2(MoO4)3 @ Si dispersion showed an enlargement of the bands. It is also observed the broadened peak of the 4 F3/2 4 I9/2, 4 I11/2 transitions in the luminescent amino-functionalized silica particles as compared with the core compound spectrum. These materials were conjugated to anti-IgG antibody and presented high efficient performance in detect human antigen. They can concluded that particles are potential candidates for development of the bioassays acting as a biomarker.

  • IPEN-DOC 24828

    FAZOLIN, GABRIELA N. ; VARCA, GUSTAVO H.C. ; LUGAO, ADEMAR B. . The impact of physical-chemical parameters over the formation of papain nanoparticles crosslinked by radiation. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: With the advancement of research and use of nanotechnology in biomedical areas and application in different treatments the need for stable systems with low toxicity and null adverse effects becomes important. Within this context papain appears as an alternative biomolecule which is a proteolytic enzyme extract by the fruit of Carica papaya Linnaeus. Its already successfully applied in the pharmaceutical and biomedical area as a drug carrier and debriding agent for wounds. Recently, papain was developed in nanoscale using 50 Mm phosphate buffer (pH 7,2 ± 0,2), ethanol (20%, v/v) as cosolvent and 60Co as radiation source for gamma radiation (10 kGy) to promote protein crosslinking. This technique promotes papain nanoparticle sterilization and crosslinking in a single step showing that radiation is a promising technique for the development of nanoparticles for biomedical use. However, important parameters such as the influence of physical-chemical parameters over nanoparticle formation remains unexplored and unclear. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the influence of pH and temperature over papain nanoparticle formation including buffer molarity and different temperatures throughout the synthesis and irradiation process. Nanopapain was synthetized as above-mentioned however phosphate buffer was used in a range of 1 to 50 mM and ultrapure water in presence of ethanol and irradiated at 10 kGy. The influence of temperature was evaluated by performing the synthesis at -20, 0 and 20 °C. Additionally, it was verified the sterility of the material and its stability over time. The hydrodynamic radius and crosslinking were evaluated by dynamic light scattering and fluorescence measurements respectively. The pH range was influenced by buffer molarity, thus, lower molarities led to a final pH of 5 and the higher molarities around 7. Bityrosine formation was influenced by the pH range and increased when synthesis was performed near optimal pH (7 for papain), although particle size didn’t undergo any changes as a result of the pH changes. On the other hand, enzymatic activity was less affected by the process maintain about 80% of the native enzymatic activity only when synthesis was carried out in 50 mM phosphate buffer. With regard to temperature as the temperature increased the levels of crosslinking also increased in the order of 20>0ºC>-20ºC. In conclusion nanoparticle size was not influenced by the temperature shift. Concerning enzymatic activity samples irradiated under ice-cold conditions presented decreased bioactivity loss if compared to the samples irradiated at room temperature. After an evaluation of the results, the study revealed that samples synthetized with buffer molarity of 50 Mm (pH 7,2 ± 0,2) and 0ºC would promote higher crosslinking levels and less enzymatic activity decrease.

  • IPEN-DOC 24827

    CORDEIRO, GUILHERME L. ; CAMARGO, ELAINE F. de ; USSUI, VALTER ; LIMA, NELSON B. de ; NETO, ALMIR O. ; LAZAR, DOLORES R.R. . Engineering graphene surface toward design of aggregation-resistant catalyst supports for advanced energy conversion. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Graphene has been considered an emerging fuel cell catalyst support due to its excellent chemical and electrical properties. The evaluation of the unit activity on each catalytic site (intrinsic) of low-loading supported metal nanoparticles (NPs), however, is often hampered by face-to-face aggregation of graphene sheets. Herein, we demonstrate the critical role of the expansion between sheets in a pivotal electrocatalytic process for green energy conversion through ethanol oxidation in acid medium. In order to reduce mass-transport resistances and incomplete utilization of the supported NPs, a one-step design strategy is proposed for tuning a desired physicochemical property of graphene: surface area. This step is based on the principle that the apparent activity is governed by the extrinsic activity, i . e ., the number of exposed active sites for a particular mass loading. Our design principle is achieved by a two-stage method involving a chemical delamination process of graphite (1) with an in situ surfactant functionalization/intercalation–reduction approach (2). As a result, not only an interlayer expansion was attained but also a short-ranged layered structure was assembled. This structural reorganization substantially affected the ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR) over platinum NPs. The unique nanoarchitecture provided a high density of EOR active sites, which incurred in a specific current value increased by about 2.5 and 5.4 times compared to platinum supported on state-of-the-art carbon black and restacked graphene, respectively.

  • IPEN-DOC 24826

    CAMARGO, ELAINE F. de ; CORDEIRO, GUILHERME L. ; SANTOS, MONIQUE C.L. ; PEREIRA, CONRADO de V. ; USSUI, VALTER ; LIMA, NELSON B. de ; NETO, ALMIR O. ; LAZAR, DOLORES R.R. . Synthesis of cerium oxide nanopowders for improving catalysts electroactivity in direct ethanol fuel cells. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: The search for alternative direct ethanol fuel cell catalyst supports to improve platinum electrocatalysis requires the development of novel nanostructured conducting materials. In order to boost energy conversion efficiencies, high surface-area supports with enhanced oxophilicity have been addressed. This procedure might aid breaking the C–C bond and the poisoning of platinum by strongly adsorbed species coming from the dissociative adsorption of ethanol. In the present work, synthetic cerium oxide nanopowders were compared to state-of-the-art carbon black supports for the ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR). Cerium oxides were prepared via a simple chemical precipitation method using ammonium hydroxide as a precipitant agent and the effect of thermal treatment of the synthesized nanopowders was investigated. Microstructural analyses revealed an increase in crystallite size from 8.1 to 25.7 nm after heating from 400 to 800 °C, respectively. Supported catalysts containing 20 wt.% Pt were prepared by a sodium borohydride impregnation–reduction method, in aqueous solution, at room temperature. Electrochemical measurements of the EOR showed highest electrocatalytic activity over samples calcined at 400 °C as a result of a combinantion between an appropriate nano-scaled structure and oxygen transport in cerium oxide.

  • IPEN-DOC 24825

    BATISTA, JORGE G.S. ; BARROS, JANAINA A.G. ; VARCA, GUSTAVO H.C. ; ROGERO, SIZUE O. ; CAVALCANTE, ADRIANA K. ; MAZIERO, JOANA S. ; ROGERO, JOSE R. ; LUGAO, ADEMAR B. . Evaluation of the in vitro and in vivo toxicity of gold nanoparticles synthesized by green nanotechnology. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Researchers and laboratories around the world have studied gold nanoparticles. In medicine, several studies demonstrate the applicability of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in the treatment and diagnosis of cancer. Green nanotechnology uses phytochemical agents to synthesize and stabilize nanoparticles. The phytochemical epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) reduces and stabilize gold nanoparticles by functionalizing the surface of the molecule. Such chemical groups allow binding to overexpressed receptors on some types of tumors as demonstrated in studies performed with PC3 prostate cancer cells. With the advancement of nanotechnology, a large number of nanoparticles are produced on a daily basis. However apart from their possible applications it is necessary to evaluate the environmental impact of these molecules as well as find ways for proper disposal. The embryonic zebrafish (Danio rerio) trial has recently emerged as an interesting method for evaluating in vivo nanotoxicity providing a more complex system analysis than in typical cell cultures and less expensive if compared to large-scale biocompatibility studies performed in rats and mice. The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo toxicity of EGCG-AuNPs by means of the cytotoxicity by neutral red uptake methodology according to the International Standard Organization [ISO 10993-5, 2009] and in vivo test based on the OECD guideline on Fish Embryo Toxicity Test (FET) (OECD, 2013). The spectrophotometric band at 535 nm observed is characteristic of the formation of AuNPs. Nanoparticles synthesized with EGCG presented a size of 32 ± 4 nm as determined by transmission electron microscopy and the hydrodynamic diameter of these particles was about 60 ± 18 nm obtained by dynamic light scattering. The EGCG-AuNPs showed no cytotoxicity up to 4.2 μg.L-1. In the FET test regarding the acute ecotoxicity assay the LC50/96 hours revealed no toxicity at concentrations up to 1.8 mM.

  • IPEN-DOC 24824

    BARTOLOMEI, SUELLEN S.; MACHADO, MESSIAS S.; SANTANA, JULYANA G. ; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA ; WIEBECK, HELIO. Recycling of plastic cups and packaging of EPS to obtain nanocomposite with nanoclay and plaster. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Polystyrene is a polymer defined as brittle due to its mechanical properties, but still widely used industrially for its cost and processability. However, the fragility restricts its use in engineering applications. To improve the material, the addition of a plasticizer is recommended, because it acts between the polymer chains increasing its mobility and delaying the growth of cracks. Another method for improving the mechanical properties of a polymer is the use of a reinforcing phase thereby generating a nanocomposite. In this work the polystyrene of disposable plastic cups and expanded polystyrene packages were recycled using ethyl acetate. Together with the solvent, glycerin was added to plasticize the recycled polymer. Therefore, a solution was made containing recycled polystyrene and glycerin, this solution was allowed to stand until all solvent evaporated and a rigid film was obtained. Then, to improve the mechanical properties, three types of composite were prepared by melt extrusion, using a twin screw extruder machine. First, the recycled polystyrene of the cups was mixed with nanoclay (5% wt), afterwards the recycled polystyrene of the cups was mixed with nanoclay (5% wt) and gypsum (5% wt) and, in the third composite, it were mixed the recycled expanded polystyrene with gypsum particles (10% wt). Specimens were injected and tensile tests were performed to compare the mechanical properties of the composites obtained.

  • IPEN-DOC 24823

    ALCANTARA, MARA T.S. ; COUTINHO, CAMILA M. ; OLIVEIRA, MARIA J.A. ; MUNHOZ, MARA M.L. ; LUGAO, ADEMAR B. . Obtaining of a hydrogel gel dressing of PVP with nanosilver for deep and complex wounds. In: PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1st, 27-30 de novembro, 2017, Guarujá, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Introduction Chronic and some acute wounds of difficult treatment that challenge medical and nursing teams are classificadas como Complex wound (Ferreira et al., 2006). Due to the long cicatrization time and successive relapses, cause a problem social on patients' lives and economic a major impact on the health system (Azoubel et al., 2017). Throughout the world there has been a growing interest in the use of hydrogels for application as dressings in view that they are able to maintain the humidity of the wound, favoring the epithelialization of lesions and favoring the relief of pain. On the other hand, silver is an agent that has been used since ancient times, but it has been replaced after the discovery of antibiotics. However, with the advent of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and the development of nanotechnology, it has regained notoriety, since the clinical incidence of silver resistance remains low (Chopra, 2007).In addition to its bactericidal properties, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) also have anti-inflammatory properties, which, allied to hydrogels’ advantages of maintaining moisture in the wound, represent a great advantage for use as a dressing. However, conventional dressings do not address the need for direct contact with the wound when this is a deep wound. The objective of this work was to obtain a hydrogel gel with silver nanoparticles for wound dressing, synthesized in situ by using ionizing radiation for gelation (crosslinking of PVP-Ag+ aqueous solution), synthesis of the AgNPs and simultaneous sterilization of the final product, able to fill the cavity of deep wounds, thus allowing the direct contact of the dressing with the lesioned walls. Methodology The gel was prepared from the mixture of PVP with plasticizers, water, and silver ions; next, the mixture was irradiated / sterilized by gamma-irradiation from a 60-Co source at a dose of 20 kGy. . Results The result of this work is a viscous and transparent gel (Fig. 1), easy to be applied, able to control pain since it reduces the local temperature due to evaporation of water. Fig. 1 - Hydrogel gel of PVP with silver nanoparticles for wound dressing. The studies are being continued with the aim of evaluating its stability and bactericidal activity.

  • IPEN-DOC 24793

    BARBOSA, I.T.F.; SEO, E.S.M. ; SILVA, L.G.A. ; MIRANDA, L.F.; MUNHOZ JUNIOR, A.H.; PERES, R.M.. Metallic ions adsorption effects in pseudoboehmites produced by sol-gel method. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIFFUSION IN SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS, 14th, June 25-29, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Abstract... 2018. p. 89-89.

    Abstract: The pseudoboehmite is a hydrated aluminum oxihydroxid produced by sol gel process started by inorganic precursor as an inorganic polymerization system [1]. Several studies were done about pesudoboehmite, reaching its utilization as an alumina precursor [2], drug delivery systems [3] (for drug like atenolol, acyclovir and glucantime for example) or as a reinforcement agent to synthesis of polymeric matrix nanocomposites [4]. The intent of this work is contribute to the study of the environment influence at pseudoboehmite nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were obtained by sol-gel process, starting from aluminum nitrate and ammonium hydroxide solutions. The product of synthesis reaction were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Florescence (XRF), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman Spectroscopy, specific weight, granulometry average and nitrogen adsorption (BET) analysis, identifying the characteristics of the produced material and eventual adsorbed materials and respective effect on its properties. After the characterization, were verified that the pseudoboehmite nanoparticles adsorbed other chemical agents as iron, potassium, chrome and others.

  • IPEN-DOC 24671

    PIERETTI, EURICO F. ; COZZA, RONALDO C.; NEVES, MAURICIO D.M. das . Wear evaluation of the ASTM F138 austenitic stainless steel for biomedical applications treated by optical fiber laser. In: WORLD TRIBOLOGY CONGRESS, 6th, September 17-22, 2017, Beijing, China. Resumo expandido... 2017. p. 1-4.

  • IPEN-DOC 24644

    BENEDETTO, RAQUEL ; MASSICANO, ADRIANA V.; REIS, RUI M.; OLIVEIRA, RENATO; SILVA, JEFFERSON J. ; BOAS, CRISTIAN A.W.V. ; TURANO, WALTER ; MENGATTI, JAIR ; ARAUJO, ELAINE B. de . Desenvolvimento do radioimunoconjugado, CETUXIMABE-DTPAIN111, para estratificação de pacientes à terapia dirigida ao EGFR. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 135-135.

    Abstract: Introdução: Anticorpos (AcM) radiomarcados permitem a entrega seletiva da radiação ao alvo de interesse. O receptor do fator de crescimento epidérmico (EGFR), superexpresso em malignidades epiteliais como câncer de cabeça e pescoço (HNSCC), desempenha papel central na proliferação celular. Apesar dos ganhos clínicos decorrentes do uso de cetuximabe (cetux), AcM que se liga ao EGFR, alguns mecanismos de resistência foram caracterizados. A metodologia Radioimunodiagnóstico com cetux radiomarcado (1) pode avaliar a resistência ao tratamento; (2) estratificar pacientes que possam beneficiar-se da Imunoterapia; (3) monitorar a progressão da terapia para um tratamento efetivo e direcionado, com a abordagem da medicina personalizada. Objetivos: Desenvolver radiofármaco, Cetux-DTPA-111In para diagnóstico de HNSCC e câncer colorretal e, através da avaliação dos mecanismos de resistência, selecionar pacientes para terapia. Métodos: O AcM foi conjugado ao quelante DTPA na razão molar 1:20. A pureza radioquímica e estabilidade do radiofármaco foram avaliadas por cromatografia -CLAE.A concentração proteica do imunoconjugado foi determinada pelo método BCA e o número de quelantes acoplado ao AcM foi definido por espectrometria de massas (MALDI/TOF). O ensaio de ligação específica in vitro foi realizado com as células FaDu-P(Parental) e FaDu-C10(resistente). Os estudos de biodistribuição foram conduzidos em camundongos machos Balb/c sadios (4-8 semanas;13-21g), e Scid, modelo tumoral desenvolvido por injeção subcutânea de FaDu-P(flanco esquerdo) e FaDu-C10(flanco direito), nos intervalos de tempo de 3,24,72 horas, 5 e 7 dias, e imagens realizadas em MicroSPECT/CT, Albira -Protocolo nº122/13 CEUA/IPEN. Os camundongos foram injetados com 55 MBq do radioimunoconjugado e eutanasiados após 24,72 horas, 5, 7 dias para estudo de atividade captada/grama de tecido (%Al/g). Resultados: O imunoconjugado, cetux–DTPA, apresentou estabilidade (-20°C, > 6 meses). A concentração de proteínas foi 4,54±0,22mg/mL, com recuperação proteica acima de 83%(N=15). De 6 a 7 quelantes DTPA foram introduzidos no AcM. O percentual de ligação específica às células FaDu-P do Cetux-DTPA-111In foi expressivo e proporcional ao aumento do número de células. A fração imunorreativa foi 93,1%. No ensaio de internalização às células FaDu-P, observou-se fração da ligação de superfície de 86,09±0,72% e percentual de internalização de 14±0,75%. O estudo de ligação às células FaDu-C10 demonstrou inexpressivo % de ligação, comprovando o modelo de resistência conferido a esta linhagem.No estudo de biodistribuição, o fígado e pulmões resultaram em captações de 21,5±1,3 e 19,3±0,8, respectivamente, para 24 horas. A captação óssea foi baixa atestando a estabilidade in vivo do radiofármaco. O melhor intervalo para avaliação clínica é de 5 dias pós-injeção do radiofármaco.A imagem metabólica demonstrou captação do radiofármaco apenas no tumor desenvolvido pela FaDu-P, comprovando sensibilidade e especificidade do radiofármaco para imunodiagnóstico. Conclusão: A obtenção do radiofármaco para radioimunodiagnóstico Cetux-DTPA-111In é viável, com potencial para aplicação no diagnóstico HNSCC e câncer colorretal, além da seleção de pacientes para terapia com cetux, encorajando a continuidade de estudos clínicos.

  • IPEN-DOC 24643

    DAMASCENO, MARCOS O. ; LIMA, VINICIUS S. ; BALOGH, TATIANA S. ; FORBICINI, CHRISTINA A.L.G. de O. . Estudo de purificação de Mo-99 por sublimação em forno tubular. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 134-134.

    Abstract: Introdução: O 99Mo é um radioisótopo importante devido ao seu produto de decaimento - 99mTc, que atua como marcador molecular em cerca de 80% dos exames diagnósticos (Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imag. 36;795,2009). Em muitos países, são empregadas técnicas cromatográficas para a obtenção do 99Mo de fissão de alta pureza, podendo ainda incluir etapas de complexação, precipitação ou sublimação dependendo do processo adotado. O projeto do reator multipróposito brasileiro (RMB) prevê a produção de radioisótopos, como 99Mo via fissão do 235U (Sci. Am. 98;82,2010). O nosso laboratório vem realizando estudos de possíveis etapas de purificação de 99Mo, visando o desenvolvimento de novas rotas de produção. Objetivo: Apresentar resultados preliminares de testes nas principais variáveis da etapa de sublimação do 99Mo como parte do processo de purificação. Os testes incluíram temperatura e tempo de sublimação, taxa de aquecimento e fluxo de gás de arraste, visando redução do tempo de processo e a máxima eficiência de recuperação de 99Mo. Métodos: Os experimentos partiram de uma solução de NH4MoO4 20 g.L-1 contendo uma pequena quantidade de 99Mo como radiotraçador, simulando uma solução em uma dada etapa do processo de purificação. Uma alíquota de 1 mL foi reservada para referência, enquanto outra alíquota de 1 mL foi levada à secura em um cadinho de platina sobre uma placa aquecida. O cadinho foi introduzido em um tubo de quartzo de um forno horizontal e aquecido. Um fluxo de ar para arraste dos vapores foi estabelecido. Após o resfriamento o tubo foi lavado internamente com 10 mL de solução de NaOH 1 M, uma alíquota de 1 mL foi retida desta solução, para contagem da atividade e cálculo de rendimento. As amostras foram analisadas em detector gama Ge hiperpuro em 739 KeV. Resultados: Foram observados depósitos de MoO3 no interior do tubo nas regiões próximas à saída do forno. Os testes com temperaturas já partir de 750°C mostraram excelentes rendimentos de recuperação (98 % ± 0,7). Devido à reduzida massa de óxido presente nas amostras, nos testes com temperatura de 800°C o tempo de sublimação de 5 mim foi suficiente para obter a saída de praticamente todo o material do cadinho. As curvas de aquecimento do forno são determinantes para a celeridade do processo, deste modo taxas de aquecimento de até 30 °C.min-1 foram aplicadas sem prejuízos de recuperação de 99Mo, valores maiores não foram testados por limitações do equipamento. Fluxos de arraste aplicados entre 3 e 9 mL.h-1 possibilitaram a formação de anéis bem definidos de MoO3 depositados a aproximadamente 10 cm do cadinho, facilmente visível dentro do tubo de quartzo, enquanto que sob fluxos acima de 15 mL.h-1 os depósitos apresentam-se mais difusos e com aumento de perdas por arraste. Conclusão: A técnica de sublimação em forno tubular permite a obtenção do 99Mo com elevada pureza e reduzidas perdas. A análise dos resultados permitirá melhor configuração dos parâmetros do forno, contribuindo para a maximização do rendimento de recuperação com redução do tempo total de processo. Os próximos testes incluirão amostras com (NH4)2SO4 ou (NH4)HCO3, simulando outras soluções de extração do molibdênio em um estágio prévio a sublimação.

  • IPEN-DOC 24642

    BOAS, CRISTIAN A.W.V. ; SILVA, JEFFERSON de J. ; BENEDETTO, RAQUEL ; DIAS, LUIS A.P. ; MENGATTI, JAIR ; ARAUJO, ELAINE B. de . Otimização das condições de marcação do PSMA-617-DOTA com lutécio-177. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 133-133.

    Abstract: Introdução: O câncer de próstata é a segunda neoplasia mais frequente e a quinta que mais mata pacientes do sexo masculino (Int. J. Cancer 136:359, 2015). Levantamento do Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA) indicou que em 2016 devem ter surgidos mais de 61 mil novos casos desta neoplasia no Brasil. Novos radiofármacos para o tratamento do câncer de próstata foram concebidos com base no grupo farmacofórico Glutamato-Ureia-Lisina, que se liga especificamente ao PSMA (Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen), superexpresso em células de tumor de próstata. O PSMA- 617-DOTA marcado com lutécio-177 tem sido bastante estudado e empregado clinicamente na Alemanha na terapia do câncer de próstata. Objetivo: Avaliar as condições de marcação do PSMA-617-DOTA com Lutécio-177 bem como definir os métodos de controle de qualidade de pureza radioquímica. Metodologia: A condição de marcação de PSMA-617-DOTA (ABX, Alemanha) com lutécio-177 (IDB, Holanda) foi estudada considerando diferentes temperaturas (85 ºC, 90 ºC e 95 ºC) e tempos (15 minutos, 30 minutos e 45 minutos). Em cada marcação foram utilizados 10 μg de peptídeo, e 555 MBq (15mCi) de lutécio-177, utilizando-se tampão ascorbato de sódio pH 4,75 0,52 M. Todas as marcações foram realizadas em triplicata e os controles de pureza radioquímica (PR) foram feitos imediatamente após a marcação por cromatografia em camada delgada (tampão citrato de sódio 0,1M, pH 5,0) e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) (0-2min 17%B; 2-5,99min 30%B; 6-20min 17%B, (fluxo 0,4mL/min, A = H2O/0,1 %TFA, B = ACN/0,1 %TFA, coluna RP18 5μm 4,6x150mm). Resultados e Discussão: O estudo possibilitou analisar a marcação do PSMA-617-DOTA sob diferentes condições de tempo e temperatura, visando avaliar a robustez do método. Realizando a marcação à 85ºC pode-se observar que houve um incremento da pureza radioquímica com a aumento no tempo de marcação, obtendo-se purezas radioquímicas de 95,7 ± 4,2 (15 minutos), 97,9 ± 0,3 (30 minutos) e 98,4 ± 1,0 (45 minutos). Com a temperatura de 90ºC na marcação, as purezas radioquímicas foram de 98,0 ± 0,1 com 15 minutos, 99,9 ± 0,1 com 30 minutos e 99,2 ± 0,2 com 45 minutos de marcação. Realizando a mesma marcação com 95ºC obteve-se purezas radioquímicas de 98,4 ± 0,1 (15 minutos), 99,6 ± 0,2 (30 minutos) e 99,1 ± 0,1 (45 minutos). Corrida de CLAE foi realizada com a marcação obtida à 90ºC e 30 minutos e obteve-se pico único de 100% com 10,7 minutos de corrida. Conclusões: Por meio do presente trabalho foi possível concluir que a melhor condição de marcação do PSMA-617-DOTA com lutécio foi 90 ºC por 30 minutos (p =0,008). A marcação realizada à 90 ºC por 45 também apresentou excelente resultado (p=0,02), contudo demanda tempo maior de marcação. Os métodos cromatográficos selecionados possibilitaram avaliar a %PR das marcações com resolução adequada das espécies. Encoraja-se também a realização de estudos para determinação da atividade específica, realizar marcações em escala de produção, estudos de estabilidade do radiofármaco e bem como avaliar as propriedades do PSMA-617-DOTA-177Lu em modelos in vitro e in vivo.

  • IPEN-DOC 24641

    SA, ANA P.N. de ; VILLAVICENCIO, ANNA L.C.H. . Revisão: avaliação dos efeitos das radiações ionizantes em farinhas. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 131-131.

    Abstract: Introdução: O processo de irradiação de alimentos é um método que consiste em uma exposição controlada do alimento a uma fonte de radiação ionizante (Radiat. Phys. Chem. 129, 53-57, 2016; Food Control 72, 345-359,2017). Atualmente, a radiação ionizante é uma alternativa eficiente, de grande valor tecnológico no emprego de doses até 10 kGy para alimentos secos, desidratados e com baixo teor de gorduras (Rad. Phys.Chem.129,24–29,2016). Objetivo: Levantamento bibliográfico de artigos indicando uso de médias e altas doses de radiação com finalidade tecnológica para melhoramento e qualidade das propriedades tecnológicas em farinhas. Método: Levantamento bibliográfico em base de dados (brasileiras e internacionais, como: Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Pubmed, SciELO, Web of Science) com auxílio da biblioteca do IPEN. O tema proposto é de interesse industrial, tendo sido usado o período 1980-2017 e busca por farinhas provenientes de milho, mandioca, trigo, feijão, arroz, castanho, fubá e banana. Até o momento, o estudo apresenta 22 trabalhos (Artigos, Teses e Dissertações), selecionados com foco em utilização de doses de radiação e tipo de farinhas. Foram utilizadas palavras-chave em Português e Inglês (irradiação de alimentos; farinhas irradiadas e aspectos tecnológicos de farinhas irradiadas; food irradiation and Technologycal aspects of irradiated flour). Resultados: Nos resultados preliminares da pesquisa/busca as doses variam desde a aplicação para fitossanitário até doses mais altas relacionadas a características tecnológicas. Foram encontrados 10 trabalhos com finalidade fitossanitária (0,1 a 1,0 kGy) e 20 dentre os 22 pesquisados inicialmente, com características tecnológicas (doses acima de 1 kGy até 10 kGy). Foram observados estudos relacionados com redução de carga microbiológica, composição nutricional, modificações organolépticas e relação do índice de acidez presente em fubá e castanha devido aumento das doses no decorrer do tempo de armazenamento devido à presença de lipídeos (ESALQ, Dissertação. 2003; Radiat. Phys. Chem. 81, 450–457, 2012 Radiat. Phys. Chem. 103, 9–15, 2014). Conclusão: Observamos uma tendência de melhora como meio de aperfeiçoamento na produção de panificação em alguns artigos, pois ocorre a quebra de carboidratos, diminuição de atividade enzimática e degradação parcial do amido e das proteínas, obtendo um ótimo parâmetro de qualidade para a produção de pão e massas em geral, observada na diminuição das viscosidades apresentadas nas farinhas de banana e trigo (IPEN, Dissertação, 2011; Escola Politécnica/USP, Dissertação, 2006). Preliminarmente, concluímos que a tecnologia de irradiação de alimentos em doses médias, apresentam vantagens e melhoram as características na produção de pães.

  • IPEN-DOC 24640

    RODRIGUES, BRUNA T. ; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. ; SOUZA, CARLA D. de ; TOZETTI, CINTIA A.; NOGUEIRA, BEATRIZ R. ; SOUZA, DAIANE C. ; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A. ; MARQUES, JOSE R. de O. ; SILVA, JOSE T. da . Nova metodologia para fixar iodo-125 em fontes radioativas RM resina epóxi. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 130-130.

    Abstract: Introdução: O câncer de próstata é o mais comum entre os homens, aproximadamente 28,6%. A escolha do tipo de tratamento para o câncer da próstata deve considerar vários fatores como: tamanho e extensão do tumor, agressividade aparente (características patológicas), idade, saúde. A braquiterapia vem sendo utilizada em estágios iniciais e intermediários da doença porque é um tratamento seguro e efetivo para câncer prostático localizado. As sementes radioativas são colocadas em contato com ou dentro do órgão a ser tratado, permitindo que a dose de radiação seja liberada apenas no tumor alvo que proteja os tecidos circundantes saudáveis. As fontes podem ter diferentes formas e tamanhos, e a utilizada para câncer de próstata geralmente tem 4,5 mm de comprimento e 0,8 mm de diâmetro. Cerca de 80 a 120 sementes podem ser usadas por paciente. O Iodo-125 é o radioisótopo mais utilizado na braquiterapia da próstata, emite raios-X de 35,49 keV em 100% dos decaimentos, com energia média de 29 keV. Objetivos: Este trabalho propõe uma alternativa às sementes que já foram desenvolvidas, a fim de reduzir o custo. Desenvolvendo uma configuração de núcleo alternativa com o objetivo de aumentar o rendimento de iodo-125 fixado na matriz epoxídica, reduzindo assim o custo total. Resultados: Após produzidas as fontes, foi realizado teste de estanqueidade, com a fonte imersa em água destilada à temperatura ambiente. O resultado não excedeu o limite permitido pela norma ISO 9978 que é de 5 nCi (185 Bq) e o teste de esfregaço não indicou atividade no papel filtro. Conclusão: A fonte foi considerada estanque, após testes padrões, sem qualquer vazamento do material radiativo, viabilizando a matriz epóxi para confecção dos núcleos. Resultando em um método seguro e eficiente. Todos os resultados obtidos apresentaram um alto percentual de eficácia e melhor distribuição de atividade quando comparada às metodologias clássicas de núcleo de prata. As diferenças de eficiência entre núcleos foram causadas por flutuações estáticas do sistema de detecção e balança. A eficiência média dos núcleos foi 82,1 ± 3,2%

  • IPEN-DOC 24639

    SILVA, JEFFERSON de J. ; MASSICANO, ADRIANA V. ; BENEDETTO, RAQUEL ; BOAS, CRISTIAN A.W.V. ; DIAS, LUIS A.P. ; MENGATTI, JAIR ; ARAUJO, ELAINE B. de ; ALCARDE, LAIS F. . Radiomarcação de inibidor de PSMA com 177Lu e avaliação biológica do potencial para aplicação no tratamento do câncer de próstata. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 24639.

    Abstract: Introdução: Em razão do antígeno de membrana prostático específico (PSMA) ser superexpresso em praticamente todas as neoplasias da próstata, de seus possíveis papéis na malignidade destas, assim como na angiogênese de tumores sólidos e sua expressão em tecidos extra prostáticos ser altamente restrita, este representa um ótimo alvo para novos métodos de diagnóstico por imagem e terapia antineoplásica. Objetivo: Estudar de forma inédita a marcação e estabilidade radioquímica do Glu-NH-CO-NHLys( Ahx)-DOTA com 177Lu e avaliar seu potencial para a terapia do câncer de próstata. Métodos: A partir da condição padrão de marcação (90°C; 10μg de peptídeo e 30 minutos de reação) avaliou-se o efeito da atividade crescente de 177LuCl3 sobre a pureza radioquímica (PR). Após armazenar a -20°C e a 37°C em soro humano, a estabilidade do radiofármaco foi avaliada. Foram conduzidos ensaios com células tumorais para determinar a % de ligação específica. Por fim, foram conduzidos estudos de biodistribuição e farmacocinética em camundongos sadios Balb/c machos e biodistribuição em camundongos scids machos com tumor LNCaP (idade 7-12 semanas e peso 13-30g) - Protocolo nº115/2015 do CEUA/IPEN. Resultados: O radiofármaco foi obtido com pureza radioquímica elevada (PR >95%) em todas as condições estudadas e a estabilidade do radiofármaco (-20°C) permaneceu inalterada até 48 horas, mesmo em alta atividade específica (74 MBq/μg). O produto manteve-se estável quando incubado em soro humano. O ensaio de ligação específica do PSMA-DOTA-177Lu mostrou que a fração do peptídeo que se ligou às células foi de 1,79±0,21%, 2,47±0,03%, 3,07±0,01% e 4,13±0,27%, para as concentrações de 0,15x106, 0,3x106, 0,5x106 e 1x106 de células LNCaP, respectivamente (n=3). O ensaio de internalização do PSMA-DOTA-177Lu sugere que o maior percentual da ligação especifica do radiofármaco às células LNCaP corresponde à fração da ligação de superfície (99,03±0,84%) (n= 8). Os parâmetros farmacocinéticos foram determinados no estudo in vivo: t1/2α 2.92min, t1/2β 20.04min, CL 0.21mL.min-1 e Vd 1.07L.Kg-1 (n=5), compatíveis com o rápido clareamento sanguíneo e excreção renal (n=5). Nos estudos em animais com tumor, o PSMADOTA- 177Lu apresentou captação tumoral após 4 horas da administração endovenosa do radiofármaco de 2,76±1,0 %AI/g de (n=3). Conclusão: O estudo de variação da atividade possibilitou estabelecer a atividade específica ideal (MBq/μg), que será extrapolada para um piloto de produção do radiofármaco. O radiofármaco apresentou rápido clareamento sanguíneo e apreciável captação tumoral in vivo após 4 horas de administração. Os resultados favoráveis encorajam para perspectiva de ensaio clínico controlado de um novo radiofármaco, avaliando seu potencial para aplicação no tratamento do câncer de próstata.

  • IPEN-DOC 24638

    BONFIM, LETICIA ; GONÇALVES, KARINA O.; VIEIRA, DANIEL P. . Desenvolvimento de cultivo celular tridimensional para testes de efeitos biológicos das radiações em modelos tumorais e não-tumorais. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 119-119.

    Abstract: Introdução: Atualmente, os testes realizados para analisar fármacos com atividade antitumoral são realizados em modelos experimentais baseados em cultura celular em monocamadas ou 2 dimensões (2D) e, apesar da utilização em larga escala desta forma de cultivo, há evidências científicas de que a disposição celular em monocamadas não simula adequadamente a fisiologia tecidual, pois impede que as células expressem suas características de forma análoga à encontrada no organismo. O método de cultura celular em 3 dimensões (3D) vem recebendo atenção como uma maneira de simular o ambiente tumoral, pois permite a reorganização celular de forma a promover a interação célula-célula e com proteínas da matriz extracelular. O trabalho utiliza a levitação magnética, através da adição de nanopartículas de ferro às culturas e com o auxílio de ímãs. Células formam corpos tridimensionais suspensos na interface ar-líquido. O método pode produzir esferóides com alguns milímetros de diâmetro e com capacidade de serem mantidos viáveis por semanas em cultivo. A intenção é futuramente testar os efeitos das radiações ionizantes em culturas em 3D ao invés das tradicionais avaliações de viabilidade celular, proliferação de colônias e genotoxicidade realizadas em culturas em 2D. Objetivos: 1) Padronizar a produção de nanopartículas de óxido de ferro (Fe3O4) aderentes às membranas celulares; 2) produzir corpos tridimensionais de células para obter um modelo tumoral (SK-MEL-37, melanoma humano) e um não-tumoral (CHO-KI, ovário de hamster). Metodologia: Linhagens Celulares: As células foram mantidas aderidas em garrafas de 25cm2 de área de cultivo (Corning) em incubadoras específicas (37º C, 5% CO2). Síntese de nanopartículas de óxido de ferro: As partículas foram produzidas por coprecipitação de Fe2+ e Fe3+ na proporção 1:2 em meio alcalino (pH: 13, NaOH) na presença de N2. Após produção, as partículas foram sucessivamente atraídas por campo magnético e lavadas com água. Polietilenoglicol (PEG 4000) e lisina foram adsorvidos para criar as estruturas de adesão às células. Numa cultura com 5mL de meio de cultura foram adicionados 500μL de suspensão de partículas. Caracterização das partículas: As suspensões foram avaliadas por microscopia eletrônica e por FTIR. Cultura: Poços de placas de 96 poços receberam 70μL de agarose para inibição da adesão celular. Suspensões de SK-MEL-37 e de CHOKI foram diluídas de forma a criar suspensões de 500 a 5000 células/poço. Após a semeadura, as placas foram cobertas com um arranjo de ímãs e mantidas em cultura por vários dias. Ao 5º, 7º e 9º dias os corpos nos poços foram fotografados em microscópio invertido e as áreas dos elementos medidas via software (ImageJ). Resultados: A microscopia eletrônica mostrou partículas com cerca de 20nm de diâmetro. A análise por FTIR mostrou estiramentos compatíveis com as ligações do ferro com o aminoácido (Lisina). As imagens mostram a formação de corpos esféricos até o nono dia. Diâmetro dos esferóides de LnCap variou de (média±erro) 434,407±50,018 μm (5º dia) a 264,574±13,184 μm (9º dia). Culturas de CHO variaram de 229,237±5,278 a 236,719 μm no mesmo período. Conclusão: Esferóides gerados por levitação magnética puderam ser medidos por meios digitais e comparados ao longo do experimento. A ferramenta poderá ser utilizada para testes de efeitos biológicos das radiações e/ou radiofármacos em cultura.

  • IPEN-DOC 24637

    TARGINO, BARBARA ; PINTO, THAIS L. ; SILVA, EVILY F. ; SOMESSARI, E.S.R. ; BELLINI, MARIA H. ; AFFONSO, REGINA . Evaluation of low doses of gamma irradiation in the formation of mineralization nodules in osteoblasts culture. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 116-116.

    Abstract: Introduction: Osteoblasts are specialized fibroblasts that secrete and mineralize the bone matrix. The mineralized extracellular matrix is mainly composed of type I collagen, osteocalcin, and the inorganic mineral hydroxylapatite1. The use of radiation as therapy in some cancers causes great bone loss. However, low dose radiation may have the opposite effect. Low dose X-irradiation on osteoblastic culture had effects on proliferation and differentiation with increase of mineralization nodules2. However, there is little information on the potential therapeutic efficacy of low-dose gamma-irradiation in the formation of mineralization nodules. Objective: To evaluate the effects of irradiation with 60Co γ-rays in low doses in the formation of mineralization nodules in culture of osteoblasts. Methods: MC3T3-E1 cells were bought by the Banco de Células do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14). The cells were cultured in α-MEM medium consisting of 10% FBS and without β-glycerophosphate and L-ascorbic acid (GIBCO, Custom Product, Catalog No. A1049001) (Zhao Y, Guan H, Liu S et al. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2005, 28(8):1371-1376). Plating efficiency assays: cells were plated at a density of 100 cell/plate into 60 mm Petri dishes. After 14 days the places were stained with violet crystal and the colonies were counted. -glycerophosphate and 50 mg/ml ascorbic acid, and analyzed on days 7, 14 and 21. Osteoblast culture irradiation assay: cells were plated at a density of 1x 105 cells/plate on 60 mm dishes and the next day were irradiated by 60Co source with 0 (as the control), 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 Gy using the GammaCell 220 – Irradiation Unit of Canadian-Atomic Energy Commission Ltd. (CTR-IPEN). On day 21 of culture, undifferentiated (without ascorbic acid and β-glycerophosphate), differentiating cells (0 Gy) and irradiated cells at different doses, the medium was removed, cells were washed with phosphate buffer saline, fixed with 70% ethyl alcohol and stained with Alizarin red S (Sigma). All in three biological replicates (a total of 54 samples) and multiple comparisons were assessed by One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni´s tests with GraphPad Prism version 6.0 software. P< 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Plating efficiency (PF) analysis is generally considered to be the gold standard of assays for testing the sensitivity of cell lines to ionizing radiation or other cytotoxic agents in vitro. The results obtained were a PF of 30% for non-irradiated culture, however, the irradiated culture obtained 40% in relation to the no-irradiated one, already with 0.5 Gy, and this percentage was maintained in the other larger doses. Regarding the evaluation of the formation of mineralization nodules, significant difference in 0.5 Gy group was observed compared with the control group (0 Gy), 64.7±1.8 and 53.0±0.9, respectively. The groups of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 Gy obtained a decrease in the mineralization nodules. The data obtained with increasing irradiation produced an increase of mineralization nodules up to 0.5 Gy and in the higher doses had a decrease. Applying the data in a non-linear function it is observed that the line has a decreasing tendency with the negative angular coefficient. This analysis is in agreement with the hormesis model, in which low doses induce a stimulatory effect while high doses cause inhibition4. Conclusions: This study is one among the first that investigating the biophysics of low-dose gamma-irradiation on MC3T3-E1 culture, focusing on the potential applications in bone replacement therapy.

  • IPEN-DOC 24636

    SILVA, JOSIAS P.L. ; BELLINI, MARIA H. . Radiosensitization of human prostate cell line lncap by [6]-gingerol. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 115-115.

    Abstract: Introduction: Prostate cancer is the second most prevalent malignancy and second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among men in the world. Several different diagnostic and therapeutic approaches have been developed in order to decrease the death rates. A number of experimental and clinical studies have showed antiproliferative, pro-apoptotic, anti-metastatic and anti-angiogenic effects of several phytochemicals. [6]-Gingerol (1-[4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl]-5-hydroxy-3- decanone), the major pungent principle of ginger, has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammation and antitumor promoting activities. Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the radiosensitizing activity of [6]-Gingerol in the human prostate cancer cells. Methods: The viability was assessed (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) tetrazolium (MTS) assay. The prostate human cells (LNCAP) (2,5×103 cells/well) were seeded into 96-well plates, after 24 hr they were treated with 150 and 300μg/mL of [6]-Gingerol or vehicle alone (0.1% DMSO) in serum containing media. After incubation, MTS solution was added to the plate at a final concentration of 0.5 mg/mL. The cells were incubated for 2 hr in dark at 37. The resulting MTS-products were determined by measuring the absorbance at 490 nm with ELISA reader. In the clonogenic cell survival assay, the cells were divided into two groups: A) control, B) treated with [6]-Gingerol, C) irradiated control and D) treated with [6]-Gingerol and irradiated. The cells were irradiated by 60Co source in the range from 0 to 15 Gy, using the GammaCell 220 – Irradiation Unit of Canadian-Atomic Energy Commision Ltd. (CTR-IPEN). After 10-14 days of culture in normoxia conditions, cell colonies were fixed and stained with methanol 20% and crystal violet 0.5% and counted. Multiple comparisons were assessed by One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni´s tests with GraphPad Prism version 6.0 software. p< 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Our results demonstrated that [6]-Gingerol treatment induced a dose-dependent decrease in the cell viability. Compared with the vehicle control, the cell viabilities were 75.99 ± 3.56% and 43.06 ± 7.82% when the cells were exposed to 150 μg/mL and 300 μg/mL of [6]-Gingerol, respectively. Therefore, we observed a significant difference between the treatment groups; (P<0.01). Then, the effect of [6]-Gingerol (300 μg/mL) on cell radiosensitivity was evaluated. The clonogenic cell survival assay showed a significant difference between dose-survival curves of group (A) and (B), (P<0.05) and between the group (C) and (D), (P<0.05). Therefore, [6]-Gingerol treatment increased the radiosensitivity of LNCaP cells. Conclusions: The results demonstrated that, besides inducing a dose-dependent apoptosis in LNCaP human prostate cancer cells, [6]-Gingerol showed a radiosensitizing activity. These findings suggests it potential as candidate phytochemical agent for combined therapy for prostate cancer.

  • IPEN-DOC 24635

    SILVA, EVELIN C. da ; BELLINI, MARIA H. . Upregulation of peroxideroxin-6 in human renal adenocarcinoma cells 786-0, after ionizing radiation. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 114-114.

    Abstract: Introduction: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) accounts for 3% of human malignancies and approximately 90% of renal malignancies and among urological tumors. RCC is quite resistant to conventional radiotherapy. This technique allows the dose of radiation, in a single fraction, to be precisely applied to the tumor and the tissues adjacent to it, most of the time, are spared. Proteomics has allowed large-scale studies of protein expression in different tissues and body fluids, under different conditions and / or times. Mass spectrometry allows the identification and quantification of thousands of proteins and peptides in a biological fluid or lysed cells, and is analyzed on a platform to identify differences in the expression of proteins associated with cancer cell proliferation and to establish potential biomarkers predictive of the response therapy. The peroxideroxin- 6 (PRDX 6) protein encoded by this gene is a member of the antioxidant protein family. The PRDX family contains six members that function in detoxifying ROS and providing cytoprotection from internal and It may play a role in the regulation of phospholipid turnover as well as in protection against oxidative injury. Aim: To analyze the expression of PRDX6 in 786-0 cells, after radiation. Methods: A cell culture of the 786-0 cells was performed and to evaluate the mitotic potential, the clonogenic assay was performed with doses of 2 to 10 Gy irradiated in GammaCell (CTR, IPEN) and incubated for 10 days in normoxia conditions. After 10 days, the colonies of the respective doses were stained with methanol 20% and crystal violet 0,5% and counted, and the multiple comparisons was analized by One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni´s test and at the defined dose the cells were irradiated and the cytoplasmic proteins were extracted by the PE kit Subcellular proteome extraction (Merck, USA), dosed by the Lowry method and stored at -20º. For the qualitative analysis of proteins, SDS-PAGE was performed with 50ug of protein and the protein band obtained was digested and analyzed by nanoUPLC tandem nanoESI-MSE mass spectrometry in the LNBio laboratory in Campinas-SP. The generated result was analyzed by MASCOT server for peptides searchs and quantitatively analized by scaffoldTM 4.6 software. Results: After the clonogenic assay was performed, 8 Gy was defined as the dose for cell irradiation, an average protein yield of 786-0 non-irradiated 2,59± 0,07 mg/mL and 786-0 irradiated with 3,13± 0,67 mg/mL was obtained. Mass spectrometry revealed the presence of the PRDX6 protein with a 95% coverage and a fold-change of 3.1 compared to the non-irradiated group. Conclusion: The overexpression of PRDX6 after radiation, suggests a potential role for PRDX6 in protection against oxidative stress and a radioresistance to renal cells,

  • IPEN-DOC 24634

    IKEGAMI, AMANDA ; SILVA, LUIZ F.T. da ; BELLINI, MARIA H. . Downregulation of NF-ΚB1 enhances the radiosensitivity of renal cell carcinoma. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 113-113.

    Abstract: Introduction: Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) accounts for ∼80% of all renal cell carcinomas (RCC) and has the Von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene mutated. The lack of VHL protein leads to a constitutionally active Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF) pathway that confers both chemoresistance and radioresistance for renal tumor. HIF pathway is known to interact with the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB). Increased NF-κB activity is associated with the development and progression of RCC (IKEGAMI A, TEIXEIRA LF. BRAGA MS et al. The American Society for Cell Biology 2016; 26: 3948-3955). Objective: Evaluate the synergistic effect of NF-kB1 knockdown and ionizing radiation in murine renal adenocarcinoma cell line. Methods: The murine renal adenocarcinoma cell line (Renca cells) (ATCC, USA) was cultured in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% FBS and penicillin/streptomycin. Lentiviral shRNA vector was used to knockdown of NF-KB1 gene in Renca cells, as described previously (1). In the clonogenic cell survival assay, the cells were irradiated by 60Co source in the range from 0 to 10 Gy, using the GammaCell 220 – Irradiation Unit of Canadian-Atomic Energy Commision Ltd. (CTR-IPEN). After 10-14 days of culture, cell colonies were fixed and stained with formaldehyde 4% and rhodamine B 2% and counted. To assess cell viability, tetrazolium [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5- (3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-MTS] was performed within 24 hours after irradiation at a dose of 10Gy. The survival variables α e β were fitted according to the linear quadratic equation (SF=exp[-αD-βD2]); SF=survival fraction, D=dose of irradiation and P value was determined by F test. Multiple comparisons were assessed by One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni´s tests with GraphPad Prism version 6.0 software. P< 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Data are shown as the mean ± SD. Results: The Renca-shRNA-NF-kB1 cells were found to be significantly more radiosensitive than controls - Renca-WT and Renca-Mock, (P<0.001 vs Renca-Mock). The ratio α/β was increased in Renca-shRNA-NF-kB1: -0.177±0.677 compared with 7.368±1.833 and 11.960±5.240 of the Renca- WT and Renca-Mock, respectively. There was no significant difference in the survival fraction between Renca-WT and Renca-Mock groups. The lethal dose 50% (LD50) of Renca-WT was 3.33 Gy and Renca-Mock was 3.288 Gy whereas for the Renca-shRNA-NF-kB1 group it was 2.08 Gy. Corroborating these data, the Renca-shRNA-NF-kB1 showed reduction of 16.75±0.06% in the viability when compared to the Renca-Mock (P<0.001). Conclusion: The knockdown of NF-kB1 gene mediated by shRNA on Renca cells led to a decrease in the radioresistance. Therefore, this gene can be a therapeutic target for CCR treatment.

  • IPEN-DOC 24633

    MENDONCA, DIEGO E. de O. ; FANTINATI, MARCELO S.; FANTINATI, ADRIANA M.M.; SANTOS, BRUNO F.; REIS, JULIANA C.O.; BARBOSA, DEYSE A.; ARAUJO, LORRANE C.; LINO JUNIOR, RUY S.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S. . Uso de terapia com luz de baixa potência para aceleração da cicatrização de queimaduras nas fases subaguda e crônica em ratos wistar com diabetes. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 99-100.

    Abstract: Introdução: Pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus têm dificuldades na cicatrização de feridas, por defeito na deposição de colágeno ou diminuição na síntese de fatores de crescimento. Devido a grande dificuldade de cicatrização, vários tipos de procedimentos são utilizados no tratamento desses pacientes, como o uso de alginatos de cálcio, solução fisiológica 0,9% e sulfadiazina de prata. A Terapia com Luz de Baixa Potência (TLBP) tem mostrado bons resultados para aceleração de reparo cutâneo, no entanto, poucos estudos exploram seus efeitos biológicos. Objetivos: Avaliar a utilização da TLBP na aceleração da cicatrização de queimaduras nas fases subaguda e crônica em ratos Wistar com diabetes por análise histomorfométrica. Métodos: Projeto aprovado pela CEUA-UFG (007/2012.100). Os animais, uma vez induzidos a diabetes com estreptozotocina e após anestesia com quetamina 10% e xilazina 2% intraperitoneal, foram submetidos à queimadura por escaldo com água quente acima de 96°C por 14 s para indução de queimaduras de 3°grau. 30 animais foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em 2 grupos, grupo controle sem irradiação e grupo tratado. O grupo tratado foi irradiado com um laser de baixa potência (LASERMED 4098®, Carci, São Paulo, SP) com emissor GaAlAs =650 nm, potência 12 mW, área do spot 0,1 cm², irradiância 0,3 J e tempo 50 s. Para o tratamento, a área da queimadura era dividida em quatro quadrantes irradiados no modo pontual fluência de 6 J/cm², resultando em 24 J/cm² por sessão, totalizando 3 sessões/semana em dias alternados. Os animais receberam trocas com curativos oclusivos embebidos com sulfadiazina de prata e tiveram acompanhamento quanto aos aspectos histológicos ao longo de 14, 21 e 30 dias, na análise histológica dos processos patológicos utilizou se a coloração por hematoxilina e eosina, já para a quantificação de colágeno foi realizada a coloração por picro- sírius. Os processos patológicos gerais descritos foram: necrose, infiltrado inflamatório de polimorfonucleares, infiltrado inflamatório de mononucleares, hiperemia, hemorragia, neoangiogênese, fibrina, fibroblastos, colágeno e reepitelização. Estes foram classificadas de forma semi- quantitativa, seguindo os seguintes critérios: ausente, discreta (com comprometimento de até 25% da área), moderada (26 a 50%) e acentuada (acima de 50%). Para a análise estatística utilizou-se o “teste t’’ paramétrico e resultados significativos quando p < 0, 05. Resultados: Os resultados obtidos para a neoângiogenes nos grupos controle e tratamento foram moderado (2,0±0,0) e acentuado (3,0±0), respectivamente o que foi estatisticamente significante no grupo tratado em relação ao controle ao 14° dia (p<0, 05). A presença de fibroblastos no 14°dia no grupo controle era moderado (2,6±0,5) na maioria das vezes e no grupo tratado era acentuado (3,0±0), no 21° dia era ausente no grupo controle e no tratado acentuada (3,0±0), assim o número de fibroblasto foram estatisticamente significantes no grupo tratado em relação ao controle (p<0,05). No grupo controle a quantificação de colágeno foi de 10,2(9,18–12,50) no 14° dia; 10,11(9,06- 12,50) no 21° dia e 10,2 (9,57-14,00) no 30° dia. No grupo tratado a quantificação de colágeno foi de 12,5 (11,33-13,61) no 14° dia; 13,5 (11,53-16,40) no 21° dia e 14,2 (13,45-15,31) no 30° dia, assim houve maior deposição de colágenos ao longo do 14°, 21° e 30° dia no grupo irradiado comparados ao controle (p <0,01). Conclusão: O tratamento reduziu a ferida ao longo do tempo, estimulando a neoangiogênese, aumento de fibroblastos e maior deposição de colágenos.

  • IPEN-DOC 24632

    SILVA, CAMILA R. ; LUNA, ARTHUR C.L.; MARIA, DURVANEI A.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S. . Terapia com laser em baixa intensidade na proliferação de células de câncer de mama. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 95-95.

    Abstract: Introdução: A terapia com laser em baixa intensidade (TLBI) tem ganhado grande destaque nas áreas da Saúde devido à busca por formas menos invasivas de tratamento. Entretanto, o seu uso em pacientes oncológicos é contraindicado já que a literatura reporta efeitos controversos em células tumorais. Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar os efeitos da TLBI na proliferação de células de tumor de mama. Métodos: Cem mil células de tumor de mama (MDA-MB-231) foram semeadas em placas de 96 poços em meio de cultura DMEM com 10 % de soro fetal bovino, e 24h depois, foram expostas à TLBI com laser de emissão em λ= 660nm e potência de 40 mW (MMOptics, São Carlos, SP, Brasil). O laser foi posicionado em contato direto com o fundo da placa, mantendo uma taxa de fluência uniforme de 1 W/cm2 por 60s e 120s, correspondendo as fluências de 60 J/cm2 e 120 J/cm2 (grupos TLBI60 e TLBI120, respectivamente). Os grupos controle não foram irradiados. Após 24 h, 48 h e 72 h, verificou-se a viabilidade celular em hemocitômetro através do teste de exclusão com azul de tripan, e a expressão do antígeno nuclear de proliferação celular (PCNA) e da proteína p53 por citometria de fluxo. As amostras preparadas separadamente para cada marcador (PCNA/p53) tiveram como canal de leitura FL1-H. Os experimentos foram realizados em triplicata em três momentos distintos (n=9). Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância dois fatores e Tukey como pós-teste, sendo considerados significativos quando p < 0,05. Resultados: Vinte e quatro-h e 48 h depois da TLBI, a viabilidade celular foi similar para os grupos TLBI e controle. Após 72 h, ambas as fluências promoveram redução significativa de aproximadamente 30 % no número de células viáveis em relação ao controle não irradiado. A expressão de PCNA depois de 24 h foi similar para todos os grupos. Após 48 h, ela foi cerca de 80 % e 70 % menor para os grupos TLBI60 e TLBI120, respectivamente. Em 72 h, nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significante foi detectada entre os grupos controle e TLBI60, mas para o grupo TLBI120 uma expressão significativamente mais baixa ( 50%) foi ainda observada. Com relação à expressão de p53, observou-se um aumento de cerca 56 % e 65 % para TLBI60 e TLBI120, respectivamente, após 24 h. Após 48 h, somente o grupo TLBI60 manteve essa expressão aumentada. Em 72 h, a expressão de p53 não diferiu entre os grupos. Conclusões: Considerando os parâmetros utilizados, nossos dados indicam que o uso da TLBI em células de tumor de mama pode reduzir a viabilidade celular, diminuir a proliferação celular e aumentar a expressão da proteína p53 indicando uma possível indução a apoptose dependendo da fluência e do tempo após tratamento.

  • IPEN-DOC 24631

    CABRAL, FERNANDA V. ; PELLEGRINO, MILENA T.; SEABRA, AMEDEA B.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S. . Efeitos da terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana associada a nanopartículas doadoras de óxido nítrico em leishmaniose cutânea. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 94-94.

    Abstract: Introdução: A leishmaniose cutânea (LC) é uma doença crônica desenvolvida por parasitas do gênero Leishmania que promove lesões destrutivas e ulceradas. Os tratamentos disponíveis são limitados devido a efeitos colaterais, resistência e toxicidade. A inativação fotodinâmica (PDI) envolve a geração de estresse oxidativo e tem sido explorada como tratamento alternativo para LC. Além disso, estudos indicam que a administração de doadores de NO exógenos representa uma estratégia interessante contra LC. Objetivos: O propósito deste trabalho foi explorar os efeitos da PDI mediada por azul de metileno (AM) em associação com doadores de NO encapsulados em nanopartículas de quitosana (CSNP) em LC induzida em modelo murino utilizando bioluminescência em tempo real. Métodos: Projeto aprovado pela CEUA/IPEN 189/17. Utilizamos promastigotas de linhagem transgênica de Leishmania (L.) amazonensis expressando luciferase. Dezesseis camundongos BALB/c foram infectados na pata esquerda com 1.106 promastigotas. Após 4 semanas, os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos experimentais (n=4): Controle (não tratado), PDI, PDI+CSNP e CSNP. A PDI foi administrada em duas sessões espaçadas de 24 horas e as CSNPs (80 μM) foram aplicadas imediatamente após a segunda sessão de PDI. A PDI foi realizada utilizando-se um LED vermelho (λ=660±22 nm), AM (100μM), irradiância de 100 mW/cm2 e exposição radiante de 150 J/cm². A carga parasitária foi analisada através da detecção da luciferase por bioimageamento nas primeiras 96 horas após o tratamento e nas 4 semanas subsequentes. Estatística: análise de variância com teste Tukey como pós-teste e diferenças entre grupos foram consideradas estatisticamente significativas quando p <0,05. Resultados: O grupo teste apresentarou redução significativa na carga parasitária em relação ao controle durante o experimento. 24 h após os tratamentos, a carga parasitária no grupo PDI+CSNP (1,1.106 ±9,6.105) reduziu em relação ao controle (1,3.107±1,1 .107) e continuou significativamente menor em 48 horas (1,8.106±1,4.106, PDI+CSNP e 2,7.107±1,4.107, controle), mas não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes quando comparada aos outros grupos teste. Após 72 h, todos os grupos tratados foram semelhantes com redução significativa em relação ao controle (controle 2,6.107±1,4.107, PDI+CSNP 4,6.106±3,4.106 e CSNP 1,9.107±4,8.107). A carga parasitária nos grupos teste permaneceu aproximadamente menor que o controle após 1, 2, 3 e 4 semanas pós-tratamento. Conclusão: Sob as condições utilizadas neste estudo, concluímos que as CSNPs não foram capazes de aumentar a eficiência da PDI mediada por azul de metileno em CL induzida por L. (L) amazonensis em camundongos.

  • IPEN-DOC 24628

    CALVO, WILSON A.P. . IPEN - aplicação de técnicas nucleares voltado para a área da saúde. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 24-25.

    Abstract: O IPEN/CNEN/SP tem destacada atuação em vários setores da atividade nuclear entre elas, nas aplicações das radiações e radioisótopos, em reatores nucleares, em materiais e no ciclo do combustível, em radioproteção e dosimetria, cujos resultados vem proporcionando avanços significativos no domínio de tecnologias, na produção de materiais e na prestação de serviços de valor econômico e estratégico para o país, possibilitando estender os benefícios da energia nuclear à segmentos maiores de nossa população. A multidisciplinaridade das atividades do setor nuclear, tem permitido conduzir amplo e variado programa de pesquisas e desenvolvimentos em outras áreas. Dentre essas, Biotecnologia, Física Nuclear e de Radioquímica, Materiais Avançados, como a obtenção e preparação de cerâmicas especiais, biomateriais e crescimento de monocristais para o uso em lasers. Um rigoroso programa de controle radiológico e de segurança nuclear é conduzido em todas as instalações nucleares e radioativas do IPEN. Este programa inclui monitorações radiológicas, pessoal e ambiental, atendimento a emergências radiológicas, análises radiotoxicológicas, avaliações radiosanitárias, calibração de monitores de radiação, tratamento e acondicionamento de rejeitos nucleares de baixa atividade. O IPEN é ainda responsável, em associação com a USP, pela condução de programas de pós-graduação em nível de mestrado e doutorado. A CAPES tem avaliado os cursos de pós-graduação do IPEN com os melhores conceitos, colocando-o entre os melhores cursos de pós-graduação do país.

    Palavras-Chave: reactors; nuclear medicine; radioisotopes; nuclear energy; education; information dissemination; nuclear power plants; research programs; brazilian cnen; educational facilities

  • IPEN-DOC 24627

    VILLAVICENCIO, ANNA L.C.H. . O combate ao mosquito Aedes aegypti é uma necessidade e um desafio. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 24-24.

    Abstract: A Técnica do Inseto Estéril responde à emergência dessa demanda como uma das ações cabíveis e promissoras no controle de populações do mosquito vetor, principal responsável pela transmissão da Zica, dengue e chikungunya. Como parte das atribuições científicas do IPENCNEN/ SP, estamos contatando e centralizando o respaldo de parcerias com entomologistas para a parte especifica de criação e manipulação dos vetores com outros institutos governamentais no Estado de São Paulo, tais como o Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Instituto da Universidade de São Paulo (CENA/USP) em Piracicaba, que também pode oferecer treinamento na técnica do macho estéril acoplado à bactéria wolbachia (IIT) e com a Superintendência de Controle de Endemias (SUCEN), com uma estrutura diferenciada para programas de controle de vetores e combate químico de sua proliferação, além de possibilitar o incremento dos programas de treinamento e capacitação do pessoal de saúde dos municípios visando aumentar a eficiência já existente das intervenções de controle do problema pela SUCEN em parceria com o IPEN utilizando técnicas nucleares com finalidade pacífica e sem deixar resíduos químicos no ambiente. Neste contexto, o IPEN pode contribuir numa ação emergencial de irradiação em massa das pupas dos mosquitos vetores com a utilização das máquinas de grande porte e capacidade de um volume de até 2.000 mosquitos por minuto, de 60Co e de aceleradores de elétrons, além de oferecermos uma plataforma colaborativa para compartilhamento e disseminação do conhecimento científico sobre a aplicação das técnicas nucleares na alimentação, agricultura e saúde.

  • IPEN-DOC 24626

    ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M. . Fontes radioativas para braquiterapia, produção brasileira. In: ANAIS DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE BIOCIENCIAS NUCLEARES, 09-11 de outubro, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Resumo... Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Sociedade Brasileira de Biociências Nucleares, 2017. p. 16-17.

    Abstract: No Brasil o câncer é um dos principais problemas de saúde pública, constituindo-se em significativa causa de mortalidade. A cada ano aumenta o número de casos de câncer no País, e parte destes pacientes são tratados com Braquiterapia com fontes radioativas. A Braquiterapia, irradiação a curta distância, é uma forma de tratamento de lesões que se baseia na inserção de fontes radioativas em tumores. Neste processo, a radiação ionizante destrói com eficiência as células malignas. O tratamento com Braquiterapia pode ser realizado de forma singular ou associado a outras técnicas. Os implantes são feitos para vários tipos de tumores, a saber: cavidade oral, pescoço, colo do útero, mama, cérebro, pele, próstata, olho, etc. Entre as vantagens específicas da radiação externa, pode-se ressaltar a capacidade de dar forma à distribuição da isodose em lesões irregulares, a acentuada diminuição da dose fora da área de implante (poupando tecidos normais). Fios de Irídio-192: As fontes para Braquiterapia são, usualmente, na forma de fios flexíveis de 0,3mm e 0,5mm de diâmetro e que podem ser facilmente cortados no comprimento requerido para cada aplicação. Estes fios consistem de um núcleo de uma liga Platina-Irídio (80/20) encapsulado em um tubo de Platina ou Aço Inox. O revestimento tem a finalidade de filtrar os raios beta. A atividade específica, para terapia de baixa taxa de dose (LDR), está compreendida entre 1mCi/cm e 4mCi/cm, sendo que a principal característica requerida é a homogeneidade da atividade ao longo do fio, que não deve apresentar variação maior que 5% num fio de 50cm de comprimento. A meia-vida do Irídio-192 é de 74 dias. O objetivo do IPEN foi implantar um laboratório para produção de fontes de Irídio -192, ou seja, a determinação de um método de ativação dos fios e a construção de uma célula quente para manipulação, controle de qualidade e embalagem dos fios. A finalidade do trabalho foi tornar o País auto-suficiente na produção destas fontes e com preços cerca de 50% menores que o importado. Sementes de Iodo-125: Na braquiterapia, pequenas sementes contendo Iodo-125, material radioativo, são implantadas diretamente na próstata e uma grande dose de radiação é liberada apenas na próstata atacando o tumor, não atingindo os órgãos sadios próximos. Como a ocorrência de efeitos colaterais é menor, 85% dos pacientes com até 70 anos de idade, permanecem potentes sexualmente após o tratamento e raramente apresentam problemas de incontinência urinária. O implante com sementes é um procedimento de baixo impacto, não é cirúrgico e a pessoa pode retornar à atividade normal dentro de um a três dias. Os implantes atuais com sementes de Iodo-125 estão sendo realizados no Brasil, utilizando-se sementes importadas. O custo do produto para os hospitais e clínicas especializadas é significativo e a técnica exige, em geral, a aplicação de 80 a 120 sementes por paciente. Com o desenvolvimento das sementes feitas pelo IPEN/CNEN/SP, o Brasil passa a ser um dos poucos países do mundo, a dominar a tecnologia de produção de sementes de Iodo-125. Com a implantação rotineira, espera-se produzir sementes a um custo de no mínimo, 30% menor que as importadas. A estimativa de demanda das sementes de Iodo-125 é de 8.000 sementes/mês. A finalidade do projeto é capacitar o país na produção das sementes, a um custo compatível com a realidade brasileira, disponibilizar o produto para classe médica evitando as dificuldades de importação e os custos alfandegários, permitir ao maior número de pacientes o acesso a esta modalidade de terapia.

  • IPEN-DOC 24625

    ALMEIDA-MURADIAN, LIGIA B.; KOIKE, AMANDA C.R. ; ARAUJO, ELIAS S.; VILLAVICENCIO, ANNA L.C.H. . Determination of tocopherols in edible flowers processed by ionizing radiation using HPLC. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RECENT ADVANCES IN FOOD ANALYSIS, 8th, November 07-10, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. Abstract... Prague, Czech Republic: University of Chemistry and Technology, 2017. p. 290-290.

    Abstract: Edible flowers are used to add flavor, color, taste and visual appeal in gastronomic preparations such as sauces, salads, jelly, desserts and drinks. There are many edible flowers, rich in minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, which are very important for human nutrition. Ionizing radiation is applied for foods to improve their conservation quality, food safety, insect disinfestation and increase the shelf-life of food and is a method that can be used for the extension of shelf life of edible flowers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of ionizing radiation doses of control, 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0 kGy in edible flowers of spices Tropaeolum majus, Rosa chinensis and Tagete patula. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used for the determination of tocopherols (α-, β-, γ-, δ-tocopherol) with fluorescence detection (295 nm and 330 nm as preferred wavelengths) using Shim-pack NH2 (25 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 μm) column and hexane and isopropyl alcohol (99:1) as mobile phase. In the species of edible flowers analyzed it was found alpha, gamma, beta and delta tocopherol. However, alpha tocopherol form was predominant (8.29 to x 62.79 mg/100g) for all the edible flowers species. Moreover, flowers processed by radiation have not shown significantly difference when compared to the control sample.

  • IPEN-DOC 24624

    ALMEIDA, MARIANA C. de ; SAMPAIO, GENI R.; BASTOS, DEBORAH H.M. ; VILLAVICENCIO, ANNA L.C.H. . Effect of gamma radiation processing on the antioxidant activity of ginger. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RECENT ADVANCES IN FOOD ANALYSIS, 8th, November 07-10, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. Abstract... Prague, Czech Republic: University of Chemistry and Technology, 2017. p. 269-269.

    Abstract: Biological activity of ginger, especially antioxidant activity, has been associated to their bioactive compounds, gingerols, mainly 6-gingerol. Foods have some key compounds, which regulate their taste, aroma and nutritional profile, even if they are present in low concentration. These compounds used to be sensitive to irradiation in high doses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of gamma irradiation from 60Co at doses 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 kGy on ginger (ZINGIBER officinalle Roscoe), particularly about its antioxidant activity. The quantification of phenolic compounds was performed by Folin-Ciocalteu method and assessing the potential of antioxidant activity by the free radical [2,2 difenil-1-pricrilhidrazil (DPPH•)] scavenging and by Rancimat® method. The 6-gingerol quantification was performed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). There were no significant differences of total phenolic compounds in the irradiated samples compared to control (p>0,05). Eventhough, no irradiated extract showed higher ability on free radical scavenging. The Rancimat® method showed that antioxidant activity index (AAI) was not significant different (p>0,05) between analyzed extracts, as well as 6-gingerol quantification. It could be concluded that gamma radiation processing may be a feasible alternative for ginger because it does not significantly alter its major phenolic compounds or its significant antioxidant potential.

  • IPEN-DOC 24623

    KOIKE, AMANDA C.R. ; ARAUJO, ELIAS S.; ALMEIDA-MURADIAN, LIGIA B. de; VILLAVICENCIO, ANNA L.C.H. . Antioxidant compounds in edible flowers of tagetes patula L (Asteraceae) processed by radiation. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RECENT ADVANCES IN FOOD ANALYSIS, 8th, November 07-10, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. Abstract... Prague, Czech Republic: University of Chemistry and Technology, 2017. p. 250-250.

    Abstract: Tagetes patula L. (Asteraceae), are French marigold native from Mexico and Central America, which are also popularly known and disseminated throughout the world. Furthermore, the French marigold flowers are used in culinary preparations, being also acknowledged for their phytochemical and medicinal properties. Edible flowers have been increasingly used in culinary preparations, which require new approaches to improve their conservation and safety. Nowadays, food irradiation as a Phytosanitary application is an economically and viable technology to extend shelf life of many vegetables. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant properties of T. patula flowers submitted to electron beam and gamma irradiation doses of 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0 kGy, as also non-irradiated samples (control). The antioxidant activity was evaluated through Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity assay (ORAC), 2,2- diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging and Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP). The results show that the process by ionizing radiation in the flowers T. patula preservation can be feasible alternative ensured the properties of edible flowers.

  • IPEN-DOC 24621

    GUILHEN, S.N. ; COLETI, J.; TENARIO, J.A.S.; FUNGARO, D.A. . Influence of pyrolytic temperature on uranium adsorption capability by biochar derived from macauba coconut residue. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 97-98.

    Abstract: Biochar (BC) is a carbon-rich product obtained when biomass is thermally decomposed at relatively low temperatures (under 700 C) and limited supply of oxygen in a process called pyrolysis. The conversion of biomass into BC can not only result in renewable energy source of synthetic gas and bio-oil, but also decrease the content of CO2 in the atmosphere, as well as improving soil fertility. Because of its porous structure, charged surface and surface functional groups, BC exhibits a great potential as an adsorbent. Brazilian agro energy chain involves tons of biomass waste, providing a wide range of biomasses with different chemical and physical properties. BC characteristics strongly depend on the feedstock and the pyrolysis conditions, in which the temperature is the key parameter. The aim of this study was to evaluate the adsorption potential for the removal of uranium, U(VI), from aqueous solutions using BC obtained through the pyrolysis of the macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) coconut endocarp as a function of the final pyrolytic temperature. BCs produced at higher temperatures are likely to present lower H/C and O/C ratios, indicating the loss of easily degradable carbon compounds such as volatile matter. In contrast, low-temperature pyrolysis produces not only a higher BC yield, but also richer in surface functional groups which will likely enable interactions with the U(VI) ions. The endocarp was subjected to six different pyrolytic temperatures, ranging from 250 C to 750 C. The influence of parameters such as pH, sorbent dose and initial concentration on the adsorption of U(VI) was investigated. The maximum adsorption capacity (q) was achieved for the BC obtained at 250 C (BC250), which presented a removal percentage of approx. 86%, demonstrating the potential of the BC from macauba endocarp for treatment of wastewaters. Thus, submitting the endocarp to temperatures higher than 250 C becomes unnecessary, saving time and reducing operating costs.

  • IPEN-DOC 24620

    SILVA, P.S.C. ; SEMMLER, R. ; ZAHN, G. ; ROCHA, F.R. ; DAMATTO, S.R. ; FAVARO, D.I.T. . Natural and artificial nuclides in Salesópolis reservoir by gamma spectometry. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 97-97.

    Abstract: Natural radioactivity is ubiquitous in the environment mainly due to the presence of the nuclides from the uranium and thorium series and K-40 in soil, water and sediments. Although in the South Hemisphere nuclear tests have been fewer in number than that in the North, artificial radionuclides can also be found spread at ground level. Salesópolis is located in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo city (SPMR). The Usina Parque Rio Tietê (Salesópolis) reservoir belong to the Alto do Tietê system for the capture, storage and treatment of water for the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR). Therefore, the quality of the water, as well as, of sediments of this dam is of great importance. In this study, the activity concentrations of the natural uranium and thorium nuclides series, K-40 and the artificial Cs-137 were determined in a sediment core (T1B) with 42cm depth and sliced each 3 cm totalizing 14 samples, collected in the middle of the Salesópolis dam. Samples were sealed and wait 30 days for the radioactive equilibrium to be reached. The activity concentrations were measured by gamma spectrometry. Samples were counted and saved at regular intervals at a maximum of 160 000 seconds. The gross area were calculated for each peak and plotted against time and the counting rate was obtained by the sloop of the curve. The background and reference materials were treated in the same way. Results showed that 228Th varied from 44 to 150 Bq kg􀀀1 ; 228Ra, from 49 to 149 Bq kg􀀀1; 226Ra, from 26 to 88 Bq kg􀀀1; 210Pb, from 93 to 247 Bq kg􀀀1 ; 40K, from 127 to 852 Bq kg􀀀1 and 137Cs varied from 0.2 to 6.7 Bq kg􀀀1

  • IPEN-DOC 24619

    TERREMOTO, L.A.A. ; TADDEI, M.H.T.; MACACINI, J.F. ; VICENTE, R. ; MARUMO, J.T. . Determination of scaling factors to estimate the radionuclide inventory of wastes from the IEA-R1 research reactor. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 96-96.

    Abstract: Regulations for transfer and final disposal of radioactive waste require that the inventory of radionuclides for each package enclosing such waste must be estimated and declared. In this work, the scaling factor methodology was applied successfully to estimate the inventory of radionuclides in spent ion-exchange resins and spent activity level, from the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor. Scaling factors or correlation functions were obtained linking the activity concentrations of 15 difficult to measure nuclides with two gamma-ray emitting key nuclides, reducing exposure to ionizing radiation, contamination risks and operational costs.

  • IPEN-DOC 24618

    FREITAS, A.C. ; CARVALHO, E.F.U. . Study of the densification of uranium-erbium system. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 96-96.

    Abstract: The sintering process of UO2-Er2O3 pellets has been investigated because of its importance in the nuclear industry and the complex behavior during sintering. The present study includes the development of nuclear fuel for power reactor in order to increase the efficiency of the fuel trough longer refueling intervals. The erbium is indicated for longer cycles, which means less stops to refueling and less waste. In this work, we studied the use of erbium oxide by varying the concentrations in the range of 1-9.8%, which was added to UO2 powder through mechanical mixing, aiming to check the rate of densification and a possible sintering blockage. The powders were pressed and sintered at 1700 C under hydrogen atmosphere. The results show a sintering blockage in the UO2-Er2O3 system that occurs in the range of 1500- 1700 C temperature. Dilatometric tests indicate a retraction of 21.9% when used Er2O3 at 1 wt. % concentration. This shrinkage is greater than is observed with higher concentrations or even without the addition of the burnable poison, providing us with a better degree of incorporation of the element erbium, resulting in pellets with density suitable for use as nuclear fuel.

  • IPEN-DOC 24617

    PERINI, A.A. ; FREITAS, A.Z. . Innovation trajectories, insertion areas, a roadmap IEA-R1 in numbers. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 95-95.

    Abstract: The main objective of this work is to present a general framework of the impact of technological innovation in the Research Reactor IEA-R1. The innovation are vital to improvement offer through chains front-to-end in health, environment, food and agriculture, energy, chemistry, education, entertainment and arts: treat supranational levels and offers accessible global technology. The innovation pool perspective in IEA-R1 is a natural consequence of investments in Research and Development (R&D), between and among Universities and Public Research Institutions and multiple benefits arising from results, towards Awards in Science and Policy disclosure. Geographically IEA-R1 is situated in São Paulo Capital, one of the 10 biggest cities of the globe with high density of population and market demand. The technological innovation impact measurements depend on (1) quality of diversified technology knowledge and (2) quality of diversified country industry knowledge, these innovation indicators can be specified further. From this big view picture, IPEN’s Technology Transfer Office took these two general dimensions of impact into account and divided them into four (4) sub-categories that explain over five years of the potential benefits and performance results in areas such as: a) human resources, b) services and products, c) research, teaching and education, d) intellectual property, patents, projects, creativity and inventiveness. IEA-R1 research reactor in numbers is an inspirational approach engine and large influence in cultural and Institutional policymaking in Science, Technology and Innovation (S&T&I). The unique strengthen link can be matched from the S&T&I Policy in term of "technology transfer" in capacity building from push or/and pull innovation models. The central competence framework aimed at advancing knowledge necessary for initiating a Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB) installation process that would eventually lead to innovation trajectories and with strong security and safe cultural insertion gauge to country succeed in international competition through innovation and growth, high-quality products and services, and research and education areas.

    Palavras-Chave: commercialization; technology assessment; technology impacts; research programs; iear-1 reactor; technology transfer; nuclear engineering

  • IPEN-DOC 24616

    MENEZES, M.O. ; SEMMLER, R. ; CARVALHO, G.M. de ; LANDULFO, E. ; DIAS, M.S. . E-science, data science and scientific computing. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 93-93.

    Abstract: The publication of papers in scientific journals or conference proceedings, has being the main way of summarization of experimental results obtained by the researchers over the time. However, the sharing of the experimental data in raw format or after some processing, is also equally important for the scientific community, as they provide the necessary input to reproducible experiments and also to independent validation of scientific results. Nowadays, the volume of scientific data production has increased to giant amounts, demanding new means of storage and curation as well as processes and technologies to make them available in durable ways. As a consequence, and at the same time a response, to those demands, a new scientific paradigm has emerged: the e-Science. This new paradigm distinguished itself from the traditional science, being characterized by intense computational activity, required to process the large volume of data that can be obtained from modern scientific experiments. e-Science, ultimately, is related to knowledge discovery and sharing not only as scientific publications, but also as experimental data, rich theoretic vocabularies, and several reusable services useful to the scientific community. The great availability of scientific data, both in raw or processed formats, leveraged by the adoption of transparency and accessibility politics by scientists all over the globe which publish their data on institutional or private repositories, are making possible also the reutilization of such data for new analysis by other scientists, who, employing new statistical approaches, such as machine learning algorithms suited to large amount of data, are also obtaining new results, not only from old data, but also, from the big amount of data originated from modern experimental facilities, doing what is known as "data science". The demand for intense computational utilization by e-Science related activities include not only the traditional simulation methods, but also the development of new tools that can operate in these new environments, such as, cloud based storage, cloud based access and analysis, mobile access to their research data, equipment monitoring and management, etc. All these activities are the scope of Scientific Computing being conducted at the Research Reactor Center - CRPq (IPEN-CNEN/SP).

  • IPEN-DOC 24615

    CARVALHO, G.M. ; SEMMLER, R. ; MENEZES, M.O. . IPEN e-science semantic repository – neutron activation analysis data. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 92-92.

    Abstract: Scientific knowledge production has been characterized over the time by the publication of papers in scientific journals or conference proceedings, which summarize the experimental results obtained by the researchers. However, the sharing of the experimental data in raw format or after some processing, is also equally important for the scientific community, as they provide the necessary input to reproducible experiments and also to independent validation of scientific results. In the current scenario, the volume of scientific data production has increased to giant amounts, demanding new means of storage and curation as well as processes and technologies to make them available in durable ways. As a consequence, and at the same time a response, to those demands, a new scientific paradigm has emerged: the e-Science. This new paradigm distinguished itself from the traditional science, being characterized by intense computational activity, required to process the large volume of data that can be obtained from modern scientific experiments. e- Science, ultimately, is related to knowledge discovery and sharing not only as scientific publications, but also as experimental data, rich theoretic vocabularies, and several reusable services useful to the scientific community. The main objective of this project is to create a semantic data repository for all the investigations done at the Neutron Activation Analysis Laboratory of the Research Reactor Center – CRPq (IPEN-CNEN/SP). Our primary goal is to provide a platform that supports the preservation of all data originated from all investigations carried out at our research center, increasing the reproductibility and also providing new integrated solutions to e-Science applications. The data repository has as its main characteristics and goals, from the researcher point of view: access control to all scientific data for all its life cycle, experimental data acquisition integration, research data filtering and storage. For the general public, the data repository will offer a unified location for all research data produced at IPEN, a searchable interface and links to publications related to the accessed data. This search capability will be improved and extended by the utilisation of a semantic layer supported by a data/domain ontology. The resulting semantic data repository will then be able to increase the search efficiency, with more accurate information, due to the controlled vocabulary provided by ontology as well as due to the possibility of the use of an inference engine together with the search engine.

  • IPEN-DOC 24614

    ANDRADE, D.A. ; ANGELOA, G. ; ANGELO, E.; SANTOS, P.H.G. ; OLIVEIRA, F.B.V. ; TORRES, W.M. ; UMBEHAUN, P.E. ; SOUZA, J.A.B. ; BELCHIOR JUNIOR, A. ; SABUNDJIAN, G. ; PRADO, A.C. . A CFD numerical model for the flow distribution in a MTR fuel element. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 91-91.

    Abstract: Previously, an instrumented dummy fuel element (DMPV-01), with the same geometric characteristics of a MTR fuel element, was designed and constructed for pressure drop and flow distribution measurement experiments at the IEA-R1 reactor core. This dummy element was also used to measure the flow distribution among the rectangular flow channels formed by element fuel plates. A CFD numerical model was developed to complement the studies. This work presents the proposed CFD model as well as a comparison between numerical and experimental results of flow rate distribution among the internal flow channels. Numerical results show that the model reproduces the experiments very well and can be used for the studies as a more convenient and complementary tool.

    Palavras-Chave: computerized simulation; distribution; flow rate; fuel elements; iear-1 reactor; materials testing reactors; numerical solution; reactor channels; reactor cores; thermal hydraulics

  • IPEN-DOC 24613

    MARCELINO, S. ; OLIVEIRA, C.A. ; MATTAR, M. . Ageing assessment of the brazilian research reactor IEA-R1 coresupport structures. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 89-89.

    Abstract: IEA-R1 is a research reactor developed by Babcock & Wilcox and operating in IPEN – CNEN/SP since 1957. The core of the reactor is located 7 meters below the swimming pool water level and mounted over eighty holes supporting plate. Over theses holes fuel and control elements, guides, and other structures are located, displaced in a way to optimize experimental arrangements. The main plate is supported by a frame that is connected to an overhead crane through aluminum profiles. This work evaluates the support structure of the core and estimates its service life, taking into account the deformation of the aluminum alloy 6061 T6 due to a critical integrated neutron flux of 0:5 1022 neutrons per cm2. Considering the reactor neutron flux as the main life criteria to the aluminum profiles that support the core structure, we evaluate the remaining working hours of the frame. It also estimates the consequence of a change in the reactor power from 2 MW to 5 MW. Future works should include a visual inspection and an evaluation of the frame materials

  • IPEN-DOC 24612

    UMBEHAUN, P.E. ; TORRES, W.M. . Thermal-hydraulic analysis of the IEA-R1 research reactor – a comparison between ideal and actual conditions. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 88-88.

    Abstract: Thermal-hydraulic analysis were performed for the IEA-R1 research reactor considering ideal, estimated and actual flow rate conditions through the fuel elements. The ideal conditions were obtained dividing the total primary flow rate among the fuel elements and the estimated conditions were calculated using the computer program FLOW. The actual flow rate conditions were experimentally measured using an instrumented dummy fuel element. The results show that the actual conditions are far from ideal and calculated ones due to the high bypass flow that deviates the active reactor core through the irradiation devices, gaps, couplings, etc..Thus, the safety margins are smaller for the actual flow conditions.

  • IPEN-DOC 24611

    UMBEHAUN, P.E. ; ANDRADE, D.A. ; TORRES, W.M. ; RICCI, W. . Instrumented fuel assembly. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 87-88.

    Abstract: The flow rate in the channel between two fuel assemblies is very difficult to estimate or measured. This flow rate is very important to the cooling process of the external plates. This work presents the project and construction of an instrumented fuel assembly with the objectives of perform more accurate safety analysis for the IEA-R1 reactor; determine the actual cooling conditions (mainly in the outermost fuel plate) and validate computer codes used for thermalhydraulic and safety analysis of research reactors. Fourteen thermocouples were installed in this instrumented fuel assembly. Four in each lateral channel, one in the inlet nozzle and one in the outlet nozzle. There are three thermocouples in each channel to measure the clad temperature and one thermocouple to measure the fluid temperature. Three series of experiments, for three different core configuration were carried out with the instrumented fuel assembly. In two experiments a box was installed around the core to reduce the cross flow between the fuel assembly and measure the impact in the temperatures of external plates. The experimental results obtained with the instrumented fuel element are very consistent with the phenomenology involved. Given the amount of information generated and its utility in the design, improvement and qualification in construction, assembly and manufacturing of instrumented fuel, this project turned out to be an important landmark on the thermal-hydraulic study of research reactor cores. The proposed solutions could be useful for other research reactors.

  • IPEN-DOC 24610

    ALMEIDA, P. ; ZEITUNE, C.A. . Structural design of a buried construction bunker type, intended for the installation of linear accelerator equipment of electrons. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 87-87.

    Abstract: External radiotherapy occupies a prominent place in cancer treatments. The constructions of the linear accelerators of electronics bunkers are costly and this factor is limiting so that more equipment is installed. It is necessary to research constructive options with the objective of reducing costs, without loss of the guarantee of structural stability and radiological protection as a barrier. In the screening study of these facilities, various materials may be employed for radiation attenuation. Reinforced concrete is used in many of these facilities, either for its cost or the constructive facility in Brazil, due to the knowledge of this material. The objective of this study was to design and analyze a bunker buried in reinforced concrete and as a comparative of costs the structure of an ungrounded bunker was also designed, also in reinforced concrete. Some advantages and disadvantages of each structural system were indicated, as well as the costs of the basic structure of two models. The structure of the walls, accesses, slabs, beams and pillars, as well as foundations, in terms of cost, has the ratio of 4 times the bunker not buried to the buried bunker, a significant value in the installation of a radiotherapy service.

  • IPEN-DOC 24609

    FALOPPA, A.A. ; FAINER, G. ; OLIVEIRA, C.A. ; MATTAR, M. . Refurbishment of the IEA-R1 primary coolant system piping supports. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 86-87.

    Abstract: This paper presents the study and the structural analysis of the IEA-R1 primary circuit piping supports, considering all the changes involved in the piping system replacement conducted in 2014. The IEA-R1 is a nuclear reactor for research purposes designed by Babcox-Willcox that is operated by IPEN since 1957. The reactor life management and modernization program is being conducted for the last two decades and already resulted in a series of changes, especially on the reactor coolant system. This set of components, divided in primary and secondary circuit, is responsible for the circulation of water into the core to remove heat. In the ageing management program that includes regular inspection, some degradation was observed in the primary piping system. As result, the renewing of the piping system was carried out in 2014. Moreover the poor condition of some original piping supports gave rise to the refurbishment of all piping supports. The aim of the present work is to review the design of the primary system piping supports taking into account the current conditions after the changes and refurbishment.

  • IPEN-DOC 24608

    FALOPPA, A.A. ; FAINER, G. ; OLIVEIRA, C.A. ; MATTAR NETO, M. . IEA-R1 renewed primary coolant piping system stress analysis. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 86-86.

    Abstract: A partial replacement of the IEA-R1 piping system was conducted in 2014. The aim of this work is to perform the stress analysis of the renewed primary piping system of the IEA-R1, taking into account the as built conditions and the pipe modifications. The nuclear research reactor IEA-R1 is a pool type reactor designed by Babcox- Willcox, which is operated by IPEN since 1957. The primary coolant system is responsible for removing the residual heat of the Reactor core. As a part of the life management, a regular inspection detected some degradation in the primary piping system. In consequence, part of the piping system was replaced. The partial renewing of the primary piping system did not imply in major piping layout modifications. However, the stress condition of the piping systems had to be reanalyzed. The structural stress analysis of the primary piping systems is now presented and the final results are discussed.

  • IPEN-DOC 24607

    FALOPPA, A.A. ; TING, D.K.S. . Methodology review for the ageing self-assessment applied at IEA-R1. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 85-85.

    Abstract: The ageing phenomenon is a general process that occurs in all kind of installation in different ways of intensity depending on large spectrum of causes. In a Research Reactor technological ageing and natural physical ageing associated to utilization or decay are present in most of items. This way the main objective of this paper is to describe the methodology applied to study and manage this effect in order to preserve the installation integrity and in addition to present the current status of the ageing management program. Studies and ageing management self-assessment of IEA-R1 IPEN research reactor were conducted following IAEA recommendations contained in the Technical Report 338: "Methodology for the Management of Ageing of Nuclear Power Plant Components Important to Safety", in the TECDOC 792: "Management of Research Reactor Ageing" and in the IAEA - Service Series - "guidelines for the Review or Research Reactor Safety". The self-assessment resulted in the identification of critical components for the ageing management program and also, recommendations for improvement of the Inspection and Testing Plan and Organization of Documents and Records procedures were included. The ageing studies carried out have provided useful information on the present condition of the components of the system, for instance, identifying the major repairs and refurbishing requirements for primary coolant systems.

  • IPEN-DOC 24606

    TEIXEIRA, L.F.L. ; MAZZILLI, B.P. ; NISTI, M.B. ; SAUEIA, C.H.R. . Validation of uranium and thorium determination in sediments by spectrophotometry with Arsenazo III. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 84-84.

    Abstract: The evaluation of environmental contamination is one of the most important ways to check the anthropogenic interference. Human activities next to a water body, as mining, or on the waterbody, such as transportation ships, can pour unwanted wastes, increasing the concentration of metals or radionuclides. One way to evaluate this contamination on waterbodies is the quantification of radionuclides on sediments. The evaluation of uranium and thorium contamination is an important measurement of anthropogenic interference, because these two natural radionuclides can be found in many places on earth. The are many techniques to determinate the uranium and thorium concentration in sediments samples, and the spectrophotometric method with Arsenazo III is one of the quicker and cheaper method. The Arsenazo-III reacts with both radionuclides, producing a stable complex in low pH condition. The radionuclides were extracted from the sediments samples by an acid digestion, with HNO3, HF and H2O2, on a microwave. The interferences were removed by solvent extraction process, allowing the Arsenazo III react only with the uranium and thorium. The validation process was performed to evaluate if the whole process could reach reliable results with expected quality level. The Limit of Detection (LOD), Limit of Quantification (LOQ), Accuracy (Z-Score) and Precision (Relative Standard Deviation) of each method were evaluated following the INMETRO’s guidance document. The LOD and LOQ of the uranium determination are, respectively, 0.98 and 1.11 ppm, and for thorium determination are, 0.61 and 0.81 ppm, for the analysis of 0.5g of sediments samples. The methods validations were performed using the certified reference material (CRM) IAEA SL-1, for uranium determination, and IAEA SL-3, for thorium determination. Both validations reached satisfactory results of Accuracy and Precision for the analysis of 0.5g of sediments samples.

  • IPEN-DOC 24605

    NASCIMENTO, N.M. ; CORREA, E.L. ; BOSCH-SANTOS, B. ; MATOS, I.T. ; CABRERA-PASCA, G.A.; CARBONARI, A.W. . Production and study of nanoparticles magnetic properties by hyperfine interactions. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 81-81.

    Abstract: In the past years nanotechnology was highlighted as a quick growing field, with many applications in science and technology including information storage, drug delivery and medical images, in which gadolinium-based nanoparticles (NPs) have been studied as contrast agent for magnetic resonance image. On the other hand erbium oxide NPs present potential for many applications due to their optical, electrical and photoluminescence properties, and can be used in display monitors, carbon nanotubes for "green" chemistry and in bioimaging, and iron-based NPs have been studied for application in hyperthermia due to its superparamagnetic properties. At the Hyperfine Interactions Laboratory (LIH) NPs are synthesized by thermal decomposition and co-precipitation. Structural characterization is made using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and magnetic properties are studied by magnetization, both at partner laboratories, and perturbed angular correlation (PAC) spectroscopy using 111In(111Cd) as probe nuclei at LIH. PAC spectroscopy is based on the angular correlation between nuclear radiations emitted by radioactive probe nuclei, which is a well-established method in nuclear spectroscopy. Perturbation occurs in this correlation by electromagnetic interactions external to the nucleus when it is inserted in a material, which can provide information on the electronic distribution of the neighborhood. In this work, an important material was investigated by PAC spectroscopy using 111In, which decays to 111Cd by electron capture, as probe nuclei. Results have shown that NPs produced by thermal decomposition present narrow size distribution, with average size of 5 nm. On the other hand, results related to NPs produced by co-precipitation have shown that NPs don’t have a homogeneity in size and shape distribution.

  • IPEN-DOC 24604

    BONTURIM, E. ; MAZZOCCHI, V.L. ; PARENTEA, C.B.R. ; MOREIRA, E.G. ; SEO, E.S.M. ; FELINTO, M.C.F.C. . Nuclear based techniques in multifunctional materials characterization. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 80-81.

    Abstract: The Nuclear Science and its technologies have provided fundamental tools for the understanding of new chemical and physical properties that help the development of the new age of multifunctional materials such as the Perovskites for photovoltaics and fuel cells, the luminescent oxides for lighting and biomarkers and the thin films in semiconductors. One of the most important parameters that defines key properties of the Perovskites to be applied as the cathode in fuel cells is their crystal structure and its point defects (e.g. oxygen vacancies), which can be determined by neutron diffraction (Fig. 1a). Photonic materials like luminescent nanoparticles, once doped with Rare Earth ions, they can emit light when excited with UV/IR, being used in probing bioassays. In this case, the precise determination of Rare Earth concentration by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) leads to ensure the desired spectroscopy properties to prepare efficient probing nanoparticles (Fig.1b). Furthermore, nuclear based techniques such as Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) help us in determining the thickness and the elemental composition of thin films (Fig. 1c), which is not usually easy through other conventional techniques. In other words, the nuclear based techniques applied on materials characterization play a key role in providing a solid understanding on the physical and chemical properties of the condensed matter. In summary, this work presents three cases where the use of the Nuclear Techniques improves the characterization of different materials. All the data shown here were collect and published somehow, as indicated below.

  • IPEN-DOC 24603

    SALES, T.S.N. ; CARBONARI, A.W. . Effect of silicon doping in HfO2 nanoparticles from an atomic view. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 79-80.

    Abstract: Nanoparticles have attracted a great deal of interest due to their desirable properties suited for technological and medical applications. Hafnium dioxide (HfO2) can be used in both areas. Simple and low-cost synthesis of HfO2 as thin films or nanoparticles are, therefore, very important for applicability of these materials. The sol-gel method of synthesis besides fulfilling these characteristics also allows an efficient controlled doping of HfO2 with different elements to improve its properties. In this work, we investigated the effects of the doping with 5 at.% of silicon in HfO2 nanoparticles prepared by the sol-gel method by measuring hyperfine interactions at 181Ta probe nuclei on Hf sites using the 􀀀 perturbed angular correlations (PAC) spectroscopy. The HfO2 powder was obtained by sol-gel method from high purity Hf (99.99%) and Si (99.99%) elements. Initial colloid includes Hf and Si dissolved in appropriated acids, citric acid and ethylene glycol all in stoichiometric proportion. The solution (sol) was heated to 100 C until gel aggregation. After that, the solution was calcined in air at 550 C for 14 hours in order to evaporate organic materials present in the gel. Part of the resulting powder had their structure investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Another part was irradiated with neutrons in the IEA-R1 research reactor of IPEN to produce radioactive 181Hf(181Ta) to carry out hyperfine interactions measurements by PAC. This methodology has the advantage to assure an extremely low concentration and highly homogenous distribution of probe nuclei along with a very well defined location of them. These features enable the investigation of different regions inside the nanoparticles, within an atomic resolution, concerning point defects and formation of other phases. Hyperfine paramenters were measured within the range from 200 C to 900 C. XRD results showed a single phase with the expected monoclinic structure for the as-prepared samples indicating that Si atoms are at substitutional Hf sites. However, PAC results for the electric field gradient and asymmetry parameter measured with 181Ta probe at 600 C indicate that Si dopants can induce dislocation of Hf atoms from their native location in HfO2 throughout the lattice.

  • IPEN-DOC 24602

    SANTOS, R.A.V.; SARKIS, J.E.S. ; ANDRADE, D.A. . "Airplane accident involving radiological facility" – What would happen if you see a newspaper headline like this? The importance of information management in crisis. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 77-77.

    Abstract: All radiological activity implies risks. However, these risks are rarely analyzed in the perspective of the impacts that can generate the image of the institutions in society. Reactions to a possible radiological accident, publicly exposed by the media, involves many challenges from the perspective of communication. However, for individuals and organizations responsible for the proper response to a crisis, as well as the public in general, the quality of information is psychologically important and vital in solving the threat. The objective of this research is to study and contribute to the awareness of the importance and the necessary zeal in the process of information management by all the people involved in a potential or already established crisis. For this, it proposes the analysis of a hypothetical situation of radiological accident involving the case of the TAM airplane that crashed into a shed in Congonhas, São Paulo.

  • IPEN-DOC 24601

    NEGRINI, O.; SARKIS, J.E.S. . The criminalistic in support to nuclear forensics investigations. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 77-77.

    Abstract: Criminalistics can be defined as that profession and scientific discipline directed to the recognition, identification , individualization, and evaluation of physical evidence in laboratory or even in crime scene investigations with the objective to presentation in court. For this purpose it uses the knowledge of many other areas, such as archeology, human identification, sound comparison, etc. The nuclear area also presents several challenges involving the response face to criminal activities. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has encouraged member states to create an adequate structure for investigating criminal offenses related to nuclear security through a new activity called Nuclear Forensic Science. In this work we propose the establishment of a training course that encompasses the knowledge of nuclear and criminal science, capable of training professionals for acting in the area of investigating illicit activities related to nuclear safety.

  • IPEN-DOC 24600

    ZUCHETTI, M.C. ; SARKIS, J.E.S. . Non-proliferation treaty: sanctions and results – Iran case. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 76-76.

    Abstract: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was founded in 1957 to ensure the safe and peaceful use of nuclear energy. Signed in 1968, the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty entered into force in 1970. Among its objectives, three basic principles were established: (i) to nuclear States Party to the Treaty, the prohibition of transferring nuclear weapons to any other state, not encouraging, assisting or inducing the acquisition of such weapons; (ii) Non-nuclear weapons States Party to the Treaty do not manufacture or acquire, in any way, such weapons; (iii) All States accept the safeguards of nuclear material set forth by the IAEA. Safeguards are activities where the IAEA verify whether or not a Member State is diverging nuclear material or equipment from peaceful uses to nuclear weapons. In addition, in case of non-compliance with the terms, sanctions enter as a way to inhibit such behavior. In the last years, mainly during the decade of 2000, the Iranian nuclear program has become the subject of controversy for international security. Country’s refusal to halt the nuclear program has already prompted the United Nations to approve three package of sanctions against Iran in December. 2006, in March 2007 and in March 2008. Despite these sanctions, Iran still did not allowed additional visits by IAEA inspectors to sites associated to nuclear activities. In this work, the effectiveness of NTP’s economic sanctions over Iran’s economy and its nuclear politic was evaluated. For this purpose, economic indicators such as the unemployment rate, the inflation rate and the GDP during the period from 2003 to 2017 were analyzed. The main conclusion is that the economic sanctions applied to Iran, by the United Nation Security Council were effective once, after the establishment of the sanctions, Iran’s economy suffered a severe negative impact. However, from 2015, after the signature of the Global Plan of Action, with the group of countries called P5 + 1 (China, United States, France, United Kingdom, Russia and Germany), which agreed to withdraw Iran’s sanctions once complied with IAEA standards, it can be observed a gradual improvement in the Iran’s economic indicators.

  • IPEN-DOC 24599

    SAVOINE, M.M. ; ANDRADE, D.A. ; MENEZES, M.O. ; ROCHA, K.R.; MORAIS, H.M.; TEIXEIRA, L.S.; COSTA, M.F.. Proposed methodology for evaluating safety levels in WSN on IOT devices in nuclear environments. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 75-75.

    Abstract: Over the last few years, concern for safety in nuclear facilities has grown considerably, and as a result, standards have been stepped up to preserve the physical integrity of these facilities. Similarly, the Internet of Things (IoT), together with Wireless Sensor Networks or Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), are gaining importance in the continuous advancement of information and communication technologies, especially due to their connection and Internet integration across multiple application areas. Nuclear areas can be considered as critical and hostile environments because of the inherent risk of the presence of radioactivity and the extent of the impact of safetyrelated problems. Therefore, a WSN is an innovative technology with potential to perform distributed sensing tasks, especially for security monitoring and evaluation applications. Such environments, which are highly critical, require the existence of an appropriate methodology for the evaluation of issues related to the employment security of these WSNs and IoT technologies. Specifically in the nuclear environment, no indications of appropriate methodologies for such an assessment are found today in the literature, even taking into account the nuclear safety scenario and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) recommendations and documentation. Given the high degree of safety importance in these hostile environments, specifically nuclear, due to the scale of the impacts caused by accidents in these places, it is essential to develop a methodology to preserve the physical integrity of these installations from the point of view of the operation of the WSNs and IoT. This work presents, at an early stage of development, an innovative methodology for the evaluation of the security levels in a WSN with IoT devices in nuclear environments, being composed by the hybridization of phases, aggregated to characteristic factors of a context of a WSN coupled to devices IoT.

  • IPEN-DOC 24598

    SARKIS, J.E.S. ; BORDON, I.C.A.C. ; PESTANA, R.C.B. . The use of nuclear forensic library in order to identify unknown seized nuclear material. Brazilian’s participation in the galaxy serpent exercise. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 74-74.

    Abstract: Nuclear fission is governed by very well known physical laws which, under certain circumstances, for instance: type of reactor, fuel and irradiation history, allow to preview with high degree of confidence, the production of energy, the build up of fission products and the transmutation of heavy metals. All these information, gathered in a nuclear forensic library (NFL), can be an important tool during the identification of a seized unknown sample, allowing to produce evidences concerning it’s irradiation history, the type of reactor or even the origin of the sample. The usefulness of a nuclear forensic library depending on not only the quantity or quality of the available data, as well as the capacity of the investigators to identify, correlate, and interpret the main parameters identified, or measured, in the seized sample. In this paper it will be described the strategy adopted by the Brazilian’s team during the Galaxy Serpent Exercise, coordinated by the Nuclear Forensics International Technical Working Group on nuclear forensics, where a NFL was used to identify an unknown sample. Our experience demonstrated the importance of the knowledge on nuclear reactions to select the main parameters to be considered during the evaluation. Then, the importance to use of simple isotopic correlations, to verify the consistency of the available information, before to use a more complex multivariate statistical techniques . Based on our investigation, the following questions were answered: Does Clio reactor belong to the NFL? Is it possible to identify which class of reactor belongs Clio? For the first question the answer is: Conclusive negative. For the second question the answer is: suggestive positive to be a BWR reactor.

  • IPEN-DOC 24597

    SARKIS, J.E.S. ; ROSA, D.S. . Rare earth elements in uranium compounds and important evidences for nuclear forensic purposes. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 73-74.

    Abstract: At the beginning of the 1990’s, the first incidents involving nuclear or other radioactive material were reported mainly in Europe, with the breakdown of the Soviet Union. At that period, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recorded more than 800 cases of illicit trafficking of nuclear or radioactive materials. Since then, related cases have became known worldwide, as the contamination by radioactive source elapsed from a theft in 1987 in Goiânia, Brazil, and the death of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006 poisoned with the radioactive isotope Polonium-210. As a result of these and other events, nuclear and radioactive materials have been targeted for forensic investigations, creating from there the concept of nuclear forensics. Nuclear forensics mainly focuses on the nuclear or radioactive material and aims to providing indication on the intended use, the history and even the origin of the material. Uranium compounds have isotopic or chemical characteristics that provide unambiguous information concerning their origin and production process. Rare Earth Elements (REE) are a set of sixteen chemical elements in the periodic table, specifically the fourteen Lanthanides in addition Scandium and Yttrium. A large amount of uranium is in rare earths deposits, and may be extracted as a by-product. Accordingly, REE in uranium compounds can be used as an evidence of uranium origin.

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Buscar os artigos apresentados em um evento internacional de 2015, sobre loss of coolant, do autor Maprelian.

Autor: Maprelian

Título: loss of coolant

Tipo de publicação: Texto completo de evento

Ano de publicação: 2015

Para indexação dos documentos é utilizado o Thesaurus do INIS, especializado na área nuclear e utilizado em todos os países membros da International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA , por esse motivo, utilize os termos de busca de assunto em inglês; isto não exclui a busca livre por palavras, apenas o resultado pode não ser tão relevante ou pertinente.

95% do RD apresenta o texto completo do documento com livre acesso, para aqueles que apresentam o significa que e o documento está sujeito as leis de direitos autorais, solicita-se nesses casos contatar a Biblioteca do IPEN, bibl@ipen.br .

Ao efetuar a busca por um autor o RD apresentará uma relação de todos os trabalhos depositados no RD. No lado direito da tela são apresentados os coautores com o número de trabalhos produzidos em conjunto bem como os assuntos abordados e os respectivos anos de publicação agrupados.

O RD disponibiliza um quadro estatístico de produtividade, onde é possível visualizar o número dos trabalhos agrupados por tipo de coleção, a medida que estão sendo depositados no RD.

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O gerenciamento do Repositório está a cargo da Biblioteca do IPEN. Constam neste RI, até o presente momento 20.950 itens que tanto podem ser artigos de periódicos ou de eventos nacionais e internacionais, dissertações e teses, livros, capítulo de livros e relatórios técnicos. Para participar do RI-IPEN é necessário que pelo menos um dos autores tenha vínculo acadêmico ou funcional com o Instituto. Nesta primeira etapa de funcionamento do RI, a coleta das publicações é realizada periodicamente pela equipe da Biblioteca do IPEN, extraindo os dados das bases internacionais tais como a Web of Science, Scopus, INIS, SciElo além de verificar o Currículo Lattes. O RI-IPEN apresenta também um aspecto inovador no seu funcionamento. Por meio de metadados específicos ele está vinculado ao sistema de gerenciamento das atividades do Plano Diretor anual do IPEN (SIGEPI). Com o objetivo de fornecer dados numéricos para a elaboração dos indicadores da Produção Cientifica Institucional, disponibiliza uma tabela estatística registrando em tempo real a inserção de novos itens. Foi criado um metadado que contém um número único para cada integrante da comunidade científica do IPEN. Esse metadado se transformou em um filtro que ao ser acionado apresenta todos os trabalhos de um determinado autor independente das variáveis na forma de citação do seu nome.

A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

1. Portaria IPEN-CNEN/SP nº 387, que estabeleceu os princípios que nortearam a criação do RDI, clique aqui.

2. A experiência do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN/SP) na criação de um Repositório Digital Institucional – RDI, clique aqui.

O Repositório Digital do IPEN é um equipamento institucional de acesso aberto, criado com o objetivo de reunir, preservar, disponibilizar e conferir maior visibilidade à Produção Científica publicada pelo Instituto, desde sua criação em 1956.

Operando, inicialmente como uma base de dados referencial o Repositório foi disponibilizado na atual plataforma, em junho de 2015. No Repositório está disponível o acesso ao conteúdo digital de artigos de periódicos, eventos, nacionais e internacionais, livros, capítulos, dissertações, teses e relatórios técnicos.

A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

O gerenciamento do Repositório está a cargo da Biblioteca do IPEN. Constam neste RI, até o presente momento 20.950 itens que tanto podem ser artigos de periódicos ou de eventos nacionais e internacionais, dissertações e teses, livros, capítulo de livros e relatórios técnicos. Para participar do RI-IPEN é necessário que pelo menos um dos autores tenha vínculo acadêmico ou funcional com o Instituto. Nesta primeira etapa de funcionamento do RI, a coleta das publicações é realizada periodicamente pela equipe da Biblioteca do IPEN, extraindo os dados das bases internacionais tais como a Web of Science, Scopus, INIS, SciElo além de verificar o Currículo Lattes. O RI-IPEN apresenta também um aspecto inovador no seu funcionamento. Por meio de metadados específicos ele está vinculado ao sistema de gerenciamento das atividades do Plano Diretor anual do IPEN (SIGEPI). Com o objetivo de fornecer dados numéricos para a elaboração dos indicadores da Produção Cientifica Institucional, disponibiliza uma tabela estatística registrando em tempo real a inserção de novos itens. Foi criado um metadado que contém um número único para cada integrante da comunidade científica do IPEN. Esse metadado se transformou em um filtro que ao ser acionado apresenta todos os trabalhos de um determinado autor independente das variáveis na forma de citação do seu nome.