Eventos - Resumos: Recent submissions

  • IPEN-DOC 24596

    SARKIS, J.E.S. ; PESTANA, R.C.B. ; MARIN, R.C. ; CARVALHO, E.F.U. . The use of SEM-EDX for the identification of uranium compounds in swipe samples for nuclear safeguards. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 73-73.

    Abstract: Environmental swipe sampling for safeguards purposes has been used by International Atomic Energy Agency since 1996 and is a powerful tool to detect undeclared materials and activities in States under safeguards agreements. The Secondary Electron Microscope with Energy-Dispersive X-Ray analyzing system (SEM-EDX) can be particularly useful in the initial identification of uranium in swipe samples and might be appropriate to identify and characterize uranium particles This work describes the use of SEM-EDX, as an initial screening technique, in real-life swipe samples for identifying and characterizing uranium particles. The swipe samples were collected in a conversion plant at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute – IPEN/CNEN, São Paulo, Brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 24595

    SARKIS, J.E.S. ; PESTANA, R.C.B. ; MARIN, R.C. ; ABREU-JUNIOR, C.H.; CARVALHO, E.F.U. . The use of ICP-MS and LA-ICP-MS techniques for uranium analysis in real-life swipe samples for safeguards purposes. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 72-72.

    Abstract: Environmental swipe sampling is a powerful tool to detect undeclared materials and activities in States under safeguards agreements and has been used by the International Atomic Energy Agency since 1996. This work describes the utilization of the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) for determining uranium isotopic ratios in a real-life swipe samples collected in a conversion plant at IPEN/CNEN, Brazil. Uncertainties were estimated by following the International Organization for Standardization –Guide to the Expression of Uncertainties in Measurement (ISO GUM), with a confidence level of 95%.

  • IPEN-DOC 24594

    SARKIS, J.E.S. ; MARIN, R.C. . Uranium isotope ratio measurements by LA-HR-ICP-MS. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 71-72.

    Abstract: This work describes the utilization of LA-HR-ICP-MS (laser ablation high resolution inductively mass spectrometry) for characterize the uranium isotope ratio of a UO2 pellet supplied and certified by New Brunswick Laboratory (NBL). This method is useful measurements of 233U, 234U, 235U, 236U and 238U, reaching relative standard deviations (RSD) from 1.55% to 2.45%. The Laser ablation ICP-MS technique shows a high level of instability, compromising the precision of the measurements, although could be made some adjustments to improve its stability. To reach the better stability were made the adjustments of laser ablation and ICP-MS parameters, such as RF power, laser beam diameter, defocusing of laser beam, auxiliary gas and sample gas. The parameters which caused the greatest impact in order to improve the stability signal were RF power, defocusing and laser beam diameter. To carry out the adjustments of the parameters was used a glass standard NIST 610, supplied and certified by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The measurements were carried out on a single spot ablation with low energy density and defocusing, which demonstrated to be the improved way to reach good signal stability. The results presented by the measurements revealed that the Laser ablation ICP-MS technique offers a rapid and accurate way to perform uranium isotope ratios without any sample preparation, since it allows carrying out the measurements straight on the sample, besides to preserve the sample that is very important to safeguards and nuclear forensics.

  • IPEN-DOC 24593

    SARKIS, J.E.S. ; NASCIMENTO, M.R.L.; QUINELATO, A.L.; SILVA, N.C.. Charaterization of highly enriched uranium in a nuclear forensics exercise. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 71-71.

    Abstract: This paper presents the characterization of two metal samples of highly enriched uranium as a contribution of Poços de Caldas Laboratory, LAPOC, a branch of Brazilian National Commission for Nuclear Energy, CNEN, to the Round Robin 3, RR3, coordinated by the Nuclear Forensics International Technical Working Group. A scenario was constructed in which two separate seizures of nuclear material occurred and forensics analysis was requested to help discern whether these incidents were related and whether these incidents exceeded country statutes. Laboratories were instructed to submit assessment reports in 24 hours, one week, and two month timeframes. Besides preliminary evaluations for categorization of the material, our laboratory applied high resolution gamma spectrometry, optical emission spectrometry by inductively coupled plasma, and potentiometric titration for quantitative characterization of the samples. Concerning our technical reports answers for the three main forensics questions formulated by RR3, one of them was inconclusive, considering that LAPOC did not yet have all essential equipment for a fully satisfactory forensics nuclear analysis.

  • IPEN-DOC 24592

    SARKIS, J.E.S. ; NASCIMENTO, M.R.L.; QUINELATO, A.L.; SILVA, N.C.. Apprehension of thorianite in Brazil: a nuclear forensic perspective. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 70-70.

    Abstract: Thorianite is a strongly radioactive thorium’s mineral (ThO2) which often contains uranium, lead and rare earth elements. It is a very heavy, hard, and colored dark gray to brownish black or bluish black. In the environment can be found in pegmatite, beach sands, and alluvial deposits. Despite to be considered a rare mineral it can be found in several parts of the world. The main occurrence areas in Brazil are alluvial deposits located in the Municipalities of Porto Grande, Serra do Navio and Pedra Branca in the Amapa State (Amazon Rainforest). Besides thorium, the mineral has high contents of uranium, lead and rare earths which represents an important commercial and strategic value. During the last decades several tons of this mineral have been apprehended by Brazilian Federal Police. This situation is extremely serious considering that these numbers just represent a very small part of the total of the smuggled amount. The main questions are : Who? To whom? and With which objective? This paper will present the more recent data and a nuclear forensic perspective of the nowadays situation.

  • IPEN-DOC 24591

    SARKIS, J.E.S. ; ANDRADE, D.A. . Nuclear forensics: strategies and analytical techniques. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 70-70.

    Abstract: Education and training in all levels, in nuclear security, show up as an important tool to the prevention, detection and response to theft, sabotage, unauthorized access, illegal transfer or other malicious acts involving nuclear material or radioactive substances and associated facilities. The responsibility for establishment, implementation, and maintenance of nuclear security within a State rests entirely with that State. Appropriate training and education at all levels and in all relevant organizations and facilities can play a major role in this process. In order to achieve this goal it is necessary to establish a systematic and comprehensive program for education and training based on well-established international experience.

  • IPEN-DOC 24590

    SARKIS, J.E.S. ; BUCHMAN, J.H. . The use of environmental monitoring as a technique to identify isotopic enrichment activities. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 69-69.

    Abstract: The use of environmental monitoring as a technique to identify activities related to the nuclear fuel cycle has been proposed, by international organizations, as an additional measure to the safeguards agreements in force. The elements specific for each kind of nuclear activity, or "nuclear signatures", inserted in the ecosystem by several transfer paths, can be intercepted with better or worse ability by different live organisms. Depending on the kind of signature of interest, the anthropogenic material identification and quantification require the choice of adequate biologic indicators and, mainly, the use of sophisticated techniques associated with elaborate sample treatments. This work demonstrates the technical viability of using pine needles as bioindicators of nuclear signatures associated with uranium enrichment activities. Additionally, it proposes the use of a technique widely diffused nowadays in the scientific community, the High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (HR-ICP-MS), to identify the signature corresponding to that kind of activities in the ecosystem. It can be also found a description of a methodology recently being applied in analytical chemistry, based on uncertainties estimates metrological concepts, used to calculate the uncertainties associated with the obtained measurement results. Nitric acid solutions with a concentration of 0.3 mol kg􀀀1, used to wash pine needles sampled near facilities that manipulate enriched uranium and containing only 0.1 g kg􀀀1 of uranium, exhibit a 235U:238U isotopic abundance ratio of 0.0092 ? 0.0002, while solutions originated from samples collected at places located more than 200 km far from activities related to the nuclear fuel cycle exhibit a value of 0.0074 ? 0.0002 for this abundance ratio. Similar results were obtained for sample solutions prepared by microwave assisted acid digestion and dry ashing process. The different values of 235U:238U isotopic abundance ratio obtained for samples collected in different places permit to confirm the presence of anthropogenic uranium and demonstrate the viability of using this technique and the methodology proposed in this work.

  • IPEN-DOC 24589

    SARKIS, J.E.S. ; MARIN, R.C. ; PESTANA, R.C.B. . The use of laser ablation sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for swipe samples analysis: a viewpoint from safeguard and nuclear forensics. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 68-68.

    Abstract: This work describes the utilization of laser ablation sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-SF-ICP-MS) for determining uranium isotopic composition in a simulated swipe sample by deposition of U3O8 powder with natural enrichment level. This method is useful to measure 234U/238U and 235U/238U isotopic ratios. The measurements were performed on a continuous ablation with low energy density and defocusing, which improved the signal stability, in a cluster of uranium particles. Optimization of measurements was achieved by adjusting the following parameters: RF power, laser beam diameter, defocusing of laser beam, laser energy, laser energy-density, auxiliary gas and sample gas. The 235U/238U isotope ratio was 0.00719 0.00020 and its precision was 1.2 % RSD (relative standard deviation). Uncertainties were estimated following the International Organization for Standardization – Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (ISO – GUM), with a confidence level of 95.45% (k = 2.00). The results indicate that the Laser Ablation ICP-MS technique offers a rapid and accurate alternative for the measurement of uranium isotope ratios in uranium particle. The technique has the added advantage of allowing measurements straight on the sample (without further preparation), preserving the testimony which is very important for safeguards and nuclear forensics purposes.

  • IPEN-DOC 24588

    SARKIS, J.E.S. . Brazilian network of laboratories on nuclear forensic science (BNLNFS). In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 67-68.

    Abstract: The Brazilian Network of Laboratories on Nuclear Forensic Science (BNLNFS) was created in 2007 with support of IAEA’s the Department of Nuclear Security. The main roles of the laboratory are: the development of procedures for characterization of the radioactive or nuclear material in order to determine its production site, production date, intended use, and the route from production site to the crime scene, training and education in nuclear forensics. The network uses a variety of techniques to characterize materials, including nuclear counting, analytical chemistry, radiation measurements, and various radiography techniques. Thus, based on the scientific expertise of IPEN’s nuclear scientists and existing infrastructure The network gathers six laboratories located at Nuclear and Energy Research Institute, São Paulo, IPEN’s Department of Radiological Protection, and has the support of CNEN’s Poços de Caldas Laboratory, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo State Police, São Paulo and Federal Police, Brasília. During the exercises, the associated laboratories have to follow all procedures recommended by IAEA to conduct a nuclear forensic investigation. During the last decade the BNLNF has participated in several international nuclear forensics exercises.

  • IPEN-DOC 24587

    SARKIS, J.E.S. ; MARIN, R.C. ; PESTANA, R.C.B. . Nuclear forensics: strategies and analytical techniques. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 66-67.

    Abstract: The use of environmental monitoring as a technique to identify activities related to the nuclear fuel cycle has been proposed, by international organizations, as an additional measure to the safeguards agreements in force. The elements specific for each kind of nuclear activity, or "nuclear signatures", inserted in the ecosystem by several transfer paths, can be intercepted with better or worse ability by different live organisms. Depending on the kind of signature of interest, the anthropogenic material identification and quantification require the choice of adequate biologic indicators and, mainly, the use of sophisticated techniques associated with elaborate sample treatments. This work demonstrates the technical viability of using pine needles as bioindicators of nuclear signatures associated with uranium enrichment activities. Additionally, it proposes the use of a technique widely diffused nowadays in the scientific community, the High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (HR-ICP-MS), to identify the signature corresponding to that kind of activities in the ecosystem. It can be also found a description of a methodology recently being applied in analytical chemistry, based on uncertainties estimates metrological concepts, used to calculate the uncertainties associated with the obtained measurement results. Nitric acid solutions with a concentration of 0.3 mol kg􀀀1, used to wash pine needles sampled near facilities that manipulate enriched uranium and containing only 0.1 g kg􀀀1 of uranium, exhibit a 235U:238U isotopic abundance ratio of 0.0092 ? 0.0002, while solutions originated from samples collected at places located more than 200 km far from activities related to the nuclear fuel cycle exhibit a value of 0.0074 ? 0.0002 for this abundance ratio. Similar results were obtained for sample solutions prepared by microwave assisted acid digestion and dry ashing process. The different values of 235U:238U isotopic abundance ratio obtained for samples collected in different places permit to confirm the presence of anthropogenic uranium and demonstrate the viability of using this technique and the methodology proposed in this work.

  • IPEN-DOC 24586

    RODRIGUES, C.E.C. ; NOGUEIRA, P.R. ; DAMATTO, S.R. ; MADUAR, M.F. ; ALENCAR, M.M. ; PECEQUILO, B.R.S. . An overview of the gaseous radioactive effluents control and radioactivity assessment in the atmospheric air at IPEN’S campus. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 66-66.

    Abstract: The routine operation of a nuclear or radioactive installation generally involves the release of radioactive liquid and/or gaseous effluents. At the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute – IPEN there are several nuclear and radioactive facilities, developing activities in the field of nuclear energy. IPEN’s Radioprotection Management has established a radioactive effluent sampling program to determine the amount of radioactive material (source term) released into the environment and to detect immediately any unplanned release above the pre-established operating limits. The IPEN Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program – ERMP evaluates the levels of radioactivity to which individuals of the public are exposed through the analysis of atmospheric samples; the main objective of an ERMP is the confirmatory radiological control, which estimates whether the assumptions made in the calculation of the dose, from the source term, are correct. The objective of the present work is to present the gaseous radioactive effluents control and the radioactivity assessment in the atmospheric air at IPEN’s campus, since there were implanted in 1988 at the Laboratory of Environmental Radiometry of IPEN. In both, gaseous radioactive effluents control and radioactivity assessment in the atmospheric, cellulose and charcoal cartridge filters are analyzed by gamma spectrometry – HPGe weekly, from the IPEN’s radioactive facilities, Accelerators and Cyclotron Center, IEA-R1 Research Reactor Center, Radiopharmacy Center - Building I and II and each 15 days collected from three air samplers located near the nuclear and radiation facilities of IPEN, respectively. The radionuclides determined in the majority of the samples throughout the sampling period were 131I, 18F and 67Ga.

  • IPEN-DOC 24585

    VAZ, A.C.A. ; CONTI, T.N. ; ANDRADE, D.A. . Increasing the effectiveness of the security system on a nuclear facility. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 65-65.

    Abstract: The malicious use of radioactive material could be devastating, particularly in the case of a nuclear explosive device, it could be unpredictably disruptive resulting in the dispersal of radioactive material, like it was in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster. Physical Protection System (PPS) plays an important role in ensuring that individuals, organizations and institutions remain vigilant and that sustained measures are taken to prevent and combat the threat of sabotage or of using radioactive material for malicious acts. PPS is an integrated system of people, equipment and procedures used to protect nuclear facilities and radioactive sources against threat, theft or sabotage. In the operator’s perspective, this paper study factors influencing the performance of a PPS in a nuclear facility suggesting ways to increase the system effectiveness. The human factor, the physical and the psychological work environment has a large impact on how personnel perform their work and comply with nuclear security requirements. Apathy and corporatism are two human behaviors that collaborate negatively and make decrease the effectiveness of any PPS. Job satisfaction reduces the probability that personnel will become less reliable and/or obstructive in extreme cases an insider threat. Managers must recognize individual and group needs and the relationship among personnel so that they may motivate personnel by creating a supportive working environment that reduces workplace stress. An effective PPS can result in a significant increase in the effectiveness of the security of radioactive material and associated facilities.

  • IPEN-DOC 24584

    TORRES, W.M. ; UMBEHAUN, P.E. ; ANDRADE, D.A. ; SOUZA, J.A.B. . A MTR fuel element flow distribution measurement preliminary results. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 62-63.

    Abstract: An instrumented dummy fuel element (DMPV-01) with the same geometric characteristics of a MTR fuel element was designed and constructed for flow distribution measurement experiments at the IEA-R1 reactor core. This dummy element was also used to measure the flow distribution among the rectangular flow channels formed by element fuel plates. Two probes with two pressure taps were constructed and assembled inside the flow channels to measure pressure drop and the flow velocity was calculated using pressure drop equation for closed channels. This work presents the experimental procedure and results of flow distribution measurement among the flow channels. Results show that the flow rate in the peripheral channels is 10 to 15% lower than the average flow rate. It is important to know the flow rate in peripheral channels because of uncertainties in values of flow rate in the open channel formed by two adjacent fuel elements. These flow rates are responsible by the cooling of external fuel plates.

    Palavras-Chave: cooling; experimental data; flow rate; fluid flow; fuel channels; fuel elements; fuel plates; mtr reactor; pressure drop; pressure measurement; spatial distribution; velocity

  • IPEN-DOC 24583

    TORRES, W.M. ; BAPTISTA, B.D. ; TING, D.K.S. . The design and experimental validation of an emergency core cooling system for a pool type research reactor. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 62-62.

    Abstract: This paper presents the design of the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) for the IEA-R1 pool type research reactor. This system, with passive features, uses sprays installed above the core. The experimental program performed to define system parameters and to demonstrate to the licensing authorities, that the fuel elements limiting temperature is not exceeded, is also presented. Flow distribution experiments using a core mock-up in full scale were performed to define the spray header geometry and spray nozzles specifications as well as the system total flow rate. Another set of experiments using electrically heated plates simulating heat fluxes corresponding to the decay heat curve after full power operation at 5 MW was conducted to measure the temperature distribution at the most critical position. The observed water flow pattern through the plates has a very peculiar behavior resulting in a temperature distribution which was modeled by a 2D energy equation numerical solution. In all tested conditions, the measured temperatures were shown to be below the limiting value.

  • IPEN-DOC 24582

    CUNHA, R.D.S. ; ANDRADE, D.A. . The dissemination of information about nuclear energy and the external emergency plan of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in Angra dos Reis, Brazil. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 61-61.

    Abstract: The acceptance of nuclear energy and the risk perceived by the public are affected by past accidents with large media repercussion, like Chernobyl (Ukraine, 1986) and Fukushima (Japan, 2011), the first one because of its magnitude and the latter for still being fresh on people’s minds (Visschers & Walquist, 2013; Pineda-Solano et al., 2013). Changing this perception based on shocking accidents can be difficult, but informing the public about nuclear energy and the risks imposed by it to them and to the environment helps reducing the population’s concerns (Koerner, 2014; Visschers & Walquist, 2013; Pineda-Solano et al., 2013). A strategy to cope with public risk perception and achieve a good level of information and preparedness for emergency is risk communication. This paper presents the result of a research with the workers of Education, Science and Technology of Angra dos Reis (SECT), Brazil, that attended a course given by State Civil Defense with the support of SECT and ELETRONUCLEAR. The course aims to diffuse the knowledge about nuclear energy generation and the External Emergency Plan of State of Rio de Janeiro for a nuclear emergency in the Nuclear Power Plant Almirante Ãlvaro Alberto.

  • IPEN-DOC 24581

    SCURO, N.L. ; ANGELO, G. ; ANGELO, E.; ANDRADE, D.A. . CFD analysis of blockage length on a partially blocked fuel rod. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 60-61.

    Abstract: In LOCA accidents, fuel rods may balloon by the increasing of pressure difference between fuel rod and core vessel. With the balloon effect, the swelling can partially block the flow channel, affecting the coolability during reflood phase. In order to analyze the influence of blockage length after LOCA events, many numerical simulations using Ansys-CFX code have been done in steady state condition, characterizing the final phase of reflood. Peaks of temperature are observed in the middle of the fuel rod, followed by a temperature drop. This effect is justified by the increasing of heat transfer coefficient, originated from the high turbulence effects. Therefore, this paper considers a radial blockage of 90%, varying just the blockage length. This study observed that, for the same boundary conditions, the longer the blockage length originated after LOCA events, the higher are the central temperatures in the fuel rod.

    Palavras-Chave: boundary conditions; computerized simulation; flow blockage; fluid mechanics; fuel rods; heat transfer; loss of coolant; numerical analysis; steady-state conditions; turbulence

  • IPEN-DOC 24580

    ZAMPIERI, M.C.T. ; SARKIS, J.E.S. . The use of Eisenia fetida as bioindicator of nuclear activities. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 60-60.

    Abstract: Environmental sampling is one of the most important measures to strengthen the nuclear safeguard system. The collection of environmental samples, in context of the safeguard, aims to reveal information on treated materials and declared or even undeclared activities, as well. Usually two steps are involved, the first to establish the environmental fingerprint of the installation under observation, the second is to obtain compared these values with the environmental signatures. This strategy can also be used in nuclear forensic investigations. Samplings can be performed inside, outside or even near the facility under investigation, on surfaces, air, water, sediments, vegetation, soil and the local biota. In soil the earthworm is part of the biota, assimilating the metallic components during feeding or by skin absorption. The Eisenia fetida earthworm belongs to the Annelida Phylum, Oligochaete Class, the species known as California redworm, in Brazil, is widely used for the production of humus, since it has great ability to convert little decomposed organic residues into stabilized material. In the literature it has been already reported the ability of E. fetida to bioacumulate several metals including uranium and other radionuclides. In this project we are studying the ability of E. fetida to identify nuclear signatures and its ability to be used as biomonitor in nuclear safeguards and nuclear forensic investigations.

  • IPEN-DOC 24579

    TANCREDI, L.T. ; SANTOS, L.C. ; DINIZ, R.E. ; VIVOLO, V. . Concentration and distribution evaluations of trace and rare earth element in sample sediments of the Billings and Guarapiranga reservoir systems. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 59-59.

    Abstract: The Instruments Calibration Laboratory of IPEN calibrates annually about 75 instruments used by the radiation protection service at the nuclear reactor of IPEN. These instruments are used to personal and area monitoring and have different shapes and sizes, difficult their positioning in the calibration set up. They are calibrating usually with gamma radiation (137Cs, energy of about 660 keV). The gamma radiation system was automated recently in order to decrease the occupational dose of the technicians involved and accelerate all the calibration process. With the aim of increase the range of energy available to the calibration of the radiation protection instruments used at the nuclear reactor a new X radiation system was acquired by the LCI (YXLON SYSTEM, MODEL MGC41, 320 Kv). The ISO N series radiation protection radiation qualities will be established at this system. To improve the calibration set up, initially it was made the automation of two filter wheels to insert the appropriate thickness filter to each radiation quality. Each one of the 16 radiation qualities will receive a special filter (aluminum, lead or tin). The automation was made in a wheel filter and shutter (motor and pieces) of a former X radiation system (Rigaku Denki). Using the Arduino MEGA 2560 and a C++ programming it was possible to do the wheel rotation control; it chooses the adequate filtration and the shutter position through an interactive panel facilitating operation. The panel also informs the currently shutter position and the positioned filter. The preliminary tests show precision in selecting the position of the shutter, compared with the previously system (the Rigaku Denki system electro-mechanic) which selection was imprecise and often the shutter rotated instead of stopping at the desired position or stopped at an angle where the X-ray beam remained exposed. The new system also demonstrate to be faster to select the desired filtration because the software identifies the its position and rotates the wheel by the smallest path, choosing automatically right or left direction.

  • IPEN-DOC 24578

    MAPRELIAN, E. ; TORRES, W.M. ; BELCHIOR JUNIOR, A. ; UMBEHAUN, P.E. ; SANTOS, S.C. ; FRANÇA, R.L. ; PRADO, A.C. ; MACEDO, L.A. ; SILVA, A.T. E ; BERRETTA, J.R. ; SABUNDJIAN, G. . Experiments of loss of coolant in the IEA-R1 reactor. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 58-58.

    Abstract: The Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) has been considered Design Basis Accident (DBA) for several kind of reactors. The test section for experimental (STAR) for simulation of LOCA, using the Instrumented Fuel Assembly (IFA) EC-208 was designed, assembled, commissioned, and used for the experiments at the IEA-R1 Reactor. The experiments were performed for five different levels of fuel uncovering and two heat decay conditions. The five levels consisted of one total and four partial uncovering of the IFA. The results obtained for each experiment were the section level and 13 IFA temperatures. A data acquisition system was used to record the process parameters. The STAR section has proved to be a very safe and efficient tool for fuel uncovering experiments to obtain thermal-hydraulic data for research and development, and for the data to be compared with safety analysis code calculations.

  • IPEN-DOC 24577

    CASTRO, A.J.A. de ; UMBEHAUN, P.E. . Determination of pressure loss coefficients in the elements of the IEA-R1 reactor nuclei. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 58-58.

    Abstract: The flow distribution in the different elements that compose the core of the IEAR1 reactor is one of the main parameters for its thermo-hydraulic analysis. Currently this distribution is estimated with the code "FLOW" that uses existing correlations in the literature for the estimation of the singular and distributed pressure losses. In order to validate the code, a test bench was set up to survey the load loss in the elements that make up the reactor core for different levels of flow in the elements.

  • IPEN-DOC 24576

    CASTRO, A.J.A. de ; UMBEHAUN, P.E. ; CARVALHO, M.R. . Comissioning of the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor new heat exchanger. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 57-57.

    Abstract: This work presents results on the commissioning of the new heat exchanger of the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor in the occasion of its operational power upgrade from 2 MW to 5 MW, in comparison to the values calculated in the project of IESA Design and Equipments Company. This reactor is a swimming pool type, light water moderated and with graphite reflectors, used for research purposes and medical radioisotopes production. During monitoring procedures, issues were observed on the reactor operation at 5 MW mainly due to the ageing of the reactor’s oldest heat exchanger (TC-A) and excessive vibrations at high flow rates on the other installed heat exchanger (TC-B). So it was decided to provide a new IESA heat exchanger with 5 MW capacity to definitely substitute the TC-A heat exchanger. The results show that the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor can be operated safely and continuously at 5 MW with the new IESA heat exchanger.

  • IPEN-DOC 24575

    COSTA, P. ; COSTA, F.E. ; RAELE, M.P. ; ZAHN, G. ; GERALDO, B. ; VIEIRA JUNIOR, N.D. ; SAMAD, R.E. ; GENEZINI, F.A. . Eletronic response of photodiode coupled to a boron thin film. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 56-56.

    Abstract: A portable thermal neutron detector is proposed using a silicon photodiode coupled to a boron thin film. The aim of this work was to verify the effect in the electronic response of this specific photodiode due to boron deposition, since the direct deposition of boron in the semiconductor surface could affect its electrical properties specifically the p-type layer that affects directly the depletion region of the semiconductor reducing the neutron detector efficiency count. Three boron depositions with different thickness were performed in the photodiode (S3590-09) surface by pulsed laser deposition and the photodiode was characterized, before and after the deposition process, using a radioactive americium source. Energy spectra were used to verify the electronic response of the photodiode, due to the fact that it is possible to relate it to the photopeak pulse height and resolution. Spectra from the photodiode without and with boron film deposition were compared and a standard photodiode (S3590-04) that had the electronic signal conserved was used as reference to the pulse height for electronics adjustments. The photopeak energy resolution for the photodiode without boron layer was 10.26%. For the photodiode with boron deposition at different thicknesses, the resolution was: 7.64% (0.14 m), 7.30% (0.44 m) and 6.80% (0.63 m). From these results it is possible to evaluate that there was not any degradation in the silicon photodiode.

    Palavras-Chave: americium 241; boron; electrical properties; energy spectra; neutron detectors; photodiodes; portable equipment; thermal neutrons; thin films; brazilian cnen

  • IPEN-DOC 24574

    KOSKINAS, M.F. ; YAMAZAKI, I.M. ; MOREIRA, D.S. ; TAKEDA, M.N. ; DIAS, M.S. . Disintegration rate and gamma-ray emission probability per decay measurement of Cu-64. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 55-55.

    Abstract: This work aims to present the 64Cu standardization method developed in the Nuclear Metrology Laboratory (LMN) at the IPEN-CNEN/SP, using a 4 􀀀 coincidence system, and the measurement of the gamma-ray emission probabilities per decay of 1345.7 keV of 64Cu by means of a REGe gamma-ray spectrometer. The 4 􀀀 coincidence system consists of a gas- flow proportional counter with 4 geometry and using 90% Ar + 10% CH4 gas at 0.1 MPa, as the detector, coupled to two NaI(Tl) crystal for the gamma-ray emission detection. The events were registered by means of a Time to Amplitude Converter (TAC) associated with a Multi-Channel Analyzer. Two gamma-ray windows were set for the coincidence measurements, one including the positron-annihilation quanta and the other located at the total absorption energy peak of the 1345.7 keV gamma-ray transition. The 64Cu was obtained by irradiating 0.3mg of metallic cooper in the IEA-R1 research reactor under a 1 1013 cm􀀀2 s􀀀1 thermal neutrons flux. To obtain the 64Cu solution the foil irradiated was dissolved in 20 L of HNO3 65% and after that was diluted in 20 mL of 0.1M HCl. The activity was determined by means of the extrapolation curve from eight irradiations, normalized by means of the germanium measurements. The Kawada factor to correct the inefficiency for beta plus and beta minus in the N4 has been applied. The gamma-ray full efficiency peak curve of the germanium spectrometer was measured at 17.9 cm of source-detector distance, in the energy range from 244 keV to 2754 keV, by measuring flamed-sealed ampoules of 24Na, 60Co, 133Ba, 137Cs, and 152Eu standardized at the LMN. The sample for measurement in the spectrometer was prepared in flame-sealed ampoule with 1 mL of the diluted solution. The gamma-ray emission probability per decay of the 1345.7 keV transition of 64 Cu was (0.472 0.010)%, in agreement with the literature.

    Palavras-Chave: coincidence methods; copper 64; emission; gamma radiation; gamma spectrometers; multi-channel analyzers; standardization; tantalum carbides

  • IPEN-DOC 24573

    CARVALHO, P.R. ; MUNITA, C.S. ; NEVES, E.G.; ZIMPEL, C.A.. Archaeometric studies of Bacabal’s pottery. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 53-53.

    Abstract: The analyzes carried out in this work aims to contribute to the discussion about the ceramic objects founded in Monte Castelos sambaqui located at south-west Amazonia. The first study accomplished by Miller in 1980 suggests that this archaeological site is inserted in the old contexts of production of ceramics in the Amazon. Until today, there aren’t any archaeometric studies in this ceramics and this kind of studies may help archaeological studies performed at the sambaqui. With this purpose, this work presents a preliminary study of chemical characterization of eighty-seven ceramic samples using the Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). This analytical technique has been used because presents high sensitivity, precision and accuracy, essential characteristics to detect small variations in the concentration of the chemical elements contained in the ceramic fragments, at trace or ultra-trace levels. For the analysis the ceramic fragments were washed with water and the external surface was cleaned with tungsten carbide drill bits. Then, holes in different internal parts of each of the fragments were made to obtain sample in the form of powder, whose were dried in an oven at 105 C for 24 hours and stored in a desiccator. After this procedure, approximately 100mg of ceramic samples, of the Constituent Elements in Coal Fly Ash Reference Material (NIST-SRM-1633b), used as standard, and IAEA Soil-7 (Trace Elements in Soil), used as quality control, were irradiated for eight hours at the IEA-R1 reactor of IPEN-CNEN/SP, under a thermal neutrons flux of 1:6 1011 n cm􀀀2 s􀀀1 . Two measurement series were carried out using a Germanium (hyperpure) detector from Canberra. The mass fraction of Na, La, Sm, Yb, Lu and U were measured after 7 day cooling time and Sc, Cr, Fe, Co, Zn, Rb, Cs, Ce, Eu, Hf and Th after 25-30 days. However, in the interpretation of the dataset were considered only the elements with precision less than 10% (Yb, Lu, U, Zn, Rb and Hf). With the purpose to study the similarity/dissimilarity between the samples, two multivariate statistical techniques were used. Initially the mass fraction of the elements were converted to base log 10 and then cluster and discriminant analysis were used in order to assess similarities among samples. The results showed the existence of three different chemical groups that are in agreement with the archaeological studies made by Miller which found a sequence of cultural development, with three main occupational components whose dating ranging from 8.400 to 4.000 b.P. In this way, the results of this work corroborate with miller’s studies and suggest Bacabal’s phase as the oldest ceramist culture in the Southwest of the Amazon.

  • IPEN-DOC 24572

    CARVALHO, P.R. ; MUNITA, C.S. ; LAPOLLI, A.L. . Comparative study of hierarchical clustering. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 52-52.

    Abstract: In archaeological studies several analytical techniques are used to study the chemical and mineralogical composition of many materials of archaeological origin, generating a large data set. Thus, the multivariate statistical methods become indispensable for the interpretation of the results. These multivariate techniques, unsupervised and supervised, are accompanied by modern computational programs, which provide visualization and interpretation. Several methods have been used, such as cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, principal component analysis, among others. However, the most used is cluster analysis. The purpose of cluster analysis is to group the samples based on similarity or dissimilarity. The groups are determined in order to obtain homogeneity within the groups and heterogeneity between them. The literature presents many methods for partitioning of data set, and is difficult choose which is the most suitable, since the various combinations of methods based on different measures of dissimilarity can lead to different patterns of grouping and false interpretations. Nevertheless, little effort has been expended in evaluating these methods empirically using an archaeological data set. In this way, the objective of this work is make a comparative study of the different cluster analysis methods and to identify which is the most appropriate. For this, the study was carried out using a data set of the Archaeometric Studies Group from IPEN-CNEN/SP, in which 45 samples of ceramic fragments from three archaeological sites were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) which were determinated the mass fraction of 13 elements (As, Ce, Cr, Eu, Fe, Hf, La, Na, Nd, Sc, Sm, Th, U). The methods used for this study were: single linkage, complete linkage, average linkage, centroid and Ward. The comparison was done using the cophenetic correlation coefficient and according these values the average linkage method obtained better results. A script of the statistical program R was created to obtain the cophenetic correlation coefficient. The purpose of this script is to facilitate the statistical study of researchers who do not have much familiarity with statistical programs.Therefore, the researcher can easily check which method is most appropriate for your data set.

  • IPEN-DOC 24571

    SOUZA, V.I. ; SAIKI, M. . Investigation of elemental composition in commercial dietary supplements by neutron activation analysis. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 51-51.

    Abstract: Dietary supplement consumption has grown to complement deficiency of essential nutrient intake, to improve physical activity performance in athletes, to prevent diseases and to delay the effects of age. The aim of this study was to evaluate the elemental composition in multivitamin and protein supplements for its quality control and to assess the risks to human health. This study evaluated elemental composition of multivitamin and protein dietary supplements, acquired in São Paulo city. Elements As, Br, Ca, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, K, La, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se and Zn were determined in these dietary supplements, using neutron activation analysis (NAA). Aliquots of the supplements weighted in polyethylene envelopes were irradiated with elemental standards at the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor from 1 to 8h with thermal neutron flux of 4:0 1012 n cm􀀀2s􀀀1 . After adequate decay times the induced gamma activities of the samples and standards were measured using a HPGe detector coupled to a Digital Spectrum Analyzer DSA 1000. The elements were identified in the gamma spectra by gamma ray energies and half-lives and the concentrations were calculated by comparative method. The certified reference material NIST 1632d Coal Bituminous were analyzed for quality control. The results presented good precision and accuracy with jZscorej 2. Mass of elements found in multivitamins agreed with label values but in proteins, several elements did not comply with the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) regulations. Element amount per dose of the dietary supplement indicated that Cr and Se exceeded the recommended daily intake percentile values. The daily element intakes by consumption of supplements did not exceed the Tolerable Upper Intake Limits (UL) for the supplements analyzed. Toxic elements (Cd, Hg and Sb) were not detected in the supplements and As was detected at very low mass fractions.

  • IPEN-DOC 24570

    MAIHARA, V.A. ; AVEGLIANO, R.P. ; ROSA, M.M.L. ; AMBROGI, J.B. ; VALLINOTO, P. ; SANTOS, P.S. ; MOURA, P.L.C. ; DANIELE, A.P. . Neutron activation analysis applied to nutritional and foodstuff studies at IPEN-CNEN/SP. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 50-50.

    Abstract: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis, INAA, has been successfully used on a regularly basis in several areas of nutrition and foodstuffs. INAA has become an important and useful research tool due to the methodology’s advantages. These include high accuracy, small quantities of samples and no chemical treatment. This technique allows the determination of important elements directly related to human health. In this paper some studies in the area of nutrition which had been carried out at the Neutron Activation Laboratory of IPEN/CNEN-SP are presented: Brazilian Total Diet Studies, trace elements in maternal milk, baby foods, edible mushrooms and wine samples. Total Diet Study (TDS) is considered as the most adequate study to assess the dietary intakes of nutrients of a population. TDS is based in assessment of groups of food, represented by a Food List, which reflects the food consumption of the population. Three Brazilian TDS have been carried out: 2 TDS of the São Paulo city and one of the Poãos de Caldas city, region that is considered as a high background radioactive area, HBA.Deficiency of minor and trace elements can lead to various disorders in the early stages of child development. The essential element level in thirty human colostrum samples from mothers of pre-term and term newborns were studied by INAA.Eating habits are important determinants of health conditions during childhood. Commercial infant food is an important part of the diet for many babies. Inadequate complementary feeding is a major cause of high rates of malnutrition throughout the world. Essential elements: Ca, Cl, Co, Cr, Fe K, Mg, Mn, Na, Se and Zn were also determined in 27 commercial infant food samples by INAA. Mushrooms and algae are excellent nutritional sources since they provide proteins, fibers and mineral. They have also been the focus of medical research. In Brazil these kind of foods are not consumed in large quantities by the general population since people know little about their nutritional and medicinal benefits. Hence, the study of mushrooms and algae intends to contribute to a better understanding of their essential element contents, which are currently commercialized in São Paulo state. Trace elements are good indicators of the origin of wines. Three procedures of wine sample preparation (freeze-drying, evaporation and dry-ashing) to determine essential elements by INAA.

  • IPEN-DOC 24569

    SANTOS, T.O. ; SILVA, C.F. ; DAMATTO, S.R. . Assessment of trace elements concentration in Nicotiana tabacum L., Virginia variety. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 49-49.

    Abstract: Tobacco plant Nicotiana tabacum L. is used in the manufacture of all derivate products and the chemistry composition resulting of smoking varies with the kind of tobacco leaves, how they are grown, their original region, the features of preparation and the temperature variations resulting from the incomplete combustion of tobacco. There is a lack of information about the radiological and chemistry characterization of the tobacco plant in international and mainly Brazilian literature. The objective of this study was to determine the concentration of the elements As, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Na, Nd, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Ta, Tb, Th, U, Yb and Zn in the Nicotiana tabacum L., Virginia variety, by the Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) technique. The INAA was used in the Virginia variety cultivated at IPEN and the same variety cultivated in the city of Arvorezinha, Rio Grande do Sul by a regular producer. The samples cultivated in Arvorezinha were separated in soil, root, stem and leaves and the samples cultivated at IPEN were separated in substrate, root, stem and leaves. The results of rare earth elements showed a similar behavior among the plants, with higher results in soil and substrate and in the leaves. It was observed that the plants of the producers presented higher concentration of the studied elements when compared to the plants cultivated in IPEN. These higher concentrations are probably due to the addition of fertilizers to the producer’s crop and also because these elements can accumulate in the soil due to many years of use, different from the substrate used in the IPEN cultivation.

  • IPEN-DOC 24568

    COUTINHO, S.N. ; FIGUEIREDO, A.M.G. ; QUINAGLIA, G.A.. Bioaccumulation of potentially toxic elements in floating aquatic macrophytes of Guarapiranga Reservoir, São Paulo. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 48-49.

    Abstract: Macrophytes species play a relevant role in aquatic environments once they incorporate elements that can be a suitable tool for accumulation studies, mainly when it comes to an important and strategic water supply. The main goal of this study was to establish concentration levels of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se and Zn in four species of floating aquatic macrophytes samples at three sampling sites along the Guarapiranga Reservoir. For this purpose, five analytical techniques were tested such as Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP OES), Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP MS), Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GF AAS), Thermal Decomposition, Amalgamation, and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry and the multielemental characterization of this matrix was undertaken using Neutron Activation Analysis technique (NAA). The results obtained were compared to reference values for aquatic plants and most of the elements exceeded these values, especially at sampling site 01, which is located near the Embu-Guaãu River flow, the main tributary of the reservoir. In relation to comparison among sampling sites and macrophytes species, One-way Anova in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was performed. Output showed significant differences among sampling sites, but not for macrophytes species. Factor Analysis (FA) with Principal Components (PC) extraction method was performed on data using SPSS software. Output suggested possible common source from the As, Co, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb and Se elements, which composed PC1. PC2 included Cd, Cu and Zn elements and it should be noticed that Cu is frequently used as algicide in the reservoir, as CuSO4. PC3 included only Mn, suggesting distinct behavior of this element. Eventually, this work should be extended to monitoring programs.

  • IPEN-DOC 24567

    DAMATTO, S.R. ; SANTOS, L.F. . Trace elements determined in sediment cores from Nhecolãndia Pantanal by INAA. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 47-48.

    Abstract: Pantanal wetland is the world’s largest wetland, with an estimated area of about 200 000km2. This region is an alluvial plain and the Paraguay River and his tributaries run through the wetland due to the low declivity of the plain in the north-south and east-west direction; the water takes almost four months to cross the wetland, forming different ecosystems, such as floodplains, lakes of fresh or saline water, rivers, and others. In the last decades, this area has been affected by human activities, without the suitable planning. The sediment of an aqueous system represents a great source of study, as it is a deposit of solid material, formed by the wind, ice, or water on the surface of the earth and the deposition of organic material from animals that live there. From the sediment chemical analysis in combination with geochemical tools is possible to estimate a probable source of the elements chemistry, whether natural or anthropogenic. Trace elements from different sources tend to accumulate in the sediment fine fraction (silt + clay), and are commonly mobile, what could generate a transference of some metals to the environment. Therefore, the present work analyzed the fine (silt + clay) and the coarse (medium sand + fine sand) fraction of the sediment cores collected in four Salinas from Nhecolãndia Pantanal performing the elementary chemical characterization of these sediment fractions and verify a possible historical impact by anthropogenic sources and also to verify if some element could accumulate in the sand fraction since the sediments from these ponds have a high percentage of the coarse (sand) fraction; instrumental neutron activation analysis technique (INAA) was used in the determination. Four sediment cores were collected in ponds located at Embrapa farm, 19 33023:31"S and 56 4057:56"W in Nhecol andia Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, using a PVC manual sediment sampler. The cores were slice every 2cm and dried at 50 C; after drying, the samples were ground and homogenized. The elements As, Ba, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe (%), Hf, K (%), La, Lu, Na, Nd, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Ta, Tb, Th, U, Yb, and Zn were determined (mg kg􀀀1) by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) and the analysis were performed in the coarse and in the fine fraction of the sediment. The samples and reference material were irradiated for 8h at the IPEN Research Reactor IEA-R1. The element As, Ba and Fe concentrations showed higher values than those of the Upper Continental Crust, UCC, in the fine fraction of the sediment for the studied cores. For the coarse fraction only the elements As, Ba and Hf showed concentrations higher than the UCC values. The majority of the obtained results in the INAA determination for the coarse and fine fraction suggested that there is no expressive effect of the human activities in the region and this particular area until the moment.

  • IPEN-DOC 24566

    SILVA, R.C.A. ; SAIKI, M. ; MOREIRA, E.G. ; MEIRA, P.T.; OLIVEIRA, S.. A study on trace element contamination in the metropolitan region of São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil), using the livers of great egret (Ardea alba) as a biondicator. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 46-47.

    Abstract: Herons and egrets are considered bioindicators suitable for the assessment of environmental contamination, since they occupy the top of the food chain, and tend to accumulate high concentrations of toxic elements in their tissues. So, in this study the livers of the great egret (Ardea alba) were used as a bioindicators of changes in trace element concentrations between 2006 and 2011 (6 years) in the aquatic environments of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (SPMR). The levels of trace elements found in livers of males and females were also compared. The method of Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) was used in these analyses for the determination of Br, Co, Cs, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Se and Zn, and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Method (AAS) for the determination of Cd and Hg in liver samples. In previous studies, elevated concentrations of trace elements such as Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn and Zn were found in livers. In addition to the previous published data, the results for six trace elements (Co, Cs, Fe, Rb, Se and Zn) of five liver samples collected during 2011 were included. The concentrations of Br, Co, Fe, K, Mg, Na and Se found in livers in 2011 remained at similar levels to those obtained in 2006. However, increase in levels of Cd, Cu, Hg, Mn and Zn in 2011 was obtained, probably related to an increase in environmental depositions from anthropogenic sources. Female egrets presented lower levels of Co, Cs, Se and Zn than males. Selenium requires great attention due the differences indicating possible transference to the eggs and Se can be toxic for embryos. Results obtained in this study suggests a continuous monitoring using great egret livers in order to improve the knowledge of temporal trends of contamination in aquatic environments of the SPMR.

  • IPEN-DOC 24565

    NORY, R.M. ; FIGUEIREDO, A.M.G. . Rare earth elements, U and Th in tunnel dusts of São Paulo City, Brazil. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 46-46.

    Abstract: São Paulo is one of the most populated cities in the world, with about 20 million inhabitants in its metropolitan area, more than 7 million motor vehicles and intense industrial activity. Given its importance as a major urban center in South America and the lack of information concerning urban dust composition, the present study aimed to determine rare earth elements (REEs), U and Th mass fractions in tunnel dust, collected in the Jãnio Quadros Tunnel, and to assess their possible sources. The study of REEs distribution in urban environments has become of interest over the last decades, due to the increasing industrial use of these elements. The REEs, that are as common as the most familiar metals, are found in metallurgical additives, fluid cracking catalysts and automobile converter catalysts, among other applications. In this study, which employed Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) as analytical technique, the mass fractions of eight REEs were determined and normalized to the chondrite concentration values. The results showed that major concentrations were found for light REEs, following the sequence Ce > La > Nd > Sm > Yb > Eu > Tb > Lu. The pattern of the results pointed to a natural origin for these elements. Regarding U and Th concentrations, the results varied between 1:0 – 9:4 g g􀀀1 and 3:3 – 35:9 g g􀀀1 , respectively. Since there is almost no information about the concentration of these elements in this kind of matrix in São Paulo city, these data are important to support further investigations

  • IPEN-DOC 24564

    GOUVEA, P.F.M. ; SILVA, P.S.C. . Osteoarthritis clinical evaluation in patients treated with peruãbe black mud, chemical and radiological characterization and establishment of good practices protocols for the peloid obtainment and use. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 45-45.

    Abstract: Mudtherapy is the use of peloide (sludge, saline slime and mud) for therapeutic purposes. Although widely used worldwide its therapeutic mechanisms are not fully understood, especially considering the different origins and compositions of the used materials. Several hypotheses have been raised in the attempt to clarify such mechanisms. Peruãbe Black Mud (PBM) has traditionally been used in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee, which is one of the pathologies of high prevalence and great impairment of the functional capacity of the patients, through applications of the peloid in its natural form. This study intends to verify the therapeutic efficacy of mud, after undergoing a process of decontamination and maturation in marine water, in patients with knee osteoarthritis, as well as to make a comparison between the therapeutic effects of the PBM matured and that sterilized by gamma radiation after maturation. Patients aged between 30 and 85 years, divided into two groups of 20 and 21, respectively, were followed up for a period of 15 weeks. The method of observation was the double blind. The evaluation was based on subjective information collected by the WOMAC and SF36 questionnaires as well as X-ray examinations. Simultaneously, analyzes of the chemical, radiological and microbiological composition of the PBM were carried out, aiming at a systematized knowledge of the characteristics of the peloid in relation to possible deleterious effects on human health. X-ray fluorescence, neutron activation analysis, gamma spectrometry, elemental analysis, cooling kinetics studies and reduction potential were used to perform these characterizations. The results obtained allow us to conclude that PBM presents high levels of Si and S and low levels of Ca, Mg and radioactive elements. None of the samples matured or irradiated after maturation showed contamination by total coliforms, thermally tolerant coliforms or staphyloccocus aureus. The results indicate that there was a decrease in WOMAC and SF36 questionnaire scores for patients who completed the treatment.

  • IPEN-DOC 24563

    LIMA, N.P. ; SAIKI, M. . Determination of uranium in tree bark samples by epithermal neutron activation analysis. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 44-44.

    Abstract: It is well known that uranium is a toxic element to human beings and it is considered as an environmental pollutant. This element presents accumulative property and can be concentrated on the organs causing various types of diseases. Uranium is widely distributed in the environment, so it is of great interest to improve the method of neutron activation analysis to be applied in its determinations in tree barks used as environmental pollution biomonitor. For analytical quality control of the U results, certified reference materials (CRMs) were analyzed. The tree bark samples were collected from the Tipuana tipu (Tipuana) and Poincianella pluviosa (Sibipiruna) species and, for the analyses the outer layer of the bark was grated and then ground to obtain a powder. Aliquots of CRMs or tree bark samples were weighed in polyethylene envelopes and, irradiated together with U synthetic standard, inside a Cd capsule for epithermal neutron activation analysis (ENAA). The irradiation was performed a pneumatic transfer system at the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor at IPEN - CNEN/SP. The thermal neutron flux used was of 1:9 1012 n cm􀀀2s􀀀1 and the irradiation time was of 60 seconds. After adequate decay time, the sample and U standard were measured using a HGe detector coupled to a digital spectrum analyzer DSA 1000, both from Canberra. Uranium was identified by gamma ray peak of 74.66 keV of 239U and half-life of 23.47 minutes. The concentration of U was calculated by comparative method. A total number of five CRMs were analyzed and its results presented relative standard deviations lower than 13.4%, relative errors lower than 3.1% and |Z score| values lower than 0.29. Results obtained in the analyses of tree barks varied from 81.8 to 222.1 ng/g, indicating that U concentrations in the analyzed samples were very low.

  • IPEN-DOC 24562

    MELO, N.Q.; SAIKI, M. ; GENEZINI, F.A. . Element concentration determinations in tree barks collected in a car parking. Preliminary results for biomonitoring studies. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 43-43.

    Abstract: Tree barks are considered to be a promising indicator of air pollution monitoring due to its wide distribution, simplicity of tree species identification, sampling without causing damage to the tree and easier sample treatment. Besides, the surface layers of tree barks have been considered as a potential indicator of air pollution since they retain pollutants directly from the air or from the rainwater running down the stems. In addition, bark surface is inert porous material and the absence of metabolic processes makes it almost inert in the presence of inorganic and organic substances. The aim of this study was to analyze tree barks collected in a car parking at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute, IPEN-CNEN/SP in order to identify the origin of elements present in these samples. Barks from Sibipiruna (Poincianella pluviosa) collected at a height of 1.5m from the topsoil were cleaned using a nylon brush. Then a surface layer of 3 mm was removed using a Ti grater and ground in an agate mortar for the analyses. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was applied for the determination of As, Br, Ca, Co, Cr, Fe, K, La, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc and Zn. Aliquots of the samples weighed in polyethylene involucres and synthetic standards of elements were irradiated at the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor under a thermal neutron flux of about 4:2 1012n cm􀀀2s􀀀1 for 16h. After adequate decay times, the irradiated samples and standards were measured using a HPGe detector coupled to a Digital Spectrum Analyzer. The radionuclides in the irradiated samples were identified by half-lives and gamma ray energies. For analytical control of the results, certified reference materials (CRMs) INCT-MPH-2 Mixed Polish Herbs and IAEA 336 Lichen were analyzed. The element concentrations were calculated by comparative method. Results obtained in CRMs presented relative standard deviations and relative errors lower than 10.0% for most of elements determined. Findings of this study demonstrated that the INAA can provide reliable data for element concentrations in tree barks. Preliminary results obtained in bark samples can be used for determining elements originated from different emission sources such as vehicular, suspension of the soil and from tree bark itself.

  • IPEN-DOC 24561

    ALVES, M.B. ; EMERENCIANO, A.K.; BORDON, I.C.A.C.; SILVA, J.R.M.C.; FAVARO, D.I.T. . Assessment of toxic and trace elements in the sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri in the antartic marine environment. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 42-42.

    Abstract: Sea urchins are marine and benthic invertebrates, many of them sessile or with reduced mobility. The species Sterechinus neumayeri (Meissner, 1900) is the most abundant in shallow Antarctic seawater, from the coast until 400 m depth. Comandante Ferraz Antartic Station (EACF), that is part of the Brazilian Antarctic Base located on King George Island, in Admiralty Bay, was chosen for this study and, two sampling sites were chosen for this purpose: a "control" site at Botany (62 05. 400’ – 62 05. 556’ S; 058 18,127’ – 058 18. 612’ W); and a "contaminated" site close to the station where a fire occurred in 2012, consuming about of 70% of the facilities. Ten organisms from each region were collected. Gonads and intestines of these sea urchins were dissected, dried in a ventilated oven at 40 C until reach a constant weight. The micronutrients concentration and some trace elements were determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). Methodology validation according precision and accuracy was carried out by means of the following certified reference materials analyses: Oyster Tissue (NIST-1566b), Mussel Tissue (NIST SRM- 2976), and Peach Leaves (NIST SRM – 1547). The analytical methodology was validated by Z-Score (|Z|<2) in 95% C.I. For preliminary statistical analysis, a normality test (p > 0.05) and Grubbs test were performed for outliers detection (p < 0.05, C.I. 95%). Results obtained by INAA showed that the elements Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, Se and Zn presented a higher concentration in the "contaminated" point and As, Ba, Na, and Sc, in the "control" point (Botany). The others elements (Ba, Fe, Na e K) showed no significant difference between sites. Multivariate statistical analysis will be applied to the results.

  • IPEN-DOC 24560

    ALVES, M.B. ; EMERENCIANO, A.K.; BORDON, I.C.A.C.; SILVA, J.R.M.C.; FAVARO, D.I.T. . Biomonitoring evaluation for some toxic and trace elements in sea urchins species Lytechinus variegatus (Lamarck, 1816) in marine environment: São Paulo Northern Coast (Brazil). In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 41-41.

    Abstract: Sea urchins are marine and benthic invertebrates, many of which sessile or with reduced mobility. The species Lytechinus variegatus (Lamarck, 1816) is geographically widely distributed, from North Carolina, in the United States, to the South of Brazil. The present study analysed a mixture of gonads and gut of sea urchins (20 individuals of each site) from the north coast of São Paulo, Ilhabela, in the São Sebastião Channel (contaminated region) (23.8145 S 45.3782 W) and Praia Preta – São Sebastião (control region) (23.7745 S – 45.7132 W) to verify if this species could be used as biomonitor for the studied region. After collection, the samples were dried in a ventilated oven at 40 C until constant weight. After drying, the samples were crushed and sieved in 60 mesh (0.250 mm) granulometry. The micronutrients concentration (Ca, Fe, K, Na, Se e Zn) and trace elements (As, Ba, Br, Co, Cr, Rb, Sb e Sc) were determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). Methodology validation was carried out by means of certified reference materials analyses such as: Oyster Tissue (NIST – 1566b), Mussel Tissue (NIST SRM – 2976), Peach Leaves (NIST SRM – 1547) and were validated by Z-Score, |Z| < 3 in 95% confidence interval (C.I.) For preliminary statistical analysis, a normality test (p > 0.05) and Grubbs test were performed for outlier detection (p < 0.05, C.I. 95%) . The preliminary results showed that the elements Cs, Cr, Sc and presented a higher concentration in the contaminated point and the elements As, Br, Co, Fe and Se, in the control point (C.I. 95%, test-t for independent samples). These are the preliminary results and Multivariate Statistical Analysis will be applied to the results.

    Palavras-Chave: neutron activation analysis; elements; environmental exposure; iron; nutrition; radiation monitoring; sea urchins; trace amounts; zinc,aersenic; cesium; calcium; chromium; contamination; brazil

  • IPEN-DOC 24559

    VASCONCELLOS, M.B.A. ; MENDES, S.U.R.; CATHARINO, M.G.M. ; QUINAGLIA, G.A.; HELD, B.. Evaluation of mercury levels in hair of children residents in garimpo area on the city of Chapada de Natividade – Tocantins. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 40-40.

    Abstract: The objective of the work is to evaluate the mercury exposure of children living in the artisanal gold mining are and in a control area, without mining. A cross-sectional study was conducted with children living in the municipalities of Chapada de Natividade and Porto Nacional, in the State of Tocantins, where hair samples were collected for laboratorial analysis of mercury concentrations, comparing between municipalities, gender, monthly fish consumption, profession of parents and the presence of amalgam in dental restorations. The participating children were selected from informations registered in the cadaster of the service of basic health assistance of Brazil (SUS).The age range chosen was of children from 5 to 6 years, with the aim of not including older children, which might be already submitted to work in the artisanal gold mining activities. The hair samples were analyzed by the methods of neutron activation analysis and also by means of the DMA (Direct Mercury Analyzer) equipment, in the last case being a partnership with CETESB. There was no evidence of mercury-related diseases in the studied children. The mean concentration of mercury in children in Chapada de Natividade was significantly higher than in Porto Nacional. Children exposed to artisanal gold mining areas have higher concentrations of mercury than children living in non- artisanal gold mining areas. There was no significant relationship between mercury concentrations and gender, monthly fish consumption, parental profession and amalgam presence in dental restorations.

  • IPEN-DOC 24558

    ARMELIN, M.J.A. ; FERRAZ, C.M. ; HAMADA, M. . Performance of neutron activation analysis in the evaluation of bismuth iodide purification methodology. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 39-39.

    Abstract: Bismuth tri-iodide (BiI3) is an attractive material for using as a semiconductor. The behavior of semiconductor devices is strongly influenced by the presence of impurities or contaminants remaining due to incomplete purification of the semiconductor material. BiI3 has emerged as a particularly interesting material in view of its wide band gap (1.7eV), large density (5.7g/cm3), high atomic number elements (Z=68) and high resistivity (>109 cm). The BiI3 crystals have been grown by the vertical Bridgman technique using commercially available powder. In this case, the BiI3 powder was purified three times and, at each purification, the crystal was evaluated by systematic measurements of reduction of impurities, crystalline structure, stoichiometry and surface morphology. The purification efficiency was assessed by analyzing the crystals, through Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). INAA is the elemental analysis method usually chosen for these projects because of some features such as: small amount of sample available, minimal sample handling and high sensitivity for many elements. The analyzed crystals came from the impurity reduction process occurred after each purification by the Repeated Vertical Bridgman method. The results showed that INAA was a special analytical technique to identify and quantify the impurities (Ag, As, Br, Cr, K, Mo, Na and Sb) in the BiI3 crystals and to evaluate the reduction of the trace impurities, after each purification step.

  • IPEN-DOC 24557

    LEAL, L.G.M. ; ZAMBONI, C.B. ; SILVA, D.G.N. ; MEDEIROS, J.A.G. ; SIMONS, S.M.; MENDONCA, R.Z.; NASCINTO, R.M.. Elemental characterization of the extract of propolis produced by scaptotrigona postiça bee from Brazil using NAA. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 38-39.

    Abstract: The Scaptotrigona postiça bee is a stingless insect belonging to Apidae family and subfamily Meliponinae. This genus occurs throughout in Neotropics. In Brazil, it is found in the northeastern mainly in the Barra do Corda County (Maranhão). Specifically, the propolis produced by this bee have several medical applications: it is used in the healing of wounds with an inflammatory process and in treatment of prostate tumors. Considering its importance in medicinal use and the great variability in relation to botanical origin, its standardization in relation to the dosage of inorganic elements is important to meet the different medical applications. The objective of this investigation was to perform a multielemental characterization using Neutron Activation Analysis technique. The measurements were performed using the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor at IPEN – CNEN/SP (Brasil). These data increase the knowledge of its inorganic components and can introduce improvements in the production of these extracts, mainly as regards to toxicity.

  • IPEN-DOC 24556

    LEONARDO, L. ; SOUZA, J.M. ; DAMATTO, S.R. ; SURKOV, A.M. ; MADUAR, M.F. ; SILVA, A.R. . Inorganic chemical characterization of the soil and sediment from Taiaçupeba Reservoir, São Paulo. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 37-38.

    Abstract: Taiaçupeba reservoir, located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, belongs to Producer System of Alto Tietê (Sistema Produtor Alto Tietê –SPAT) and it is responsible for water supply for about 3.1 million of people. The water quality of a reservoir became very important in the last decades due to the increase of environmental degradation of the soil and its several uses. Trace and major elements can accumulate in high levels in soil and sediment, and the study of its concentration can indicate if the ecosystem is polluted. Therefore, the study of soil profiles and sediment cores are an important tool for the understanding of geophysical and geochemical aspects of aquatic ecosystems. The objective of this work was to present the elements As, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Na, Nd, Rb, Sb, Sc, Ta, Tb, Th, U, Yb and Zn concentrations using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) in four soil profiles and four sediment cores collected in the influence area of Taiaçupeba reservoir. To verify if these elements could be enriched and the ecosystem polluted the Enrichment Factor and the Geoacumulation Index were also used. Soil profiles were collected in trenches up to 2m deep and sampled every 5 cm; in the laboratory the samples were dried at room temperature. The sediment samples were collected with a manual PVC sampler sliced every 2 cm or according to their textural characteristics, and dried in an oven at 50 C; the length of the sediment cores ranged from 42 cm to 61 cm. After drying, soil and sediment samples were sieved in a 2 mm mesh and packed in polyethylene bottles for INAA. The elements Na, As and Sb presented the highest values for both soil and sediment samples, implying in continuous, regular and spatial monitoring of the reservoir. One sediment core presented a very high concentration of the element Zn when compared to the values of the Upper Continental Crust, indicating a possible anthropic contribution from the region’s industries and classifying the reservoir as extremely polluted in relation to this element. In the evaluation of the enrichment factor it was concluded that the soil presented very high enrichment for the elements Na, As and Sb and the sediment presented very severe enrichment for the elements Na, As and Zn.

  • IPEN-DOC 24555

    SARTORI, L.P.; LEONARDO, L. ; DAMATTO, S.R. ; SANTOS, N.D. . Trace elements determined in turtles trachemys scripta elegans from the urban area of São Paulo. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 36-37.

    Abstract: The red-eared-turtle Trachemys scripta elegans, belonging to the suborder Cryptodira and family Emydidae, is farmed in the Mississippi Valley in the USA and sold throughout the world as one of the most traded pets. An increasing number of species are frequently released by owners in natural wetlands and in urban areas. This species is resistant and may spread parasites and threaten native turtle populations. Many countries chose to perform euthanasia to control its population, avoiding the threat to local biodiversity. Animals were studied here using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) to determine metallic elements Ca, Fe, Na, Zn, aiming to assess the concentrations on different tissues in the body of ten female specimens. All of them donated already euthanized by DEPAVE (Parks and Green Areas Department) U City of São Paulo. The bodies were open with electric saw, with size between 18 and 23 cm of Carapace Length (CL), being all of them adults. The samples analyzed were: superficial and bone carapaces liver, heart, lung, muscle and kidneys. Approximately 200mg of the samples and reference materials, Soil 1 from IAEA and Montana II soil from NIST, were used. Those were irradiated at the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor at IPEN under a thermal neutron flux of 1012 n per cm2 per s for 6h. Gamma spectrometry was used with a HPGe with relative efficiency of 23% with an associated electronics, to perform the measurements. Methodology validation regarding precision and accuracy were done using reference materials SL- 1 (Lake Sediment – IAEA) and Montana II soils (NIST). The Na, Ca, Zn and Fe concentrations in shell bone and scute were in the same magnitude founded in the literature. The majority of their growth occurs in early years of life then it would be possible to infer that the concentrations found in the central part of their carapace were related to previous years, and the concentrations that were found in the edges can be related to the last months of animals life. Studies regarding cadmium intake focuses in contamination based on animals diet, but as in this study there is few information about the food source the animal received before living in city parks, and before being euthanized they were put in a diet restricted to ration. The Zn concentrations found in the carapace showed higher values in the scute when compared with shell bone. Ca and Na presented the opposite behavior. Future studies related to the metal concentrations in other parts of the animals could indicate the possibility of using this specie as an environmental bioindicator.

  • IPEN-DOC 24554

    PEREIRA, L.M.; SAIKI, M. . Neutron activation analysis of phytotherapics of Maytenus ilicifolia and Solanum melongena plants. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 35-36.

    Abstract: In Brazil, the consumption of phytotherapics has become very popular due to the vast biodiversity of the immense flora, to the belief that plants that are of natural origin are safe and without side effects. Besides phytotherapics, in general, are cheaper than synthetic products. The objective of this study is to evaluate the elemental concentrations in phytotherapics of the plants Maytenus ilicifolia, also known as Holly or "Espinheira Santa", and Solanum melongena, known as Eggplant. The analysis of the elemental composition of phitotherapics is of great importance since these products may contain toxic or essential elements above of the safe limits for human consumption. The determinations also may be used to study the correlation the presence of some elements with their therapeutic effects. The phytotherapics samples were acquired in drug stores in São Paulo city and they were in powder form placed in capsules. Their elemental concentrations were determined by Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) method. Aliquots of the samples and synthetic elemental standards were irradiated at the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor with thermal neutron flux of about 4.24 1012 n cm􀀀2 s􀀀1 during 16h. After adequate decay times, the irradiated samples and standards were measured using a HGe detector coupled to a gamma ray spectrometer. The radionuclides were identified by the gamma rays energies and the half- lives. Concentrations of the elements were calculated by comparative method. For quality control of the results, the certified reference material INCT-MPH-2 Mixed Polish Herbs was analyzed. Elements Br, Ca, Cr, Cs, Co, Fe, K, La, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se and Zn were determined in this study. Results obtained in the certified reference material showed a good agreement with the certified values. The variation (Relative Standard Deviation) of the contents of each capsule was of 6.1% for "Espinheira Santa" sample, and of 5.6% for Eggplant. This result indicates that the sample of "Espinheira Santa" phytotherapic presented more homogeneous in terms of mass of the contents in each capsule than that of Eggplant. In the phytotherapics, the elements Ca and K were found at the percentage levels, the elements Br, Fe, Rb and Zn at the g/g and the Co, Cr, Cs, La, Sb and Sc at the ng/g level. In the Eggplant phytotherapic, the element As was found but at very low concentration of ng/g.

  • IPEN-DOC 24553

    BARROS, L.F. ; DIAS, M.S. ; KOSKINAS, M.F. ; YAMAZAKI, I.M. ; SEMMLER, R. ; RIBEIRO, R.V. . Determination of k0 and Q0 for 113In(n,gamma)114In reaction with covariance analysis. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 35-35.

    Abstract: The use of k0 method for quantitative reactor Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) is a well-known technique for determining multi-element concentrations in different materials. In order to achieve good results, there is a continuing need for improving the accuracy of k0 and Q0 parameters for several neutron capture reactions. 113In(n, )114In reaction can be considered particularly interesting because k0 and Q0 discrepancies appear in the literature. This fact motivated the present work which is focused on the measurement of k0 and Q0 values for this reaction with the purpose of improving the existing data catalogues. The irradiations were performed near the core of the IEA-R1 4.5 MW swimming-pool nuclear research reactor of the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN-CNEN/SP), in São Paulo, Brazil. The distribution of epithermal neutron flux in the IEA-R1 is close to zero at the chosen irradiation position, which favors to obtain Q0 accurately. Two irradiations were carried out in sequence using two sets of samples: the first with a cadmium cover around the samples and the second without. The activity measurements were carried out in an HPGe gamma-ray spectrometer. Standard sources of 152Eu, 133Ba, 60Co and 137Cs supplied by the IAEA were used in order to obtain the HPGe gamma-ray peak efficiency as a function of the energy. The covariance matrix methodology was applied to all uncertainties involved. The final values for k0 and Q0 were compared with the literature.

  • IPEN-DOC 24552

    CASTRO, L. ; MOREIRA, E.G. ; VASCONCELLOS, M.B.A. . Micro-homogeneity evaluation of a bovine kidney candidate reference material. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 34-34.

    Abstract: Assessing the homogeneity is one of the critical steps in the process of preparing and certifying a reference material (RM). One of the parameters that must be estimated is the minimum sample intake for which the material remains homogeneous, that is, that the concentration and uncertainty values present in the certificate continue to be valid. In general, the Certified Reference Materials (CRM) producers establish a minimum sample intake of 200mg, estimated in a conservative way, and useful for classical analytical methods that use sample masses greater than this value. From the appearance of analytical techniques that use less sample quantities, such as ICP, it became increasingly important to be able to clearly estimate which is the real minimum sample intake of the RM. The present work describes the micro-homogeneity study of a bovine kidney candidate reference material. In order to obtain an estimate of the minimum sample intake amount, assays were performed to determine the Kurfurst constant (HE), a parameter used for this purpose by several authors. Measurements should be carried out using a method that allows analyzing a low sample quantity, with good accuracy and low uncertainty. In this work was used Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis, INAA, a reference technique for the evaluation of the degree of homogeneity of RM. Ten sub-samples of approximately 1mg were analyzed to evaluate the HE for the elements Cl, K, Mn and Na, and ten sub-samples of approximately 2mg to evaluate the HE for Co, Fe, Mg, Se and Zn. Results obtained for HE in all the analyzed elements were satisfactory. The estimated minimum sample intake was between 1mg and 50mg, depending of the element.

  • IPEN-DOC 24551

    SILVA, L.S. ; FERREIRA, F.J.; FAVARO, D.I.T. . Concentration and distribution evaluations of trace and rare earth element in sample sediments of the Billings and Guarapiranga reservoir systems. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 33-33.

    Abstract: The Alto Tietê Water Resources Management Unit (UGRHI-6) of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (RMSP) is composed of 34 municipalities and covers the upper part of the Tietê River. Due to excessive urbanization of the region, its water courses have lost their natural characteristics, resulting severe changes in water flow and quality. The present study evaluated the concentration and distribution of trace and rare earth elements in samples of surface sediment collected at strategic points in the Billings System (including Rio Grande and Guarapiranga Reservoirs). In order to determine the concentration of trace and rare earth elements (Ce, Eu, La, Lu, Nd, Sm, Tb and Yb) in the sediments, instrumental neutron activation technique (INAA) was used. Methodology validation was performed by the analysis of reference materials and Z score calculation. To evaluate the sources of anthropogenic contamination the enrichment factor (FE) and the geoacumulation index (IGeo) were calculated using NASC, UCC and Guarapiranga region soil Reference Values. The results obtained were compared to the concentration guideline values established by environmental agencies, such as the CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment) for As, Cr and Zn, as well as the values found in other published studies carried out in the region. Most of the analyzed points exceeded TEL values and, in some points, PEL values of, for these three elements, indicative of the poor quality of the sediments in these reservoirs. In general terms, the elements As, Cr, Sb and Zn through FE and IGeo calculations present enrichment at all points analyzed, in both collection campaigns, with the exception of the Rio Grande reservoir points. The region where the studied reservoirs are located receives untreated sewage as well as pollution from the urban occupation and industrial and mining activities, making it difficult to accurately identify the pollution sources of the reservoirs. The Billings Reservoir also receives waters from the Tietê and Pinheiros Rivers on rainy days. This study verified higher concentrations of the elements analyzed in the Billings Reservoir, indicating a greater contamination levels in relation to the other regions. This study revealed the need for frequent monitoring of sediment quality in the Billings and Guarapiranga Reservoirs as an important procedure for periodic evaluations of the of the basin water quality, considering its importance in the water supply for the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo.

  • IPEN-DOC 24550

    SANTOS, L.A.B. ; SHIGASI, A. ; DAMATTO, S.R. . Use of INAA technique in mineral water samples from the Parque das Águas of Cambuquira and Marimbeiro. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 32-32.

    Abstract: Water is an indispensable molecule for the existence of life, thus several studies analyze both their chemical composition and biological and radiological. There is a greater concern about mineral waters, since they tend to be consumed even as a therapeutic form, originating the study of crenotherapy. Currently there are several analytical techniques for the determination of elements in water and one that can be used is the neutron activation analysis, which consists of a technique that forms radioactive isotopes by means of reactions that occur in the nucleus of the atoms, thus allowing simultaneous determination of various chemical element concentrations. In addition to being a sensitive and reliable method, it is free of sample destruction. The method can be used either in samples in their solid or liquid form. The mineral water, according to Decree Law No. 7.841 of 08.08.1945 is defined as: "Mineral waters are those from natural or artificially collected sources that have chemical composition or physical or physico-chemical properties distinct from common waters with characteristics that give them a medication action". In addition to chemical composition, these waters may be classified by other physical chemical characteristics, such as temperature and gases; they are also studied in the field of medicine. The objective of this study was to determine the concentration of the elements As, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Na, Nd, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Ta, Tb, Th, U, Yb and Zn in the mineral waters from Parque das Águas of Cambuquira, springs Gasosa I, II and III, Férrea, Magnesiana, Litinada and Marimbeiro springs 1, 2 and 3, both parks located in the city of Cambuquira, MG. Parque das Águas of Marimbeiro is located 3km from the center of the city of Cambuquira; the parks are managed by the CODEMIG. A sample of a mineral water spring was also collected from a private property open to the population, near to the park of Cambuquira and called the spring of Laranjal or Dico. The samples for the autumn sampling of 2016 were analyzed, for which the results obtained showed that in the mineral waters of the parks Cambuquira and Marimbeiro was determined the elements Na and Ca, which are expected elements since an important characteristic of fresh waters is that they have an identity of the inorganic ions. This characteristic may be linked to the salts of these ions being moderately soluble, thus facilitating their mobilization in aqueous medium. Also determined in the waters were the elements Zn, Co, Fe and rare earth elements such as Sm and La.

  • IPEN-DOC 24549

    SILVA, L.F.F.L. ; ZAMBONI, C.B. ; BAHOVSCHI, V. ; METAIRON, S. ; MEDEIROS, I.M.M.A. . Differences in iron concentrations in whole blood of animals model using NAA. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 31-31.

    Abstract: In this study Neutron Activation Analysis technique (NAA) was applied to determine Fe concentrations in whole blood samples of several animals model: mice (Mus musculus), Golden Hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), Wistar rats, Albinic Rabbits of New Zealand, Golden Retriever dogs and Crioula breed horses. In the health area these animals model are used for several investigations, mainly those that involve testing of new medicines, vaccines, antibiotics, anesthetics, antidepressants, organs transplantation as well as medical diagnostic studies. While small-sized animals model (mice, hamsters, rats and rabbits ) are very convenient to perform medical investigation due to the low cost, easy handling and medico-legal implications, medium and large sized animals, (mainly Golden Retrievers dogs) are selected for medical diagnostic studies because of their physiological similarities with the humans. Particularly, in this study, horses (Crioula breed) were also investigated because they are frequently used for antivenom production in Brazil. An important aspect to be considered during these medical investigations is the needs to check for similarities between the animal’s blood and the human’s blood. Besides, considering that Fe plays important functions in blood (acts as indicator of a great number of anomalies) consulting these data is possible to select the convenient animal model for experiments which the similarities with the humans are an important condition. The NAA measurements were performed in the nuclear reactor IEA-R1 (3.5-4.5MW, pool type) at IPEN/CNEN-SP (Brazil). Fe concentrations results in the blood of these animals were compared with human blood estimative and some significant differences were identified.

  • IPEN-DOC 24548

    OLIVEIRA, J.A.S. ; SILVA, P.S.C. . Use of macrophites for removal of metals in liquid effluents, using instrumental neutron activation analysis. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 30-31.

    Abstract: This study proposes the application of Eichhornia crassipes biomass, abundant in the dams of São Paulo state, to remove metallic ions from solution, aiming its application to effluent treatment. The efficiency of adsorption was tested by the Zn, Fe, Cr, Co removal from solutions containing these elements. The plants, for biomass production, were collected at the Billings reservoir in São Bernardo do Campo, located in the Southeast of São Paulo Metropolitan Region. After collection, the plants were washed and dried in a ventilated oven from 60 C to 70 C, crushed and passed through a 150 m sieve. The biomass thus obtained was subjected to the chemical activation process by the treatment with 0.1 mol L􀀀1 solution of HCl and 0.1 mol 􀀀1 of NaOH in order to increase its surface area. The tests indicated that the treatment with HCl was the most effective and this was used in the preparation of the biomass for the adsorption tests of the metallic ions. The adsorption tests were carried out, at first, to verify the effect of the pH and the contact time between the sample and the adsorbent in the adsorption process. The concentrations of Zn, Fe, Cr and Co, present in the solution, before and after the treatment, were determined by the instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) technique. For this determination the samples were irradiated for 8 hours at the IEA-R1 reactor at IPEN. The concentrations were determined by comparing the peak area of the samples and that of the reference materials irradiated together with the samples.

  • IPEN-DOC 24547

    FLORES, J.P.O. ; SEMMLER, R. . Characterization of neutron spectrum at the short irradiation facility of the IEA-R1 reactor using the bare triple monitor method. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 30-30.

    Abstract: The neutron spectrum parameters were determined in the short irradiation facility of the IEA-R1 reactor of IPEN. The neutron spectrum parameters are: the epithermal neutron flux shape factor ( ) approximated by a 1=E1+ distribution and the thermal to epithermal neutron flux ratio (f ). According to the HOGDAHL formalism, the k0-NAA method uses the following input parameters: the full energy peak detection efficiency ("p), and nuclear data on Q0 (ratio of resonance integral I0 to thermal neutron cross-section 0) and k0 factors. The and f parameters depend on each irradiation facility and "p depends on each counting facility. In the HOGDAHL formalism the reactor neutron spectrum parameters ( and f ) can be obtained using three methods: Cd-ratio, Cd-covered and bare triple monitors. In this work and f were determined by the bare triple monitor method. In this method, a set of three neutron flux monitors are irradiated without Cd-cover. The efficiency curves of the gamma-ray spectrometer used were determined by measuring calibrated radioactive sources at the usually utilized counting geometries.

  • IPEN-DOC 24546

    TORRECILHA, J.K. ; SILVA, P.S.C. . Bentonite maturation with "Águas De Lindóia" water (Sp). In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 29-29.

    Abstract: In the therapeutic treatments involving clays, they are used in mud form also called peloids and are obtained by maturation process. Peloid is a natural product consisting of a mixture of solid phase (inorganic and organic materials) with a liquid phase (mineralU medicinal, salt lake or sea water). The maturation process occurs during the interaction of the solid and liquid phases that can vary up to many months. The peloids can be applied to different parts of the body or on the whole body by means of masks and poultices, or even by bathing the body partially or totally, for therapeutic or cosmetic purposes. This study proposes to characterize the elemental composition of the peloids artificially obtained by the maturation process of mixing bentonite with minero-medicinal water from Águas de Lindóia (SP). For this procedure, bentonite samples were left in contact with running water for three months, after this, they were collected, dried, transferred to a mortar, crushed and irradiated in the IEAR1 reactor at IPEN, together with certified reference materials, to be analyzed by neutron activation analysis. The irradiation occurs at a neutron flux of 1012 cm􀀀2 s􀀀1, during 8 hours and the induced activity were measured by gamma spectrometry.

  • IPEN-DOC 24545

    ALVES, I.C. ; GOUVEA, P.F.M. ; SILVA, P.S.C. . Chemical characterization of the clay deposit known as peruvian black mud. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 28-29.

    Abstract: In Peruíbe city, state of São Paulo, the largest continuous natural deposit of clay in the world can be found, containing of a material popularly known as Peruíbe Black Mud (PBM). This deposit has 83 thousand tons with a depth of 75m, distributed in 5 hectares, making the municipality a tourist point. This sludge is characterized by large amounts of fine particles, high organic matter content, high sulfite reducing bacteria content and a consequent high ion reduction potential; it is used in psoriasis, peripheral dermatitis, acne and seborrhea treatments, as well as in myalgias, arthritis and non-rheumatic joint processes. Ten samples of the in natura mud were collected along the deposit, in depth ranging from 1 to 1.5m and also 6 samples that were matured with see water, with the objective of verifying the homogeneity of the chemical composition through the evaluation of its elemental content, for the physical-chemical characterization, measurements of pH, moisture, organic matter and loss on ignition were made. The elemental concentrations were determined by neutron activation analysis. In these measurements approximately 100mg of sample were irradiated together with certified reference materials, for a period of 8 hours under a neutron flux in the order of 1012 n cm􀀀2 s􀀀1. The activities were determined by gamma spectrometry using high-purity Ge detectors. Both, in natura and maturated samples presented similar coefficient of variation for most of the elements, with Ca, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, La, Th and U having a coefficient of variation lower than 30%, the elements As, Sm, Tb, Zn and Zr presented a coefficient of variation between 30 and 60% and the elements K, Nd, Sb, Se, Tb and Yb presented the highest coefficients of variation, above 60%.

  • IPEN-DOC 24544

    SOUZA, E.S. ; SILVA, P.S.C. . Cobalt adsorption in kaolinite. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 28-28.

    Abstract: The adsorption process has been used as an efficient method for the removal of metallic ions from effluents. In this work, it is presented the studies to evaluate the adsorption capacity of Co in kaolinite, a low cost adsorbent, aiming at the removal of this ion from aqueous solutions. The specific surface area (S) was analyzed in 25 samples prepared in different ways: kaolinite, bentonite and activated carbon and, mixtures of kaolinite-bentonite and kaolinite-activated carbon. These mixtures were prepared by adding to kaolinite 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50% of activated charcoal or bentonite. Samples of kaolinite-activated charcoal mixture and raw kaolinite were also calcined at 600 and 1000 C for 4h. The adsorption parameters investigated for these adsorbents were: contact time, pH, solute initial concentration, ionic competition and ionic strength. It was found that the optimized contact time and pH, for the purpose of this work, were 30 min and pH 6. Under these conditions the cobalt ion removal efficiency was greater than 80%. It was verified that the presence of Cr and Zn ions, as well as the increase in ionic strength caused a decrease in the adsorption capacity of Co in the adsorbent mixture. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms presented R2 equal to 0.906 and 0.597, respectively. The parameters determined by these isotherms indicated a spontaneous process, i.e., energetically favorable, for the adsorption of Co under the conditions that this work was carried out.

  • IPEN-DOC 24543

    SANTOS, E.C. ; SAIKI, M. . Air pollution assessment using tree barks as biomonitors. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 27-27.

    Abstract: Tree barks are considered to be a promising indicator of air pollution monitoring, because of its accumulation of aerosol particles, simplicity of arboreal species identification and its wide geographical distribution. In this study, barks from Sibipiruna (Caesalpinia peltophoroides) and Tipuana (Tipuana tipu) tree species were collected in different sites in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP) and from two small cities considered as control sites located far from MRSP. The bark samples collected were cleaned and ground for the element analyses. Neutron activation analysis (NAA) was applied for the determination of As, Br, Ca, Cd, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, K, La, Mg, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sb, Sc, V and Zn and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) for Cd, Cu and Pb determinations. Results obtained for samples collected in different sampling sites in the MRSP presented wide variability due to the different pollutants levels that each tree was exposed to. In general, barks from trees located close to high vehicular traffic presented high As, Cd, Pb, Sb and Zn concentrations. The principal components analysis (PCA) was applied to identify sources associated with tree bark element concentrations and according to PCA, 80.97% of the results variance could be explained by four components. The possible origins of these elements were soil resuspension plus vehicular emission, industry, marine aerosols and the tree bark structure itself. The calculated enrichment factors indicated that all the elements originated from anthropic sources, with the exception of Cs. In addition, the enrichment of the elements in tree barks was higher in the MRSP than that from enrichment of barks collected from control sampling sites, indicating that the different levels of vehicular traffic may influence the enrichment of the elements. Despite the different pollution levels, the PCA indicated that there are no significant differences between MRSP and control sites with regards to emission characteristics, probably due to the control sites being located in urban areas. The analytical control of the results was checked by analyzing certified reference materials and the results indicated that NAA and GF AAS provided reliable data for element concentrations with standardized differences, |Z score| < 2.

  • IPEN-DOC 24542

    MOREIRA, E.G. ; MAIHARA, V.A. ; CASTRO, L. ; VASCONCELLOS, M.B.A. . Preparation of biological reference materials at LAN – IPEN – CNEN/SP. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 26-27.

    Abstract: Three biological reference materials were prepared to be used in interlaboratory programs and/or proficiency tests, as well as, for calibration of analytical instruments and validation of analytical methods for environmental trace elements: A Perna perna mussel reference material was produced and certified by means of an interlaboratory comparison. The material was designed as a quality assurance tool for element biomonitoring studies along the Brazilian seashore. For the preparation of the Brazilian mussel reference material, 164kg of Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758) mussels were purchased from a single producer, from Cocanha Beach in Caraguatatuba City, São Paulo State North Shore where mussels are cultivated by the longline system. After cleaning, freeze-drying and homogenization, the mussel samples were packed in 171 bottles and, the material was irradiated with a gamma ray dose of 5 kGy to enhance its stability. The certified mass fraction values and associated expanded uncertainties were obtained for Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cl, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Se, Th and Zn at the certification campaign. A fish tissue reference material was produced in the context of an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) project aiming analytical quality improvement for laboratories of the Latin American and Caribbean region. Whitemouth croake (Micropogonias furnieri), known as corvina, was the chosen species due to its low cost and high consumption in Latin America countries. For preparation, about 300kg of fish was collected and only the edible parts were used. After adequate processing, the fish material was bottled in 534 bottles with approximately 25g each. The reference values and associated expanded uncertainty (k = 2) were established for As, Cd, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Na, Se and Zn; Finally, a bovine kidney reference material to be used in the quality control of meat products was prepared using 35 kg of fresh bovine kidney from cattle reared under controlled feeding conditions. The preparation resulted in a final batch of 175 flasks. It was possible to assign values to 20 elements with their respective uncertainties, being 9 certified values (As, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Se and Zn), 10 indicative values (Br, Ca, Cd, Cl, Co, Cs, Hf, Mo, P and Rb) and 1 as additional information (Hg). All the three reference material production projects took advantage of the unique metrological properties of Instrumental Activation Analysis (INAA) not only in the certification process but also in the homogeneity and stability assessment following ISO Guide 30 series recommendations.

  • IPEN-DOC 24541

    WAKASUGI, D.S.M. ; SHIGASI, A. ; DAMATTO, S.R. . Trace elements determined in mineral waters using INAA from Parque das Águas de Lambari and Contendas. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 25-26.

    Abstract: Mineral water, according to the Brazilian Law N 7.841 of August 8, 1945, "are those from natural springs or springs artificially captured that have chemical composition or physical or physicochemical properties other than ordinary waters, with characteristics that give them a drug action". In this same law, mineral waters can be classified according to their chemical composition in: oligomineral, radiferous, alkaline-bicarbonated, alkalineearthy, sulfated, sulphurous, nitrated, chlorinated, ferruginous, radioactive, thorioactive and carbogasous. In several Brazilian hydromineral resorts, springs of radioactive mineral water are commercially exploited and are consumed by the population that believes this practice is beneficial. For example, in thermal parks like Caxambu, Cambuquira, São Lourenço and Lambari (MG), the waters of the various springs are used for human consumption and are often associated with medicinal use, like diuretic and cathartic waters (with properties of cleaning, purification, facilitating hepato-biliary functions and stimulating intestinal function directly or indirectly), and waters with antiphlogistic properties (anti-inflammatory). Therefore, due to the recommendation of these waters as a form of treatment spent in spas, the present work was developed in Centro de Radiometria Ambiental – IPEN, with the aid of those responsible for the spas of Lambari and Águas de Contendas and, with the objective to perform an inorganic chemical characterization of the mineral waters of Parque das Águas of Lambari and Águas de Contendas. Samples of mineral waters were analyzed in duplicates and concentrated from 500 mL. The samples were irradiated at the IPEN Research Reactor IEA-R1, for a period of 6h under a thermal neutron flux of 1012 n cm􀀀2s􀀀1. In the samples of mineral waters of the Parque das Águas of Águas de Contendas the elements Ca, Co, Fe, Hf, K, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Th, Zn, La and Sm were found. Similarly, in the Parque das Águas of Lambari the elements Ca, Co, Fe, K, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Zn, La and Sm were found. The analysis of the samples of these water parks evidenced that the elements of greatest occurrence were La and Co.

  • IPEN-DOC 24540

    SILVA, D.P. ; MOREIRA, E.G. . Homogeneity study on biological candidate reference materials: the role of neutron activation analysis. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 25-25.

    Abstract: Instrumental Neutron activation Analysis (INAA) is a mature nuclear analytical technique able to accurately determine chemical elements without the need of sample digestion and, hence, without the associated problems of analyte loss or contamination. This feature, along with its potentiality use as a primary method of analysis, makes it an important tool for the characterization of new references materials and in the assessment of their homogeneity status. In this study, the ability of the comparative method of INAA for the within-bottle homogeneity of K, Mg, Mn and V in a mussel reference material was investigated. Method parameters, such as irradiation time, sample decay time and distance from sample to the detector were varied in order to allow element determination in subsamples of different sample masses in duplicate. Sample masses were in the range of 1 to 250 mg and the limitations of the detection limit for small sample masses and dead time distortions for large sample masses were investigated.

  • IPEN-DOC 24539

    ALBUQUERQUE, C.R. ; MAIHARA, V.A. ; ALVES, C.B.L. ; SILVA, P.S.C. . Seaweeds as source of the essential elements. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 24-24.

    Abstract: Overtime, seaweeds have been used as a food mainly due to their high nutritional value. This type of food is considered as functional food and contributes to the nutritional human requirements, being beneficial to human health. In this study, 13 edible seaweed samples acquired in the market of São Paulo city were analyzed and the concentrations of elements K, Mg, Mn and Na were determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). The following edible seaweeds were analyzed: Nori (Porphyra umbilicates); Hijiki (Hijikia fusiforme); Kombu (Laminaria sp.) and Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) species from China, USA, Japan and South Korea. For the Cl, K, Mg, Mn and Na determination by INAA, about 0.100 g of the seaweed samples were irradiated for 20 seconds in a thermal neutron flux of 1.0 1012 n cm􀀀2s􀀀1 in a pneumatic station of the nuclear research reactor IEA-R1 at IPEN – CNEN/SP. Primary Cl, K, Mg, Mn and Na standards and Mixed Polish Herb (MPH) from the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology – INCT (Poland) certified reference material were simultaneously irradiated with the samples for standardization and quality control purposes. In this study, a large variability can be observed among the seaweed species in relation to their Cl, K, Mg, Mn and Na content. For the same species, the larger variability was found for Mn in the Porphyra umbilicates samples. However, Hijikia fusiforme, Undaria Pinnatifida and Laminaria sp. samples collected from different countries showed similar levels of the Mg, Mn, Na and K elements. According to the literature the consumption of food with a high Na/K ratio quotient may cause high blood pressure as shown in experiment with rats. In this study the Na/K ratios are low, about 0.30 to Porphyra umbilicates, Hijikia fusiforme and Laminaria sp. On the other hand, the Na/K ratio was high to Undaria pinnatifida, circa of the 20-fold than the other analyzed seaweeds.

  • IPEN-DOC 24538

    PEREZ, C. ; SANTOS, E.C. ; SAIKI, M. . Establishing adequate conditions for mercury determination in environmental samples by INAA. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 23-23.

    Abstract: Mercury (Hg) is a toxic element released into the environment by various atrophic activities. Consequently, the improvement of analytical methods for Hg determination in environmental samples is of great interest. Instumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) is considered an adequate technique to determine several elements. However, Hg determination by INAA is often hampered by its volatility, which causes losses. The aim of this study was to establish adequate conditions for Hg determination in environmental samples by INAA. The following parameters were evaluated: the irradiation time, polyethylene capsule or envelope for irradiation and spectral interferences caused by other elements present in the samples. For the study, four certified reference materials (CRMs) were analyzed: INCT M-4 CormTis Comorant Tissue, IAEA-085 Methylmercury, Total Mercury and Other Trace Elements in Human Hair, NRC DOLT-3 Dogfish liver certified reference material for trace metals and BCR 186 Trace elements in lyophilized pig kidney. Aliquots of these materials were irradiated together with Hg synthetic standard in the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor. The Hg synthetic standard was prepared by pipetting aliquots of Hg standard solution and thioacetamide solution into filter paper sheets or into polyethylene capsules. The thermal neutron flux utilized was about 4.6 1012 n cm􀀀2 s􀀀1 and the irradiation times were of 1 and 8h. The gamma activities of the samples and standard were measured using a Ge detector coupled to a digital spectrum analyzer. Hg was identified by the photopeaks of 77.34 keV of 197Hg and 279.20 keV of 203Hg. Results obtained in this study indicated that the Hg impurities present in polyethylene envelopes are negligible. The gamma ray activities of Hg standards measured for different decay times indicated that there is no Hg loss after irradiation. Results obtained in the analysis of CRMs indicated that the adequate irradiation time is of 1h, since long irradiations of 8h indicated the increase of spectral interferences such as 198Au, 75Se and 24Na. The quality control of Hg results, obtained in the CRMs using 1h of irradiation, indicated good precision and accuracy with |Z score| < 2. The experimental conditions established in this study were applied to tree bark samples. Detection limits for Hg of these analyses were about 0.14 g g􀀀1 and 1.9 g g􀀀1, for the photopeaks of 197Hg and 203Hg, respectively.

  • IPEN-DOC 24537

    THEOPHILO, C.Y.S. ; FIGUEIRA, R.C.L.; COLABUONO, F.I.; MOREIRA, E.G. . Study on the element concentration on seabirds feathers by instrumental neutron activation analysis. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 22-22.

    Abstract: Physical, chemical and biological variations are intrinsic characteristics of the ecosystems, so their conservation and management depend essentially on the correct interpretation of such modifications and their effects on the fauna and flora. Considering the global scene of economic development, these studies are becoming increasingly necessary. Nowadays seabirds are one of the most threatened vertebrate groups due to the impact on the ocean caused by human actions. They are sensitive to changes in the environment and this is one of the main reasons they are commonly used to monitor ocean pollution. Procellariiformes is a seabird order, composed of 4 families, and in the last decades several countries with important breeding and feeding areas have shown interest in the conservation of these birds and have invested in research and actions that reduce the mortality of albatrosses and petrels caused by human actions. One of these initiatives was the creation of the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP), which Brazil has been a signatory since 2001. ACAP is an international agreement that includes countries that are legally obliged to take long-term actions to ensure the conservation of various species of albatrosses and petrels. Thus, Brazilian researchers, with government support, have developed a National Plan for the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (Planacap), which aims to characterize threats to this group of birds and prioritize actions for these species conservation. Among the actions suggested for conservation are the continuous monitoring of populations, permanent research in the main reproductive colonies and the study of dispersion and migration of the species. Due to the great importance of these birds and the developed work with Procellariiformes, this study purpose quantify the Br, Cl, Cu, K, Mg, Mn, Na and V elements in White-chinned Petrel (Procellaria aequinoctialis) and Blackbrowed Albatross (Thalassarche melanophris) feathers. Bird specimens were killed accidentally by pelagic longline fisheries operating off southern Brazil. From these birds, different tissues were collected, among them, the feathers used in this study. Feathers were cleaned with acetone and then milled in a cryogenic mill. Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) was used for quantification of the element concentrations and measurements of induced activities were performed in a HPGe detector for gamma ray spectrometry. The results obtained from the analyzes of the White-chinned Petrel and Black-browed Albatross feathers were compared to the concentrations found in other seabirds species and between this two species, in order to collaborate with studies already done for the conservation and monitoring of this seabirds group.

  • IPEN-DOC 24536

    LANGE, C.N. ; FIGUEIREDO, A.M.G. ; ENZWEILER, J.; MONTEIRO, L.R. . Potentially toxic elements downward mobility in an impounded vehicle scrapyard. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 21-21.

    Abstract: Pollution from vehicle in parking areas has become a challenge mainly in urban centers. In Brazil impounded vehicle scrapyards (IVS) are often overcrowded and may pose a source of potentially toxic elements (PTEs). Recently Lange et al. (2016) have evaluated PTEs mass fraction on topsoil (0.2m) in an IVS at Ribeirao Pires city (23 42’8" S 46 25’34" W) which lies 29km southwest of São Paulo city, in southwest of Brazil. The authors observed hot spots for most elements suggesting vehicular source. This IVS terrain was filled with soil mixed with demolition waste, such as brick, tiles, steel, wood, plastic, glass, asphalt fragments, rubbers and also auto parts pieces. Since 90’s, this IVS is operational and, before the filling, no evaluation on PTEs soil distribution by depth was performed. Therefore, many doubts concerning PTEs downward mobiliy lay in this site. The aim of this study is to evaluate if PTEs indeed moved through the soil depth and if so what are PTE’s concentration in groundwater, since this site has a permeable surface and vehicles are parked directly on topsoil. Three monitoring wells were installed. Nine samples were collected in plastic liners: four in PM1, three in PM2 and two in PM3. Groundwater was sampled using a low flow peristaltic pump and pH, electrical conductivity, redox potential and temperature were measured with a multiparameter probe. Neutron activation analysis was employed to determine PTEs in soil samples, and ICP-MS was the analytical technique for groundwater analysis. The obtained values were compared with literature data from Brazil and other regions around the world, as so with recommended values from environmental regulatory agencies. Although the obtained results have indicated some PTEs enrichment in the distinct soil layers, these elements did not reach groundwater, according to present evaluation.

  • IPEN-DOC 24535

    MIRANDA, C.S. ; FUNGARO, D.A. ; SILVA, P.S.C. ; CAMPELLO, F.A. ; IZIDORO, J.C. . Evaluation of radionuclide contamination of soil, coal ash and zeolitic materials from figueira thermoelectric power plant. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 20-20.

    Abstract: Neutron activation analysis and gamma-ray spectrometry were used to determine 238U, 226Ra, 228Ra, 210Pb, 232Th and 40K contents in feed pulverized coal, bottom ash, fly ash from cyclone and baghouse filters, zeolites synthesized from the ashes and two different soil samples. All the samples used in the study were collected at Figueira thermoelectric power plant, located in the city of Figueira, Parana State, where coal presents a significant amount of uranium concentration. The natural radionuclide concentrations in pulverized coal were 4216 Bq kg􀀀1 for 238U, 180 Bq kg􀀀1 for 226Ra, 27 Bq kg􀀀1 for 228Ra, 28 Bq kg􀀀1 for 232Th and 192 Bq kg􀀀1 for 40K. The ashes fraction presented concentrations ranging from 683.5 to 1479 Bq kg􀀀1 for 238U, from 484 to 1086 Bq kg􀀀1 for 226Ra, from 291 to 1891 Bq kg􀀀1 for 210Pb, from 67 to 111 Bq kg􀀀1 for 228Ra, from 80 to 87 Bq kg􀀀1 for 232Th and from 489 to 718 Bq kg􀀀1 for 40K. Similar ranges were observed for zeolites. The activity concentration of 238U was higher than worldwide average concentration for all samples. The concentration of the uranium series found in the ashes were lower than the values observed in similar studies carried out 10 years ago and under the limit adopted by the Brazilian guideline (CNEN-NN-4.01). Nevertheless, the concentrations in this specific area are higher than in other coal mine and thermoelectric power plants in and out of Brazil, so it is advisable to evaluate the environmental impact of the installation.

  • IPEN-DOC 24534

    TAPPIZ, B. ; MOREIRA, E.G. . Neutron activation analysis characterization procedures for fish consumed at São Paulo City. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 19-20.

    Abstract: The characterization of edible tissues of fishes consumed by humans is very important for determination of several toxic and potentially toxic elements, ensuring the food safety. The Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) comparative method allows the determination of several of these elements, as well as others, for example of nutritional character. This study is part of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) technical cooperation project of Latin America and Caribbean countries to ensure the quality of food and biomonitoring of contaminants in molluscs and fishes. Ten specimens of 5 of the most consumed fish in São Paulo city: whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias Furnieri), smooth weakfish (Cynoscion learchus), common snook (Centropomus undecimalis), Brazilian sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis) and bluefish (Pomatomus Saltatrix) were analyzed. Complete procedures for analysis, which includes purchase in the largest warehouse in Latin America, transport to the laboratory, storage, freeze-drying, milling, weighting and other preparations of the subsamples, and the short irradiation parameters for the determination of Br, Cl, K, Mn and Na are reported. Results obtained for macro and microelements are presented and are in agreement with analysis of oyster tissue and mussel tissue certified reference materials under the same irradiation conditions, with zscore values ranging from -3.0 to 2.2.

  • IPEN-DOC 24533

    TAPPIZ, B. ; MOREIRA, E.G. . Estimated expanded uncertainty of measurement for fish samples analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 19-19.

    Abstract: Expanded measurement uncertainty is an estimate characterizing the range of values at which the true value of a measurand is at a defined confidence level. Expanded uncertainty is one of the three pillars of metrology, along with metrological traceability and methodological validation. Due to the importance of this parameter, it was estimated following the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) for element measurement results obtained by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) performed with short irradiations at the Pneumatic System of the IEA-R1 research reactor at IPEN – CNEN/SP. Samples of Brazilian sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis), one of the most consumed species in the city of São Paulo were analyzed and Br, Cl, Mg, Mn, Na and K were determined. For the analyzed elements, the values of expanded uncertainty with coverage factor k = 2 are lower than natural variation (standard deviation) of the elements mass fractions observed in a collected batch of 10 individual specimens.

  • IPEN-DOC 24532

    MENEGHINI, A.A. ; DAMATTO, S.R. . Elemental characterization using instrumental neutron activation analysis in mineral waters from Caxambu, MG. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 18-18.

    Abstract: Chemical composition of mineral water is the result of soil and water interaction and depends on the soil geology, because the chemical elements become part of these waters through the leaching and dissolution processes of soil. Mineral waters are defined as those that come from natural springs or that are artificially collected with chemical composition or physical chemical properties which imbues them with medicinal action that distinguishes them from ordinary water. According to the mineral summary of Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral - DNPM, the consumption of mineral water has been increasing year by year, being in 2014 the global consumption 6.2% greater than in 2013 (which already had consumption 7.0% greater than in 2012), a fact that reinforces the importance of the characterization and regulation of the mineral waters. In thermal parks as Caxambu’s park, the waters are used as health therapy, diuretic waters, cathartic waters and anti-inflammatory waters. Parque das Águas of Caxambu, the largest mineral water park in the world, has 12 springs: Leopoldina, Beleza, Duque de Saxe, Princesa Isabel and Conde D’Eu, Dom Pedro, Viotti 1 and 2, Venâncio, Mayrink I, II and III and Ernestina Guedes and also a 60 m deep geyser. Thus, the main goal of this study was to perform a chemical characterization of these waters in which the elements Ba, Ca, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, K, La, Na, Rb and Sb were found using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis – INAA technique. Mineral water samples were dried in a cellulose substrate and irradiated at the IEA-R1 reactor in which they were exposed for 6h to a thermal neutron flux of 1012 neutrons per cm2 per second. The results showed a similar behavior among the samples and it was possible to identify a higher concentration of Na, K and Fe and predominance of alkaline and alkaine earth metals in all samples. Further, Venâncio, Beleza, Ernestina springs and geyser showed the highest concentrations of these elements.

  • IPEN-DOC 24531

    TAKAMOTO, A.; SAIKI, M. . Elemental composition determination in medicinal plants by neutron activation analysis. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 17-18.

    Abstract: The use of medicinal plants in the prevention and treatment of diseases is mainly due to its low costs, ease acquisition and cultural aspects. In addition, the absence of its side effects when compared with synthetic drugs and the belief that plants that are natural origin do not cause harmful effects to the organism have stimulated their uses. However, medicinal plants may contain excess essential elements as well as the toxic ones that even in low concentrations are dangerous to human health. The objective of this study was to analyze medicinal plants: Aloe vera (Babosa), Morus nigra sp. (Amoreira) and Moringa oleifera (Moringa) for further correlation studies of the chemical elements with their therapeutic activities. The analytical method used was neutron activation analysis (NAA). The leaves of Aloe vera and Morus nigra were collected in different localities and that of Moringa oleifera were acquired in a store of natural products. Sample preparation consisted of cleaning, drying and milling the leaves. Aliquots of the samples and synthetic element standards were irradiated for 16h under thermal neutron flux of 5 1012 n cm􀀀2 s􀀀1 of the nuclear reactor IEA-R1. The induced gamma activities were measured using a gamma ray spectrometer coupled to a HPGe detector. The radioisotopes formed were identified by half-lives and gamma ray energies. Element concentrations were calculated by comparative method. Quality of the results was evaluated by analyzing certified reference materials INCT-TL-1 Tea Leaves and INCT-MPH-2 Mixed Polish Herbs and the results showed good precision and accuracy. Elements Ca and K were obtained at high concentrations in the plants at the percentage levels. Calcium exhibits neutralizing action and avoids stomach lesions and K has a diuretic action. Elements Br, Fe, Na, Rb and Zn were found in the order of g g􀀀1, and As, Co, Cr, Cs, La, Sb and Sc at lower concentrations, in the order of ng g􀀀1. The Aloe Vera plant presented high concentration of Zn and this element is present in healing remedies. Molibdenum was detected in Moringa oleifera sample and this element is considered essential in many enzymatic processes of the organism. Toxic elements such as Cu and Cd were not detected and As and Sb were found but at very low concentrations. Results obtained in this work indicate the possibility of applying NAA in the correlation studies between the elements present in the plants and their therapeutic effects.

  • IPEN-DOC 24530

    LEAO, A.R. ; ZAMBONI, C.B. ; SILVA, D.G.N. da ; MEDEIROS, I.M.M.A. ; SIMONS, S.M.. Neutron activation analyses for investigation of antilonomic serum for caterpillars lonomia obliqua walker (Lepidoptera: saturniidae). In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 16-17.

    Abstract: Since 1996 the Butantan Institute (IBu, São Paulo city), in collaboration with the Health Departments of some Brazilian states, produces serum antilonomic using the caterpillars of the species L. obliqua from several regions of Brazil. However, no data of their elemental composition to ensure that the antivenom produced (considering the different origins) maybe used to manufacture serum unchanged in the final product, as regards the toxicity of inorganic elements. In this investigation, we intend to check the elemental characterization of this antidote using Neutron Activation Analyses technique (NAA). The NAA measurements were performed in the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor (IPEN/CNEN-SP, Brasil). Each sample was irradiated for 120s and gamma counting endured 300s, HPGe detector (ORTEC-GEM 60195) coupled to a MCA (ORTEC - 919E) used. The elements concentration were obtained using the ATIVAÇÃO software. These quantitative analysis of the antilonomic serum will generate data to evaluate the possibility of establishing a standard extract, which would reduce costs in the antilonomic serum production process, as well as improvements in serum production process antilonomic in the Butantan Institute, meeting the standards of good manufacturing practices and good laboratory practice.

  • IPEN-DOC 24529

    SILVA, A.R. ; DAMATTO, S.R. ; LEONARDO, L.; SOUZA, J.M. de ; GONÇALVES, P.N. ; MADUAR, M.F. . Major, minor and trace elements determination using INAA in soil profile and sediment core samples collected in the catchment area of ponte nova reservoir, São Paulo – Brazil. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 16-16.

    Abstract: Elemental Chemical Characterization is a keystone in understanding environmental phenomena and its effects. Major and trace elements give important data about geological, physical, chemical and biological phenomena undergoing in natural environments. Ponte Nova reservoir (23 34’43.23" S, 45 56’56.76" W) is the first reservoir in a cascade system that was built in the 1970s to control Upper Tietê River basin water flow. Nowadays, this reservoir serves as a source of water for agricultural and industrial enterprises and as drinkable water source, and were a major concern for the population of São Paulo state due to a recent severe drought in the years of 2014 and 2015. In the present work, major and trace elements (As, Ba, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Na, Nd, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Tb, Yb and Zn) were determined using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) in the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor using the comparative method. This procedure consists in exposing 200mg of the sample and reference materials sealed in polypropylene bags to a thermal neutron flux of 1 1012 cm􀀀2s􀀀1. Geo-accumulation indexes and enrichment factors were determined and physicochemical parameters (grain size analysis, pH, real and apparent densities, Loss on Ignition, porosity and humidity) were measured. The major and trace element concentrations were compared with the Upper Continental Crust values. Cluster analysis, correlation matrix and principal component analysis were applied in all the results obtained to verify a probable correlation between the major and trace elements determined in the soil and sediment samples.

  • IPEN-DOC 24528

    OLIVEIRA, A. ; DAMATTO, S.R. . Inorganic chemical composition of brazilian tobacco products. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 15-15.

    Abstract: Cultivation and consumption of tobacco in Brazil began before Portuguese colonization and in the current scenario Brazil stands out as the second largest producer of the plant. This crop has great agricultural importance for three states in the southern region of the country; Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, responsible for 95% of all production. The chemical composition of the tobacco products varies according to plant variety, region of cultivation and preparation of the products (washes, additives, flavorings, among others). Tobacco products are the second most commonly used drug among Brazilian students. Many papers in the international literature present studies on the chemical and radiological composition of several tobacco products, but few studies are found regarding the same composition of the derivatives produced in Brazil. Various toxic elements such as Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Hg, Ni and Pb can be found in the tobacco products. The aim of the present study was to determine the inorganic chemical composition of the main tobacco products consumed in Brazil, using the techniques of Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis - INAA technique to determine the elements: As, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, Hf, La, Na, Rb, Sc, Sm, Th and Zn and the X-Ray Fluorescence technique for determining the elements: Al, Cd, Cl, Cu, Hg, I, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Se, Sr and U in 82 samples of tobacco derivatives: 20 unflavoured cigarettes, 9 flavored cigarettes, 14 straw cigarettes, 6 cigars and 33 rope fumes.

  • IPEN-DOC 24527

    LUZ, H.N. da; SOUZA, F.A. ; SERRA FILHO, L.A.; MORALLES, M. ; BREGANT, M.; CARLIN, N.; HOGLUND, C.; MUNHOZ, M.G.; SCHMIDT, S.; SUAIDE, A.A.P.; SVENSSON, P.O.. Towards position sensitive thermal neutron detection based in multilayer 10B converters. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 13-13.

    Abstract: One of the most relevant issues in neutron detection is the search for alternatives to 3He as neutron converter. Its high absorption cross section for thermal neutrons used to make it the preferred absorber to build large area thermal neutron detectors. Its current unavailability triggered an intense search to find alternatives like gaseous detectors coated with 10B for neutron conversion. Such element is found in the solid state at NPT presenting an additional challenge regarding its deposition on surfaces with an optimum thickness. This is a critical parameter of the detector, since issues such as the self-absorption of the products of the nuclear reaction when the films are too thick can limit the detection efficiency of the final detector. The use of many layers is an interesting solution to overcome these issues. This has been tried in several geometries, such as Multi-grid, Inclined detector, Jalousie and Cascade. In this presentation, a solution based in the Cascade concept where several thin boron layers are used, will be presented, using a cost effective Micropattern Gaseous Detector, the Thick-Gas Electron Multiplier (Thick-GEM), as neutron converter and electron transporter, together with a standard GEM-based charge amplification stage. Preliminary results obtained with a first prototype mounted at IPEN’s research reactor, using 10B4C neutron converters produced in the deposition lab of the European Spallation Source will be shown and further developments towards position sensitive detection both for beam monitors and for high efficiency neutron detectors will be discussed.

  • IPEN-DOC 24526

    NORY, R.M. . Students: motivations and plans for the future. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 11-11.

    Abstract: This presentation showed the students’ vision of the post-graduation program. The students were interviewed about their motivations to study and their plans for the future. In general lines, they listed three main motivations to start their studies at CRPq: a wish to improve their CVs, in order to gain general experience and/or increase financial earnings; a desire to become a researcher, in order to achieve personal fulfillment and to produce knowledge; and a desire to become a professor, in order to achieve personal fulfillment and to help in the development of other people. In all cases, the chance to start a new career and to get a job or a better job position were important motivations too. In this sense, the students’ plans for the future are related mainly to the continuation of studies/researches and to their admission in job positions at industries, labs and/or educational institutions. A research was made in order to know the current occupations of ex-students too. Many of them are teachers or professors, at public and private institutions, and some are working at industries and labs, as managers or technicians. Also important, some of them are researchers, working at IPEN itself or other research facilities, in Brazil or abroad. In general, the students like working at CRPq, mainly because of the good relationships developed among students and professors/researchers, despite of some operational issues in day-to-day work.

  • IPEN-DOC 24525

    MOREIRA, E.G. . Research activities at CRPq using the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 10-10.

    Abstract: After a short introduction on the origins of the research activities using the IEAR1 nuclear reactor, the present organizational chart, and associated laboratories will be presented. These laboratories use the neutron bean facilities (diffractometry, imaging) or irradiate samples in the reactor core for neutron activation analysis, hyperfine interaction studies and radioactive source production and calibration. Some of the research and teaching activities of the research groups will also be displayed. Finally a compilation of research highlights in the form of recent papers will be presented, ranging from material characterization, environmental and health related studies to imaging industrial applications and archeological investigations.

  • IPEN-DOC 24524

    GENEZINI, F.A. . Research reactor center: the IEA-R1 home. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 10-10.

    Abstract: The IEA-R1 was the seed of the whole Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN), and, in the beginning, the buildings around this facility have housed all thenexisting branches including operation and maintenance (O&M) of the IEA-R1 itself, the nuclear physics and radiochemistry divisions, etc. In the end of 70s these three sections were assembled into a single unit called COURP (Center of Operation and Utilization of Research Reactor), located in those same blocks. In 2000 this administrative structure gave origin to the Research Reactor Center (CRPq). This center governs the O&M of the IEA-R1 and its utilization. CRPq has two departments, one responsible for O&M, certain products and services related to neutron irradiations, whereas the other – for their utilization by researchers and for education. It has 59 employees, 10 Post-docs and around 90 students at different levels. In addition to the O&M, CRPq is involved into research and development work and offers services for society. All CRPq activities are monitored by integrate management system under ISO 9001 certification.

  • IPEN-DOC 24523

    CABRERA-PASCA, G.A.; CARBONARI, A.W. . Study of nanoparticles and nanowires by PAC spectroscopy. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 09-09.

    Abstract: Nanoparticles, nanowires and other low-dimensional nanostructures have received considerable attention due their unique physical properties and also for their promising applications. These nanostructures have contributed to the development of emerging technologies in addition to assisting the progress of nanoscience. Nanoscience is an emerging interdisciplinary area that hopes to have broad implications in many fields such as: materials science, medicine, electronics, optics, etc. The potential applications of these nanostructures depend strongly on their quality, diameter, density, and chemical composition and their crystal structure, therefore, must be precisely controlled. However, the control of the size and morphology of nanostructured materials is not always an easy task and sometimes become challenging. On the other hand, in order to understand the properties derived from the dimensionality of these nanosystems, different techniques have been used. The choice of each technique or methodology depends on several factors including the facility implementation on research laboratories. In this way, we believe that the analysis taking into account the correlation between different techniques would allow an improvement of the projection of future technologies. For these reason, in recent years we have carried out studies on nanostructured systems using the Perturbed Angular Correlation spectroscopy to obtain a local view of these system. Particularly, our studies have focused on Fe3O4 and CoO nanoparticles, which were synthesized by the thermal decomposition method. The choice of this synthesis method was due of their feasible for production in large-scale with high-quality of nanoparticles and also due of feasible to incorporate the nuclear probe. Also, we have studied hyperfine parameter of the hierarchically structured nanowires on the microtubule of ZnO and CuO obtained by thermal oxidation process by simply heating a high purity metal. These measurements are correlated with X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and magnetic measurements using a SQUID magnetometer.

  • IPEN-DOC 24522

    CARVALHO, R.N. . The stories of Goiânia. In: 60 YEARS OF IEA-R1: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UTILIZATION OF RESEARCH REACTORS, November 28 - December 01, 2017, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, 2017. p. 03-03.

    Abstract: In the beginning of this year, I had to report the events related to the accident with 137Cs in Goiânia under a personal stance, what led me to a process of catharsis. After participating in such a significant event, and today, after reviewing historical events by means of published papers and newspaper reports, it is notorious the difference between the chaos that I experienced there and the order and clarity of the facts that I perceive today. As in the phrase attributed to Heraclitus, "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man", during the three months while I worked as a radioprotection technician, I plunged into a sea of emotions, closely accompanying the evolution of the health of some radiation victims, and working in the decontamination and demolition of their houses. The unknowns, the dedication of some professionals and the disdain of others, along with the unusual facts that the response team and the patients were facing, gave me a sad and hilarious tone that served as a backdrop to the official history of the accident of Goiânia.

  • IPEN-DOC 24521

    YAMAGATA, C. ; MISSO, A.M. ; MELLO-CASTANHO, S.R.H. ; BRITO, HERMI F.; RODRIGUES, LUCAS C.V.. CaMgSi2O6:Eu2+ and Dy3+ co doped phosphors prepared by combining two chemical method. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 416-416.

    Abstract: Silicate system of the CaO–MgO–SiO2 has attracted great interest due to its high weather resistance which is endorsed by the physical and chemical stability [1, 2]. This property makes it applicable as host for luminescent materials. CaMgSi2O6 (diopside), an important component of the mantle and subduction slabs has been studied by many researchers [3]. Eu2+ activated alkaline earth silicate phosphors have a long afterglow characteristic and blue to green emission by the near ultraviolet [4] stimulation. Glass ceramic of CaO–MgO–SiO2 system has potential application on the optical devices [5, 6], for example, Ca2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ [7] and CaMgSi2O6:Eu2+, Dy3+ [8]. Ca2MgSi2O7: Eu2+ is a promising phosphor material for white light emitting diode (LED) [5]. In this study, CaMgSi2O6:Eu2+ and Dy3+co-doped CaMgSi2O6:Eu2+ phosphors were synthesized using sol gel technique followed by a modified molten salt method and thermal treatment in a weak reducing atmosphere. Crystalline phase identification by XRD and the measurements of photoluminescence (PL) excitation were performed. The XRD results reveal that the synthesized phosphors are crystalline and assigned to the diopside structure. The PL results indicate the emission spectra of CaMgSi2O6:Eu2+ and Dy3+ co-doped CaMgSi2O6:Eu2+ phosphors have a broad band at 450nm attributed to electronic transition from the 4f6 5d1 state to the 4f7 state.

  • IPEN-DOC 24520

    SALVADOR, F.F.S. ; FELINTO, M.C.F.C. ; PEDROSO, C.C.S.; BARBOSA, H.P.; BRITO, H.F.. Preparation of nanophosphors of SnO2: Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+ by coprecipitation method. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 385-385.

    Abstract: In recent years, white light emitting diodes (W-LEDs) have been replaced the conventional incandescent and fluorescent lamps due to the lower manufacturing cost, high Color Rendering Index (CRI) and luminescence efficiency [1,2]. In this work, the simultaneous incorporation of the Tb3+,Eu3+,Dy3+- doped SnO2 matrix were prepared with the coprecipitation method as a possible alternative to solid state synthesis. This procedure is environmental friendly, producing materials with high crystallinity as well as controlled particle size. An aqueous solution of RECl3·6H2O was added in a solution containing SnCl2·2H2O, HNO3 (1 mol·L-1) and ethanol to obtain the phosphor. Subsequently, in resulting solution was added NH4OH (7 mol·L-1) aqueous solution that lead to the formation of a white precipitate aged in mother liquor for two days. Finally, the as-prepared precipitate was washed with distilled water several times to eliminate chloride and nitrate anions. The RE3+ doping concentrations in SnO2 were identical for each rare earth ion in following concentrations: 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 mol-% of the SnIV amount. The luminescence materials were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XPD), thermal analysis (TG), infrared absorption spectroscopy (FTIR) and UV excited photoluminescence. The CIE parameters and the color correlated temperature (CCT) are obtained in order to characterize the color emission as well as to apply in cold and warm W-LEDs.

  • IPEN-DOC 24519

    SOUZA, L.F. ; SOUZA, D.N.; NOVAIS, A.L.F.; ANDRADE, A.B.; REZENDE, M.V.S.; TEIXEIRA, V.C.; CALDAS, L.V.E. . Photoluminescence and luminescence time decay of MgB4O7:Ce,Li. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 377-377.

    Abstract: Magnesium tetraborate doped with cerium and codoped with lithium (MgB4O7:Ce,Li) has been widely used in luminescent dosimetry with the thermoluminescent (TL) technique and recently as an optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter, due to its high sensitivity to ionizing radiation[1,2]. Recent studies have shown that among all the rare earths used as dopants for this host matrix, the Cerium (Ce3+) produces the most intense TL and OSL emissions and recently the incorporation of lithium as codopant enhanced the sensitivity of the composite. As the MgB4O7:Ce,Li is a relative new OSL/ TL dosimeter, there is not much discussion so far about the process that gives raise to the luminescent emissions from these components.The present work aims to evaluate the luminescent properties of MgB4O7:Ce,Li. The material was obtained through a solid state synthesis, and the photoluminescence (PL) emission and the excitation spectra were studied with excitation in the vacuum ultraviolet spectral region, using synchrotron radiation; in the Toroidal Grating Monochomator (TGM) at the LNLS and with visible (VIS) excitation source using a CryLas GmbH 488 nm CW. The optical centers time decay of the centers was measured using an electrooptic modulator to pulse the CW laser. The excitation spectra were recorded at 373 nm, and they showed two prominent peaks around 275 and 319 nm; the emission curve measured at constant excitation in 315 nm showed a prominent peak around 370 nm. The luminescence spectra under excitations from 4.5 eV up to 9.1 eV, presented a broad emission around 3 eV (413 nm); the broadness of these emissions changed as the excitation energy increased. Further results will be presented and discussed.

  • IPEN-DOC 24518

    NOVAIS, A.L.F.; SOUZA, L.F. ; ABREU, C.M.; BARRERA, G.R.; SOUZA, D.N.. Luminescence properties of rare-earth doped borate glasses. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 375-375.

    Abstract: This work aims to investigate the characteristics related to the luminescence spectra of borate glasses CaO-Al2O3-H3BO3 and CaO-Al2O3-H3BO3 doped respectively with 1.0 wt% of Yb3+ and Ce3+. These glasses were produced by melt and rapid cooling method. The compounds are from Sigma Aldrich with a 99.99% degree of purity. The spectral characteristics of Yb3+ and Ce3+ ions in borates and phosphates are important to optical applications. Such glasses can be useful as optical fibers doped and in solid-state lasers. The emission and excitation spectra were obtained using a spectrofluorometer (Nanolog-Horiba) with a photomultiplier tube R928P equipped with a Xenon lamp (CW 450 W) as the excitation source, and a filter of 399 nm. Lifetime was also obtained with the NanoLog using the same lamp and the same detector. Fig.1 (a) e (b) shows emission of Ce3+ (excitation 335 nm) and Yb3+ (excitation 334 nm) ions of borates glasses.

  • IPEN-DOC 24517

    BARBOSA, HELLIOMAR P.; PEDROSO, CASSIO C.S.; FELINTO, MARIA C.F.C. ; MALTA, OSCAR L.; BRITO, HERMI F.. White light emission of the single-phase CaWO4:Dy3+ phosphors by simple synthesis and fast heating. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 374-374.

    Abstract: Tungstates activated by trivalent rare earth ions (R3+) can be used for many optical devices [1]. Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in white phosphors emitting to application in white-light-emitting devices (WLEDs) replacing the conventional fluorescent lamps due its ecofriendliness and tuneable colours. Here we report preparation as well as the spectroscopic properties of the single phase new highly luminescent white emitting of Dy3+ doped into the CaWO4 materials. The materials were prepared by coprecipitation method at room temperature with stoichiometry aqueous solutions of Na2WO4, CaCl2 and DyCl3 (0.1 to 5.0 mol% of the Ca2+ amount). The as-prepared materials were heated for 22 min between 900 – 1000 W in a domestic microwave oven and using Fe3O4 (60 g) susceptor as heating source. The XPD measurements revealed the CaWO4:Dy3+ particles belong to the tetragonal scheelite phase with I41/a (#88) space group. The emission arising mainly from the 4F9/26H15/2 (blue) and 6H13/2 (yellow) transitions are corresponding to the 488 and 575 nm, respectively (Fig.). At lower doping concentrations the broad band (~420 nm) is due to the WO4 group emission. Increasing the RE3+ doping concentration the main emission lines transitions of the Dy3+ are enhanced. After heating, the 1.0 mol% Dy3+ doped material exhibit a better whitish emission due to the simultaneous presence of broad band of the host in blue region and emission lines at longer wavelengths (Fig.). The lifetimes decrease monotonously in function of the Dy3+ concentration which indicates that the energy transfer from host to the Dy3+ becomes more efficient. These results suggest that CaWO4:Dy3+ could act as a white emitting phosphor in solid state-lighting technology.

  • IPEN-DOC 24516

    ANTONIO, P.L. ; GRONCHI, C.C.; PINTO, T.C.N.O.; CALDAS, L.V.E. . Ultraviolet radiation for the induction of PTOSL in CaSO4:Dy detectors. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 355-355.

    Abstract: The application of artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in various areas such as industry, medicine, dentistry and in research is increasing due to the technological advances of the last decades. This fact may cause health risks to workers if appropriate protection measurements were not adopted. The International Commission on Non-Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) recommends exposure limits to non-ionizing radiation. UVR measuring electronic instruments are expensive, and the use of dosimetric material is a good option for UV dosimetry. The phototransferred optically stimulated luminescence (PTOSL) was already shown to be a useful technique for UVR detection using Al2O3:C Landauer dosimeters. The PTOSL phenomenon involves the production of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) by the phototransfer of charges to empty traps from deeper, filled traps. Thus, by filling the deeper traps of the detector with a pre-dose of ionizing radiation, and submitting the samples subsequently to an adequate thermal treatment to remove any trapped charge from the shallow (dosimetric) traps, charge can be transferred from the deep traps to the shallow traps by exposing the sample to UVR wavelengths. CaSO4:Dy+Teflon pellets produced at IPEN were used in this study. The PTOSL measurements were taken in an OSL reader system Risø, model TL/OSL-DA-20. The UV illumination procedures were performed in a system with a high-pressure mercury lamp. The CaSO4:Dy+Teflon samples were initially characterized in order to verify their reproducibility of OSL response and the variation of response in relation to the absorbed dose, using high doses of a 60Co source. The objective of this study is to characterize the material in terms of its luminescent properties. After this initial step, the samples were: pre-irradiated with a high dose; thermally treated; exposed to the UV source with different wavelengths; finally, the PTOSL responses were taken. The results were satisfactory and showed that the CaSO4:Dy samples present PTOSL response in function of the tested parameters, such as UV wavelength and irradiance.

  • IPEN-DOC 24515

    VILA, G.B. ; CALDAS, L.V.E. . Some optical properties of biominerals. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 352-352.

    Abstract: Calcium carbonates are materials found abundantly in the nature as minerals and biominerals. In both cases calcite and aragonite isomorphic forms can be found, where the calcite form is the most stable. In calcium carbonates (in the calcite form), calcium can be replaced by Mn and Fe and, in the aragonite form, calcium can be replaced by Sr, Pb and Zn [1]. In this work, oyster shell, coral, tiger shell and mother-of-pearl samples with predominantly aragonite isomorphic forms were studied. X-ray fluorescence measurements showed the presence of CaO, Na2O, SrO, SO3, SiO2 and Fe2O3 elements in all samples. The results of a neutron activation analysis showed, besides of the Ca element, the presence of Mn, La, Ce, Cr, Ba, Fe, Zn elements. The presence of Mn in the coral and mother-of-pearl samples was confirmed by the electronic paramagnetic resonance technique due to Mn2+ transition characteristics. Optical absorption measurements were taken for all samples in the wavelength range of 190 nm to 900 nm. All of the Mn signatures are transitions from the fundamental states 6A1g(S) to the energy states of 4T1g(G); 4Eg(G); 4A1g(G); 4T2g(D) or 4Eg(D); 4A2(G). The spectrometer UV-2120PC, model SHIMADZU Company, was utilized with two light beams in this study. The optical absorption measurements were carried out in powder samples with 0.177 mm of diameter, and with vegetal oil, transparent in the region of interest; they were placed between two quartz plates with 89% of transmittance in the ultraviolet region. The results show that the studied samples present amazing optical properties with good ultraviolet absorbance and with a great potential to be used even as radiation detectors.

  • IPEN-DOC 24514

    SILVA, F.R.O. ; LIMA, N.B. ; BRESSIANI, A.H.A. ; GOMES, L. . Upconversion luminescence of Yb3+: Tm3+ and Yb3+: Tm3+: Er3+- doped Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate nanoparticles. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 336-336.

    Abstract: A novel class of fluorescence nanoparticles of 5.5 mol% of Yb3+, 0.5 mol% of Er3+ and 0.5 mol% Tm3+: calcium deficient hydroxyapatite were synthesized by co-precipitation method in aqueous solution (pH adjusted to 6) and specially treated with microwave radiation at 1000°C for 10 minutes to produce nanocrystals of Yb:Tm: and Yb:Tm:Er:-tricalcium phosphate (-TCP). As a result, we report for the first time, a single-phase -TCP:Yb:Tm:Er and -TCP:Yb:Tm exhibiting an efficient visible and near infrared upconversion luminescence from the 1G4 (blue emission), 4S3/2 (green emission), 3F2 (red emission) and 3H4 (near infrared emission) induced by the Yb3+ Tm3+ / Er3+ energy transfer under pulsed laser excitation at 972 nm (Yb3+) with an average energy of 11 mJ. The emission decay curves of the upconversion transients, from 1G4 excited state of Tm3+ and 4S3/2 excited level of Er3+, indicate that ESA process occurs in -TCP:Yb/Tm/Er nanopowder measured for the 550 nm luminescence of Er3+, which has a time constant (t2) of 0.4 s. However, Yb3+  Tm3+ upconversion (Up2) has a time constant (t2) of 14.4 s and does not exhibit ESA absorption. This -TCP activated by Yb3+ and Tm3+ ions constitutes a new nanobiomaterial that can be used as diagnostic and therapeutic agents, affording deeper tissue penetration and higher resolution and sensitivity for visible-near infrared bioimaging and treatments.

  • IPEN-DOC 24513

    FELINTO, MARIA C.F.C. ; SALVADOR, FRANCINE F.S. ; BONTURIM, EVERTON ; BRITO, HERMI F.; SANTOS, PAULO R.; TEOTONIO, ERCULES E.S.; FAUSTINO, WAGNER; MALTA, OSCAR M.L.. Cashew gun resin doped with Eu(tta)3.(TPPO)2 and Eu(dbm)3.(TPPO) nanoparticle acting as biomaker. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Anacardium occidentale L., a tree species from the Anacardiaceae family, is native in Brazil growing mostly in the northeastern region. Cashew gum (CG) is one such versatile naturally occurring biopolymer that is finding increasing applications in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. It has been used successfully for many years in the food and beverage industry as a thickening agent and a colloidal stabilizer. Recently, the role of these gums in enveloping controlled drug delivery systems has increased significantly and CG has achieve lot of attraction towards this application [1]. In this work, nanoparticles of Eu(tta)3(TPPO)2 and Eu(dbm)3(TPPO) were tryed to solubilize in the CG water solution improving the dispersion of the nanoparticle complexes, and giving the opportunity to use these materials as biomarker. An 1%(w/w) of the Eu(tta)3(TPPO)2 or Eu(dbm)3(TPPO) nanoparticles were dispersed in a water solution of CG resin. After that, these materials were dried and the products obtained were films. These materials were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, XPD, TGA, SEM, absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The results showed that the materials are crystalline and when doped increase the thermal stability of the CG resin. These films were soluble in water They also have intense luminescence, with emission spectra presenting characteristic internal transitions of 4f6-4f6 configuration of the Eu3+ ion even in water solution (Fig. 1). The addition of Ag0 in the solution improve the intensity of the fluorophore in solution. Intensity parameters in solid phase were determined and the quantum efficiency ~57% corroborate with the idea of use this green material as a biomarker[2].

  • IPEN-DOC 24512

    ALMEIDA, S.B. ; SAKURABA, R.K.; REZENDE, A.C.P.; CAMPOS, L.L. . TL and OSL dosimetric characterization of different luminescent materials for clinical electron beams application in TSI treatments. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 329-329.

    Abstract: Thermoluminescent dosimeters (DTLs) play an important role in radiotherapy for the dosimetry of ionizing radiation. This type of dosimeter presents advantages that makes them a useful tool, in particular, for measurements in anthropomorphic simulators and for dosimetry in vivo in patients. Several dosimetric materials have been used in the radiotherapy sectors such as LiF, LiF, CaSO4:Dy(1,2). The OSL dosimetry has also been widely used using Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3: C). These dosimeters have advantages over DTLs due to their high sensitivity, extensive linearity in response to the dose, faster readability, possibility of multiple re-readings and the need to perform the heat treatment of the samples(3). The objective of this work was to characterize the TL and OSL techniques using different luminescent dosimeters (LiF, LiF, CaSO4:Dy and Al2O3:C) to be applied in clinical electron beam used to TSI (Total Skin Irradiation) treatments. Parameters such as dose response curve, that presented linear behavior in the dose range studied; mean sensitivity of the dosimeters, that demonstrated constant values in the dose range analyzed: 28,7 cGy to 382,8 cGy were evaluated. Other parameters also studied were the angular dependence of the TL and OSL response and the intrinsic efficiency of the materials. The Al2O3:C dosimeters presented variation of the OSL response greater than the other dosimeters, probably, due to their thickness 0,9 mm.

  • IPEN-DOC 24510

    SOUZA, L.F. ; SOUZA, D.N.; NOVAIS, A.L.F.; SILVA, A.M.B.; ANTONIO, P.L. ; CALDAS, L.V.E. . Investigation of luminescent properties of MgB4O7:Ce,Li for optically stimulated luminescence technique. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 273-273.

    Abstract: Optically Stimulated Luminescence is a technique that has been widely used in several procedures, such as arqueological and geological dating of materials; nowadays it is well established in medical dosimetry and has already been used commercially for almost two decades. The main challenge for the OSL technique is that there has been a lack of materials for clinical dosimetry; Al2O3:C (aluminum oxide) and BeO (beryllium oxide) are the commercial available OSL dosimeters, even though these materials have some limitations, and thus there is a need for new OSL dosimeters. In the present work the objective is investigate the luminescent properties of MgB4O7:Ce,Li. Recently, this material has been suggested as OSL dosimeter for neutron detection by Yukihara et al. (2016) and some dosimetric properties has been described by Souza et al. (2017). Here we are complementing these studies, analyzing proprieties, such as the effect of codopant concentration in tetraborate matrix (concentration quenching), the OSL behavior of the curve when continuous-wave (CW) and linear modulated (LM) modes of operation are used, thermoluminescence emission spectrum, dose response curve, minimum detectable dose, step-annealing experiment, optical bleaching for reuse of the dosimeters and dose response curve. Luminescence measurements and irradiations were carried out using a Risø TL/OSL equipment. Some preliminaries results indicated that the optimal OSL MgB4O7:Ce0.5%,Lix% emission was exhibited by the powder with 0.5 wt% (weight) of lithium codopant. Then a decrease in the OSL intensity was observed, which can be attributed to the concentration quenching effect.The thermoluminescent emission spetrum indicated that the emisison luminescent emission from the samples are in the UV-Vis region (300-400 nm) and the LM-OSL curves relates the peak position with the photoionization cross-section of the trap.

  • IPEN-DOC 24509

    COSTA, I.F.; MOURA, J.L.; ADENES, R.E.; BRITO, H.F.; FELINTO, M.C.F.C. ; FAUSTINO, W.M.; CREMONA, M.; TEOTONIO, E.E.S.. Tuning colors in novel electroluminescent devices based on Al-indandionate complexes. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 262-262.

    Abstract: In the past years, the development of materials for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have attracted much attentions [1]. In this sense, the present work reports about syntheses, characterization, Photo (PL) - and electroluminescence (EL) properties of Al-indandionate complexes of formula [Al(aind)3], where aind: 2-acetyl-1,3-indandionate (acind), 2-benzoyl-1,3-indandionate (bind) or 2-(4-methyl)benzoyl-1,3-indandionate (mbind). These complexes were characterized by elemental analyses, Fourier-infrared absorption spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analyses and 1H-NMR. Photoluminescent spectra of the complexes in both powder and thin film exhibited overlapped broad bands associated to both fluorescence and phosphorescence (see time-resolved spectra, Fig. 1a) phenomena. The electroluminescent devices of configuration ITO/β-NPB/Al(aind)3/LiF/Al (1) exhibited emission in the red spectral region associated to electrophosphorescence (figure 1.b). On the other hand, the three layers devices of configuration ITO/β-NPB/spiro-2CBP/Al(aind)3/Al (2) showed an intensity band in green spectral region (figure 1.b). The OLEDs presented emission from low voltage (~8V), reaching the highest intensity around 16 V. According to these results, the Al-indandionate complexes act as both efficient electron transporters and emitting layers. In addition, these data suggest that TADF process is operative in the bilayer devices.

  • IPEN-DOC 24508

    GONZALES, CARLOS D.; WATANABE, SHIGUEO; BUENO, CARMEN C. ; GENNARI, ROSELI F.; CANO, NILO F.. Synthetic un-doped and doped CaSiO3 Polycrystal for Thermal Neutron Detection. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 261-261.

    Abstract: Many natural or laboratory produced silicate crystals are sensitive TL materials. In this work, synthetic polycrystals of CaSiO3 and CdSiO3 have been produced for investigation as gamma and neutron detector. Some of them were doped with Cd, B, Eu and Dy having in mind thermal neutrons detection. For very low dose dosimetry Cs-137, 662 keV gamma rays have shown that mGy doses can be detected. Hence, they can be used in monitoring radiotherapy or in nuclear medicine. These detectors responds well to high to very high dose radiation. Since Cd, B, Eu and Dy have large (n, γ) cross section for thermal neutrons CaSiO3 doped with 1000 ppm Eu, 135 ppm B, 392 ppm Cd and 500 ppm Dy were produced. They were then irradiated with thermal neutron with various fluences at the research reactor IEA-R1 of the Institute for Energy and Nuclear Researches, São Paulo. Except for Eu doped CaSiO3, all the others presented glow curves with TL peaks at 110-130, 240-250 and 375 °C. The second peak is the prominent one. It is interesting to note that doped or non-doped except for Eu doped sample, all of them presented relatively close responses to both γ-rays and thermal neutron. Eu doped calcium silicate detector presented also three peaks but at 150, 235 and 375 °C, the last one being prominent one. Mechanism of the interaction of neutrons and detectors will be discussed at the meeting.

  • IPEN-DOC 24507

    JUNOT, D.O.; SANTOS, A.G.M.; CALDAS, L.V.E. ; SOUZA, D.N.. TL/OSL properties of CaSO4:Tm and CaSO4:Tm,Ag crystals. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 253-253.

    Abstract: Thermoluminescence (TL) is a useful technique to measure ionizing radiation. Nowadays, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technique has been also used in this type of monitoring, mostly because of no need of heating samples. Thus, the motivation of this work was to produce TL/OSL dosimeters based on crystals of CaSO4 doped with thulium and silver, by means of a suitable new route. The crystals were produced by an adaptation of the slow evaporation route using calcium carbonate (CaCO3) as precursor, and incorporating the dopants (Tm2O3, and silver nanoparticles) in a solution of sulfuric acid, which is evaporated resulting in CaSO4:Tm or CaSO4:Tm,Ag crystal powder. X-ray diffraction analyses showed that produced samples exhibit only a single phase corresponding to the crystal structure of anhydrite. Radioluminescence confirmed the presence of Tm3+ in the crystal matrix. TL/OSL characteristics such as glow curves, linearity, reproducibility, fading, kinetics order, and activation energy were evaluated. Samples doped with Tm and silver nanoparticles have shown the highest TL intensity and lowest fading, and were compared with commercial TLDs (TLD-100, TLD-900).

  • IPEN-DOC 24506

    VALERIANO, C.C.S. ; MORENO, C.S.; CORREA, E.L. ; SAKURABA, R.K.; CAMPOS, L.L. . Equivalence between Solid Water and printed ABS plates for 6 MV clinical photon beam - an assessment using thermoluminescent dosimetry. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 245-245.

    Abstract: Three dimensional models of anatomical structures produced by rapid prototyping are being adopted for medical application as hemodynamics studies and maxillofacial surgery planning. Models with geometrical accuracy can be achieved using medical images as MRI or CT and produced using polyurethane, polylactic acid and epoxy resins. Changing materials and densities is possible achieve the desired tissue-equivalence[1]. This work was developed in order to analyze the equivalence between the printed ABS and the Solid Water, by using the thermoluminescent dosimetry, in order to evaluate the viability of build a phantom for radiotherapy with a 3D printer. The ABS plates with different thickness used in this study were printed using a 3D Printer model UP Plus 2, making use of the higher quality of impression (“Solid Honeycomb”[2]) which gives the strongest printed part. Solid water RMI-457 plates with different thickness were used as standard material. In order to analyze the results obtained by the measurements done with the TLDs it was done the planning of the irradiations using the planning treatment system EclipseTM. The Analytical Anisotropic Algorithm (AAA) was applied to perform the calculus of absorbed dose. The comparison between the dose calculated by the AAA and the dose measured by TLD showed that the percentage between them was higher than 5%[3]. The calculus of the dose it was redone using the Acuros XB advanced dose calculation (AXB), presenting a difference less than 3% in all measured depths. The depth dose percentage was then calculated. Comparing the depth dose for Solid Water and for ABS will be noted that the ABS seems not to have equivalence with the Solid Water since differences are higher than 5%, but it is not possible to affirm yet that ABS cannot be used to produce phantoms for clinical dosimetry. It is necessary to develop a phantom with different print qualities or using more than one printed material (e. g. printed PLA) to achieve the desired attenuation/scattering of the radiation.

  • IPEN-DOC 24505

    VALENCA, JOAO V.B.; SILVA, ANIELLE C.A.; DANTAS, NOELIO O.; CALDAS, LINDA V.E. ; DERRICO, FRANCESCO; SOUZA, SUSANA O.. Optically stimulated luminescence of the 20Li2O– (X)K2O – (80 - X)B2O3 glass system. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 240-240.

    Abstract: The main goal of this work was to analyze the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal for a borate glass containing lithium and potassium oxides as glass modifiers. This type of glass presents desirable characteristics for dosimetry and has been intensively analyzed for TL [1]. Five glass formulations were produced [20Li2O – XK2O – (80-X)B2O3; X=10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 mol%] and analyzed regarding their OSL signal when exposed to a beta emitter source. If the total area below the curve was considered (Fig.1a), the composition named as L10KB presented the most intense signal. However, if the initial OSL intensity was chosen (Fig.1b), L15KB was the most sensitive. A comparison of the OSL decay for the two quoted compositions, after the application of a pre-heating process of 200 oC/10 s, showed a slightly change in the decay pattern comparing to the case without pre-heating. Pre-heating treatments also showed the relation between the shallow traps and the fast component of the OSL decay for L15KB, which was already noted for phosphate glasses [2]. For all compositions, an increase in the dose implied in an increase of the emitted signal, and no signal of saturation was verified for the tested dose range (0.1 Gy to 7 Gy).

    Palavras-Chave: luminescence; luminescent dosemeters; borates; boron oxides; thermoluminescence; x-ray diffraction; differential thermal analysis; lithium carbonates; potassium carbonates

  • IPEN-DOC 24504

    SANTOS, W.S. ; NEVES, L.P. ; PERINI, A.P.; BELINATO, W.; CALDAS, L.V.E. . Evaluation of polymer gels using Monte Carlo simulations. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 237-237.

    Abstract: The use of Monte Carlo simulations in dosimetry is a well established area of research, and several correction factors, for ionization chambers, are evaluated with these simulations. Some simulated values are considered even more reliable than the experimental measurements. Besides these uses with ionization chambers, Monte Carlo simulations may also be employed in the development and characterization of new dosimetric materials, as polymer gels. Polymer gels are largely employed in radiotherapy dosimetry to mimic human tissue [1,2]. New polymer gels were studied in order to better represent different organs or tissues, to provide more reliable results, or even to use different measurement techniques. The objective of this study is to evaluate the dosimetric properties of polymer gels, in relation to its mass-energy absorption coefficients, energy response and tissue equivalence. For this purpose the MCNPX Monte Carlo code was utilized. Four different materials, employed in radiotherapy dosimetry were evaluated in this work: MAGAS (methacrylic acid gelatine gel with ascorbic acid), MAGAT (methacrylic acid gelatine and tetrakis), AMPS (2-Acrylamido-2-MethylPropane Sulfonic acid) and MAGIC (Methacrylic and Ascorbic acid in Gelatin Initiated by Copper). For all simulations carried out, the values were within an acceptable uncertainty and in accordance to the expected results.

  • IPEN-DOC 24503

    COURROL, LILIA C.; SAMAD, RICARDO E. . Determination of chicken meat contamination by porphyrin fluorescence. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 220-220.

    Abstract: Meat quality is normally defined by the combination of factors such as visual appearance, smell, firmness, succulence, tenderness, and flavor[1-3]. Contamination of poultry meat with pathogens remains an important public health issue, because it can lead to illness due to negligence in handling, cooking or post-cooking storage of the product. Conventionally, quality tests of meat are assessed by visual evaluation or chemical analysis, which has the disadvantages of being subjective and time-consuming. To improve the detection accuracy and production efficiency, it is proposed the evaluation of porphyrin [4] contents of meat by fluorescence spectroscopy, considering that most microorganisms and animal cells excrete porphyrins. For this purpose, chicken meat was cut in small pieces, and separated in three groups; the control group where the meat was conserved under refrigeration and experimental groups where the meat pieces were kept for 24 and 30 hs at room temperature. Porphyrin was extracted from the meat and the fluorescence was measured in the range 550–750 nm, exciting samples around 400 nm. Fluorescence lifetime was also studied. To ensure porphyrin synthesis, a concentration of 9.3 mM of δ-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) was added to meat 2 hs before porphyrin extraction. The results have shown that the porphyrin fluorescence increased in meat kept at room temperature and incubated with ALA, due to the presence of microorganisms, indicating a new method to test meat quality.

    Palavras-Chave: animal cells; chemical analysis; animals; chickens; contamination; meat; fluorescence spectroscopy; porphyrins; food; emission spectroscopy; organic compounds

  • IPEN-DOC 24502

    NOVAIS, A.L.F.; SOUZA, L.F. ; ABREU, C.M.; BARRERA, G.R.; SOUZA, D.N.. Luminescence and lifetime properties of rare-earth doped phosphate glass. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 192-192.

    Abstract: This work aims to investigate the characteristics related to the luminescence spectra of phosphate glass PbO-In2O3-P2O5 and PbO-P2O5, doped respectively with 1.0 wt% of Nd3+ and Eu3+. These glasses were produced by melt and rapid cooling method. The compounds are from Sigma Aldrich with a 99.99% degree of purity. The spectral characteristics of Nd3+, Eu3+, ions in phosphates are important to optical applications. Such glasses can be useful as optical fibers doped and in solid-state lasers. The emission and excitation spectra were obtained using a spectrofluorometer (Nanolog - Horiba) with a photomultiplier tube R928P equipped with a Xenon lamp (CW 450 W) as the excitation source, and a filter of 399 nm. Lifetime was also obtained with the NanoLog, using the same lamp and detector. The figure 1.(a) show luminescence spectra of Nd3+ (excitation 524 nm) where they were observed three bands at 898 nm, 1056 nm and 1325 nm that are characteristic of Nd3+ ions in glasses. The figure 1.(b) show luminescence spectra of Eu3+ (excitation 381 nm) where they were observed five bands at 579 nm, 592 nm, 612 nm, 652 nm and 700 nm that are characteristic of Eu3+ ions in glasses.

  • IPEN-DOC 24501

    PARRA, D.F. ; MARCHINI, L.G. ; LUGAO, A.B. ; FELINTO, M.C. . Luminescent polypropylene - strategy for Eu-doping in apolar polymer. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 190-190.

    Abstract: Researches and publications about luminescent polymers have been developed in the last years due the academic innovation1; however the application is very limited at industrial area. Optical markers processed are few explored due the difficult to process this kind of luminescent materials. The materials used to obtain luminescent polymeric material doped with europium complex was [Eu(tta)3(H2O)2]. Polyolefin are apolar, inert under common process of doping, because of this, luminescent polypropylene was indirectly prepared by polymeric matrix doped with europium complex/poliamide of casting process. Material characterization was done using Thermalgravimetric analysis (TG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and spectrofluorescence of emission and excitation. The blended optical marker Pol:Eu(tta)3 has luminescent properties as observed in the narrow bands of intraconfiguration transitions– 4f6 relatives to energy levels 7F0 → 5L6 (394nm), 7F0 → 5D3 (415nm), 7F0 → 5D2 (464nm), 7F0 → 5D1 (525nm) e 7F0 → 5D0 (578nm) of emission spectrum. Red light of the pellets or films is emitted when the materials are exposed in UV lamp (365nm). In this work was possible to process luminescent polypropylene:Eu optical marker with thermal and photo stability properties adequate to use as optical marker in extrusion process.

  • IPEN-DOC 24500

    ICHIKAWA, R.U. ; PARRA, J.P.R.L.L.; VALLCORBA, O.; PERAL, I.; YOSHITO, W.K. ; SAEKI, M.J.; TURRILLAS, X.; MARTINEZ, L.G. . Mn-Zn ferrite nanoparticles probed by synchrotron pair distribution function analysis and anomalous X-ray scattering. In: RAU ANNUAL USERS MEETING LNLS/CNPEM, 27th, November 22-24, 2017, Campinas, SP. Abstract... 2017. p. 99-99.

    Abstract: Among the numerous applications of Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 nanoparticles we can highlight biomedical applications as magnetic tracer in Alternate Current Biosusceptometry (ACB), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), for diagnosis of cancer and others diseases as diabetes and Parkinson, whose severity can be monitored by analyzing the disturbances of the gastrointestinal motility [1,2]. Specifically, the former (ACB) method is promising because of its low cost, it is non-invasive method and because it can be conducted without ionizing radiation. Major advances have been achieved by developing a bionanocomposite based on ferrites for the theranostics [3] as well, of breast cancer, by carrying drugs or hyperthermia. Recently, we reported that Mn0.75Zn0.25Fe2.8O4 nanoparticles with different surface charge can be produced precipitating them by NaOH with different concentrations [2]. This behavior is observed if an excess of Iron is introduced to the ferrite. Five samples precipitated with different NaOH concentrations were analyzed by X-ray synchrotron diffraction (XRD) which revealed a less crystalline phase contribution alongside the main peaks of the cubic spinel ferrite phase. Pair Distribution Function (PDF) analysis was used to probe the local structure and showed that Fe-Fe, Mn-Mn and Zn-Zn bond distances in the 3.0 up to 3.5 Å range are different from the ones usually reported in the literature. Lastly, for the sample with best magnetic behavior anomalous X-ray scattering (AXS) using three energies close to the absorption edges of Mn, Zn and Fe was applied to determine its cation distribution complementing the previous result from PDF analysis.

  • IPEN-DOC 24499

    OLZON-DIONYSIO, D.; SOUZA, S.D. de; MARTINEZ, L.G. ; CAMPOS, M.; SILVA, E.H. da; OLZON-DIONYSIO, M.. Study of the profile of layer formed in plasma nitride austenitic stainless steel. In: RAU ANNUAL USERS MEETING LNLS/CNPEM, 27th, November 22-24, 2017, Campinas, SP. Abstract... 2017. p. 117-117.

    Abstract: The ASTM F138 and AISI 316L stainless steels are used as biomaterials and for industrial applications. Studies related to the application of plasma nitriding to such materials have been given much attention and it has been the subject of a systematic study in our research [1-5]. If temperatures up to 4000 C is used in the process, a nitrided layer of some micrometers is produced, which improves important properties in this context as high hardness, wear resistance and also corrosion resistance. The nitrided layer is formed by the composite layer which consists of iron and chromium nitrides, and concentrates on the surface, as well as the nitrogen diffusion layer which is located in the inner region, known as expanded austenite γN. Compared to matrix g-phase reflections, γN-phase diffraction peaks are broader and shifted to lower angles. The γN(200) peak positions are more deviated relatively to γ(200) than other planes, demonstrating a distortion from the cubic fcc unit cell. Up to now, the crystalline structure of this phase is still a matter of debate and it has not been completely clarified. We have developed some measurements using synchrotron radiation, which allows for both a higher intensity and a better resolution, in order to elucidate this important phase formed in the nitriding process [4,5]. With the aim of investigate the depth distribution of composite layer of some ASTM F138 samples, which were nitrided at 400º C at different conditions of AC voltage frequency, synchrotron radiation diffraction was carried out using 7.0 keV energy. The XRD patterns were measured using different grazing angles. Measurements revealed that the iron and chromium nitrides, from the composite layer, decrease rapidly with depth. The results will be presented and discussed, contributing to better elucidate this important phase formed in the nitriding process.

  • IPEN-DOC 24498

    ASSUNCAO, I.P.; BRITO, H.F.; SILVA, I.G.N.; PEDROSO, C.C.S.; FELINTO, M.C.F.C. ; MALTA, O.L.. Spectroscopic study of RE complexes with aliphatic dicarboxylate ligands. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LUMINESCENCE, 18th, August 27 - September 01, 2017, João Pessoa, PB. Abstract... 2017. p. 92-92.

    Abstract: The metal carboxylate complexes possess a great variety of applications such as porosity, gas storage, catalyses, medical and optical markers. This work reports the synthesis and systematic spectroscopic study of a class of compounds with general formula [RE2(L)3·x(H2O)]y(H2O), where RE = Eu3+, Gd3+, Tb3+, “x” values varying from 2 to 6, “y” values varying from 0 to 4 and L is an aliphatic dicarboxylate containing from 2 up to 12 C atoms. The complexes [RE2(L)3·x(H2O)]y(H2O) were synthetized based on literature [1] with yield values around 90% by coprecipitation method. The complexes were characterized via elemental analysis (CHN), thermal analysis (TG), X-ray diffraction (XRD) infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The CHN, FTIR and TG indicate that the complexes are hydrated. The FTIR spectra indicate that the ligand-metal bonds are via chelate-bridging. The XRD patterns indicate high crystallinity and the systems are isomorphic to the same ligand. The emission spectra, represented by the azelate complexes of Eu3+ and Tb3+, present a highly intense red and green-color emission under UV excitation (254 nm), respectively to the Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions. Moreover, characteristic narrow emission bands arising from the 5D0→7FJ (J = 0-4) transitions of Eu3+, 5D4→7FJ (J = 6-0) transitions of Tb3+. The splitting of emission bands of Eu3+ complexes suggests high crystallinity and low symmetry around the metal ion, supporting the XRD data

  • IPEN-DOC 24494

    SILA, L.R.; LEAL NETO, R.M. ; FIORIN, B.; RAMOS, A.S.; RAMOS, E.C.T.. Microstructural characterization of mechanically alloyed and sintered Ni-48Ti-2Fe and Ni-45Ti-5Fe alloys. In: LATIN AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON METASTABLE AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS, 7th, March 19-22, 2017, Brotas, SP. Abstract... 2017.

    Abstract: Ni-Ti alloys, also known as nitinol, are based on the martensitic NiTi phase (monoclinic B’19 structure) exhibit unique properties such as shape memory effect and super elasticity, and its martensitic transformation temperature depends on the nitinol composition and processing. Its typical value is a temperature range between 20-50 °C. The use of alloying can contribute to avoid the undesirable Ni3Ti and NiTi2 formation. According to the isothermal section at 900oC of the Ti-Ni-Fe system, it exists a wide single-phase region extended from the NiTi to FeNi. High-energy ball milling can produce nanomaterials and metastable structures. The present work reports on the microstructural characterization of the Ni-48Ti-2Fe and Ni-45Ti-5Fe alloys prepared by high-energy ball milling and subsequent sintering. The elemental powder mixtures were processed for different times (1, 3 and 5 hours) in a planetary Fritsch P-5 ball mill under argon atmosphere using hardened steel vials (225 mL) and balls (12mm diameter), rotary speed of 200 rpm, and a ball-to-powder weight ratio of 10:1. Green bodies with 10 mm diameter were compacted by axial pressing and sintered at 900oC and 1100oC for 4 h under argon atmosphere. Information on the phase transformations in the milled powders and sintered alloys were obtained by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometry, and thermal analyses (DSC/TG). Only the Ni and Ti peaks were noted in XRD patterns of the Ni-48Ti-2Fe and Ni-45Ti-5Fe powders milled for 5 h. In addition, the major Ni and Ti peaks were broadened and moved toward the indicating that the iron atoms were preferentially dissolved into the Ni lattice to form extended solid solutions. The microstructures of the sintered Ni-48Ti- 2Fe and Ni-45Ti-5Fe alloys were mainly formed by the NiTi phase (monoclinic B’19 structure), and their martensitic transformations were close to 50oC.

  • IPEN-DOC 24491

    GUILHEN, SABINE N. ; ORTIZ, NILCE ; FUNGARO, DENISE A. . Pyrolytic temperature evaluation of macauba biochar for uranium adsorption from aqueous solutions. In: BERRUTI, FRANCO (Ed.); OCONE, RAFFAELLA (Ed.); MASEK, ONDREJ (Ed.) BIOCHAR: PRODUCTION, CHARACTERIZATION AND APPLICATIONS, August 20-25, 2017, Alba, Italy. Abstract... New York, NY, USA: Engineering Conferences International, 2017.

    Abstract: Macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) is a palm tree native to the tropical regions of America. In Brazil, it is prevalent in the savannah, known as “cerrado”. A valuable natural and renewable source of vegetable oil for food and cosmetic industries (nut oil) and for biodiesel (mesocarp oil), macauba has the potential to become the new “green gold” of Brazil, not only for its oil quality, but because it could solely be destined for commercial purposes, since it doesn’t compete with food market industry such as soybean and sugar cane. The dark stiff part that protects the nut, called “endocarp”, is generated as a residue in a considerable amount after the processing of the nut oil.

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Buscar os artigos apresentados em um evento internacional de 2015, sobre loss of coolant, do autor Maprelian.

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Título: loss of coolant

Tipo de publicação: Texto completo de evento

Ano de publicação: 2015

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1. Portaria IPEN-CNEN/SP nº 387, que estabeleceu os princípios que nortearam a criação do RDI, clique aqui.

2. A experiência do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN/SP) na criação de um Repositório Digital Institucional – RDI, clique aqui.

O Repositório Digital do IPEN é um equipamento institucional de acesso aberto, criado com o objetivo de reunir, preservar, disponibilizar e conferir maior visibilidade à Produção Científica publicada pelo Instituto, desde sua criação em 1956.

Operando, inicialmente como uma base de dados referencial o Repositório foi disponibilizado na atual plataforma, em junho de 2015. No Repositório está disponível o acesso ao conteúdo digital de artigos de periódicos, eventos, nacionais e internacionais, livros, capítulos, dissertações, teses e relatórios técnicos.

A elaboração do projeto do RI do IPEN foi iniciado em novembro de 2013, colocado em operação interna em julho de 2014 e disponibilizado na Internet em junho de 2015. Utiliza o software livre Dspace, desenvolvido pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Para descrição dos metadados adota o padrão Dublin Core. É compatível com o Protocolo de Arquivos Abertos (OAI) permitindo interoperabilidade com repositórios de âmbito nacional e internacional.

O gerenciamento do Repositório está a cargo da Biblioteca do IPEN. Constam neste RI, até o presente momento 20.950 itens que tanto podem ser artigos de periódicos ou de eventos nacionais e internacionais, dissertações e teses, livros, capítulo de livros e relatórios técnicos. Para participar do RI-IPEN é necessário que pelo menos um dos autores tenha vínculo acadêmico ou funcional com o Instituto. Nesta primeira etapa de funcionamento do RI, a coleta das publicações é realizada periodicamente pela equipe da Biblioteca do IPEN, extraindo os dados das bases internacionais tais como a Web of Science, Scopus, INIS, SciElo além de verificar o Currículo Lattes. O RI-IPEN apresenta também um aspecto inovador no seu funcionamento. Por meio de metadados específicos ele está vinculado ao sistema de gerenciamento das atividades do Plano Diretor anual do IPEN (SIGEPI). Com o objetivo de fornecer dados numéricos para a elaboração dos indicadores da Produção Cientifica Institucional, disponibiliza uma tabela estatística registrando em tempo real a inserção de novos itens. Foi criado um metadado que contém um número único para cada integrante da comunidade científica do IPEN. Esse metadado se transformou em um filtro que ao ser acionado apresenta todos os trabalhos de um determinado autor independente das variáveis na forma de citação do seu nome.